more Survivor because I like that show and this week's episode was crazy
(and this one is more about adam but like in a less fangirlly way because... well you'll see)
(and when I say "less fangirlly," keep in mind that it is still a little fangirlly.)
Again, spoilers. I don't know why anyone would eve read these until they've seen the show but eh. S40 E9.
But then again, it would be very funny to read this with context.
Also, not a spoiler - I found out why Adam reminds me of Will. It's the voice. And maybe the eyes? Either way he's another man (almost) in his thirties i accidentally like.
anyway so last night's episode?
absolute hell
for them.
Not for me.
It was rather fun for me to watch.
description for that episode: "A kind act lands a target on someone's back"
me: "it's not adam. he's not generally kind."
adam: "ima put a target on that person who did the kind act."
totally called it.
Honestly kinda upset that that happened cuz like, Sarah was just trying to give Nick a birthday present?
It probably has to do with the fact that I would not be emotionally stable enough to play survivor so if all of those people confronted me about something I did to make someone happy, i would cry.
I would cry a lot on survivor now that I think about it.
Honestly I have no clue what happened before tribal council but it left me with hope that Adam would stay in the game.
Totally false hope.
My dad was like hard-core rooting for Ben
And I was like hard-core rooting for Adam.
And at one point he was like "YES vote Adam!"
And it took so much restraint to not tell "FISH NO!"
And that whole idol on the voting stand thing?
but i had a feeling it wouldn't be an idol just because it's never been in the past.
but then again, winners at war.
didn't stop me from like strangling my blanket out of suspense.
Like the music buildup and jeff's face.
I didn't think it would actually be an idol, but imagine how revolutionary that would've been if it was?
and adam's little, "is it an idol?! Can i play it!"
he's adorable omg.
When he was arguing a bunch when Ben at tribal, I kept frantically yelling, "Stop talking! Shut up Adam! You're digging your own grave!"
he didn't listen, that bastard.
At one point I said something really loud and probably woke up my sister but I don't remember what it was.
It was probably during that suspenseful idol build-up.
"Good luck guys."
walks out of earshot
"Screw you all!"
in like a happy sort of tone too.
overall I'm sad because now that adams gone i don't know who I want to win.
(ofc if adam wasn't a freaking BEAN i probably wouldn't be rooting for him rn but alas)
I think Sophie is my next favorite.
I know she hasn't done much yet but she has potential.
And two idols, right?
I wouldn't mind Tyson winning.
Or Michelle.
But my best-case scenario is adam gets back in the game and takes the entire game over, winning.
just saying.
anyway yeah.
ima go read all his post-game interviews now.
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