Goodbye for Good
Thalia's POV
What had been there before was gone. Like reality had somehow rewound. The surprise caused my stride to falter and I crashed to the ground skittering and tumbling across the asphalt. The horrific sound of metal grating against the hard black turf made my ears ring.
At last I came to a stop and my surroundings took what seemed to be ages to settle into a still image. There were no monsters, no darkness, and no red sky or roiling clouds overhead. It made no sense. How in the world could there have been a raging war and suddenly there was no indication it had happened besides the confused and armored warriors?
Then it clicked in my head. The prophecy, Order, Chaos, Thia. Standing shakily I scanned the area. It was hard to make things out amidst hundreds of demigods. But something stuck out like a sore thumb, something that had caused a large clearing to from in the midst of our allied ranks.
A large hulking form that swirled with black robes made of shadow. It had to be Chaos, the reason behind all of this. If he was there then Thia had to be as well. Tossing my blades aside I ran towards the clearing.
I didn't bother apologizing as I shoved my way through the thick throng of people that were slowly gathering. I didn't notice why the area had drawn so much attention until I stepped into the center of the circle.
A large blade had clattered to the ground its tip lathered in blood. White armor had been scattered on the ground and there was Thia. Slumped over on her back, blood pooling onto the asphalt.
Shock made me freeze but only for a moment. Snapping out of my daze I ran forward, heart pounding in my chest, and my stomach tied itself in knots. As I got closer the extent of the wound hit me like a thunderbolt.
A large slash from just above her hip ran across her stomach and up across her sternum. Thia had been flayed like a fish. Her short dark hair was plastered to her face from blood and sweat. Her eyes stared blankly at the sky and her skin had lost its caramel color.
"No." Shaking my head I couldn't process what had happened. I couldn't piece together what had lead to this moment. All I could think was that maybe there was a small chance she wasn't gone yet. Dropping to my knees I gripped her hand in mine giving it a gentle squeeze. There was no response.
Her breath. Check her breathing. Swallowing hard I held my hand over her mouth but there was no brush of air against the skin of my palm. The sound of someone approaching set my nerves alight but I glanced up to see Reyna. She'd managed to shove her way through everyone at last.
"How bad is it-oh my gods." Her eyes widened as she came to a stop looking down at me. "Is-"
"I checked." My voice was small and my limbs felt week as my brain began to comprehend what the information meant. There was no response to touch, no breathing. She was dead. Thia was dead.
"But I-" Reyna shook her head, tears welling in her eyes. She settled a hand over her mouth to keep in a sob. She shakily knelt next to me hand hesitantly reaching out to brush hair from Thia's pale face. "She's so small. She's innocent. Why her?"
"She chose this." The voice thundered like an avalanche rolling down a mountain. My grief faded into anger. Standing, I glared at the shadowy form of Chaos.
"No, you chose this." My eyes found the sword that lay on the ground, its blade soaked with Thia's blood. My daughter's blood.
"It was her wish." He insisted, hands clasping behind his back.
"You bastard." I was aware of the electricity rolling off my skin, aware that my vision had become obscured painting everything over in a filter of blue light. I was aware that my veins looked like electric ink.
Chaos made a move towards his fallen blade but there was no way in hell I was letting him get to it. Gripping the front of his robes I let every bit of electricity I could muster shoot into his form. The darkness smoldered and steamed as electricity danced between the particles. His hulking form began to shrink, unable to sustain such composure as I literally incinerated him from the inside out.
"The moment you decided to end the world makes you very responsible for my daughter's death even before you cut her down." His milky white eyes looked into mine and an expression of fear shifted his features. "And I'm going to ruin you."
"You spineless-" Gritting my teeth I crashed my fist into his face.
"Asshole-" Another punch.
"Of a good for nothing-" There was dark blood pouring from his face but it only spurred me on.
"God!" A javelin of electricity formed in my hand. "You deserve a special kind of hell."
I never got to plunge that beautiful craft of electricity into his chest.
"Thalia enough. Stop." I was vaguely aware that it was Artemis tearing me away from my victim. "Let him go."
"No! He doesn't deserve to keep living." I struggled with every bit of strength I could muster but it was no use.
"You don't get to be the judge of that." She spoke calmly, but it did little sooth my emotions.
"How does he get to he live if he's killed me?" As quickly as my rage had sparked it fizzled out. The gravity of my loss seemed to wash over me like a tidal wave.
Thia wouldn't be going home. The house would be too quiet. The dogs wouldn't have someone to play with them when Rey and I were busy. We wouldn't get to ask her about school. Or hang up her stocking for Christmas and dress up for Halloween with her just for old time's sake. There wouldn't be anymore birthday celebrations. There would be an empty and extra room in the house. An empty spot at the breakfast table.
For once, I wasn't ashamed to weep in front of people. All of the strength left me at once and I was nearly dragging Artemis to the ground with me. She gave up on supporting my weight and instead dropped to the ground with me. "I've got you. I've got you. It's okay."
"But she's gone." Part of me knew that I should be next to Reyna, that I should be comforting her but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do it. "I didn't even get to say good bye."
"I know," Artemis sighed.
"I don't even remember the last time I said I loved her." All I could do was think back to the one Iris message Reyna and I had made. We had done nothing, said nothing, and we should have. If I'd known everything would end like this I would have said something.
"We have to go back to camp now Thals. We can't stay here." Artemis whispered, a hand running gently through my hair.
"Just a little longer. Please. I-" Well I needed to say goodbye. I needed to say that I loved her. I needed to kiss Thia's forehead like I used to before she went to bed when she was little. Or tuck a strand of hair behind her ear because her hair was always wild like mine.
"Alright." Artemis carefully let go of me and I managed to compose myself enough to shuffle over to Reyna who was holding Thia carefully in her arms.
It was something I never planned on doing but I supposed it would have happened eventually. I just never wanted it to be this soon.
It was time to say goodbye for good.
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