There's a dub-non-con ahead, which means, you read at your own risk.
Again, I do not in no way support this, nor do I romanticize stuff like this, but it's needed for the plot and here to stay. Read at your own risk, again.
This is not suitable for young readers. If you're below 18,do not read, I beg you.
All she felt at first was cold. So much cold that the fine hairs on her her arms were raised, goosebumps littered every surface of her exposed skin, and it was almost painful.
Then, fear came.
It was a type of distress that coarsed through every fibre of her being, numbing her mind and her whole body.
"It's okay," Angelo murmured as he led her forward—where they were going, she didn't know, but that did not make her heart stop pounding any less.
Finally, they stopped, and a slight pressure on her shoulders made her knees buckle, until she was sitting on what felt like a rug under her bum. Then, she felt Angelo sit beside her, but he was a bit higher than she was, so her head rested against her thigh.
Elodie tried to regulate her breaths, so she didn't sound as loud as she did to her own ears. The fact that she couldn't see did nothing to assuage her fears, though.
"Relax," Angelo said, then he began to stroke his fingers through the fine strands of her hair. Against her better wish, all her muscles remained taut. Her body didn't seem keen listen to her brain, feeling that danger lurked just on the surface.
Suddenly the air became charge, and Elodie knew instantly that they weren't alone.
And she was right when Vasily said, "I had to use this strategy or I'll never catch the mole in my own fucking bratva."
Angelo hummed. "You know, I made a promise that I'll have your head myself if what that Stronzo told me was true."
For a minute, neither of them spoke, then Vasily let out a mirthless laugh, and Elodie shivered slightly, because he didn't sound in the bit amused. And nothing about someone threatening to kill you was funny.
She almost wish she wasn't blindfolded so she could see him, but the thought of looking into those dead eyes elicted another shiver. In response, Angelo dug his fingers into her hair, not enough to hurt, but just as a warning.
"I'll expect no less, Casieri," Vasily said, tone cold. "Although, I'd have loved to get the truth out of the bastard myself."
"Now, let's get to business." Angelo's fingers left her hair for a few minutes, then it was back again. "Where's the Tsar Bomba?"
A slight ruffle of fabric reached her ears, and Elodie realized that Vasily must have sat on one of those chairs.
Her hands remained clenched on her laps, fighting the urge to cover her breasts, which she had no doubt he was staring at, because her nipples puckered to a painful point. She wasn't aroused in the least, though.
"Why do you need it so bad?" He countered with a question of his own.
Angelo didn't like that and it reflected in his words. "Forty-eight hours ago, several agents of The BIA met with the MI6 at the hidden headquarters in Chelsea," he replied. "They must have gotten wind of the fact that you and I are in London and are pissing themselves over the fact that one of us holds the world most dangerous weapon at the moment. Plus, I also know that there are many people angling for a chance to get their hands on it. Hell, even the silicans are prepared to do all it takes to get it."
"It only confirms what what I already know, Casieri," Vasily replied. "Tell me something else."
"How about this? We can either do this the easy or hard way," Angelo said, tone devoid of any feeling.
Elodie knew better though. She could feel just how tightly his body was coiled.
"Are you threatening me?"
Angelo sighed, his muscles once again going lax. "You know there's been rumors for months, right? About how there's a mole close to you, Vasily. Someone who knows everything about you. How else do you think the news of the Tsar Bomba got to me before you did?"
"So you knew about this and you didn't say anything all this while?"
"We aren't exactly friends, Medvedev." Elodie could picture him shrugging those broad shoulders of his.
Angelo's words were met with silence which made it clear that Vasily wasn't too pleased with him.
"Anyway," Angelo continued, obviously pissed. "Last night the MI6 and BIA sent urgent briefing to Polizia italiana to get some information on some of my supposed operations in Italy. But our Italian friends are very stingy with their Intel. No names. Nothing."
"So, they do know that you're planning something with your visits to London in the last month, and not to mention your recent trip to Sunset Bay," Vasily remarked, sounding amused.
"So, it would seem," Angelo confirmed in his smooth English with the Italian undertones. "And I've done
everything to protect my operations, leaving crumbs here and there; enough to send them on a wild goose chase. But, there's been some rumors, though."
"What type?"
"That the BIA recently got themselves a spy. A woman." Every bone in her body locked tight, and even her breaths became so low and shallow. Above the sound of her own pounding heart, she heard him say, "And according to my source, it's some expert. Someone skilled enough to take down a whole organization from within."
Elodie felt her body turn to jelly.
He didn't know.
If he does, E2 murmured from her hiding place behind a chair, then,, you're good as dead.
Another shiver shot through her.
"That sounds like a you problem," Vasily remarked dryly. "But, I do that that they have someone strong enough like that. Your security is tight enough that it's unlikely for someone to just waltz in, take out your men, and leave unscathed."
"True, that."
There was a moment of silence when neither men spoke, each probably lost in their thoughts, then Vasily's voice broke the hush.
"Let's do say I hand over the bomb to you, what do you plan to use it for?"
"I don't plan to use it to kill if that's what you're afraid of," Angelo said. "But, I do need it as a leverage. Besides, you said it yourself. My security is quiet tight, and it'd be rare for someone to get their hands on it unlike your place."
The insult was clear as the morning sky, but Vasily either didn't hear or pretended not to notice.
"Fifty-Billion Kuwait Dinar," Vasily countered, instead. "That's how much I want."
Angelo sucked in a sharp breath. "What did you just say?"
"If you need it so badly, then I think you heard me clearly."
"We agreed on hundred." Angelo sounded truly pissed now.
A slight push to Elodie's head made her raise her head from his lap. She wrapped both arms across her chest, head bowed, and drew her legs closer to her body.
"Plans change," was Vasily's reply. "So, do we have a deal?"
"Yes," his reply was tight.
"You'll get it, then, when we get to Vegas."
"And when's this?"
"Two days." Vasily's voice sounded so far away now, as though he'd moved. "I have a business to close there, plus, with the agency crawling all over London, Las Vegas seems safer."
"Fine, then."
"Now that we have that out of the way, remove the blindfold."
Elodie barely had the time to prepare for it when her blindfold was ripped off her face. Dark spots filled her vision, and it took several blinks before her gaze adjusted to the brightness of the room.
Vasily stood a few feet from where she sat, and Angelo had also abandoned his seat and was standing beside her. Both of them wore matching inscrutiable expressions.
"Get up," Vasily ordered, nothing moving except his lips.
Elodie rose to her feet, wincing when she was attacked by pins and needles in the left feet.
She watched as Angelo's chest heaved with each breath he took, sharp eyes alighting on the way Vasily's blue ones greedily drank up the sight of her bare breasts and covered pussy.
Then, Vasily was crossing the room to where she stood, his cold fingers closing on the arms shielding her chest from view. A soft gasp fell from her lips when he drew her hands away. Elodie let her hand drop to her sides as her cheeks grew hot.
She met Angelo's blank expression over Vasily's shoulders, heart pounding. She almost believed he wasn't affected if she didn't catch the sight of his clenched fingers by his sides.
"You look so sweet," Vasily said, drawing her gaze back to his own. "I want to kiss you."
Elodie met Angelo's eyes, and he gave her as slight nod.
Breath trembling, she gave her consent.
Vasily's groan was audible when their mouths met. He sucked on her lower lip, nipped it, humming as he slide his tongue over her own. It was then she felt it. The smooth, but hard surface of a tiny nub sliding over her roof of her mouth.
He had a tongue piercing.
Elodie shivered, mind going all over the place as she became immersed in their tonsil hockey.
She shouldn't want Vasily to kiss her more than this. Her whole body shouldn't be vibrating like that. Shouldn't feel a familiar stirring in her nether regions.
And against her better wishes, Elodie found her hands moving, up and up, until her fingers were buried in his hair, gripping it so tightly she knew it must hurt: but she didn't care. She panted into his mouth, lust building and spreading like a wild fire in the wind.
"Fuck," Vasily murmured in between licking and sucking at her mouth like she was some candy. "I want to fuck you so bad. Mess up that sweet innocent look you have. Been wanting to since you walked in. Mark your beautiful skin."
Elodie both hated and loved the way her body reacted to his words. She loved that Angelo wasn't the only one who could elict such reaction from her, and she hated that it was at the other hand of a man just like him.
Vasily broke the kiss, so they could both catch their breaths, and she saw him look over his shoulder. "It's so kind of you to want to share, Casieri."
Elodie turned to look at Angelo who was staring at them with that familiar glint she'd come to associate with arousal in his eyes. "Forget I'm here, Medvedev."
Vasily nodded, then he turned back to her, closing his hand on her nape and kissing her and walking them, until they were both horizontal on the bed she'd seen earlier. His fingers greedily sought her breasts, fingers latching onto the engorged nipples; pulling, pinching and twisting until she shuddered.
Elodie shut her eyes tightly, hands clenched by her side as he drank from her and toyed with her until she was sopping wet between her legs.
He broke away from her lips, only to latch onto her nipples, sucking and biting.
"Remember," Angelo said from somewhere below them, "no penetration."
Vasily pulled away from her nipples, then moved completely off Elodie.
She in turn kept her eyes shut, firmly, not wanting to see both of them. Her chest colored with her humiliation, and tears pushed against the back of her lids. Her fingers fisted themselves into the sheets below her body.
The betrayal of her body troubled her so much that she almost didn't hear Angelo's next words.
"You can have her mouth."
Vasily wasted no time at all, because she felt the bed dip on one side of her head, then it was both sides.
"Open your eyes," he said.
Elodie complied, not surprised to see Vasilyy straddling her chest, ass suspended above her. His trousers were gone, though, and he was in his tight, black briefs.
At the same time, she felt hands on her thighs. Her whole body tensed.
"Relax," Angelo voice reached her. "I promise that we'll be gentle with you."
Elodie didn't relax.
She couldn't go through with this. There was just no way she could.
Yet, her body didn't move to buck Vasily off her. Prehaps, because it recognized what danger she was in.
Or, E2 mused, having coming out of her hiding place, because you enjoy it on a subconscious level.
Elodie blocked out the bitch.
Fingers circled her still-wet clit, and she gasped, hips bucking wildly.
"Open wide." Vasily a finger tapped on her cheek.
Elodie did as asked, and she only got a glimpse of his monstrous cock with wide head before he was pushing past her lips. He didn't move beyond taking deep sharp breaths, as though he was trying to stop himself from cuming instantly.
A salty, bitter tang hit her tongue, and Elodie swallowed around the cock in her mouth, grimacing as more bitter flavor burst onto her tongue, coating the back of her throat.
"I'm going to ride your throat," Vasily said, running a finger down the side of her throat.
That was all the warning she got.
Vasily drew back, then shoved his dick back harder, and Elodie gagged when he hit the back of her throat.
He paused, frowning down at her."Breathe through your nose, and try to relax your throat."
It took six tries before she stopped gagging so much, and only shivered with each thrust.
Angelo, on the other hand, was fingering her clit, not quiet touching her, but pressing down enough that she shuddered with each pass.
"Fuawwwk," she gargled around the cock in her mouth as a hot, wet mouth clamped down on her clit.
"Shit," Vasily cursed, heads thrown back as he lost himself to the sensations of her slippery mouth.
Elodie got lost in the stimulation, both in her mouth and on her clit, and when Angelo finally inserted two fingers into her, her mind turned to mush.
"I'm cumming," Vasily announced, his hips driving faster, his fingers knotting in her hair and pulling so hard that tears leaked from her eyes.
The splash of his semen hit the back of her throat just as Angelo bit down on her neck clit, setting off fireworks behind her own eyes. While she wirthed, overcome by stimulations, Angelo continued his ministrations.
Elodie's whole body became water, and she melted into the bed, body spazzing and jerking.
Slowly, the sound of loud sobs infiltrated her boggled mind.
It took a while before she realized that it was coming from her.
When she got her bearings, Elodie found herself being cradled on Angelo's lap, Vasily nowhere to be seen. Tears still leaked out, though.
It was as though a dam had burst. She couldn't control, or stop her tears.
Through her sobs,, she thought she heard Angelo murmur, "I'm sorry," over and over again.
Okay, I apologize for this chapter, and the fact that Elodie practically went through this because of Angelo.
Let it be known that Angelo isn't a good person, nor does he claim to be.
Also, please, do try to always read trigger warnings. In no way am I romanticizing this shit, but it's vital to the plot because of the planned ending.
Lastly, let me apologize for going awol.
While I can't make promises, because sometimes it's hard to keep some, I'll write more than a chapter this week and publish it.
@BlakBlakship, this is for you❤️.
Question? None forr now. But do let me know your thoughts.
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