IN THEORY, it was a simple process. Luca and she had discussed it before Amelia had arrived at Area 51; a specialized communication system which contacted specific technological cards from one elevated area.
A single satellite, in Earth's own atmosphere, that could execute quick comments in broad areas. It had been small talk, mostly — finding common ground between architecture and technology. Tina hadn't known then that maybe their idea could save their lives; but she did know that the volt-guns operated on similarly branded electrical chips.
After all, you couldn't not have a safety fuse in weapons running on solar power. Thank God ERAA wasn't that stupid.
"Duck!" Shaunia hissed suddenly, scattering Tina's contemplative thoughts. She'd been shuffling through her discussions with Luca, trying to remember what he'd shared about the guns they'd been handling rather than being crushed by the fact she could no longer be with him. Time traveling seemed to have made the edges of these memories fuzzier, however.
Tina complied, her heart stuttering as she cursed herself internally. You shouldn't have gotten distracted.
They were both walking along the outer-lying ferns. Just five steps to the left, they would've sunk into the marsh. Ahead of them, a line of unmistakable marines, carrying volt-guns, made their way up the hill that led back to the TimePod landing site. They looked like ants cresting an anthill, and the image was so ridiculous Tina nearly snorted.
Shaunia pursed her lips, her eyes narrowing. Tina focused on keeping her breathing quiet; Shaunia had already berated her for panting too loudly.
"Amelia told us that they were close to the waterfall," Shaunia murmured. Her tone pricked Tina's ears as she hissed back.
"You didn't believe her?" Internally, she rolled her eyes. Shaunia was a brat and a cynic, but she thought she'd have been smarter than that.
Shaunia turned, her eyes shooting daggers. "Keep it down," she said. Tina didn't miss how she'd dodged the question, but reluctantly quietened. How close was Luca, then? Was he still alive? Tina swallowed.
So many questions. It was driving her crazy.
But hopefully all of them will be answered — soon enough.
If Luca could help them wage their silent war (if he wasn't on Ichabod's side, though she refused to acknowledge the implications of that), they stood a chance against Ichabod. Her eyes narrowed a little as she watched the marines walk up and down the hill, carrying metal containers. Sled-like transporters were used to carry the heavier bits and pieces, and Tina could even reckon the EEG was there, holding onto beams in its clamp-like hands.
A horrible plan was forming in her head. One, she was almost one million percent sure
Shaunia was not going to like.
"I'll give myself up," Tina heard herself saying, before she'd barely processed the words. Shaunia twisted sharply toward her, and she kept her gaze trained on the marines so that the raven-haired girl wouldn't notice her own uncertainty. "I'll find Luca and find out what's going on. If I don't come back, come find me."
A necessary gambit, she suddenly recalled her brother saying. It was after she'd lost to him in yet another game of checkers, when she was much younger and the world was less of a screwed up place. Tina had asked him why he'd given up his own pieces in maneuvers he could've easily outwitted her in.
"Sometimes you gotta make sacrifices, little sis." He had ruffled her hair. "Still, I won."
Shaunia looked like a pufferfish, her face screwed up tight and her mouth dangling open. "But — Tina — Amelia! What'll she say?"
"Amelia has Lale," Tina responded curtly, fighting to keep her voice low. Her words twisted knives in her gut. "I need to find Luca. Would you rather have all of us die in an insane battle plan, or just one person?" Tina fixed her hazel eyes on Shaunia, who didn't respond.
That was answer enough.
Tina turned back to the marines and quickly took in a breath of humid, plant-smelling air, and then she straightened and walked over like it was courage instead of oxygen. Shaunia had no choice but to shut up and stay still as Tina marched over, her heart thumping loudly in her ears.
The closest marines stopped and stared at her, but she rolled her shoulders back and made it look like she'd been there all along instead of randomly appearing from the marsh.
"What do we have here?" A squat marine drawled, eyes snaking up and down her length. Tina swallowed harshly before replying.
Think, Tina, think. "I've come to bargain with Ichabod." Tina licked her dry lips, her voice too soft. She added more force and repeated herself while she rubbed her hands together. Then, feeling a flash of panic that that'd look too conspicuous, she dropped them to her sides and tightened her hands into fists.
The squat marine and his taller buddy — a black woman holding a metal container — shared a look. "And you come from that little rebel group?" The woman asked, her tone disbelieving.
Tina looked straight at her. "Yes."
The woman snorted, then handed the metal container to Tina, who staggered under its weight even as her heart beat faster in anticipation. "Fine. You're coming with us."
The lady seemed to be the leader, so Tina stuck with her while her shoulders protested against the weight of the load she was carrying. It sounded like bolts and screws inside her box, as things rattled. She didn't ask because she knew she wouldn't get an answer. It didn't seem like the marines knew what they were handling, either.
Tina stole a glance over her shoulder, twisting her face into a grimace so that she didn't grin — her plan had actually worked! — and saw the top of Shaunia's head in the bushes. Then she turned around again, and didn't dare look back.
She spotted Luca immediately.
Glasses askew and coiled hair damp with the humidity, his hands were dancing with that enraged air of his; getting frustrated with the stupidity of the mortals around him, as she had often joked. His movements stilled almost immediately as their eyes locked.
Tina had to force herself to look away as Ichabod emerged from his tent, dressed in camping gear like he was out on a glorified safari. Where did they get all of this stuff? Tina answered her own question, though it was annoying to realize Ichabod and his cronies had found more useful items in that container than Amelia and Luca and the 'rebels' had.
That thought stuck a spear through her chest. If Luca is a rebel.
"What's this?"
She wanted to punch the half-amused smile off of the Brit's face. "I came here because I wanted to be on the winning side," Tina declared loudly, exaggerating her words. Lies. She hoped they wouldn't be able to tell as her stomach curdled. "But it seems like maybe I made the wrong bet."
Ichabod raised his eyebrows. She met his gaze even as her heart thumped; she had a feeling he would appreciate that. And she had to do everything to get on his good side if she was to talk to Luca.
He's alive. The thought was like a flame that warmed the chill that coming to Ichabod had formed. Thank God.
"You were with Lale?"
Tina cocked her head like she was thinking, and shifted her grip on the box she hadn't released yet. Her hands had become sticky. "Yes."
"And you're an architect?"
She could see where the conversation was going. Ichabod needed an architect if he was going to build something, didn't he?
"Yes," Tina said again. She couldn't get her hopes up, though — and she couldn't reveal her anticipation.
Ichabod studied her for a few moments more. "Stay with us, then." A flicker of a smile crested his face. "Stick with the winning side, Tina, I believe your name was?"
Tina nodded, and couldn't hide her relief. She looked down, at the container, before hearing the rest of Ichabod's words. "Later, we'll talk."
About the rebels, Tina connected the dots. Her throat tightened a little. What could she tell him that would make him not kill her but also not doom her friends?
"Tina!" Luca's arm's were around her within moments as Ichabod retreated back into his tent. The marines and a few Learners milled around, obviously eavesdropping. Tina dropped the container and returned Luca's hug, feeling her eyes burn with tears. "You're alive!"
"And so are you!" She rested her head against his chest, and felt his heart beating. Her relief pooled in her heart, coupled with a burning desire — not just to tell him everything, and expose Ichabod's evil plans — but desire for him.
Half-pulling him to a few secluded tents and ferns, Tina took his face in her hands, and before he could even ask what the dag she was doing, she was kissing him. It felt like something she'd been waiting for for a long, long time, and it was perfect.
But not enough. Tina fiddled with the clasps on Luca's shoulders that would drop away the front torso of his suit. He pulled away, his eyes wide and his breath hot and panting against her face. His glasses had been knocked aside. Tina met his gaze, and felt that burning of relief again.
They were alive. Together.
"Tina ..." She kissed him again, before she could hear any doubts. The top half of his suit came off, exposing dark sinewy skin. He responded, pressing his hands to her cheeks. "I don't have long," he whispered into her ear, breaking the heat.
Tina pressed a kiss to his neck. She'd wanted to do that since forever — and forever was right then.
She forced away the top half of her own suit, and Luca held her close. "This won't take a minute."
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