A\N The last simp y'all. The next ones will be hot af.
Third Person's POV
"Mama who is coming to that house?" The almost-5 year old Ishaan asked his mother as he saw many trucks stopping at the house beside his.
His mother smiled at his curiosity and bent down to his level, plopping the ball on his waist before speaking, "They are our new neighbor."
A small 'o' formed on his tiny mouth as his eyes twinkled. His newly pregnant mother jumped excitedly nearly scaring the poor guy as the aroma of freshly make apple pies reached their nostrils.
His mother is craving them a lot nowadays.
"Ishu we'll go to meet our new neighbors in the evening, okay? Now let's eat the sweet pie. C'mon run."
After this only he knows how he calmed his mother who didn't cared about her pregnancy as she ran towards the kitchen.
"Mama will they like me?" Ishaan whispered to his mother as he held a box of cupcakes in front of the door of their new neighbors along with his mama.
"Ofcourse they will. You are too cute to not like, baby." His mother gushed making the tiny Ishaan blush profusely.
"Mama will they have a big boy like me with whom I can play with?" He asked again as his big eyes widened a little in hope.
He really wanted some good friends to play with because all his current friends didn't befriend him anymore because apparently they won't be friends with someone whose mama is ugly. And listening to this Ishaan didn't want to play with them too. They didn't knew his mama had a little baby inside and how beautiful her face looks every time. Concluding Ishaan need some good friends.
"Yep baby. The-" She was cut off as the door was opened and a lady around Ishaan's mother's age.
She looked tired as her hair was sticking to her face due to the sweating. Her face lightened up as she saw the visitors.
"Hi! I am Shruti Diwan and this is my son Ishaan Diwan. We are your neighbors." Shruti introduced to the lady.
Ishaan smiled as he looked at the ladies who exchanged pleasantries, in their way to become best friends.
"Hello! I was so waiting to meet some neighbors. Thank god you came. We were really bored in living in a house with absolutely no neighbors. I am Amrita.." The rest of her words seem to fade away as Ishaan looked at the girl who peeked from behind her mother.
She was wearing the cutest dress ever as her eyes were stuck on the tiny teddy bear on her hand with a worried expression on face. She pulled her mother's dress who didn't seem to budge as she was busy praising his mother's baking skills.
Ishaan saw as the girl's eyes started to water slowly as her chin wobbling as she turned to look at Ishaan with a gleam in her wet eyes.
She blinked feeling color rising up as she realized that a boy just saw her crying. That's not good. That's bad. Big girls don't cry.
Ishaan slowly approached her before she could run back inside and handed her a toffee he had in his pocket. He kept it in her tiny, pink palm and said, "I had this for the baby inside mama's tummy. But you can have it. Please don't cry."
The girl sniffed as she tried to open the plastic package of the chocolate after giving him a small toothy smile. She tried but couldn't.
"Can you please open it for me?" The three year old said in her angelic voice.
Ishaan nodded eagerly as he kept the cupcakes in the couch and took the toffee from her. He was going to open it but then suddenly stopped as he looked back at her.
"Will you be my friend?" He asked cutely, too difficult for someone to say no.
The girl nodded her head frantically, partially wanting him to open the wrapper sooner.
Ishaan forwarded his tiny hand for a shake as he said, "Hello, I am Ishaan."
The girl giggled, feeling different as she made her new friend.
"And I am Samara." The 17 year old introduced herself to the caretaker breaking Ishaan's trail of thoughts.
It's been 14 years since they met. That small interaction seem to be taken seriously as the teens have been inseparable since that time. They went to the same pre-school, same school, and now same college too. Everything is same. Their mothers can't stay away without their ovens and bakery tools. Their father seem to be interested in the same page of business news.
Just one thing changed, it was their body. Puberty seem to hit them hard as now, the 3 foot Ishaan drastically grew up as a 6 feet. His muscles were screaming the time he spent in the gym. They were too much. Just to the level to make his sexy face sexier.
Samara has now grown up to a 5'4" holder much to her dismay. She often felt short, thanks to his bestfriend who always teased her. Her body was tiny but her curves were perfectly placed in their perfect places. For a 17 year old she definitely felt like Poo from Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham. Just one thing changed and that is her nature. She has became more introvert and emotional than the one 13 years back. But that's just to other, for him it's the same outspoken and bubbly Samara. They have been known as the silent pair in their school. And the feared one too since Ishaan wouldn't tolerate a single word against Samara and wouldn't not dare to drag someone by throat who lays an eye on her.
They were always together, no matter what. In some point there were fights but both of them didn't had the courage to stay away from each other for long. That always resulted in them cuddling under stars in the roof of Ishaan's house. As said earlier, they were always together no matter what.
Just like right now, in Shimla. They are in Samara's summer house, to spend their summer vacations in. Every year they went some where or the other in their summer holidays with their family, but this time they insisted on going alone.
'I am not a baby anymore. I am a big girl.'
That's what she said when everyone, including Ishaan insisted on going with their parents. That resulted them in here. Their parents weren't much worried because they had caretakers and drivers here, but a little bit of inconvenience was still lacing. However with Ishaan they were a little relieved since he was the responsible one.
"Ishu keep the bags upstairs and then we'll have the pastries Bella made for us, okie?" Samara said scrunching her nose a little making a cute face, which as usual Ishaan couldn't resist.
"Stop that." He grumbled going back to the trunk of their car and picking up the bags and following her inside the bohemian themed two storey house.
"Aunty your son is leaving me alone." Samara pouted in front of the phone where she was face timing her mother and Ishaan's.
"Haw where?" Ishaan could hear his mother ask.
"I dunno. He made some stupid friends in just 15 day and he's leaving his best friend of 12 years to go hacking with them." She said.
"Why do you go too bacha?" Her aunt asked.
"I said that too aunty. But your son here straight away denied." Samara glared at him making him roll his eyes at her antics, still a small smile playing on his lips.
"I'll talk to him bacha. Don't worry, okay?"
He got up from the breakfast table and walked towards his room. It has been 15 days since they came to this summer house and they have been enjoying every second of it. Going up to the roof each night and eating ice creams there and climbing a tree and playing tea party with the neighbors 3 year olds were Samara's time pass. Where as Ishaan's was to stop her from getting hurt.
Each day, after dinner they would sit by the window and talk. That's what they do since they were 8. Their mothers taught them this. They would talk about their whole day and what all they did in the other's absence to each other. They believe that's what is responsible for their friendship of 12 years.
As he was going to his room, he looked at Samara's room whose door was a little open. From a distance he could see a photo peeking out of her notebook. As he went closer, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw the one in the picture. It was him, shirtless.
He looked down and a crimson blush covered his face as he saw that. It was a picture of him when he was in the gym working out. But why do she have his picture in her notebook, that too shirtless.
He got alarmed when he heard footsteps approaching up. Immediately exciting the room, he went to his own.
Rummaging his carry bag he bring out his most possessed item, his diary. He knows a writing a diary when you are 19 is odd but ever since he was 12 he had got an habit of writing diaries. He filled up two diaries in the past 5 years and burnt them because he didn't wanted anyone to read it. And in the third one he had started writing since he was 17 and he started crushing over Samara. Yeah he had a crush on his best friend and he didn't realise when it turned into a passionate and beautiful feeling, love.
He is in love with her since 2 years. No one knows that except for his diary. He didn't tell that to her because he felt wrong. If she doesn't feel the same then he'll be destroying their friendship and he didn't want that.
He was 17 when he started to notice how he got jealous when she hang out with other guys, how he just forgets about everything when he's with her, how just one hug from her heals everything. He first felt it a infatuation but it never was that. And he realized that soon.
He knows how difficult it is to hide this from Samara but he got to do this. If she ever feels the same about him, she'll tell him, he thinks. And that diary have to be the first thing he ever hid from her.
He quickly noted down all he had in his heart and kept it inside his bag and went down.
"Samara I am leaving. I'll be back by tonight. Call me in every 2 hours." He shouted but got no response in return.
Frowning he went inside her room to find her sitting on the bed with legs crossed and a pout resting on her face.
She forwarded her hands to him and made grabby hands, "Take me with you nah. I'll be bored."
Ishaan chuckled climbing on the bed. As soon as he did, Samara climbed on him and kept her head on his chest making him wrap his hands around her. If anyone would walk in now, they will never thing they are just friends.
"I'll be back soon Sam." Ishaan mumbled running his hands in her hair.
"Mhm." She hummed absent mindedly.
"I'll go then?" He asked making her look at him.
She suddenly got up and straddled his waist sitting on it as she crossed her arms and sat there with a hump.
"Yeah go. No one loves me. I am totally alone in this big cruel world. You too go with your friends." She whinned ignoring Ishaan whose eyes were threatening to bulge out soon.
He moved to the side making her roll over and then stood up and placed a kiss on her crown.
"I'll be back really soon. Then we can climb up and eat ice cream, I promise." He said kissing his forehead, something he always does when he goes out.
"Bye." Samara said half heartedly as she watched her best friend walk out.
Soon she was about to keep pouting for the whole day when her phone rang. It was her mother, she answered.
"Bacha I totally forgot to tell you. I have kept a jar of red velvet truffles in Ishaan's bag. Please finish it before it starts smelling." She said immediately making her eyes widen in excitement.
Now food was something she could die for.
"Wait mumma, I'll just search it now. Stay in line." She said and got up rushing to the bedroom beside.
"You don't need that. He keeps his clothes well organized unlike you." Her mother remarked and she as usual ignored it.
"Maa is it inside his carry bag?" She asked again.
"Yes I think."
"Wait I think I got something." She exclaimed.
"Oh no, it's a diary. Aah! Yes I got it." She took out the diary keeping it beside her in the bed and then took out the jar of truffles.
"Bye ma. I got to finish this." She said excitedly plopping one in her mouth.
"Keep some for Ishaan too." She warned before disconnecting the call.
After eating a few of them, she looked around the room. It was as usual fully clean. On the table there was a book she saw and suddenly she remembered the diary she took out from his bag.
Narrowing her eyes at the diary, she picked it up. Now she do knows that peaking at someone's diary is not a good habit but it's her best friend she is talking about.
With a cheerful mood to find out his secrets and tease him about then later, she opened it.
But the first sentence written there made her heart beat with a thud.
'I love Samara.
It was raining cats and dogs when Ishaad reached home. Their initial plan was to go hiking but when in middle of their journey it started raining, they decided to let it go since it's dangerous to climb mountain in sloppy and wet mud.
And moreover he felt so something wasn't good.
After his friends dropped him in front of his house he immediately rushed inside to prevent himself from getting wet.
As soon as he opened the door, Samara standing in front of him came to his view. However what stole his attention was the thing on her hand.
His eyes widened as soon as he noticed what it was. It was his diary. And Samara read it. And his biggest fear us now unfolding in front of him.
No, he can't loose his first love as well as his best friend.
"Samara I-I can explain." He shuttered water droplets from his messy, wet hair falling on the ground.
"What is there to explain Ishaan? You have been loving me since two years and I got to know it now? That too not from you? Why?" She cried.
"You know how much I cherished our friendship. You could have told me atleast." She continued falling on the ground with a thud on her knees.
Ishaan immediately came forward but her hands stopped her. His eyes were flooded with tears by now.
Whatever he thought would happen is happening and he feels helpless.
"Samara we'll talk about it. Please get up now. Let's talk okay?" He tried to explain her but he himself knew his words didn't had anything to heal both of them.
She got up and approached him.
"Ishaan loving someone isn't wrong. But we have been best friends since years. You could have atleast told me Ishu." Samara started looking straight into his eyes.
"I-I am sorry." He mumbled. At this moment he would do anything possible to stop her crying. He just couldn't bear that.
"There is nothing to be sorry about Ishaan. We just need some time okay? Remember time makes us realise something we don't. We'll also find out about our feelings for each other. We'll give each other some time." She continued calmly and all Ishaan could understand was she needs time and he'll give her as much as she needs.
2 months later
Samara rushed out from her class just behind her professor so that after the class gets over her class mates won't bully her.
She might be cheerful but when it comes to strangers she the most shy one. Usually Ishaan was the one everyone feared and since he was always behind her nobody got a chance to tell anything hurtful to her.
But now that everyone is noticing their distance the bullies have started their job. Since last week they have been behind her every time. And believe it or not she doesn't want to mess with them. Call her bipolar but she is like that.
Rushing to the deserted area of the campus since she got a free period now she got inside a dark room. It was their computer lab an year back but now it got shifted to another room and no one come here. And moreover she came here because it reminds her of him. It used to be their place to hang out.
As locked the door and turned around she bumped into something or rather someone.
Now she knows it's just two of them who come here and no one else. So other than her it'll be only Ishaan who would be here. She looked up and she was right.
Ishaan was standing there with his hair messed up and blood oozing off his knuckles?
"What for god's sake is this Ishu?" Samara cried out dropping her books on the floor and examining his hands.
"It's nothing. I'll leave." He dismissed snatching his hand away and leaving.
Samara stood there in the middle of the room, her hand in the air leaving where Ishaan snatched his and tears started forming in her eyes. Never in her whole life she got this silent treatment which she has been getting since two months.
She doesn't know what wrong she did and she doesn't understand why is her best friend ignoring her. All she did was ask some time, and she doesn't think she did something wrong asking that. Then why is he ignoring her.
After that night they came back home immediately. They gave some excuses to their family for their early arrival and that's all. After that every time Samara will visit Ishaan either he won't be home or he'll leave as soon as she comes.
Even there family noticed this but non dared to interfere in this.
She doesn't understand what is going on in his head but he is hurting her.
It doesn't keep you all well in a second when you get to know that your best friend is developing feelings for you. It takes time.
She still remembers when she asked her friend how to know if you love someone.
'You'll feel jealous when he talks to someone else. He'll make you feel special. You'll stare at him, notice his movements. How his adam's apple moves, how his facial expression changes, how his body answers to yours. Your heart will pick up a speed when your eyes connect. You'll feel sparks when your fingers touch. You'll blush at his compliments. If these all happens with you then congrats you are in love.'
Her friend described with such intensity that for a second she thought she has to be a love specialist.
She has started to feel that for him. But it might be just a crush. And she wants to make him feel like she makes her. She wants to feel the same he feels for her. And that'll take efforts too. Ignoring won't ever work.
Her sobs filled the room as she covered her face with her palms and cried. She is tired with every thing and she is clueless. It's affecting her health, both mental and physical.
It wasn't even a minute later when the door burst open and Ishaan rushed in taking in his arms, shushing her. He sat down, pulling her to his laps as she cried her heart out. He ran his hands through her hair, placing small kisses here and there. He wrapped his arms around her waist holding her close as she weeped placing her face in his crook.
After she stopped crying, suddenly a hard slap landed on Ishaan's chest. He looked at her in shock.
"What now woman?" He asked exaggerating.
"Yeah right. I am irritating you amn't I? It's okay I'll go away. It's not that you loved me or anything. I'll just go." She hiccuped getting up.
She stood up and went to the door waiting for him to stop her. When he didn't she turned and asked, "Aren't you going to stop me?"
Ishaan sighed and got up.
"Samara didn't you ask me to give me tim-" He said but was cut off.
"See this is why I didn't want to fall in love with you. Because I know it'll destroy our friendship. Even after we date, after you get tired and leave me I won't only loose my boyfriend but also my best friend. You said you loved me and I asked you to give me time, as lovers. You didn't even talk to me once after that, as a friend at least. All this time where I was thinking what wrong I did for you to ignore me, you did it for giving me time? What if I would have never met you here? Would you have gave me time till we grow old? When I realized I have started getting feelings for someone I didn't had anyone to share it with. Because my best friend was giving me time." She let out everything with a sigh and he just stood in front of her speechless.
'When I realized I have started getting feelings for someone I didn't had anyone to share it with.'
Started getting feelings.
"I'll just g-" She turned to leave but the next second her body was pulled to the nearest wall and Ishaan hovered over her. Their nose touched and they looked at each other eye to eye.
"Y-you have started developing feelings? For m-me?" He shuttered.
"For god's sake Ishaan that's all you got from everything I said?" Samara threw her hands up.
"Can I kiss you?" He suddenly asked, a deep breathe leaving his mouth.
Samara's mouth formed a big 'o' and her eyes widened.
"I'll take the silence as yes." He breathed out, taking her lips with his.
Their lips connected to each other and just like that her soul left her body. She put her hands on his t-shirt fisting it as he gripped her waist pulling her to his body.
He sucked her bottom lip, nibbling it. Pinching her waist as he didn't gain the entrance, she moved her hands up wounding it around his neck. Swirling his tongue around her mouth, he sucked her lips once before letting it go.
"I am sorry Sam. I really am. I thought you wanted time to yourself. I never thought about what you felt. I am really sorry." He mumbled hugging her as if his life depended on it.
"I want you make me worth. Will you do that Ishu?" She asked laying her head on his chest.
"Till last breathe." He breathed out placing a kiss on her crown.
"Don't worry. I won't make you wait so long."
6 years later
"I want to know."
"And I said it's a surprise." Dishani, Ishaan's 17 year old sister said for the nth time.
"You know Dishu, you have turned so not helpful. You were so nice when you so young." Samara tried for getting the truth and if her eyes would be open now she would have been narrowing them for sure.
"You know Di you have also turned so blabbering. You were so nice when you weren't dating my brother." She threw back.
"I'll complain about you to aunty." Samara pouted.
Right now Samara didn't know where she was being taken to. She was just told to wear a dress, which as a matter of fact she liked a lot and then wrap a cloth around her eyes and follow Dishani. And as another matter of fact, she do have to complain to her mother.
If talking about dating, yeah she has been dating her best friend since 6 years. It was after their little confession in that room when things started getting along. They spent time together, both as best friends and as lovers, never mingled them. Time and conversations were the key, they knew and they put all their efforts in it.
After 6 years, she is a journalist and he is a CA and things have been perfect so far.
"I am sorry. Bhai said not to tell you." Samara heard Dishani talking, breaking her trail of thoughts.
That little girl whom she had first seen when she was in her mother's belly has now grown up to be a pretty girl and she has to say both she and Ishaan are very protective of her. She was the younger sister she always wanted but never voiced out.
"It's okay. I'll not complain anymore. then." She joked.
"Best of luck."
That was all she was said before Dishani left her hands and she was left all alone. Soon a warm hand was placed in hers making her surprise.
"You here too?" She asked slowly as she took small steps guided to where he takes.
"Mhm." He hummed before pecking her lips and opening the blind fold.
The scene in front of her made her speechless. It was a waterfall, something she has never saw. And there was a flower setup just in it's bank. The red flowers matched perfectly with her red, floral flared dress as she noticed how he took care of the smallest details.
'Will you marry me?'
Samara gasped as she stumbled back expecting him to hug her but as she turned, she saw him on his knees.
"The moment I saw you for the very first time will be stuck into my memory till the end of the days because it was the evening when the course of my life radically changed its direction. I remember you joyfully sprinting around the whole house, and your smiling eyes grabbed my attention for the whole evening. Though I can't forget how gorgeous you look even when you cry. I am looking forward to the day when my last name will become ours, and our love will give a birth to a new family. You are the one I want to be for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. My voice is trembling, and my heart beats at a furious pace since I hope you will say me yes and make me the luckiest man on Earth. My love, will you marry me?" Ishaan said it in a go.
By now tears were freely flowing from her eyes.
That was all he needed before getting up and putting the ring on her finger and taking her lips into his. They kissed feverously, for the first time as an engaged couple.
Cupping his neck, Samara pulled him closer as he wrapped his arms around her waist doing the same. With one last suck, they left each other.
"You look beautiful." He breathed out.
"I do? I know I do." She kept her hands on his chest smiling at him and however it looked mischievous.
And he was proved correct as the next movement he was pushed into the water. The water splashed as he fell and her laughter echoed in the whole area.
Ishaan gasped as he shoot up.
"I am going to eat you." He said taking dangerous step out of the water as his blue shirt clinged to his body.
"I think I will have to run then."
That will what happen when you date your friend. One second you'll be kissing and the other second you'll be fighting. Not that they are complaining. Instead they are promising, to cherish it forever.
And that was the start of their journey to forever.
I think my jijs would have felt bad if I wouldn't have wrote something like this.
Awaiting your true opinions. Good night!
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