People Suck
Thia's POV
Dumbo. Marianna had signed it with that ghastly nick name Jenna had given her and I had no idea why. I guess maybe it was a way of showing that she'd finally accepted the fact that that was what she was according to other people. Just a stupid deaf girl with broken ears and a head full of rubbish.
I couldn't describe that I was feeling in those following moments. I was angry. I was angry because maybe I could have done something. She never seemed like the type of person to do something so drastic. She didn't seem that troubled. She didn't seem suicidal.
But I guess things aren't as they seem. I was angry at Jenna for being so antagonistic. For being so rude and practically inhuman. I'd always been told growing up that girls could be mean, really really mean and I'd never really believed it. I knew Jenna wasn't a nice person by what other people said but gods I'd never known it was so bad.
But more importantly I was angry with myself. I mean hadn't I tried to protect her? Hadn't I been a good friend? Was I a good friend? Did getting beat up solve anything like I thought it would?
My only solace was going home. I guess I thought if I just went inside I could lock everything out including my thoughts but thoughts have a tendency to follow you.
Heading upstairs I was going to go to my room when I recalled something. Mom had been holding something when I'd barged in. It seemed my parents were having a conversation. Curiosity got the best of me and I returned to their room and went to the desk.
On it were a few pictures scrambled together. Picking one up I studied it and then the others. It seemed like a Black Forest. Sort of like a tumor in the middle of nature. It was odd.
Taking the welcome distractions I wondered where it was that this was happening but I couldn't focus too much on the photos as my mind began to wander again. Back to Marianna in the tub. Back to the blood and the stupid note.
Shaking my head I set the pictures down and headed to my room. I sat on the corner of my bed pondering millions of thoughts that shot through my head at millions of miles an hour.
The only thing that broke my thoughts was the familiar sound of wings. Glancing up I saw Bastian outside sitting on the window sill. Sighing, I got up and opened the window allowing him to hop inside.
"Hey Bastian. You hungry?" I asked to which he fluttered his wings in response. "No. Well that's okay ."
I watched as he hopped down onto the floor and looked around; his small little bird legs supporting a large fluffy black frame.
"You won't believe what's happened." Laying down on my bed I stared at the ceiling. There was a paper dragon hanging from the ceiling that fluttered slightly in the breeze from the window.
Bastian crooned and hopped up onto my pillow nestling down in the comfy pillow case. I watched the little dragon sway in the breeze as I told Bastian everything I could think of.
"I just don't get it. How can people be so horrible?" I asked. Bastian crowed loudly and almost angrily in response. "Yeah. I don't get it either."
I sighed thinking about the classes I'd have to go to tomorrow. I really didn't want to. I didn't want to talk to anyone or tell them what happened or face the stupid gossip. I didn't get much sleep that night because my brain just wouldn't turn off.
And when I finally did fall asleep it was because I'd worried myself to exhaustion. Consequently, the morning came too quickly and I had to drag myself out of bed. Compared to other mornings where I'd been chipper and full of energy this was pathetic.
I just didn't feel like doing anything. But education was important because it meant I'd know what I needed to know in order to survive in the real world. That is, if the opportunity ever presented itself. Aurum, Argentum, and Aes peeked up as I passed quietly down the stairs.
"Hey guys." I tried for a smile and scratched each of them behind the ears.
"You don't have to do anything today if you don't want to." As usual Mom was up before everyone. I never understood how she could get up so early. I shrugged sitting down at the table not feeling like eating breakfast.
"I have nothing better to do," I sighed. "Besides, a distraction will be nice. I didn't get much sleep last night."
"I don't think any of us did," she replied, and I noticed the dark circles under her eyes.
" did her parents take it?" I asked, curious about the answer while also not wanting to know.
"They took it how you'd expect. Hard. Losing a kid isn't something anyone should experience. I don't know what I'd do if you..." She didn't need to finish her sentence.
"I'll never do that," I promised, seeing a sad look morph her features.
"That's what everyone says until they say I can do that." I knew what she meant but I was certain I'd never do such a thing. I knew how much my parents cared for me. I also knew how much they'd been through. How much they just wanted a peaceful life.
"I'm not everyone. I'm your kid," I insisted. She smiled faintly and nodded.
"Right. Well, try to take it easy today. I'll see you later." Like usual Mom hugged me and kissed my cheek before leaving. The dogs followed her out eager to run around and have fun all day.
I sat at the empty table for a moment more before deciding it was best if I got a start to my day. I left the quiet house and headed towards my first class. It wasn't boring but certainly not my favorite. There was nothing like learning Latin.
Frankly, I just didn't have the attention span for it thanks to my genetics. I got there early and like usual everyone was messing about outside. Kids walked around in clusters talking to their friends and siblings or anyone they knew.
Some of the younger boys maybe eight or nine were dumping water bottles in the dirt to make mud. I could only imagine how mad their parents were gonna be when they came home completely dirty. The thought made me smile.
I remembered one time when I was younger it had rained and I stomped around in all of the puddles outside. Rather than getting yelled at Mama joined in and then mom and then even the dogs until we were all soaking wet and muddy. It was great.
I sat beneath a tree waiting in the shade and watched everyone from afar. No one seemed to be down in spirit despite the news of everything that had happened. I guess most people just wanted to act like they didn't care.
A familiar voice that gave me the same reaction as nails being dragged on a chalk board sent goose bumps along my arms. I spotted Jenna in a heated argument with a boy. Actually, it didn't look like he was arguing. It looked like she was just yelling at him. I didn't know who it was but I assumed it was her boyfriend or something. I worked if he knew Jenna was men just to be mean. People always say that those who lash out at others have their own problems to deal with but that wasn't Jenna. She had no sob story to fall back to justify her actions.
I watched curiously. People pretended to not hear what she was saying but even I could hear from this far away.
"Don't say anything. You're just some punk ass kid who dropped out of high school and got hooked on weed when you were like twelve." My interest piqued and I listened closer.
"Can you not yell? Please? Look, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna be your boyfriend. You clearly like someone else." The boy was trying to keep quiet and looked almost scared of her.
"You're kidding me." Jenna balled her fists and looked as if she were going to explode. "You're seriously breaking up with me over some stupid rumor?"
"It's not just that Jenna, you killed Marianna." The boy shook his head and I was surprised when she slapped him hard across the face.
"Do not say that," she hissed. That was it. That was all it took for me to get up and walk over standing between her and the poor boy. "Step aside little girl."
"No, I don't care what happened you don't hit boys." I frowned, planting my feet firmly in place. "That's abuse."
"Right," Jenna rolled her eyes. "Well Andy knows what abuse really is. Guess who came crawling to me because Daddy didn't love him."
"You have no right to mock him or anyone. I don't care who you are or who you think you are you're plain rude. First Marianna and now him? You may not have physically killed her but you destroyed her." I stared her down but a crowd had gathered by now. I'm my opinion if they weren't going to hell then they needed to mind their own business.
"You weren't even friends with her. You just pitied her," Jenna sighed, knowing that her image would be completely ruined if she continued to act out in front of everyone.
"I didn't pity her. Marianna was amazing and beautiful and intelligent. I liked her personality and yeah maybe I felt bad on occasion but that's the difference between me and you." I turned to the boy who was standing awkwardly behind me.
I didn't recognize him at first because I didn't know his features but I knew his jacket. He was the kid with the motorcycle. He must have confronted her over what he'd seen happen last night. He'd probably tried to confront her for cheating the previous night but helped me instead.
I didn't say anything even as the bell rang signaling the beginning of class. The crowd immediately dispersed which wasn't very good because it allowed Jenna to be her evil little self.
In my moment of distraction she grabbed the back of my leather jacket and tugged it off in one swift motion.
"Hey," Andy frowned, making a move to grab it but Jenna had a mission in mind. She made her way over to the mud from the little boys and dropped it in the puddle.
"No, stop!" I cried. She stepped on it squishing it into the muddy soup. Running over I pushed her aside and picked it up. The black color was now brown and looked like a melted snickers bar.
"Oops,"Jenna shrugged, turning curtly and running off to class. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.
"Sorry," Andy sighed, looking at the jacket. "Maybe you can get a new one?"
"I can't get a new one. Mama gave it to me when I was eight. I've worn it everyday since! It was hers but now it's ruined." I felt a strong surge of anger course through my veins.
"That sucks," Andy frowned.
"You think?" I laughed bitterly.
"Thank you for uh, stepping in, kid." He tucked his hands in his pockets.
"Stop calling me kid," I growled. "Just get going. You have class to get to like everyone else."
"What about you?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Don't worry about me I can handle myself." For the first time I took notice of his features. He was tall maybe six feet in height. He had pale skin and a defined jaw line. His eyes were a sharp green different from what I'd seen before. They were like pools of emeralds that seemed to reflect multiple shades.
He wore long black pants with tattered knees. A chain hung from his belt loop and boots dressed his feet. The laces were comically and exceptionally long. He wore a shirt with an Anarchy symbol on it along with the leather studded jacket. His hair was a wild brown stuck somewhere between slightly curly and wavy. Quite simply, he was a punk.
"Clearly. But I'm not going to class. I don't feel like it today," he shrugged.
"What? Are you too embarrassed?" I asked, starting to walk away from the school grounds. I didn't expect him to follow but he did.
"No. Look, you weren't the only friend of Marianna's." He kept pace matching my stride.
"Really? You were friends with her? Sounded to me like you were Jenna's boyfriend." It came out harsher than I intended but he didn't seem to mind.
"I was Jenna's boyfriend. I never really liked her that much," Andy admitted.
"Then why put up with her? She's like a Tasmanian devil," I questioned.
"Eh, she was a distraction," he sighed. "But she's changed a lot from the first time I met her."
Nodding I kept walking and even attempted to pick up the pace but he followed still. "A distraction from what? The weed?"
"Okay, can you not?" He sounded offended all of a sudden.
"What?" I asked.
"You're making it sound like I'm a horrible fucking person. You may not like her but who gave you a ride yesterday?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"I didn't ask for a ride," I replied. "But I'm not trying to be rude. It just sounds to me like you're bad at making good life decisions."
"It was a mistake and for your information I haven't smoked in years. Now, you realize you can drop the act that you're better than everyone right?" Andy scoffed. I was so close to home I just wanted to be there already.
"I'm not better than anyone," I laughed.
"Really? Because you avoid everyone. You constantly sit by yourself. Just because your parents are-" I turned around to confront him.
"Don't act like you know anything about my life okay? Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't have friends?" I asked.
"You're being hypocritical. If you don't want me making assumptions then don't make them about me." Andy rested his hands on his hips.
"Whatever. Just get out of here. Consider today a way of me repaying my debt for the ride last night." I walked up the front steps and opened the door. I shut it before I could hear anything else he had to say.
Walking angrily up the stairs, jacket in hand, I walked past my room to my parent's room. Mama would most likely be waking up or she was already awake and being lazy.
"What are you doing home?" Was the first question she asked but it was quickly followed up with. "What happened?"
"This happened." I held up the jacket for her to see. "I'm not going to any of my classes today."
"Okay. I don't care," she shrugged.
"Good. I'm going to change and spend the day in bed with you. I'm not in the mood to interact with other people." In reality I just wanted to be comforted. It was a round about way of asking for that.
So that's what I did. I changed back into my pajamas and crawled into bed with her like when I was little and had a bad dream.
"I'm losing faith in humanity," I mumbled.
"Yeah, mines been dead for a while," she laughed, wrapping her arms around me.
"I just don't understand why people are so mean,"I sighed, burying my face in the crook of her neck.
"Cause people suck."
"Yeah," I laughed. "People do suck."
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