Episode 13
"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the contestants traveled to an End city to find the elytra on an End ship, all of which were added in 1.9. Both teams got very close to finishing first, but both teams also started fighting amongst themselves for who got to wear the elytra. In the end, Mike was gliding to the finish line when Mite came out of nowhere and attacked him for the elytra, causing the heroes to lose. All the Mucklets had died and therefore returned to Mucus, but the slime was voted out anyway by his teammates. What challenging challenge will we do today? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Heroic Horses (5): Sno, Chloe, Mite, Pola, Kain
Villainous Villagers (7): Ron, Creep, Agatha, Porky, Mooshie, Ory, Ech
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
The Killer Bunny was walking around Dragon Island. "If you find the idol, you are to give it to me immediately," it remembered Agatha saying.
The rabbit continued hopping, and came to a giant figure. It looked into the dragon's big purple eyes.
"Huh. It's been a while since the authors have written about someone being over here," the dragon mentioned.
"Hey, shut up!" a voice boomed from the sky.
As soon as the dragon looked up, the Killer Bunny ran toward it and attacked it. It began striking the dragon's foot. The ender dragon wasn't even affected.
"Stop." The dragon kicked the bunny away. But it came back, charging at full speed. The Killer Bunny began attacking the dragon's foot again.
The ender dragon sighed and kicked her away again. Then, he slammed his tail down on her.
"That'll teach that stupid bunny," the dragon muttered, and flew away.
The rabbit opened its eyes and looked around.
"Oh my, where am I?" Ory asked, confused. She saw endermen everywhere, screamed, and ran behind a pillar.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Creep walked into the common room of the cabin. He heard what sounded like power tools coming from the girls' room. The creeper furrowed his brow and walked in.
"Is that a blowtorch?" Creep asked.
Agatha looked at him, wearing a welding helmet. There were parts of what looked like some sort of machine strewn all over the room. An elytra was in front of her. The Killer Bunny was at Dragon Island and therefore absent.
"What?" the witch asked. "I'm busy."
"Can I ask what you're doing?" Creep asked.
"No." Agatha went back to using the blowtorch.
Creep exited and shut the door. He sighed.
Creep's Confessional (VV)
"I'm beginning to worry about what she's doing."
"Hey Mite?" Pola asked. The girls were all in the girls room of their cabin.
"When you got the elytra yesterday, you said 'after all these years, it's finally mine.' What did you mean by that?"
Mite hesitated. Sno and Chloe looked at her curiously as well.
"My family and I, we were always trying to find an end city with an ship so we could get an elytra. It was our life goal. But we never found one," Mite explained.
"Why exactly were you looking for an elytra?" Pola asked.
"It's a family legend," Mite said simply. "But they're all dead now."
The girls were silent with shock.
"I had finally gotten to that elytra, so I thought I was honoring my family by using it. That's why I went crazy last episode and tried to take it for myself."
"I'm sorry for your loss," Sno whispered.
Mite didn't respond.
Pola's Confessional (HH)
"That's such a tragic backstory. Makes me feel sympathy for her."
"Challenge time!" Herobrine announced. He snapped his fingers, and the twelve remaining mobs appeared in front of him, including Ory.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so glad to see you guys!" the rabbit exclaimed. "I thought I got eliminated without me knowing!" Her eyes were no longer red.
"Hey look, Ory's back," Creep said. "Look Agatha, Ory's back."
Agatha sighed.
"Today we're going back to 1.10!" Herobrine announced. He snapped his fingers, and reality distorted around the mobs as time was warped around them.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
They reappeared in a desert. The mobs looked around, but there was nothing to be seen but cacti, dead bushes, and sand.
Herobrine appeared. "Welcome to 1.10!"
"There's nothing here," Ech pointed out.
"Yeah, 1.10 didn't add anything important."
"Hey!" Pola was insulted.
"But something it did add was fossils!" Herobrine said. "So today, we're going excavating!"
"Wait, there are fossils?" Sno asked. "Are those still a thing?"
"Why have I never seen them? Or even heard of them?"
Herobrine shrugged. "Honestly, I hadn't heard of them before a couple of days ago. I guess they're super rare. That's why we're gonna be finding them!"
The mobs groaned.
"Fossils are only found in deserts and in swamps. They are underground, and pretty large most of the time. They're made of bone blocks and sometimes coal ore. You'll know them when you see them," Herobrine explained. "You will all be getting iron pickaxes and shovels. The first team to come across a fossil wins, and the other team will be sending someone home. Any questions?"
"So we're just digging the entire challenge?" Kain asked. "That's it?"
"That's boring."
"And you always complain that we're boring during challenges."
"Are you just saying yes until I shut up?"
Kain sighed.
Herobrine snapped his fingers, and all the mobs were given iron shovels and pickaxes. "Ready, set, go!"
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"Well... I guess we better start digging," Chloe said as she stuck her shovel into the ground.
"Not much else we can do," Kain agreed.
Sno looked at the villains, then at her team. "Hey, Herobrine!"
"Waddaya want?" Herobrine asked after appearing.
"Isn't it kinda unfair that they have seven people and we only have five?" Sno asked.
"No." Herobrine disappeared.
Sno sighed.
"Don't worry, Sno, Porky and Mooshie don't really count as contestants," Pola said. "So really, we're tied."
Sno laughed. "You're right."
Pola chuckled, and the two girls began digging near each other.
Mite's Confessional (HH)
"What does Pola think she's doing? I know we're not really going after Sno anymore, but that does NOT mean that she can be friends with her."
"How am I supposed to use a shovel?" Ech asked.
"Like this," Ron said as he started digging.
"My goodness, what an idea! Why didn't I think of that?" Ech asked sarcastically.
Ron shrugged.
Porky oinked and started digging. Mooshie mooed and joined him.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" Ory asked Agatha, who was glaring at her.
"I'm doing no such thing." Agatha scoffed.
"Okay... I'm just gonna be over here." Ory hopped away and started digging.
"What are you gonna do?" Creep asked.
"I don't know!" Agatha snapped at him.
Creep's Confessional (VV)
"It's not my fault she's Ory again. Why is Agatha yelling at me?"
Sno was digging a hole nearby. She was making it wider at the moment by expanding the walls. She destroyed a block of the sand wall to reveal nothing behind it. She stuck her head in to explore.
"You destroyed my wall!" Pola, who was on the other side, said to her.
"Ah, sorry!" Sno apologized.
"Haha, it's cool. At least we know the fossil isn't in there now." Pola and Sno both laughed.
Meanwhile, Kain and Chloe were digging next to each other, making a two block wide staircase downwards. They had to keep jumping back to avoid falling sand.
"Hey, Kain," Chloe broke the silence. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something."
"Is it about why I suddenly changed from pathetic loser to chill guy again?" Kain asked. "Because I've been wondering the same thing. I think it has something to do with this dream I had about my family, who I haven't seen in a long time. It made me realize that there are more things in life than you."
Chloe was silent for a couple seconds. Then, "That's not what I wanted to talk about. But that's nice to know, too."
"Oh," Kain said awkwardly. "What is it?"
"Back in seasons three and four, do you think we actually liked each other? Or do you think we just thought we did because we were two contestants thrown on a show together and we had no other choice?"
Now Kain was silent for a couple seconds. "I mean, I dunno. I never really thought about it."
"Well, think about it now. You're a wolf, I'm an ocelot. There's no way a relationship between us could have worked. We just thought we had something because you kept saving my scared self's life," Chloe said.
"I guess you're right," Kain replied.
They continued mining in silence.
Chloe's Confessional (HH)
"I'm glad I got that off my chest. That's been bugging me since the end of season four. Good thing he agrees."
Kain's Confessional (HH)
"Now that I think about it, she's right. I mean, it's not like I'm trying to get with her now. I'm over her. So...why does that thought make me sad?"
"Ory's digging by herself," Ech pointed out to Ron.
"I wonder why she's not with Agatha and Creep," Ron replied, still digging.
"Probably because Agatha turned her into the Killer Bunny."
"How do you know it was Agatha?"
"Last challenge, she whistled, and the Killer Bunny attacked you," Ech answered.
"That doesn't mean Agatha turned her into the Killer Bunny, though. Maybe she just took control of her somehow."
"Alright fine, let's just go ask Ory."
"Okay," Ron climbed out of the hole and walked over to the rabbit. Ech followed.
"I know what I have to do!" Agatha exclaimed suddenly. She placed a brewing stand on the ground and started brewing something.
"Uh, I wouldn't really do that out in the open. Remember season one? You got eliminated for using potions," Creep reminded.
"I don't have any time to waste!" Agatha ignored Creep.
Porky mooed as he dug. Mooshie oinked as he dug.
"Wow. This is kinda boring. I should add something." Herobrine snapped his fingers, and a bunch of husks appeared. "There we go! Husks were also added in 1.10, so this is great!"
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Chloe and Kain were still digging in silence, when Kain was hit from behind. He turned around to see a husk attacking him. The wolf hit it with his shovel until it died.
Kain climbed out of their hole to see a bunch of husks ambling toward them. "Uh, Chloe?"
Chloe popped her head up. "Looks like we're on defense." The two of them stood protectively around the holes that Sno, Mite, and Pola were in.
"When did those guys get here?" Sno asked, noticing the husks.
"I'm not sure," Kain replied.
"Herobrine probably realized that the challenge was actually as boring as it sounded," Pola laughed. Everyone but Mite joined in.
Pola's Confessional (HH)
"Ya know, my teammates are actually pretty cool people. I kinda wish I hadn't been so caught up with Mite's alliance this whole season."
Mite's Confessional (HH)
"Why is Pola laughing with them?! They are not our friends!"
Porky and Mooshie saw the husks walking toward their team. They looked at each other.
Porky clucked. Mooshie chirped.
The two of them charged at the husks, keeping them away from the rest of the team.
"So, Ory, how was Dragon Island?" Ron asked.
"Well, I woke up in pain. It's the strangest thing. I remember passing out in the roofed forest, and then I just woke up on Dragon Island like no time passed," Ory replied
"Oh, so you don't remember being the Killer Bunny?" Ech asked.
"No," Ory replied, a sad expression on her face. "Did I hurt anyone?"
"Nope. Unless you count a few guardians and some shulkers," Ron replied.
Ory sighed. "I guess that's good. I used to have control over it. I don't know what happened."
"I can tell you what happened," Ech said. "Agatha did it."
"We don't know that for sure," Ron replied.
"Why would she—"
"Bunny!" a voice screamed. The three turned around to see a witch charging at them. Agatha chucked a potion at Ory. Thinking quickly, Ron grabbed Ory and pulled her out of the way of the potion.
"What are you doing?" Ory asked the witch, confused. Creep walked up behind them.
"Yeah. What are you doing?" Ron asked as well.
"Stay out of this, golem," Agatha shot back.
"No. We're a team, and I think we should act like one, instead of you taking control of your teammates for your own benefit," Ron argued.
"We're villains for a reason! You can't be friends with everyone. Sometimes you have to choose between winning and being liked."
"Just because we're on the villain team doesn't mean we have to be bad. Ech, Joe, Ory, and I are all on this team, and we're the nicest people you'll ever meet."
"Trying to get your girlfriend eliminated is nice?" Agatha countered.
"She was melting!" Ron yelled angrily. He lost control and swung his arms, throwing Agatha back a little.
"You've picked a fight with the wrong person!" Agatha yelled. She whipped out a potion and tossed it at Ron. He dove out of the way.
Ory hopped away, trying to avoid the violence. Ech didn't want to fight either, so he flew up into the air to avoid it.
"Creep, don't just stand there!" Agatha demanded.
Creep sighed and walked over to Ron. "Sorry," he said before flashing white. Ron threw him up into the air. He exploded in the air, killing Ech in the process.
"Ech and Creep are out!" Herobrine announced. "Wait. This isn't even a challenge like that." He snapped his fingers, and the creeper and bat respawned near the rest of the villains.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"I found a mineshaft!" Pola announced.
"Sweet! We can take a rest from mining and just look for a fossil in there," Sno suggested. The two girls entered the mine. Mite grumbled and slithered in after them.
Groans of zombies and clatters of skeletons were heard in the darkness. Sno and Pola raised their shovels warily.
"Let's all stick together," Pola said. "Just in case."
"Good idea."
"Terrible idea," Mite muttered under her breath.
The three girls started walking through the mineshaft.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Porky and Mooshie killed all the nearby husks and turned around. They saw their teammates on the sand nearby. They looked at each other.
Porky neighed. Mooshie barked.
Then, the two of them dove into the sand and began digging.
Agatha threw another potion at Ron, who managed to dodge it. He started to run at her, but stopped.
"Okay, this is stupid. We need to be doing the challenge, not fighting each other," Ron said. He started to walk away, but Agatha threw a potion at him. He was affected with slowness.
"Don't you walk away from me, young man!" Agatha shouted. She stopped suddenly, her eyes wide. Ron raised an eyebrow.
Then, they felt the ground give way beneath them.
Ron, Agatha, Creep, Ory, and Ech fell at least twenty blocks, and landed in some water in a cave. The sand beneath them had given out for some reason.
"Ow," Ory mumbled. "Why did we fall?"
Porky and Mooshie popped their heads out of the sand.
Porky meowed. Mooshie squeaked.
"Are they—"
"Just don't question it," Ech interrupted Ron.
"They're not even saying words anymore," Creep spoke up. "They're just making animal noises. For some reason."
"Well, they got us down in the mine," Ron pointed out. "Maybe now we can find a fossil."
Agatha glared at him. She pulled out a splash potion and broke it on the ground in the middle of all of them. They were all given night vision.
"Thanks, Agatha," Ory said. The witch didn't respond.
Porky and Mooshie raced off ahead of the others. The villains rolled their eyes and began walking in that direction.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"So, we're not enemies anymore, right?" Sno asked as the three girls walked through the mine.
"Nah, we're good now," Pola replied. "Right, Mite?"
"Yes," Mite grumbled.
"Yeah, we decided to put everything behind us. The Second Place Alliance is done now, anyway," Pola said to Sno.
Pola looked at Mite. "Isn't it? Cocoa and Ender were both eliminated. Two doesn't really make an alliance."
"Yeah, you're right," Mite mumbled.
"Well that's good!" Sno said cheerfully. "I'm glad we've set aside our differences."
They turned a corner in the mine to see a smoky figure with glowing white eyes staring at them.
The girls froze. He was staring at them, unmoving once again.
"Leave us alone!" Sno shouted suddenly.
The figure disappeared.
"How did you do that?" Pola asked in awe.
Sno shrugged. "I don't know. I wasn't really thinking." She laughed. Pola joined in.
Mite narrowed her eyes.
Mite's Confessional (HH)
"Sno needs to stop talking to Pola! Pola is my friend, not hers!"
The villains were walking through the mine in awkward silence.
Ech broke it. "I'd like to thank you all." When no one said anything, he added "For noticing me, that is. I lived all of last season not being noticed by anyone. But now you guys are actually noticing me. So thanks for that."
"No problem!" Ory replied cheerfully. "We're all proud of you!"
Agatha scoffed. Creep and Ron were silent.
Suddenly, Porky and Mooshie ran into the room, oinking and mooing furiously.
"What are they saying?" Ron asked Creep.
"I don't know, they're talking really fast," Creep replied. "But I think they say they've found a fossil."
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Kain and Chloe were still fighting off husks. The desert zombies were still spawning, and the two heroes only had shovels and pickaxes to fight them off with.
"Why is it that we always get stuck with the fighting?" Kain asked as he killed a husk.
"No idea," Chloe replied as she ducked under a husk's swing and swept its legs out from under it. "Maybe because we're the only ones good at combat?"
Kain sighed. "Well, it's getting really tiring."
"Ain't that the truth," Chloe chuckled.
Directly below them, Mite, Pola, and Sno came to a dead end in the cave.
"Great, now what do we do?" Mite asked. "We can't turn around now."
"We keep digging," Sno and Pola said at the same time, brandishing their iron pickaxes. They started giggling.
Mite sighed.
"Great minds think alike," Sno said.
"Well, us snow-dwelling mobs obviously have similar trains of thought," Pola replied with a chuckle.
The three girls began mining the stone in front of them.
Sno's Confessional (HH)
"Pola is actually really nice and fun to hang around. I don't know why I didn't start talking to her earlier."
Mite's Confessional (HH)
"Alright, that's it. After this challenge, I'm forbidding Pola from ever speaking to Sno again."
Porky and Mooshie led the rest of the villains to a stream of water flowing down through a small hole. They couldn't see what was below.
Porky oinked. Mooshie mooed.
"They say the fossil's down there," Creep said. "But—"
"Alright, then let's go," Agatha snapped. She hopped into the water stream.
"What were you going to say?" Ech asked.
"I don't know," Creep replied. "It's something in their voices. It's like they're...hiding something."
"They sounds normal to me," Ron pointed out.
"I'm sure it's nothing," Ory added. She hopped into the waterfall after Agatha. Ron shrugged and followed. Ech did the same.
Creep narrowed his eyes at Porky and Mooshie, who were looking at him innocently. "If I jump down there and die in a pit of lava, I'm gonna be upset."
Porky oinked. Mooshie mooed.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Creep hopped into the waterfall.
As soon as he passed through the hole, Porky and Mooshie placed a block, removing the waterfall entirely. They watched as the five villains fell to their deaths.
Porky and Mooshie began laughing hysterically. They then gave each other a high five with their faces.
Directly below them was a structure made of bone, but the two babies turned and ran back the other way.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"Sorry about attacking you last challenge, by the way," Pola said to Sno. "It was a mistake."
"It's totally fine," Sno replied. "I'm over it."
Mite growled.
"Wh—hey, a bone block!" Pola exclaimed.
"It's a fossil!" Sno cheered. "Great job!"
They began digging around the fossil, revealing a very large arrangement of bone blocks. It looked like a giant skull.
"Whatever used to walk this planet millions of years ago, I don't want to know what they were," Pola shuddered.
"Agreed," Sno said.
"And the Heroic Horses win!" Herobrine announced. "Villainous Villagers, time to send someone home!"
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Agatha, Creep, Ory, Ron, and Ech had respawned aboveground. They looked around at each other.
"Those two killed us," Agatha said.
"I'm pretty sure I saw a couple bone blocks before I fell to my death," Ron added. "We could have won if they hadn't removed the water."
"I told you guys there was something in their voices," Creep spoke up.
"I know the five of us have had our differences this challenge," Agatha said. "But how about we put those aside for now and get rid of those babies?"
Ron and Creep nodded.
"I almost felt the Killer Bunny come back while I was falling," Ory said. "So yeah, I'd like to see them gone."
Ech said nothing.
Ech's Confessional (VV)
"Yeah, those two lost us the challenge. But Agatha is too dangerous to keep on our team."
Porky's Confessional (VV)
Mooshie's Confessional (VV)
The villains appeared around the campfire in the End. The heroes appeared in the nearby gallery. Herobrine appeared.
"That was relatively interesting," he said. "But you guys can do better. If I call your name and toss you an Eye of Ender, you are safe."
It was down to Porky and Mooshie. The two friends looked at each other fearfully.
"And the last safe mob is..."
"Actually, it was a tie. You each got two votes."
Porky oinked. Mooshie mooed.
"Yeah, I don't feel like doing a tiebreaker, either. So you're both going home," Herobrine said.
Porky oinked sadly. Mooshie mooed sadly.
"Yeah, you two had a good run," Herobrine replied. He snapped his fingers, and the baby pig and baby mooshroom reappeared in the Toilet Portal of Shame. "Any last words?"
Porky oinked.
Mooshie mooed.
"What did they say?" Ron asked Creep.
"There wasn't a single non-profane word in their sentences," Creep replied.
Herobrine pulled the lever, and Porky and Mooshie were flushed out of the End.
The host teleported to the heroes. "Dragon Island, anyone?"
"I'll go!" Sno raised her hand.
Herobrine snapped his fingers, and the snow golem disappeared.
"Thank Notch," Mite whispered.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"What more do I have in store for the mobs? Will this feud between Agatha and Ron continue? Will Mite be able to stop Sno and Pola's friendship? And will the Killer Bunny return? Find out next time, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.
Rip Porky and Mooshie :(
I think this book is gonna be the death of me tbh
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