I dropped to my knees, barely avoiding Robin's cocked leg as it whizzed over my head. Shit. That was a close one. I lept to my feet, water-barers at the ready. I felt the magic pulse from my core and through my electric-eel tattoos. Water flung from my weapon's tips and hardened into dual knives the length of my forearm. Then, I returned my attention to my opponent.
The Boy Wonder had already centered himself and began to eye me up, focusing his attention on my water-knives.
We started to circle one another, waiting for the other to make the first move. "Good job boys," Black Canary commented, assessing the both of our strategies. Her voice, however, was ever so slightly strained. Another of the many effects of pregnancy on the fightresses body.
I focused on Robin once more. He dropped, than sprang forward, propelling himself right over my head. I ducked easily, but as he flew over me, he seized my arm. When he landed, he pulled me into a Judo flip over his right shoulder. Pain exploded down my back as I landed hard.
For someone his size, Robin was quite strong.
"That's enough," Canary walked over to us. When she arrived, she held out her hand and pulled me to my feet. I mumbled a thanks and held out my hand to Robin.
He shook it. "Good match, Kal." He smiled.
"Good match to you, Robin." I released his hand and walked out of the fighting arena, where the rest of my team was waiting. Wally was lounging on the couch, munching on some popcorn. Artemis glared at him, nagging about trident-knows-what. M'gann was in her usual spot hanging off Superboy's arm, who was munching on a cookie.
"Alright, who's next?" Black Canary asked our collected selves. Her eyes scanned the four others, mentally paring and matching them up. "Winner of next round goes up against Robin."
Hell. No. Wally chuckled down the psychic link. Sorry Rob, but you've kicked my ass enough this week.
Aw, poor baby. Artemis cooed.
Hey, I'd like to see you beat me before you get up on his ass.
Believe me, Tweety, I could take you down easily.
And how do you expect to do that?
Take away you cheap-ass hair-gel. Down by the doorway, I heard Superboy choke on one of M'gann's cookies.
Before the two of them really started to duke it out, I stepped in between them mentally. Enough. Someone just go up before Canary pulls one of you up by the ear.
Yeah, and she'll do it to. Chuckled Superboy. Baby on board or no.
Guys, I set up this psychic link for us to communicate stealthaly in the field, not to talk about poor Canary behind her back.
Oh M'gann, I thought. She was by far the best of us all.
Attention team. Please report to the zeta tubes immediately. Batman's voice cut through the fighting arena over the inter-comm.
Black Canary raised her eyes from the stare down. "Oh no," she sighed. "I didn't think that would be today."
"What would be today," Wally asked inquisitively.
"Well it seems today you guys are getting another team member."
M'gann stifled a gasp, and Robin looked up from his supercomputer. Even Artemis seemed surprised.
Black Canary was already starting down the hall. The rest of us scrambled to catch up.
I wonder who it's going to be, M'gann sent down the psychic link. Oooo, I hope we get another girl.
Artemis chuckled. Yeah, Lord knows we need one.
You said it, babe! Wally purred.
Do you ever shut up?
Only if you make me. He batted his eyes at her.
She slapped him, muttering something along the lines of 'fucking pervert' in the process. Robin chuckled.
I think we could all use a fresh face. I said, trying to shake the tension.
Finally, we rounded the final corner and entered the zeta docks. As we arrived, I noticed that Batman was already standing there, along with two other people, a male and female. They wore near identical outfits that consisted of navy blue trenchcoats and matching fedoras. They stood with their backs to us, deep in conversation.
Black Canary cleared her throat loudly. The two figures turned around. They wore navy slacks and orange dress shirts, with skinny black ties around their necks.
They wore masks that completely obscured their face. Instead of eyes and mouths, I was greeted by a blank head. It was quite unnerving.
The girl raised her chin, as of to survey us. Sweet, Wally said psychically, another girl!
Batman looked at the two figures, then to us. "This," he said, motioning to the male, "is an old friend and associate, the Question."
"The Hub City Vigilante," Artemis said respectfully. "I've heard of you."
"Correct." The man -Question- responded.
The girl coughed lightly into her arm. "Ah, yes," Question said, turning to the girl. "Team, this is Renee Montoya, my protege."
I stepped forward. "Hello Renee. I'm Kaldur'ahm. Welcome to the team." I extended my hand in a friendly fashion. She eyed it like it was a snake poised to strike. Finally, she took it and shook it firmly. Despite her small stature, she was quite strong.
"It's my pleasure to be working with you, Kalur'ahm. My pleasure and Q's idea."
Beneath her mask, I could have sworn she was smiling.
It wasn't long before Wally muscled his way past me. "Heyyyy, babe! I'm Kid Flash, but you can call me..."
"Oh, I know who you are, West," Renee cut in. "I've also heard quite a bit about you. And I'm only going to warn you once; if you make one face-related pun, I will personally force-feed you your own kneecaps. Are we clear?"
Wally's eyes went wide, and he stumbled back a few steps. The Question gave a pointed cough that clearly served as a warning.
I like her, Artemis chuckled over the mental line.
She's batshit crazy, Wally said.
Artemis chuckled audibly and strode forward, extending her hand. "Artemis. Welcome to the team. Robin, M'gann, and Superboy are the others back there."
Renee shook her hand warmly. "As I said before, I'm happy to be here."
Batman cleared his throat. "Okay Team, now that we've all been introduced, it's time for your mission briefing."
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