Chapter 8
"Alright come on pups!" said Rocky. "Wait, where's Chase?!" said Skye. "OH CRAP!! He never got out of the building!" said Marshall heading back to the building. "Hurry Marshall!" said Rubble. "Maybe that ought to stop him!" said Ryder leaving Foggy Bottom. "Chase! Chase! Come on buddy, where are you?!" said Marshall looking for his best friend. He then found the German Shepherd pup stirring around and coughing, so he grabbed him by the collar and tried to pull him out, but no luck.
Chase woke up and saw his best friend trying to get them out of the building. "MARSHALL! I'm glad you're here! Come on let's get out of here!" said Chase. But Chase didn't know that Marshall only had enough strength to get one of them out, so Marshall was getting ready to throw Chase out of the building. "Chase, your the second in command, you have to be there for them! You were the greatest friend I ever had! Tell the pups that they were the greatest family I ever had and tell Everest I love her!" said Marshall. "Marshall, please tell me you're not thinking about staying in this building to burn!" said Chase. "I'm sorry Chase but I have to, you need to lead the Paw Patrol! They need a leader, and that leader is you!" said Marshall as he threw Chase out of the building and the building collapsed.
All the pups witnessed this and hugged Chase, but they noticed Marshall was not there. "Where's Marshall?" said Zuma. There was no response. "Chase?" said Rocky. Then through the tears, he spoke "Marshall's gone! He risked his life to save mine, he said that the Paw Patrol needs a leader, and he said that leader was me!" said Chase crying again. Then all the pups started crying now.
They buried Marshall and they all walked off, except Chase and Skye, they stayed at the grave for a little longer. "He may have been clumsy, but he was brave and had the biggest heart! He was my best friend! There will be no other pup like Marshall!" said Chase as he saluted to Marshall. "I know Chase he will be missed by all of us!" said Skye as she kissed his cheek. Chase didn't see that coming so he blushed. Then Chase and Skye walked back to the lookout, but Chase had sadness and anger in his heart, he made a promise to himself and he's going to keep that promise. He kept saying in his mind...
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