Reyna's POV
I woke up to a sudden flash of movement in the spot next to me, it was unexpected, and my brain immediately went into overdrive. My eyes tried to see through the dark but it didn't take me long to realize there was no threat to be had.
Thin wispy rays of moonlight snuck in through the windows illuminating Thalia's pale and bare back. Her shoulders shook slightly and her breath came quick in the silence.
"You okay?" I asked, earning a slight jump from the sudden break in quiet.
"Y-yeah just a dream is all." She glanced over her shoulder, bright blue eyes glittering wearily in the dim light. "I didn't mean to wake you."
"It's fine. Is it an old one or something new?" We'd both grown used to many sleepless nights due to nightmares. It was ironic in a way, how intimate I'd become with nightmares. How intimate we both had.
"Old," Thalia sighed, running a hand through her hair which remained wild from last night.
"Mmmm." Those were sometimes the worst types of nightmares. They were familiar and somehow that was scarier. "Which one?"
"Gwen." Was the short reply. This was a frequent one. In fact, we'd spent many nights whispering quietly about it. Thalia had told me numerous times how it happened and as much as I tried to assure her it wasn't her fault the guilt of killing a friend would never really go away.
"I see." There wasn't much for me to say. Thalia would talk on her own. While she gathered her thoughts I took the opportunity to study her appearance further.
Despite the tired look in her eyes she really was a breathtaking sight. Even after all this time I never really got used to how beautiful she was. I knew the same thing went for her. There were times I would catch her staring almost like she was seeing me for the first time.
Her pale bare skin seemed to radiate a stronger aura in the faint moonlight, sort of like she was made out of pure silver. She was lithe and lean, practically built like a predator in the wild. She was all muscle and sleek angles. The place where her collar bone ended at her shoulders stuck up a bit sharper than most people's- a trait I absolutely adored.
Some would think it a problem that her hip bones seemed to be almost too prominent but she was built for running. Any elite runner I had seen had prominent hep bone big there was a secret when it came to this trait. If I skimmed my thumb very lightly over the path of the bone Thalia wasn't able to control the shiver that would inevitably follow.
Only there was one thing that Thalia despised most about herself that I didn't mind. She'd never really mentioned it but I noticed through small actions and remarks on her part that she was disgusted with her flat chest.
To me she was perfect but when I asked about this insecurity of hers she simply told me that junior high kids were little shits. I knew she'd had a very bad past when it came to bullying and I could only imagine the things some people would say.
I asked Jason at one point and though he was a bit awkward at answering he'd told me it was because they compared her to a little boy. I'd been told plenty of stories about that. For instance the time some kids at her school tried to shove her in the boys' restroom.
I supposed that this trait was a bit of a reminder about that dark period of her life. Though I found it very fitting that despite their onslaught of comments she grew up to be a very attractive and incredible person. To me that was the ultimate revenge but Thalia didn't see it that way.
Thalia sighed deeply seeming to have come to a conclusion about something. After a moment she laid back down eyes trained on the ceiling as if it held the answers for her problems.
"Dakota still hates me," she whispered, her voice breaking slightly. "He averts his eyes whenever I see him."
"They were close but you can't hold that against yourself." I'd said it before but I would say it again and as many times as she needed to hear it. Only it was clear there were other things on her mind.
"I just worry because I don't...I don't want Thia to ever have to make choices like that." It was something I'd thought of before as well. How would Thia handle critical decisions like that? What the emotional, physical, or mental repercussions would be. How she'd handle them. How we'd handle them.
"You know I'm pretty sure my sister had this same dilemma when I was little and I turned out okay. That's all we can really hope for, that things will be okay. It's useless worrying. Besides, we have places to go tomorrow morning," I reminded. Thalia sighed before rolling over onto her side so her back faced me.
The small ridges of her spine stuck out ever so slightly like little mountains. I knew my words weren't all that comforting but I didn't know what else to say so I kept quiet. I traced the path of her spine with my index finger, and then the curvature of her shoulder blades. The small gap of space was enough to cause a shiver to race down my spine. It was cold.
Thalia must have noticed because she turned back to face me and wrapped her arms tightly around me. "You know you radiate heat but you get cold so easily. It's a bit ironic."
It was true. Thalia hated summers because it would get too hot sleeping under the sheets with me all snuggled up close. It was for winters though, except for the fact that she had an annoying habit of touching me with her cold ass feet.
"I know. Now shut up, I'm tired," I joked, hiding my face in her chest.
"Oh right you're tired. You're not the one who had to bott-"
"I was kidding," I laughed lightly, pressing a gentle kiss to her collar bone.
"I hate you," she sighed, though the words lacked meaning.
"You love me," I mumbled, already starting to drift off to sleep again.
"Yeah, yeah I do. Don't forget it knucklehead." Her voice was teasing but gentle. It seemed that she'd already forgotten about the nightmare which was good.
All I was able to respond with was an incoherent noise before I was out like a light.
— — —
The sun was annoyingly bright the next morning and as much as I didn't want to I got up to prepare for my departure. At some point in between picking up the clothes scattered across the floor from yesterday and getting dressed, I wondered how my sister was holding up.
The last thing I needed was for her to lose her other hand and have that one replaced too. I'd probably kill her then bring her back to life just to smack her. The mere thought of that scenario caused me to smile slightly until I realized Thalia had yet to wake up which meant she was going to be a total grouch.
Sighing, I walked over to the bed where she laid curled up into a ball like a cat. There was only one solution to this. I jumped on the bed in the spot next to her, "Get up!"
What I hadn't accounted for was the fact that she was resting close to the edge. There was a loud thud and a groan before I realized she'd landed on the floor.
"What the fuck Reyna?" She whined, sounding like a six year old Thia but with an added swear word.
"Sorry." The apology wasn't that heartfelt, probably due to my hysterical laughter. "Nothing's broken right?"
"Just my pride," Thalia pouted, Peeking over the edge of the bed I smiled at Thalia who was tangled up in a mess of sheets pouting like an adorable idiot.
"It can be fixed. Now come on, we have places to be and people to help." Thalia nodded understanding that our time of fooling around had sadly come to an end. It was time to get serious.
Neither of us wasted much more time getting ready after that. Okay, maybe I was lying. If I was being honest there were maybe one too many hugs and kisses exchanged which could have saved a bit of time but who was counting?
Thalia took a minute or two before we headed to breakfast to Iris message the hunters for an update of what was going on.
"Hopefully they aren't that busy." Thalia waited anxiously for the call to be picked up on the other end. When it did, it was clear her hopes were going to be dashed.
The image that was seen on the receiving end wasn't exactly one to be excited about. The familiar silver adorned figures were having one heck of a time trying to bring down a rather large angry pitch black monster.
"Hello?" Thalia asked hesitantly and nearly jumped through the roof when angry Greek slurs were heard.
"Thalia freaking Grace you pick now of all times to talk?" Zoë came into view glaring at the Iris message with a large cut on her cheek, wild hair, and an almost empty quiver.
"I'll make it quick. I'll be on my way as soon as possible," Thalia promised, swiping her hand through the mist. "Oh that looks like so much fun."
"Right. Enjoyable," I snorted. Thalia had a very sudden urgency about her and she even opted to eat only a small portion of food compared to her normal massive breakfast.
She then ran off to collect a few more things and returned with a backpack slung over her shoulder just as I was finishing up.
"Gotta go. They need my help pretty bad," she breathed, hardly hesitating to grab my shirt collar, tug me closer, and press her lips roughly against mine.
"Stay safe." Was all I really had time to say as she pulled back.
"Yeah you too." And with that she took off with a large gust of wind and electricity crackling in the air. All that signaled her departure was a line of dust floating in the air. One of the youngest campers cheered happily.
"See Benjamin! I told you the flash was real!" The comment lightened the mood a bit which I wasn't too upset about. It was now my turn to figure out what my plan was.
Packing wasn't that difficult. The problem was transportation. There was only one thing I could really rely on. Only it would take a bit of coaxing on his part.
"Alright Blackjack I need your help." Blackjack was standing in a large stable room which was generously padded with hay. He shifted nervously, his hooves patting lightly on the ground. "I know. I'm sorry. You should be enjoying your retirement."
Blackjack bobbed his head in agreement but in an amused manner. He made his way over to the stable entrance and stuck his head over the door I leaned against. There was a grey streak or two in his main. Despite this, he didn't look his age.
"Just a nice ride. It doesn't have to be fast. Just to get me to where my sister is. They're in trouble." Blackjack tilted his head as if contemplating this information. "What do you say?"
At first I wasn't sure there would be a way to coax him into agreeing but the excited whinny was all I needed to hear in order to know things would be okay. Of course a few sugar cubes probably helped my case after that.
"Don't worry, I already asked Percy before coming here. He said you might be interested in getting out and about a bit more." Blackjack was eager to exit his space in the stable and took the opportunity to stretch his legs. He was still rather majestic looking even after all these years. "Looking good buddy."
The compliment inflated his attitude and he trotted around with a new pep in his step. After conversing briefly with my sister who seemed to be very preoccupied seeing as how there was the sound of explosions in the background I figured out where to go.
"Alright Blackjack. Let's see if you still got it." With a snort and a shake of the head he extended his pitch black wings and gave a strong steady flap. Within a moments notice we were soaring easily through the sky and Blackjack didn't seem to be feeling his age even an ounce. "Thanks bud. You've been a great friend."
Blackjack glanced over his shoulder and seemed to smile before picking up even more speed. We'd be there pretty quick if he kept this up. Maybe Thalia wasn't the only flash.
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