Episode 16
"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the mobs traveled back to 1.12 to battle an illusioner, a type of illager that can only be spawned in using commands. Agatha was about to kill the illusioner and win the challenge when Creep blew up and killed them both, accidentally taking the win and immunity for himself. Pola finally decided to give up on Mite, and got enough votes to get the possessive endermite eliminated. Only eight remain. What crazy challenge will the mobs do today? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Remaining Contestants (8): Sno, Chloe, Pola, Kain, Creep, Agatha, Ory, Ech
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Ory hopped out of the girls' room of the cabin and into the common room. Creep was sitting on one of the chairs.
"Sup," he greeted her.
"Sno and Pola are both staring at walls and Chloe is reading a book, so I came out here," Ory replied.
"Where's Agatha?" Creep asked.
The rabbit shrugged. "Wasn't there all night."
Creep's Confessional
"What and where is that witch hiding?"
Ech and Kain were alone in the guys' room. Kain was reading a book, but eventually looked up.
"Man, Creep and I are really the only guys left on this show. The girls are gonna take us out," the wolf muttered to himself.
Ech raised an eyebrow.
Ech's Confessional
"Wait, I thought I was over the whole not-getting-noticed thing. So why did Kain just forget about my existence?"
Agatha was alone in the abandoned cabin of the villains. She had several brewing stands in front of her and was currently mixing potions together.
She poured one potion into another, then placed it in the brewing stand. She poured in some gunpowder, then waited a few seconds.
A small pop was heard. The witch lifted the potion out of the brewing stand and peered inside.
The liquid was a fiery red, and steam was coming out from the top. Agatha grinned.
Agatha's Confessional
"Finally, the potion is complete."
"Challenge time!" Herobrine announced. He snapped his fingers, and the eight remaining mobs appeared in front of him. "We're almost done with the different versions of Minecraft! Today, we're going back to 1.13!"
He snapped his fingers again, and reality distorted around the mobs as time was warped around them.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
They reappeared on an iceberg mostly made of blue ice. There were three other similar icebergs nearby. Herobrine appeared in front of them, standing on the ice with them instead of floating like usual.
"1.13 was the Aquatic Update, but we did a challenge with all the underwater stuff near the end of last season, so we're not doing that again," Herobrine said.
Ech and Pola sighed in relief.
"Icebergs were also added in 1.13, though, so in today's challenge, the last person to leave the iceberg wins the choice of who is eliminated next!"
The mobs gasped.
"So that's it for the challenge? It's just the last one to leave wins?" Chloe asked.
Herobrine nodded. "I'm too tired—I mean, I'm too lazy to come up with a more dangerous challenge. But don't worry, it won't just be you guys sitting around the entire time. I'll make some interesting stuff happen."
"So this is basically like the desert challenge in season three," Kain realized.
The wolf frowned and glanced at Chloe, who was still looking at Herobrine.
"Oh also, you're allowed to go on any of the four icebergs in this area. If you want to quit, swim over to the mainland right there." The host pointed to a beach, which was about thirty blocks away from the icebergs. "Okay, that's all, bye." Herobrine disappeared.
The mobs looked at each other.
Ech's Confessional
"We better not have to spend days out here. I'm already cold."
"You wanna go get our own iceberg?" Kain asked Chloe.
"Sure," Chloe replied happily. The two jumped into the water to swim to one of the other three icebergs.
"Holy Notch, this water is freezing!" Kain shouted. He swam as fast as he could to the other iceberg. Chloe did the same. When they stood on the ice, they were both shivering.
"How long have we been out here?" Chloe asked, teeth chattering.
"Two minutes," Kain replied, visibly shaking from the cold.
The two mobs sighed.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Ech flew over to one of the other icebergs to be alone. He sat down on the ice and folded his wings around himself to keep in warmth.
Agatha drank a potion and swam over to the same iceberg. She sat down near the bat. Ech sighed, but the witch didn't react. He realized that she hadn't noticed him.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"Wanna go hang out on that iceberg with me?" Ory asked Creep, pointing to the last empty iceberg.
"Sure," the creeper replied. The two of them swam over to that iceberg, leaving Sno and Pola alone on the first iceberg.
Ory hopped out onto the empty iceberg first. She was shivering. Creep climbed up next to her, also shivering.
"Okay, that was a terrible idea," he said.
"I'm with you," Ory replied. "That water was freezing."
"I didn't even know water had different temperatures," Creep pointed out.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Sno and Pola stayed on the first iceberg silently. They were both snow mobs, so they weren't cold.
They didn't speak to one another. Both girls were looking out across the water, deep in thought. Sno was thinking about Ron, while Pola was thinking about Mite.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
An hour passed with nothing happening. Chloe and Kain had decided to run around on their iceberg to dry off and generate some heat for themselves, but eventually got tired and sat down on their iceberg.
"Do you remember the island challenge last season?" Kain asked, breaking the silence.
"Mhm. The one where we all had to work together to figure out how to get off of it?" Chloe asked.
"That's the one."
"Yeah. Why?"
"I dunno, I was just thinking about it. You didn't hear a lot of the stuff I said, but I said some pretty dumb things," Kain chuckled.
"Oh yeah, Colton told me a lot of it," Chloe said.
"Did he tell you that I was jealous of him because he was talking to you?"
"What? No. You were? Why?"
"Dude, I'm pretty sure I was legally insane by that challenge. Something about you just drove me crazy, especially because then you were avoiding me," Kain explained. "Thinking back on it now, I can't come up with any valid excuses for why I said or did what I did. I think I was just insane."
Chloe frowned. "Wow."
"That's your only reaction?" Kain asked.
"I don't know. The only thought I can process right now is wow."
Kain chuckled a little, but didn't say anything else. Chloe didn't either. She was thinking.
Chloe's Confessional
"Okay, I knew Kain was pathetic during that time in season four, but I didn't know he was going insane. Before I thought that we only had a thing for each other before because we were forced together on this show. But now, I'm wondering if there actually was more to it than that."
Another hour passed with nothing happening. Creep and Ory were sitting on their iceberg, bored.
"Hey Creep?"
"I'm glad you've stuck with me since the first challenge. I remember when you suggested we voted together, but I didn't think you'd end up becoming such a good friend," Ory said.
Creep winced. "Can I be honest with you?"
"Of course!"
"At first, I was just trying to use you to get to the Killer Bunny."
Ory's face fell. "What?"
"Yeah, I figured the Killer Bunny would be useful on a show like this. I also used you to get an alliance with Agatha. It worked for awhile, and the two of us were trying to bring the Killer Bunny out of you for a long time," Creep explained.
"But now, I'm glad we're friends, too. I mean, I used to consider myself a villain, but when I saw what Agatha was trying to do to you, I realized she was the real bad guy. So I'm gonna stick with you now."
Ory smiled. "Thanks, Creep."
"No, thank you," Creep replied. "You helped me turn good. And it actually feels good. In my earlier seasons, I never really had any real friends because I was constantly thinking of ways to eliminate them. But it feels good to have someone I know I can trust."
"I never really had any real friends on my seasons either," Ory said. "But that was because everyone was always busy with their own problems and such. I made my first real friend, Wooly, in my last episode of my last season. So I'm glad I have someone I can trust now, too."
Creep smiled at her.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Another couple hours passed, and none of the eight mobs had quit.
"Okay, this is getting boring," Herobrine sighed. "Let's spice things up." He snapped his fingers, and it began to rain. Normally, the rain would become snow over the icebergs, but Herobrine used his magic to keep it as rain for maximum wetness.
Agatha sighed as the rain poured down on their icebergs. She got a splash potion out. Ech noticed this and flew a little closer to her. The witch splashed the potion on the ice below her, affecting herself and the nearby bat, whom she didn't notice. The two of them now stayed dry, even though the rain was still hitting them.
"Thanks," Ech mumbled, knowing she wouldn't hear him.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Pola groaned as the rain poured down. "Why isn't this snow?!" she yelled. Herobrine didn't respond.
The polar bear decided to dig into the part of the iceberg that was sticking out of the water. She broke some of the ice, creating a small room in the iceberg that was sheltered from the rain.
"Hey Sno," Pola called to the snow golem that was still looking out at the water. "Come over here." Sno didn't turn around.
Pola sighed and ventured back out into the rain. She gently took the golem's hand and led her into the room. Sno didn't resist, but she shook her head when they entered the dry room. She made eye contact with Pola.
"Thinking about Ron?" Pola asked.
Sno sighed and nodded. "I don't know why I'm so upset. I live with him, so I'll see him every day once this is all over. But for some reason, my heart feels heavy with him gone."
"That's understandable," Pola reassured her.
"I don't know," Sno said. "For the first half of this season I barely even saw him because he was on the other team. Then I spent half of one challenge with him, and then he was eliminated, and I just miss him so much."
"I've never been in love, so I can't relate," Pola replied. "But I'm pretty certain that what you're feeling is normal. You miss your partner. It's as simple as that."
"Yeah, I guess," Sno mumbled. "Thanks, Pola."
Pola nodded and looked out at the rain sadly.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Chloe and Kain sat under an overhang of ice that sheltered them from the rain. They watched the sun set through the drops of rain falling from the sky.
"If you win the challenge, who do you think you'll eliminate?" Chloe asked Kain.
"I dunno," Kain replied. "I haven't really thought about it. How about you?"
"I'm not sure either, to be honest."
"I'd definitely choose one of the girls," the wolf said. "There's too many of them."
"You gonna choose me?" Chloe asked, playfully hitting him on the shoulder.
"Of course not," Kain chuckled. "Although that would be an easy way to get rid of my competition..."
"I'm kidding!" Kain bursted out laughing. "Oh man, the look on your face!"
Chloe started laughing with him. Eventually, they faded into silence again.
"Actually, though, I'd probably choose Pola," Kain said after a bit. "She made it to the finale last season."
"Good point," Chloe replied.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Creep and Ory frowned as it rained on them.
"I hate this," the bunny said.
"I'm used to it," Creep replied in a bored voice.
"Hey, look what Kain and Chloe are doing," Ory said, pointing. "Let's do that to keep ourselves dry."
As the two of them began to break the ice on their iceberg, Creep spoke. "I don't really like that ocelot."
"Huh? Why?" Ory asked.
"I don't know..." the creeper trailed off. "Something about her is just...unsettling."
"Have you ever even spoken to her?"
"Not really. But I can feel it from a distance."
Ory shrugged. "Whatever you say." They finished breaking their ice and sat underneath it to keep dry. "Hey, check out that sunset!"
Creep looked. The sun was setting over the ocean, creating a pinkish-orange sky that was blurred through the rain.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Ory asked.
"Yeah it is," Creep replied.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Night fell, and all eight mobs were still on their icebergs. Herobrine sighed. "These mobs are stubborn." He snapped his fingers, and the rain stopped. Flying mobs appeared in the night sky, their screeches piercing through the darkness.
"These guys were also released in 1.13!" Herobrine announced. "Say hi to the phantoms!"
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Sno and Pola heard the screeches outside their ice room.
"Good thing we're safe in here," Pola said.
Sno nodded in agreement. "We're snow mobs, no one else is. We can probably win this challenge if we stay in here."
"Yeah," Pola replied. "Who would you eliminate if you won?"
The golem shrugged. "Creep, maybe. Agatha was pretty convincing about why we should vote him."
"Yeah, true," the bear said.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Ech and Agatha were still sitting on their iceberg when phantoms swooped down and attacked them.
"You dare challenge me?!" Agatha yelled at them. She began throwing potions at them.
Ech just turned around, left the iceberg, and flew over to the mainland with Herobrine. The host, of course, didn't notice him.
"Herobrine," the bat said, causing the host to jump.
"Oh, you're here. Ech is out!" he announced to the others. "What made you quit?"
"Too cold," Ech replied simply.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
The phantoms swooped down and began attacking Kain and Chloe. The two of them stood back to back and fought the flying demons.
"Ya know what this reminds me of?!" Kain called.
"Zombie challenge?" Chloe asked.
"Yep! Except this time, the zombies are flying!" the wolf laughed.
"Well, we're not giving up this time!"
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
The phantoms began swooping down, attacking Creep and Ory. The two of them tried their best to avoid the phantoms, but there were too many.
"I can't fight them without blowing myself up!" Creep yelled, trying to slap the phantoms with his head.
Ory was kicking away phantoms that came near her, but they weren't very strong kicks. "I...I can hold them off!"
Creep looked at her. "No you can't. Not without becoming the Killer Bunny again."
"It's worth it to win the challenge!" Ory shouted.
"No, it's not!" Creep yelled. "It's not worth going through that torture again! Come on, let's just quit."
The rabbit looked at the creeper. She sighed. "Okay. You're right."
Creep nodded. The two of them swam from their iceberg to the mainland.
"Ory and Creep are out!" Herobrine announced. "Couldn't beat the phantoms, huh?"
The two mobs shook their heads as they climbed onto the mainland.
Ory's Confessional
"Well, at least I know Creep cares for me. I just wish I could be good at combat without the Killer Bunny."
Eventually, Herobrine despawned the phantoms. He looked at the three losers. "Time to create some more content!"
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Sno and Pola exited the room of their iceberg to look at the stars.
"They're pretty," Sno commented.
"Yeah," Pola replied.
The snow golem whirled around to where the voice was coming from. She saw an iron golem standing on the mainland.
"Hey, Sno! I missed you!" the iron golem called.
"Sno?" Pola asked. "What are you looking at?"
"Ron, is that really you?" Sno asked.
"Of course it is! Come give me a hug to prove it!" Ron shouted, holding out his arms.
"I've missed you so much!" Sno cried. She jumped into the water and swam over to the mainland. Pola tried to stop her from leaving the iceberg, but Sno was too quick.
When the snow golem reached the mainland, she looked around. Ron was nowhere to be seen.
"Sno is out! Told you, it works every time," Herobrine said to Ory and Creep. "I got Kain with that in season three."
"That was mean," Ory told him as Sno sank to the floor, crying.
"You're right. I'll use real mobs this time so it's not fake. Watch." He snapped his fingers, and Stella, Wilbur, and Colton appeared next to him.
Colton, who had obviously been asleep, snorted and bolted up. He looked around, confused.
"Well, this was unexpected," Stella said.
"Hey, Herobrine! Icy you!" Wilbur announced, gesturing to the icebergs.
"Yeah, yeah. Pola's on that iceberg, get her over here," Herobrine said.
"Okay. Hey, Pola!" Colton shouted.
The polar bear squinted at the mainland. "Is that...Colton?"
"Pola! My bad puns are just the tip of the iceberg!" Wilbur yelled.
"Wilbur?" Pola mumbled.
"Guys, stop," Stella told Colton and Wilbur. "Pola is obviously in a challenge right now, and Herobrine is probably using us to make her lose."
Colton and Wilbur looked at her, then at each other. "Ohhhhh. Yeah, that makes sense."
"Luckily, Pola is strong, and wouldn't come here just to see us," Stella said.
"Guys!" Pola, who had swam over to the mainland, exclaimed happily.
"Pola is out!" Herobrine announced. "Only three contestants remain on the icebergs!"
"Hi, Pola," Stella said, hugging her friend. "What about the challenge?"
"I don't care about that," Pola replied as she hugged Wilbur. "I'm so glad to see you guys."
"Ice to see you, too," Wilbur grinned. Pola chuckled.
"How've you been?" Colton asked as he hugged Pola.
"Fine. Can I talk to you for a bit? Alone?" Pola asked the mule.
"Sure." Colton and Pola walked further inland.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Agatha was sitting on her iceberg when she heard a voice from the mainland.
The witch looked up to see a zombie villager standing on the mainland.
"Zupay?" Agatha whispered.
"I've missed you, sugar!" he called. "I wanted to come see you!"
"Why aren't you taking care of the kid?!" Agatha yelled.
Zupay vanished into thin air, like he had been a hallucination. Agatha shook her head and sat back down.
Herobrine frowned.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Kain and Chloe were sitting out in the open on their iceberg now that the rain and phantoms were gone. They were both shivering.
"This is funny," Kain spoke.
"What is?" Chloe asked.
"In season three, we did a challenge where the last person to step off a fence post won. But there, it was in the blistering heat of a desert. Now we're on a freezing iceberg in the middle of the ocean. They're like polar opposites, but the same challenge," the wolf explained.
"That's true," Chloe replied. "Did you win that desert challenge?"
Kain's face fell as he remembered exactly what happened. "No. I lost for my team and got voted out."
"Really? What made you quit?" the ocelot asked, curious.
"A, uh...hallucination."
"Yeah. I missed you at the time, even though we barely knew each other. You were calling my name and saying you loved me, so I went over to see you, losing for my team," Kain explained.
"Wow, again?"
"Yeah. Wow."
"Yeah. Well, good thing you're here with me now so I can't hallucinate you," Kain said.
Herobrine frowned again.
Chloe's Confessional
"His old feelings for me are really starting to seem genuinely...valid. Like they weren't forced from this show."
Pola and Colton sat down by a pond.
"So, what's up?" the mule asked.
"Ya know how I turned evil last season, but then you helped me turn good again?" Pola asked him.
"Well, there was this girl, Mite, who was kinda in the same situation as me. I tried to teach her what you taught me, but it didn't work. She didn't change at all," the polar bear explained.
"Ah. Well, some people just don't want to change. She must have been one of those people," Colton said.
"Yeah, she was. I just feel like I failed, ya know?"
"You definitely didn't fail," he told her. "You tried your best, she just wouldn't open her mind to change. You did all you could, and that's all that matters."
Pola was silent for a couple seconds, thinking. Then, she spoke. "Thanks, Colton. I'm glad you're here." She turned to look at him, but he was gone.
Pola frowned. She stood up and looked around. "Colton?" She walked back over to the other mobs. Stella and Wilbur were gone, too. "Where did they go?"
"Oh, I didn't want them here anymore, so I sent them home," Herobrine replied. "Why?"
Pola shrugged. "No reason."
Pola's Confessional
"Well, at least I got to talk to Colton for a little bit. He made me feel better."
The sun rose, but the temperature dropped even more. Kain and Chloe were still shivering on their iceberg. Agatha was doing the same on hers.
"Alright folks, let's make things more interesting again," Herobrine said. He teleported over to Agatha.
"Sup," he said.
The witch glared at him.
"Aren't you cold?" Herobrine asked. He snapped his fingers, and a warm blanket appeared around his shoulders. He wrapped himself in it.
"No," Agatha replied, teeth chattering.
"Are you sure?" A cup of hot chocolate appeared in his hands. He took a sip. "Because if you are, I can give you a blanket and some hot cocoa. All you gotta do is come over to the mainland, and you can have them."
The witch shook her head with sharp movements.
Herobrine shrugged. "Alright. We also have a campfire over there. They're making s'mores. We saved you a marshmallow." He pointed to the mainland, where Ory, Creep, Pola, Sno, and Ech were roasting marshmallows over a campfire.
"Go away," Agatha seethed.
Herobrine chuckled. "Okay." He disappeared.
Agatha's Confessional
"I cannot lose. I need to win so I can eliminate Creep. That way, I'll be able to easily get to the Killer Bunny."
Herobrine teleported over to Kain and Chloe, the blanket still wrapped around him and the mug still in his hands.
"How's it going?" he asked.
"Fine," Kain replied through gritted teeth.
"Y'all want some hot cocoa?"
"N-n-no," Chloe answered, stammering from the cold.
"🅱️ruh," Herobrine said, his voice bass boosted. "You guys are too stubborn." He disappeared.
"Did he just say...?" Chloe trailed off.
"I don't even know," Kain replied.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Sno was roasting a marshmallow over the campfire with the other mobs. Herobrine appeared on the other side of the fire from her. "They're all too stubborn. Guess we'll just wait it out until one of them gets too cold."
The mobs sighed. Sno looked up at Herobrine over the fire. The smoke rising up from the campfire obscured most of his face with black smoke, but his glowing white eyes pierced through it.
The snow golem yelped and fell backwards. Everyone looked at her in confusion.
"Sno? What's wrong?" Pola asked.
The snow golem was breathing heavily, and she looked at Herobrine with wide eyes. The host had walked around the fire so his face was no longer obscured with smoke, and he looked normal. His eyebrow was raised.
"N-nothing," Sno murmured.
Sno's Confessional
"Herobrine looked exactly like the smoky guy I've been seeing. What if they're the same person?"
A couple hours passed with nothing happening except for the temperature dropping even more. "It has officially been twenty four hours since we began!" Herobrine announced.
"I w-wish there was a w-way to generate heat," Chloe said, still shivering.
"Well, th-there's b-body heat," Kain suggested. "I'm only suggesting th-that because of how c-cold it is."
Chloe hesitated. "It's our b-best shot. L-let's try it."
The two of them pressed their bodies against each other, but immediately jumped away.
"Your f-fur is fr-freezing!"
"S-so is y-yours!"
The two of them sighed as they continued to shiver. Agatha was staring at them from her iceberg. She looked fine from where they were.
"I d-don't think w-we can b-beat Agatha," Chloe stammered. "Maybe w-we should give up."
"You go ahead," Kain replied. "I have to p-p-prove something to myself."
Chloe nodded. "G-good luck."
She jumped into the water and swam to the mainland.
"Chloe is out!" Herobrine announced as she warmed herself up by the fire. "Kain and Agatha are the last two remaining! Who will win?"
As Chloe wrapped herself in a blanket near the fire, Creep moved away from her with a frown.
Creep's Confessional
"I don't like that ocelot."
Kain's Confessional
"In season three, I was the reason my team lost the heat endurance challenge. I need to show that I can win these things."
Agatha's Confessional
"All of my potion ingredients froze over, so I can't make any potions to keep myself warm. But I need to win."
Several hours passed. The sun began to set again. Kain and Agatha were both shivering on their icebergs. They were both staring at each other across the water, mentally willing the other to give up.
Herobrine sighed. "Okay, that's it. This is the last thing I'm trying." He closed his eyes for a second, then snapped his fingers. It began to snow over the icebergs.
"What happened to the rain?" Ory asked.
"I can't," Herobrine replied. "I mean, too lazy."
Sno looked at him with narrowed eyes.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Kain wasn't fazed as the snow began to fall. "I'm so numb, I c-can't even f-f-feel it." He was still shivering immensely.
Agatha groaned as the snow began to fall. "This is the worst! When will that wolf give up?"
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
A couple more hours passed. It was now night time. Most of the mobs that had given up were asleep around the campfire. Herobrine yawned. He snapped his fingers.
Nothing happened.
The host looked around, hoping nobody had seen that. The mobs around the fire were all asleep. He sighed in relief and snapped his fingers again. Again, nothing happened.
The host frowned and closed his eyes. He concentrated as hard as he could, then snapped his fingers again. He heard the familiar screeches as phantoms appeared in the air around the icebergs, and smiled with satisfaction.
He didn't realize that Sno, who wasn't near the campfire, had been watching him the whole time.
Sno's Confessional
"Something is up with Herobrine. I need to figure out what."
The phantoms swooped down and attacked both Kain and Agatha.
Kain couldn't move because of how cold he was, so he just let the phantoms attack. He grimaced in pain every time he was hit.
Agatha tried to fight back. She swung her fist when a phantom came near her, but couldn't conjure up enough energy to deal any damage. The phantom hit her, and the momentum sent her sliding across the iceberg. Another phantom attacked her, and Agatha fell into the freezing water.
The witch was immediately frozen. She floated to the mainland, unable to move. Her body washed up on the shore. Herobrine, who had been falling asleep, jumped.
"Finally!" he boomed, causing everyone to wake up. "Agatha is out, which means Kain wins the challenge and the choice of who is eliminated!"
Agatha didn't react because she was frozen.
Herobrine snapped his fingers, and reality slowly began to distort around the mobs as time was warped around them. It was much slower than usual; in fact, it felt like they were moving in slow motion.
Sno turned to look at Herobrine as they traveled through time, which felt like thick jelly. She saw a look of intense concentration on his face. It also looked like cracks were forming all over his body.
Through the cracks, Sno saw black smoke pouring out of them.
Then, the glowing white snapped open, and everything immediately disappeared.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
The mobs reappeared around the campfire area in the End. Herobrine appeared in front of them, looking completely normal. Sno raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Alright, that was not fun at all," Herobrine said. "But, Kain won the challenge. Kain, please come forward and announce who you're eliminating."
Kain stepped forward and turned to look at the mobs. "If I call your name and Herobrine tosses you an Eye of Ender, you are safe."
Herobrine rolled his eyes.
It was down to Agatha and Pola. Agatha just glared at Kain, while Pola looked around nervously.
"And the last safe mob is..."
The witch nodded.
"Pola, you're going home," Herobrine said.
"What? Why?" Pola asked Kain.
The wolf shrugged. "You made it to the finale last season. Can't risk that happening again."
Pola sighed. She looked at Sno. "I'm sorry, Sno. Are you gonna be okay?"
The snow golem nodded and smiled at her. "I'll be fine. Thank you for being a great friend."
"Thank you for being there for me," Pola replied.
Herobrine snapped his fingers, and the polar bear was teleported into the Toilet Portal of Shame. "Any last words?"
"Goodbye, Total Drama Minecraft. I'll miss you," Pola said.
"Gross," Herobrine replied. He pulled the lever, and Pola was flushed out of the End.
Agatha's Confessional
"I'm glad that wolf didn't eliminate me, because it wasn't really fair how I lost the challenge. I'll eliminate the creeper next time, mark my words."
Sno's Confessional
"Herobrine has a big secret that he doesn't want anyone to know. But I'll find out."
"What more do I have in store for the mobs? Will Creep be able to shield Ory from Agatha and the Killer Bunny? Will Sno be able to survive without both Ron and Pola? And is Chlain finally happening? Find out next time, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.
I miss the early days of my writing when character development didn't matter to me and chapters were all less than two thousand words 🙁
Still in college, but still writing
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