Episode 11
"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the mobs were split up into different biomes that were new to 1.7. A lot happened as they tried to find Nether portals in the dark for the challenge. Ron gave Ech some techniques for becoming noticed, Kain helped Chloe get over her fear of the dark, Porky and Mooshie finally agreed to work together after some coaxing from Creep, Mite, Sno, Pola, and Ender witnessed the owner of the glowing eyes staring at them, Agatha finally got the Killer Bunny to come out of Ory, and Mag came back way different than before the Maglets, this time liking Mucus. But she liked him so much that she went back for him when he was stuck in his biome, causing the heroes to lose and vote her off. What dramatic drama will happen today? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Heroic Horses (7): Ender, Sno, Chloe, Mucus, Mite, Pola, Kain
Villainous Villagers (7): Ron, Creep, Agatha, Porky, Mooshie, Ory, Ech
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"And you're sure they saw it too?" Ron asked.
Sno nodded. "Mite, Pola, and Ender all saw it. So I'm not crazy!"
"I never said you were," Ron replied.
"Anyway, how have you been holding up?" Sno asked.
The iron golem shrugged. "Fine. I befriended Ech."
Ron sighed. "The bat."
"Oh yeah, him. That's cool. Where is he now?"
"Dragon Island."
"You should go there soon. You could really use that idol," Sno pointed out.
"You're right. I'll try to go next time my team wins. You should go too, ya know," Ron replied. "You could use it just as much as I could."
"Yeah, I know. I'll go next time my team wins, too," Sno said.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Agatha and Creep were meeting behind their cabin.
"I brought out the Killer Bunny last challenge," Agatha said.
"Aw, what? You did it without me?" Creep whined.
"It was the perfect opportunity. And the transformation was amazing. You should've been there," Agatha continued.
"I was babysitting," Creep replied with a frown.
"Well anyway, I managed to condition it to listen to me. It's extremely savage, though. I'm not sure if it will understand how to vote people off."
"That's great," Creep said with sarcasm. "Who even are we voting off? All the threats on our team are gone already."
"What? No, there's still..." Agatha trailed off.
"Yeah, maybe we didn't even need the Killer Bunny."
"It will be useful when the teams merge," Agatha countered. "Until then, we just have to make sure Ory doesn't come back."
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Mucus and Kain sat on their beds in the guys' room.
"I'd like to point out that I'm not pathetic anymore," Mucus broke the silence.
"That's cool," Kain replied.
"Yeah, and Mag likes me again. So I guess I win."
"Win what?"
"I don't know. Getting the girl to like me back first. I did it before you," Mucus explained.
"I'm not trying to get Chloe to like me," Kain answered.
"Ha. Okay, sure."
Kain rolled his eyes.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Herobrine snapped his fingers, and the fourteen remaining mobs appeared in front of him, including Ech.
"Hey everyone!" the bat greeted as he appeared. "Dragon Island isn't really dangerous at all, in case any of you are worried about going there. The endermen ignored me, even when I said hi to them."
"Thanks for letting us know, Ech," Chloe said.
Herobrine raised an eyebrow. "K. Today, we're going back to 1.8!"
"Are you gonna mess up time traveling again?" Sno asked before he could snap his fingers. "Because you've done that a few times now."
"How dare you ask me that?" Herobrine seemed offended. He snapped his fingers, and reality distorted around the mobs as time warped around them.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
It took longer than normal to time travel again. The mobs reappeared on a beach. Herobrine appeared in front of them.
"Alright, today we're—Notch dang it."
The mobs looked into the crowd of mobs, where Herobrine was looking. There were three tiny slimes looking around, confused.
Mucus was nowhere to be seen.
"You messed up time traveling again!" Ron shouted.
"I just can't catch a break, can I?" Herobrine muttered.
"You turned Mucus into...Mucklets!" Sno exclaimed.
"That's a funny name," Ech spoke up. "But appropriate."
"Where am I where am I where am I?" one of the tiny slimes repeated.
"We appear to be on a beach," another tiny slime answered him. "Surrounded by much larger mobs of varying species."
"Where's that hot magma cube at?" the third tiny slime asked.
"Fascinating. Three different personalities," Agatha spoke up.
"Just like Mag," Ech added.
"What are your names?" Kain asked.
"The name's Mick!" the slime that asked about Mag answered. "So where's the hot mama?"
"I'm Mack, and I don't know why I'm out here, I really don't want to be here, I'd much rather be safe inside Mucus, please let me go back," the first tiny slime rambled.
"I call myself Michelangelo, paying homage to the celebrated Italian artist of the early Renaissance era," said the last tiny slime.
"Mick, Mack, and Mike," Creep said. "That's not hard to remember at all."
"My name is Michelangelo, not Mike, and I would appreciate it if you—"
"Shut it, Mike," Herobrine interrupted. "We got a challenge to do."
"So, 1.8 added ocean monuments. And since we did a challenge with desert and jungle temples earlier in the season, I figured we should do an ocean temple as well," Herobrine began.
"Didn't we do an ocean temple challenge in season three?" Ech asked. "We had to find the gold blocks. Anyone remember that?"
"I do," Kain spoke up.
Porky oinked and Mooshie mooed in agreement.
"They said yes," Creep translated.
Herobrine rolled his eyes. "Yes, we did that in season three. That's why this challenge is a little different."
"Well, why didn't you just say so?" Ech asked.
"I liked you better when I didn't know you were there," Herobrine said. "In today's challenge, you will be searching for hidden chests in the ocean monument. In these chests are various pieces of armor. Each team has an armor stand—also courtesy of 1.8–in the center of the monument. Whichever team fills their armor stand with all four pieces of gear first wins, and the other team will be sending someone home. Any questions?"
Ech raised a wing.
Herobrine sighed. "Why can I see you? Yes, Ech?"
"Will there be guardians inside the monument?"
"I don't know, probably," Herobrine replied, rubbing his face with exasperation. "Ready set go!"
He snapped his fingers, and the mobs were teleported into the water near an ocean monument, infinite water breathing enchanted on them.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"Oh my Notch, slimes can't swim, I'm a slime, I'm going to drown down here, someone please save me," Mack ranted.
"Actually, it seems that we've been enchanted with water breathing," Mike told him. "Although I'm not certain how we are going to move around."
"Easy. Like this!" Mick boasted. He began swimming through the water, which is not something slimes are normally able to do. He swam toward the temple. "I'm comin, Mag!"
"Amazing," Mike said. He began to swim to the temple as well.
"Come on, guys," Mite said to Ender and Pola. They swam to the temple. Sno followed them.
"I hate the water I hate the water I hate the water," Mack repeated.
Chloe and Kain were swimming by him. "Hey. Are you coming?" Chloe asked.
Mack shook his head.
"Dude, it's the challenge," Kain said. "You gotta participate."
"Mike and Mick are doing it and you also have other teammates and I don't think you really need me," Mack said in one breath.
Kain opened his mouth, but Chloe stopped him. "Let's let him stay here."
The wolf frowned. "Okay." The two of them swam toward the temple.
"I know you don't like when your teammates don't help," Chloe said as they swam. "Remember how mad you got at Lloyd last season?"
Kain chuckled, embarrassed. "Yeah...I was a mess."
"I agree."
The two of them continued swimming in silence.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"Okay guys, I think we should split up in the monument to find as many chests as possible," Ech said to his team.
"I agree," Agatha replied, swimming past him. "Creep, Ory, with me." The creeper and bunny followed her.
Ech looked at Porky and Mooshie. "Are you two fine being together?"
The two babies looked at each other.
Porky oinked.
Mooshie mooed.
Then, the two of them happily danced around in a circle and swam off.
"Huh. Guess they made up," Ech said.
"We all saw it coming," Ron replied.
"True. Let's go." The iron golem and bat began to swim toward the monument. "You're doing great, by the way. With the whole being noticed thing."
Ech smiled. "Thanks. I practiced all night at Dragon Island."
"So you didn't look for the idol at all?" Ron asked.
Ech hesitated. "I did. For a bit."
"Why'd you stop?"
The bat shrugged. "Couldn't find it."
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Ender, Pola, and Mite swam through the maze-like temple.
"So, next time we lose, we—"
"Vote off Sno," Ender finished Mite's sentence.
"Actually, no," Mite said. "Sno could be a valuable player. I was thinking we should vote off Kain or Chl—"
"What?!" Ender shouted, causing Mite to flinch.
"We've been trying to vote off Sno since episode four, and now you're saying she's a valuable player?!" Ender yelled.
"Well she—"
"No! You know what, that's it! This alliance is stupid! I'm out!" The dragon turned around and began swimming away.
"Get back here!" Mite shouted. "You can't just leave this alliance!"
"I can and I will!" Ender shouted without turning around. He swam around a corner.
"Just let him go," Pola said. "We don't need him."
"But now there's only two of us!" Mite cried. "We won't get enough votes this way!"
"Hey, calm down," Pola soothed her. "We'll figure something out."
Mite sighed.
Ender's Confessional (HH)
"Not gonna lie, that felt good. I don't need that alliance. I easily made it far in both seasons I was in. I can do that again, no problem."
Mite's Confessional (HH)
"I try so hard to make things right. Why does everyone leave my alliance?"
Porky and Mooshie swam through the temple, doing tricks and playing with each other.
Mooshie mooed happily at Porky. Porky oinked happily in response.
A guardian began firing a beam at the two babies. Porky and Mooshie looked at each other and nodded.
They swam toward the guardian. Porky tapped it, then immediately turned around and swam away from it. Mooshie swam away as well.
The guardian chased after them. The three of them swam through several rooms of the ocean monument. Eventually, the guardian caught up with Mooshie and hit him.
The mooshroom tumbled through the water and began swimming after Porky. The pig tried swimming away, but Mooshie tapped him before he could get away. Mooshie swam away, and Porky swam after him. He got away, so Porky tapped the guardian and swam away. It chased after them.
They were playing tag again.
Porky's Confessional (VV)
"Oink oink oink!"
Mooshie's Confessional (VV)
"Moo moo moo!"
Kain and Chloe swam through the rooms of the temple, looking around.
"Ya know, when we did a challenge here in season three, I met one of the former contestants from Total Drama Nether," Kain said.
"Ian?" Chloe asked.
Kain nodded. "He helped me find the gold blocks. Which—not to brag—got my team the win."
"You really loved winning," Chloe chuckled.
"Yeah..." Kain laughed, embarrassed. "I remember I was also distracted for most of the challenge."
"By what?" Chloe asked nonchalantly, inspecting some of the prismarine blocks.
Chloe was surprised. "Really? I was already eliminated by then. And we hadn't even gotten to know each other yet."
Kain shrugged. "Yeah. Looking back, I'm not sure why I was like that."
They were silent for a couple seconds. Then, Chloe spoke. "Do you think—"
"Out of my way, lovebirds!" came a voice. Mick swam in between them. "I'm on a quest to find Mag!"
"Oh, we're not—"
"Mick, wait for me!" another voice called. "It's not wise to part ways in a large and maze-like structure such as this one!" Mike swam in between Kain and Chloe, following Mick.
The wolf chuckled. "Those two are something."
"Yeah..." Chloe trailed off.
"Oh my Notch!" Mick's voice was heard from the adjoining room. "Run for your lives!"
"Technically, it would be swim for your lives," Mike corrected him from the other room. Then, he screamed.
Kain and Chloe swam to the room as Mike and Mick were swimming out as fast as they could.
"Don't go in there!" Mick yelled. "It's a monster!"
"It's an elder guardian, to be precise," Mike said as the two tiny slimes swam away.
Kain and Chloe peered into the room to see an elder guardian in the middle of it. It seemed to be dormant.
"Let's check in here for armor," Chloe whispered. The two of them crept into the room.
"I can see you, ya know."
Kain and Chloe jumped. They looked closer at the elder guardian, which was, in fact, looking at them.
"Ian?" Kain asked.
"What the...? You again?" the elder guardian asked. "Why are you back, two years later? I helped you find your dang gold blocks."
"We're doing another challenge down here," Kain answered sheepishly. "Care to help?"
"That season must be really long if it's lasted two years," Ian remarked.
"You have no idea," Chloe said, thinking of season four.
"Yeah, so there should be hidden chests around the temple with armor inside. Have you seen any?" Kain asked the elder guardian.
"Oh, of course. I totally leave this room," Ian said.
"Great! So where have you seen them?"
Ian sighed. "I was being sarcastic. The only one I've seen is over there." He gestured to the corner of the room, where there was a chest.
"Cool. Thanks!"
"My pleasure." His voice was dripping with sarcasm.
Chloe opened the chest and pulled out a leather helmet. "Well, it's better than nothing. Let's bring it to the armor stand."
"See ya later, Ian!" Kain called.
"Please don't."
The two of them began to swim away. When they were out of the room, Chloe asked "If we're in 1.8, why is Ian here?"
Kain shrugged. "It's probably best not to think about it."
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Creep, Agatha, and the Killer Bunny were swimming through the ocean temple. The rabbit growled and snarled on occasion.
"Can you tell her to stop that?" Creep whispered to Agatha.
They continued swimming. A couple guardians began firing beams at them, which did no damage. Agatha whistled.
The Killer Bunny roared and charged at the guardians. It began attacking them.
"You trained it to listen to your whistles?" Creep asked, awed.
Agatha nodded. "Fantastic, isn't it?"
The Killer Bunny killed the guardians. They kept swimming, and entered a small room with a chest in the corner.
"Go check that chest," Agatha said to Creep.
"Why can't she do it?" the creeper whined.
"Just do it," the witch ordered.
Creep muttered to himself and swam over to the chest.
"A b-b-b-b-bunny again?" a voice stuttered.
Agatha whirled around to see a guardian staring at the Killer Bunny.
"Y-you're the s-s-same bunny that tried t-t-t-to be my friend two y-years ago!" the voice exclaimed.
"Victoria?" Agatha asked.
The guardian noticed Agatha. "A-A-Agatha?"
"What are you doing here? We're in 1.8."
"W-w-what?" Victoria asked.
"One pair of diamond boots!" Creep exclaimed proudly as he swam back over. "Gah! A guardian! Killer Bunny, kill it!"
"It won't listen to you, imbecile," Agatha said. "And this guardian is Victoria, from season two."
Victoria sighed. "N-n-no one." She swam away.
"It's been three years and she's still stuttering," Agatha pointed out. "But at least she didn't get any off-screen character development. That always sucks."
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Sno was swimming through the ocean temple alone. She hadn't seen any chests or guardians.
"I wonder where Ron is right now," she murmured to herself. "And I wonder if I'm gonna see that scary dude again."
She continued swimming. Sno turned a corner and bumped into someone.
"Gah!" they both screamed. But Sno realized it was just Ender. "Oh, hey Ender."
"I'm not supposed to talk to you," Ender muttered. "Wait, what am I saying? I'm my own person now!"
"You've always been your own person," Sno pointed out.
"Yeah, well I left Mite's stupid alliance," Ender said. "I'm finally free!"
"That's great!" Sno exclaimed. "Wanna vote her off with me?"
"Heck yeah I do!"
"Awesome. Let's—hey, a chest."
The two of them opened the chest to find a diamond chestplate.
"It's so shiny," Ender murmured.
"Let's bring it to the armor stand," Sno said. They began to swim.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Ron and Ech swam through the temple.
"You see any chests yet?" Ech asked.
"Wow, this challenge is boring."
"What if we try looking on the outside of the temple?" Ech suggested. "Hiding a chest out there sounds like a very Herobrine thing to do."
"Good idea," Ron agreed. The two of them made their way to the outside of the monument and began swimming around it.
Sure enough, they found a chest tucked under the prismarine structure. "There!" Ech swam over and opened it.
"Leather pants. Let's go find that armor stand."
"Help!" a voice called.
Suddenly, something swam by them extremely fast. Guardians swam by a few seconds later, chasing the first swimmer.
"Who was that?" Ron asked.
The chase came back toward them. The first swimmer went by so quickly that they couldn't see who it was. Ron brought his arms down on the guardians anyway, killing them.
The swimmer noticed and swam over to them. It was a squid.
"Thanks guys," he said. "They really—Ech?"
"Cean?" Ech asked, just as surprised.
"It's so good to see you! What are you doing here?!" the squid asked happily.
"I'm on season five of Total Drama Minecraft," Ech answered. "What are you doing here?"
Cean shrugged. "I don't know, I was just swimming around and found—wait, season five? Why wasn't I invited?"
"Oh...uh...it's for all stars only," Ech replied awkwardly.
"Dang, I'm not an all star? That's rude, Herobrine!"
The host appeared. "You lasted a total of nine episodes out of the forty three in your two seasons." Herobrine disappeared.
"That's fair," Cean said with a sigh. "Well, good luck, Ech!"
"Thanks, man," Ech replied. He and Ron swam away.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Mite and Pola swam through the temple. Mite was staring at the ground sadly.
"Ya know, Mite, we're not so different," Pola broke the silence. "You and me, we're the same."
The endermite scoffed. "Oh yeah? How so?"
"Well, we were both only in one previous season, while everyone else here was in two. You joined the show in season two, I joined in season four," Pola explained. "We also both made it to the finale of our only season, making us the only females to be in a Total Drama Minecraft finale ever. And of course, we both lost in the finale."
"So?" Mite asked.
"That's not all we have in common," Pola continued. "We also both tried our hardest to win the game. We did whatever it took to win, even if it meant eliminating our friends."
"What are you trying to say?"
"I'm saying that everything you're feeling right now, all this hate and betrayal and despair, I've felt it too. So don't feel like you're alone in this," Pola said. "I know exactly who you are, because I am you."
Mite was silent for a few seconds. Then, "We really are a couple of losers, huh?"
Pola laughed. "Literally."
"Hey, a chest." The two of them opened it and pulled out chainmail leggings.
"Let's get this to the armor stand." They began to swim.
Pola's Confessional (HH)
"Maybe I can help Mite become better, like Colton helped me at the end of last season."
Porky and Mooshie squealed and swam away from the guardian again, who was currently it. They ran into a chest.
Forgetting about their game of tag, they opened the chest to find a golden chestplate inside.
Porky oinked.
Mooshie mooed.
They grabbed the armor and began swimming through the temple.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
All of the contestants converged in the center of the temple at the same time. Herobrine was floating upright in the water, asleep. The mobs looked at each other, confused.
They placed their gear on their respective armor stands. The Heroic Horses now had everything except boots, while the Villainous Villagers had everything except a helmet.
The mobs looked at each other, then scrambled back into the temple to find their last pieces of armor.
Herobrine snorted awake and saw the armor on the stands. "Huh. Where did that come from?"
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
The heroes huddled up.
"Where could it be?" Chloe asked. "Surely we've checked everywhere in this temple!"
"It's actually a monument, not a temple," Mike corrected her.
"Shut up, Mike."
"It's Michelan—"
"Wait. I have an idea. You guys know where the gold is?" Kain asked. "I bet the chest is in the center of all that!"
"Great idea!" Sno exclaimed. "Where is that?"
"Follow me," Kain said. The heroes followed him through the temple.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
The villains huddled up.
"Okay, anyone have any ideas about where the helmet is?" Ech asked his team.
"Did anybody check the outside of the temple?" Creep suggested.
"We did," Ron said.
"We searched all over this place," Agatha muttered. "Except for..." The witch stopped. "Come on, everyone." She started swimming up.
The villains followed her.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
The heroes reached a room with a large cube made of dark prismarine blocks.
"You know what that cube reminds me of?" Mick asked. "Mag."
Mike tilted his head. "I do not see the resemblance."
Kain started to mine the dark prismarine, but some guardians swam into the room and fired their beams at him. He saw a ghost-like figure in front of his face and jumped back.
"Dang mining fatigue!" the wolf shouted. "Chloe, can you mine through this?"
The ocelot nodded and started to mine, but the fatigue got her, too. Chloe sighed. "Someone else try while we fight off these guardians." She swam at the guardians and began attacking them. Kain joined her.
"I'll try." Ender began to swim to the cube, but Mite shoved him out of the way.
"Let me do it!" she shouted. She began to mine the blocks.
Ender narrowed his eyes. "No! You've already taken my individuality! I won't let you take this, too!" The dragon tackled her.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Agatha broke through some prismarine blocks to reveal a hidden room at the top of the ocean monument. "I bet it's up here." She swam into the room. The other villains followed.
Inside was an elder guardian. It made an angry noise at them and began to attack.
Creep and Agatha looked at each other. They nodded. Agatha whistled.
The Killer Bunny's ears perked up. She roared and charged at the elder guardian. The two of them began to battle.
"Spread out and find that armor!" Agatha ordered her team.
Porky and Mooshie watched the Killer Bunny. They began to shiver with fear.
"Guess you're not the only one on our team that's changed," Ron said to Ech, gesturing to the Killer Bunny.
"No kidding," Ech replied.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Kain clawed at a guardian, which hit him with its spikes. He yelped in pain and glanced at the other heroes. He saw Mite and Ender fighting.
"Why aren't you guys mining the blocks?" he yelled.
Mite and Ender didn't respond. Pola and Sno were busy trying to get them to stop fighting.
"Looks like it's up to me to rescue Mag!" Mick exclaimed. He swam up to the dark prismarine and began to mine it.
"How in the world are you doing that?" Mike asked, in awe.
"Using the power of lust!" Mick responded. "I mean, love." He broke the block of dark prismarine, revealing gold underneath. "Hey dawg! I found gold!"
"Mine into the center of the gold!" Kain shouted, battling a guardian. "See if there's a chest!"
"We will require a pickaxe to mine this gold," Mike said.
"Nah, we don't need none of that!" Mick exclaimed. He began breaking the gold.
"There you guys are I was so worried and so scared out there in the dark water by myself but this place was scarier and it took me a long time to decide to come in here and I found you guys!" a voice rambled from behind. Mick and Mike turned around to see Mack swimming toward them.
"Mack!" Mike and Mick exclaimed.
"I'm glad you're here," Mick said. "We have to save Mag! She's stuck in the center of this gold. Help us mine it!"
"Okay I guess but I don't see how Mag would be in there and..."
Kain heard the three slimes arguing as he fought off the guardians. He sighed to himself.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
The Killer Bunny and the elder guardian were still battling. It was pretty evenly matched, since the Killer Bunny had no weapons and was underwater.
"This is really awesome to watch," Creep said from the side of the room.
"Shut up and help look for the helmet!" Agatha yelled.
"Wait, look at the elder guardian's tail. Isn't that a golden helmet?" Ech spoke up.
The mobs looked. There was a golden helmet stuck on the elder guardian's tail. There was no way for them to get to it without getting smacked by the battle, though.
"Looks like we have to wait until Ory kills that guardian," Ron pointed out.
"It's the Killer Bunny now, not Ory," Creep corrected.
"We can't just wait for it to kill it," Agatha muttered. "The heroes could be finding their armor any second!"
"Well if you want to try grabbing that helmet out of that battle between a giant guardian and a Killer Bunny, be my guest," Ech said.
Porky and Mooshie looked at each other. They nodded.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"Get off of me!" Mite yelled, still struggling with Ender.
"You ruined everything!" Ender shouted.
"I did not!"
"You are clearly the bad guy of this situation! Cocoa and Moolissa warned us!"
"Can you guys stop fighting and talk this out?" Pola asked.
"Yeah, you're making yourselves look bad," Sno pointed out.
"Ender started it!" Mite screamed.
Kain and Chloe looked over when she said that, but immediately had to go back to fighting the guardians.
Meanwhile, the three Mucklets finally broke through the gold.
"We did it!" Mike exclaimed.
"Where's Mag?" Mick asked.
"There's just a chest and that's not Mag I'm pretty sure Mag is a magma cube," Mack mumbled.
"What's in the chest?!" Kain yelled.
"One pair of iron boots," Mick answered. "Useless for slimes like us."
Kain swam down to them. "Give me the boots."
Mick started to hand them over, but the guardians came and tackled Kain away. He went back to struggling with them.
"Mick, Mack, and Mike!" Chloe yelled. "Get the boots to the armor stand!"
"You got it, miss!" Mick said. "I wish we could salute."
"Come on! The team is depending on us!" Mike told him. The three slimes began to swim out of the cube.
As soon as they exited it, though, Mite and Ender's fight came spiraling toward them. The three slimes couldn't dodge in time, and Ender smacked all three of them. The iron boots went flying in the other direction.
"Ender!" Chloe shouted.
"Porky and Mooshie win the challenge for the Villainous Villagers!" Herobrine's voice boomed. "Heroic Horses, time to send someone home! Again!"
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"What? No," Herobrine answered Sno's question. "Mike, Mick, and Mack only get one combined vote. They have to agree on who to vote on. After all, they're still Mucus."
Sno sighed.
Sno's Confessional (HH)
"It was worth a shot. I was hoping we could get three extra votes for Mite."
Mite's Confessional (HH)
"Ender is going down for betraying my alliance and attacking me."
Ender's Confessional (HH)
"Losing the challenge was not my fault. The Mucklets wouldn't have made it to the armor stand before Porky and Mooshie anyway. Also, I'm voting for Mite. She deserves elimination."
The heroes appeared around the campfire in the End. The villains appeared in the nearby gallery. Herobrine appeared.
"You guys are still boring. Be more interesting," Herobrine said. "If I call your name and toss you an Eye of Ender, you are safe."
It was down to Ender and the Mucklets.
"The last safe mob is..."
"The Mucklets."
Mike, Mick, and Mack sighed in relief.
"Ender, you're going home," Herobrine said.
The dragon sighed. "You win again, Mite. But you'll get what's coming to you. One day."
"We'll see," Mite replied.
Herobrine snapped his fingers, and the baby ender dragon was teleported into the Toilet Portal of Shame.
"Any last words, Ender?" Herobrine asked.
"I'm rooting for Sno!" Ender replied. "Win this for me! Beat Mite!"
Herobrine pulled the lever, and Ender was flushed out of the End.
The host teleported over to the villains. "Dragon Island?"
Ron looked over at Sno, who nodded at him. The iron golem raised his hand. "I'll go."
Herobrine snapped his fingers, and Ron disappeared.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
"What more do I have in store for the mobs? Will the challenges get more interesting? Where will this bond Pola and Mite have formed take them? And will Mucus ever come back? Find out next time, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.
god I forgot how difficult writing is
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