Girls Are Wierd
Thia's POV
I was vaguely aware that the previous night I'd been carried into my room and settled in bed. I wasn't used to staying up so late let alone having such a wild party experience. All through the night though something seemed to bug me. Like I was forgetting something important but had no idea what it was.
The feeling persisted even in the morning. I woke up and headed downstairs to find Mom and Mama asleep and snuggled up beneath a blanket on the couch. Smiling to myself I ran over and jumped on top of them. "Sneak attack!"
"Oof! Ugh you're heavy!" Mama grunted buried beneath Mom who was laughing at me. "Lay off the food Thia."
"Haha. Very funny," I laughed, only cuddling closer to them. We spent a lot of the morning messing around but this was the week I prepared to travel to Europe. I was setting up my first camp in whatever location I thought was best. In truth, I had pictured at least one camp in every country. A safe place for all of the demigods in the world no matter their godly parent.
I wasn't used to planning or figuring out such extensive plans and ideas but I had two well equipped and amazing parents. Mom taught me how to make blueprints and though it was a lot of calculating and redrafting we finally figured out the proper design after three evenings.
Mama made sure I understood to spare supplies and helped me find the best route to my destination. I spent most of the late hours of the night studying it until it was ingrained in my memory.
The position of being Order's Ambassador brought along privileges and responsibilities I hadn't known. I spent a full two mornings on Olympus before the court of Olympians.
"Your mission is most honorable," Athena noted. "It is a very well needed step towards peace and global unity. It would ease difficult times between warring communities."
"I agree. It would be a positive step to integrate our young hero's plans," Hades nodded, stroking his chin. "However I assume such plans need assistance."
"Yes," I nodded. "I personally don't have the capabilities or qualifications to provide and arrange all of the materials needed. The workforce alone is very important not to mention the cost of providing for labor."
"You're asking for supplies then," Poseidon mused,,shifting in his seat. "What exactly do you have in mind?"
"Well these camps would need a steady source of income for funding. Just like Camp Half Blood since it would be too young to self support as New Rome does. While Strawberries work here grain would most likely be beneficial elsewhere." Swallowing, I contemplated my next train of thought. "It would also provide for communities that don't have enough. Poorer countries that suffer from industrial Giants such as the United States and China. Extras could ease the troubles in neighboring areas."
"A very wise and philanthropic idea," Athena smiled warmly. "You ask for a blessing in rich soil?"
"Whatever you can provide I would be more than appreciative of." My gaze shifted to find Demter.
"I will provide such blessings. It would stimulate the lacking agricultural industry in specific areas," Demeter agreed. It was a win-win for both of us. Just as I'd calculated.
"Wonderful. Thank you." I gave a small bow of respect. "With that settled the next issue comes with materials."
"Wood and stone to build cabins, a small armory and mess hall, and a big house of their own. Is that all?" Hepheastus asked looking at the list I'd provided.
"For the time being yes. Just to get the camp settled," I explained. He nodded, contemplating my request.
"How do you plan on bringing demigods to this camp? They will need a leader, a teacher," Zeus frowned in thought.
"I understand that there are souls in the Underworld who have not paid off the extent of their debt. Souls that are restless and wish to return to the living due to unfinished business. While they wouldn't be able to completely re integrate into society I believe they would be able to reside safely within the camp and put there skills to use while having a sense of community." This time I turned to Hades for help.
"I know who you wish will return." A look of conflict settled on his face.
"Sir, counsel, may I advocate for my choices?" I asked. There was a murmur of agreement.
"Speak. Convince us." Ares leaned back in his throne.
"My first request is for Gwen, of New Rome, to be granted with rebirth." There was a murmur of contemplation. "Her life was wrongly taken in a situation that was cruel. She has an adept understanding of how a functioning community of demigods may work and plethora of resources and connections to New Rome which may allow relief in times of distress."
There was a moment of discussion before Zeus nodded. "Request for Gwen to return to the mortal world; granted."
"Thank you. My next assistant I ask for is Luke Castellan." This was followed by a lot of disagreement. "He was misguided and angry but in events more recent he has proven an ally. Why not prove bonds can be rebuilt with those who have fallen from grace? Why not give him a second chance to establish a healthy relationship with you all. If anyone has qualifications to lead demigods from the dark it's him. A man who was directly touched by corruption and overcame it. Besides, he is an expert swordsman. A combat teacher will be required."
A lot more discussion ensued. There were avid remarks of protest but I caught the expression of Hermes. His eyes shone with tears and a smile graced his face.
"By a majority vote your request is granted," Zeus nodded.
"Thank you. My last two requests are for both my benefit and those in this room." Shifting I turned to face Aphrodite who was looking at me with a curious expression. "I feel that anyone can be changed if shown a small amount of kindness. When has such an idea failed?"
I spun in a slow circle looking at each God in turn. "Hades, a now major voice in this counsel was neglected and ignored, a mere act of gentleness is no longer what you think. Not gruff and entirely ruthless. Apollo, in his time as a mortal, though his ego is still big, has a new respect for sacrifice due to kindness. Poseidon, Athena, yes you bicker and don't get along but...when your children fell into Tartarus who was your comfort? Who else understood your pain? It was kindness that encouraged mutual understanding."
"Your point has been made continue," Ares grumbled impatiently.
"I ask for Andy and Marianna to return to the mortal world. Marianna was in pain and no one showed her kindness. So much so, she turned to Chaos as an answer because she was afraid and alone. I want to show her kindness and the beauty of the world in a place where she can start fresh and new. A place away from her bullies and tormentors." From my peripheral I spotted Hestia sitting very quietly by the hearth. She smiled brightly at me. "As for Andy. I wish to give him a second chance. To show him kindness when I didn't. He felt unloved, unwanted, and misunderstood. I ask you to consider how many people have felt like that. How many of you have ever felt like that?"
Silence settled over the room. I hadn't expected them to reflect on themselves so easily, and yet they did.
"It is all I ask. Just the four, please. I assure you it will heal the bridge between our worlds. It will create an understanding," I insisted. Again, silence was my answer.
"It is granted," Zeus replied, but his voice sounded hoarse as if he were reflecting on more than what I'd just said. "Your wish is granted, Hades, please."
"Of course." Hades stood from his throne shrinking to mortal size. He sat cross legged as a look of concentration settled on his face. Slowly the shadows melted from the walls and pooled in front of him until four shapes were made. "You have been called forth. Listen and I shall tell you why."
The next few hours were completely silent as Hades communicated telepathically with the inky black forms.
"May you carry out your orders. May you walk with grace beneath the wing of Order's Ambassador." With that, Hades opened his eyes and the forms solidified.
"Thia Grace you are one hell of a girl!" I didn't expect Andy to sprint over and tackle me in a hug.
"Thanks. It's good to see you." Smiling, he pulled back and bounced on the balls of his feet in excitement. "I'm sorry I did-"
"Hey. No apologies. What you did for me..." Andy shook his head. His expression was one of adoration. "That was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me."
"T-Thia?" A soft voice spoke up from behind Andy. He stepped aside quickly revealing Marianna. Before she could say anything else I hugged her tightly.
"Oh gods it's good to have you back. Leah is going to love to meet you!" Marianna smiled hesitantly before pulling Andy into the hug as well, him being her only other acquaintance.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have..." Her voice trailed off wavering slightly.
"Hey, it's okay. It's in the past right? You can start over. Things are going to be better I promise." Smiling, I ruffled Marianna's hair and she nodded sticking close to my side. "Andy."
"Yeah?" He asked.
"That, is your Mom. Well, the Greek version anyways." I gestured to Aphrodite who was watching with a mixed expression I couldn't decipher. Andy turned towards her and he seemed to be unsure of himself. "Go on. Say hi."
He nodded and swallowing hard approached her throne. Marianna glanced about nervously. My gaze settled on Gwen and Luke who were both watching uncertainly.
"I don't bite," I said. Gwen shook her head and made her way forward with Luke following behind.
"You look like, hold up...I'm dreaming right?" Gwen asked glancing at Luke.
"I don't think so," he said. "So Thals and Reyna really did have a kid."
"Yep. That's me. Official title, Thia Bellona Arellano Grace, Ambassador of Order." Holding out my hand Luke took it in his own giving a firm shake.
"Never pegged Thals as the person to have kids but she must have done one heck of a job." He smiled gently. "You look so much like her it's crazy."
"I was gonna say you look like Reyna." Gwen pointed out. "Damn, there's gonna be a lot to catch up on and adjust to."
"Yeah, don't worry. You'll have time to get up to speed before we start our plans." Gwen nodded and looked around a bit curiously.
Luke took a step back and gave a careful bow. "Well Ambassador, it's an honor to work with you."
"You too," I smiled. Luke stood up straight and turned to his father. "Go on, I assume you have business to attend."
"Indeed." He nodded before giving a slight wave and walking off. Zeus cleared his throat drawing my attention once more.
"I trust you will carry this plan out successfully. Don't let our gifts go to waste. Hepheastus and Athena have agreed to aid in construction upon your notice." Zeus got a confirmatory nod from each god.
"Of course. I intend to serve. it is what I was born to do after all." As much as it had hurt me to realize my destiny had been chosen I still had a large role to play that was based on my own independent choices.
"Servants are the best leaders," he instructed. "After all, it is not a man born into riches who often understands and guides the poor."
"Wise words," I smiled, earning a smile in return.
"Now go. Return home. You have preparations to complete. I understand your journey begins in two days. You still have introductions to do." Zeus nodded at my friends.
"Of course. Thank you." Bowing once more I collected my rag tag group.
It was interesting explaining it all to my family over the next two days. First was Camp Half Blood. Uncle Percy, Aunt Annabeth, and Uncle Grover were the most involved with the reunion.
"I am deeply sorry for everything I did. I was horrible and cruel and a monster." Luke had said, his voice tight. "I should have helped you Percy and I didn't. I was supposed to guide you through everything and instead I turned against you when you had no understanding of what this world was. I could have been your mentor but instead I was your enemy. I ask for nothing more than forgiveness."
"Luke, I'm not gonna lie. You suck. A lot and there's a lot I can't forgive,",Percy sighed. "But...I am a person who gives second chances. Over the years I've come to understand your point of view more than I had in the past. In truth, you weren't entirely wrong. However, I like to think that what happened was for a reason. We both learned. More than if it had been any other way. I also found Annabeth to rely on."
Luke nodded shaking Percy's hand in thanks. "You've given me more than I deserve."
"Actually, I think you've never really been given what you deserve. I think my niece was right in giving you another shot. Make it worth it." Percy had shaped up to be quiet the wise guy according to Aunt Annabeth and she gave him a well deserved kiss.
"As for you Annabeth, I apologize for hurting you both emotionally and physically. I had a hard time with Thalia's death and I blamed myself but never you or Grover." Luke looked pointedly at Grover. "You guys were my first real family and you deserved a lot better than me. I don't expect things to go back to how they were but I'd love to be involved in your lives if you'd let me."
"Like Percy said, it'll be hard and there will be an adjustment period so to speak but you're Luke Castellan. You'll make it work. You always had a knack for that," Annabeth smiled.
"Yeah." Grover nodded. "But it's weird seeing you younger than Percy and Annabeth. Ages are weird here!"
With that reunion out of the way I was most nervous for the one back home. My parents had already been through a lot of emotional roller coasters and I wasn't sure how much more they could take. My answer came soon enough.
"Just sit down. I promise things are fine." They both reluctantly did as I told. "Now, remember what I told you. I have people to help me."
"Yeah but who?" Mom asked.
"I'll show you." Sighing nervously, I opened the front door and stuck my head out. "Don't be overwhelming."
"Of course not," Gwen nodded.
"Good." Stepping aside I let them in. Gwen was the first to walk inside followed by Luke and then Andy and Marianna.
"You're fucking with me." Mama said eyes flicking across all of them. "I swear if this is somehow a joke from Leo where he made a bunch of robots I'm killing him."
"No jokes. No strings attached,",Gwen smiled. Mama smiled slightly before tackling Gwen in a hug.
"Gods it's good to see you. I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't think any of that would happen. You're one of my best friends, if there had been another way, if you'd let me-"
"Die? Not a chance Grace. Not with that one over there relying on you." Gwen gestured to Mom who was smiling in disbelief. "Besides, it was my choice. Please tell me you didn't beat yourself up over it."
"You mean not having nightmares and shit? Yeah, that totally didn't happen." Mama joked, pulling back from the hug. She turned to Luke. "And you!"
"I know there's a lot to talk about and I'm willing to but I think it'd be best in private." He averted eye contact.
"That doesn't mean you get out of it." Mama glared moving down the line to Marianna. "You young lady are beautiful and amazing, it's nice to have you back. Thia missed you."
"I know," she said shyly.
"And you Andy." Andy straightened and seemed slightly afraid. "Have...earned my respect. I misjudged you."
"Oh thank god I thought you were going to kill me,",Andy breathed, relaxing.
"Eh maybe," Mama shrugged smiling mischievously.
"Thalia," Mom warned.
"I'm kidding!" She laughed, holding up her hands.
"So this is my team. They'll be coming with me," I smiled.
"You'll be in safe hands that's for sure. Good work Thia, you really are quite the little hero." Mom smiled, pulling me onto the couch and hugging me tightly.
"Thanks. Only cause I have you and Mama as role models." Smiling, I let her hug me a bit longer before pulling free. "Now, while you guys talk stuff out I have Leah to find."
"Oh crap! She's gonna kill me!" Andy groaned.
"Shut up and lets go!" I encouraged. Marianna laughed following me with Andy in tow. I knew where Leah would be. She'd be sitting on her roof like usual doing who knew what.
Running eagerly down the street I spotted her just as I'd predicted. "Leah! Get down from there I have a surprise!"
Leah climbed down from her roof and waited patiently until we got closer. "No way. Andy!"
She ran excitedly over to us and hugged him with so much force they fell over. "Hey Leah."
"How are you alive? What the hell?" Leah hastily clambered to her feet and helped him up checking him over for injuries.
"I'll explain," I promised. Leah listened intently as I told her what I'd done. "This is Marianna, you haven't met her but she's my friend."
"You told me about her." Leah smiled warmly at Marianna. "It's nice to finally meet you."
"You too. Thia was excited to show me who you were." Marianna replied shyly, her hands signing in a blur.
"Now my squad is all back together!" I cheered. It was exciting in every way possible.
"Except, they'll all be going with you." Leah's excitement disappeared and her expression went flat.
"That's the plan," I nodded, tucking my hands in my pockets. "The four of us will plant a camp and they'll help me get it running."
"Right. You leave in two days don't you?" Leah asked, crossing her arms.
"Yeah. It'll be weird. My parents are both excited and a bit sad. I'll visit when I can and I can still Iris message," I promised. Leah nodded not seeming to care much for my explanation.
"Well, I guess we should get ready. I'll take Marianna home and tell her parents what happened." Andy smiled, taking Marianna's hand despite her obvious nerves and dragging her off.
"How long will you be gone?" Leah asked.
"I plan at least a year." It was what Mom and I had calculated but that that was only if everything went smoothly which it most likely wouldn't.
"At the most?" Leah questioned, eyes trained on the ground.
"Maybe two, or for worst case scenario, three." It was for a good cause though, I could handle delays because I knew the work was important. It was something that had been neglected and needed to be done.
"I see. Well, I hope it goes well." Leah gave me a thin smile. "You'll be one for the history books I guarantee you that."
"Thanks." Laughing, I rocked back onto my heels. "After this I'm thinking about putting a camp in Africa."
"Already thinking that far ahead are we?" I didn't quite understand her tone but it didn't sound pleased.
"The future is wide." I could see all of my plans just floating around in my head waiting to be put into effect.
"I guess I should have expected your ambitions," Leah laughed.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You're like all the other heroes I've read about. You accomplish one thing and it's on to the next. A restlessness, they've all got it and it never stops." A sinking feeling filled my stomach. She was upset.
"I don't understand." In all honesty I didn't. I thought she'd be pleased.
"Right," she nodded, titling her head to the side and pressing her lips into a thin line. "Look, I appreciate all that you've done for me. I do. Don't forget that."
"Leah I'm confused. What's going on?" She turned to head back to her house and I did my best to match her quick pace. "Leah, come on, talk to me."
Catching her arm she paused just as her hand was in the door knob. "You know one thing that sucks about you saviors is that you're never satisfied."
"Listen, Leah, I'm doing this for the greater good." She turned to face me and I could feel a shift in her aura. Taking a step back I nearly withered under her glare.
"I understand. The greater good is important." She opened the door behind her. "That's what they all say. It's honorable, but, you know something Thia?"
"People like you, get themselves killed by doing everything and never even appreciating what they've already done. So you build your camp, then your one in Africa, then your third and forth and fifth, and the years will go by. Then one day, only if I'm lucky, there'll be a letter in the mail." Leah's voice wavered but she never broke eye contact. "It'll say, Thia Grace has passed away. It'll give the location of the funeral and I'll show up because I remember the girl fifty years ago who beat up a guy at a party. Then, everyone will say how wonderful you were but the one thing they all agree on... is that you never accomplished your greatest dream."
"Leah come on-"
"I'll ask them what they mean and they won't have an answer because they don't know; because you didn't know either." Before I could do or say anything else she walked inside and closed the door.
"Leah come on." Knocking lightly on the wood I waited for her to open the door. I knocked again and again and again. There wasn't an answer. I'd screwed something up. I didn't know what but it needed fixing. I wasn't going to leave things like this. Not if I could help it.
Sighing I ran all the way home. "Mom! I need your help! Girls are weird."
"Yeah. They are," she laughed. "What happened?"
"Leah's mad and I don't know why. I'm leaving in two days and I can't just go away with people being mad at me," I explained. Mom's expression was a cross between amusement and sympathy.
"Alright. Well, since Thals and Luke are having a heart to heart why don't we?" She pulled two mugs from the cabinet. In less than a handful of minutes we were sitting across from each other at the table with hot chocolate in hand. "Now, tell me what happened."
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