'THAT KID can bloody eat,' I grumble, shooting the last wrapping into the bin. The two have been fannying around for two hours now, and I haven't caught the gist of their talk. Sometimes it is about this cartoon I've never heard of before. Then there's about these strange hacks they do with their powers. I wish I could stay and listen because that sounds so useful, but then again, I don't want to be known as the curtain twitcher.
Eien has requested a cinnamon bun. Alasdair barely ate. He said he's not into sweets, and besides, he's too engaged with their conversation. Honestly, it is surprising. He looks and acts like a regular kid when he's with Eien. I always knew he worships attention because we're the same, but Alasdair's desire to be seen and respected is on another level. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I can't help thinking that he wants Eien's approval over anyone else. Is this his first time meeting someone who can fully discern how his brain works? That's his fault, then. Nobody told him to act as though he's above everyone all the time.
I call over my shoulder that I'm gonna head outside. I don't bother finding out if the two have heard me. At least Eien has found another mate.
As I exit our room, the eerie silence greets me. Then I remember that oh yeah, it's almost seven in the evening. Who could've thought that Alasdair would be staying here that long? I close the door and then enter the code and swipe my card so no one can barge in and kidnap them.
Wait, why do I even bother? They can take care of themselves.
* * * * * *
Downstairs, the shop plays soft, classical music. Is it Beethoven's? Mozart's? Nah, that can't be right. I know this music is too simple and yet elegant. My mum always plays music on her old radio. She claims she likes them. Sure, even though we both know she's got no idea about music theories or whatever music wizards call their shits.
'Could I please have one big cinnamon bun, please?' I say to the petite woman behind the till. She bows and tells me to wait. My speaking and listening skills are, of course, still far from conversational. What I've said was right basic. I'm still proud of myself, though. I can see it now: Even though I don't live in Zone 1 anymore, I'm fluent as hell, and I can impress my mates that I'm bilingual. Cupcake? What's that? The small-sized version of a cake? Oh please...
'What are you doing here?'
'Oh, you know, just dreaming about—oh bloody hell! Noritaka! Hi!' And just like that, my fantasy pops. How come I didn't see him walking behind me? Sure, I don't have eyes at the back of my head, but I should've noticed the shadow that blocks the lights like an eclipse.
Noritaka nods and repeats the question.
'Buying cinnamon bun.'
'For you?'
'No. It is bought for Eien.'
'Clunky sentence...'
'Hey, I'm trying, OK?' Then he does something that, to this day, still shocks me: He smiles and says he's joking. He also says he's proud of me. OK, I'm now really curious about what happened between him and Eien. Does Eien secretly belong to a tight small religious group and then somehow had brainwashed Noritaka? Because that's what happens to a newly recruited member of a cult. If my theory is correct, may the Lord Jesus Christ save them.
The woman comes back and hands me a warm paper bag.
'That smells delicious!' Noritaka says.
'Would you like one too?'
'Don't worry. I can buy one myself.' And buy he does. He says he was going to buy minted chocolate—disgusting! See, I knew he got brainwashed. No sane person would eat that.
We both exit the shop, the bells ringing behind us.
'I can't wait to eat this,' Noritaka comments. He dangles the bag in his hand. His room is located below mine and Eien's, and since he has no guide, he lives alone.
Like the large population of the students here, Noritaka has recently chosen to live in the school. He says he loves his mum, but he couldn't take the deafening silence in her flat. They still call each other now and then and agreed to spend time together, at least twice a month. As for his father and the new wife...well, they also talk but don't expect them to bond any day now. The good news is, he's slowly accepting that this is their condition.
'I was going to buy another one for Alasdair, but that guy is too busy with Eien. I didn't know he was that chatty.' I say, pressing the button to our floors. The lift closes with a soft ding!
As the lift rises, he turns to me and says, 'Yamato-kun is more of an observant. Our life was so tedious when it was just the three of us. You know, before Anderson became one of us.'
'How about Jake?'
'He was too intimidated with our silence.'
I snort. 'OK, let's not speak about that ever again because I might pee my pants.'
His forehead wrinkles. 'Why? Do you have bladder problems?'
'No, no. What I mean is, it's too funny. Just picturing the loud Jake being docile because...Anyway, it's funny.' I don't bother to elaborate.
The lift doors open. Noritaka is supposed to step out first, but then he says, 'Is it OK if I eat this in your kitchen?'
The question 'why' is at the back of my throat. Instead, I say, 'Yeah, sure.'
He smiles and draws out his phone. He types fast and hits send, and slides it back inside his pocket. 'I've also invited Watanabe and Anderson if you don't mind.'
I've always deemed Zone 1 citizens value, no, are obsessed with this respect thing. They'll ask first before they invite another friend. But I guess they're now warm with me and Eien that they've decided to toss that respect thing out the window.
* * * *
By the time I get back to our room, Eien has fallen asleep. His head is on the table. A blanket wraps his small frame. Realising that it is my blanket, I shrug and ask Alasdair if he's starved yet. Thankfully, he finally says yes. I hate it when a visitor doesn't eat. Not because I care about them. I just don't fancy being thought of as a hostile host.
I know a fry-up should be served as a breakfast, but it's the simplest nosh I can cook. A sleeping Eien makes me sleepy too. Besides, I'd been unpacking sweets for Eien for the last two hours. I don't get how that kid has a hard time finishing one meal but has no problems when it comes to sweets.
Whilst I'm busy in the kitchen, I hear Watanabe and Anderson enter.'All right?' I greet, retrieving bangers and streaky bacon from the fridge. As for the beans, I consider the usual ones, but then I spot the beans Eien had made. I open the jar, and the smell reminds me of home, so I'll go for that.
Now we need something sweet that has acidity. No, it's not pineapple but tomatoes. I like mine slightly burnt because it's cracking. Then there's the butter for frying the bread. Might as well add the black pudding!
'Frying. Of course, that's your choice.'
'Oh hi, Fumi—Watanabe! I mean, Good evening, Watanabe.' He pauses, obviously considering how he can criticise my accent and my tone. I brace myself for the upcoming insult.
'I like my eggs and tomatoes slightly burnt. If that makes sense.' Wait, what? The infamous uptight Fumihiro is not acting like a stroppy cow? So, it wasn't just Noritaka who got recruited by Eien's cult. Yeah, I mean that as a joke, but what else is there to think?
Shuffling my weight from left to right foot, I ask him how he's doing. In Zone 3, you don't have to answer that. It's a simple greeting. But I should've known that it's not the same case in Zone 1.
Watanabe hesitates, and I wish he would go back to Anderson and the rest, but instead, he offers to help even though fry-up is easy to whip up.
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