Virgil's (pov)
It took a lot of persuading but I eventually got Logan to come to Deceits cave. Obviously he was skeptical for Deceit practiced more.....spiritual stuff. Despite Logan being an enchanted creature he still sticks to human science so a half snake man telling him about voodoo practically guarantees a swift kick to the face with his two hind legs. Nevertheless we ventured to Deceits cave.
Logan's (pov)
Virgil's insane. Deceit speaks nothing but mumbo jumbo and lies. This plan is ridiculous. I cross my arms as we stop outside a large sparkling cave. The sun admittedly doing wonders for its seemingly scary appearance.
Virgil walked up to the cave cautiously only going a few feet in. I followed looking around the small entrance as Virgil knocked on a large wooden door with a small golden door knob. Soon enough the door opened to reveal Deceit.
We both groaned in unison upon seeing each other, Virgil chuckled as he looked to Deceit. "I'm sorry did we ruin your afternoon tea?" Virgil smirked up at Deceit. For you see he was wearing a long silk robe, green face mask and towel wrapped up and around his head. "Of course you weren't. Is this not important because I totally don't have other things to get to?" He asked inspecting his nails. "Yes we need a way into the kingdom." I cut in glaring down upon him. He chuckled deeply. "Since when do I have to help you?" Virgil raised a brow. "You are under oath of the Forest therefore you follow mine and my family's orders. As of right now I don't see this as a damn question." He raised his hands in surrender. "Fine. But not quickly, I don't hate you." He opened the door wider stepping to the side allowing both Virgil and I in. "Nicely done." "Thank you."
I looked around the room curiously and I hate to admit it, interest. Dolls were stung up on different assortments of vines, oversized masks were hung up for mere decoration on the wall, plants that I had never seen before were trapped in glass containers growing beautifully. In the centre of it all was a circular table a black cloth lazily draped over it. Deceit snapped his fingers and in a mist of yellow, two chairs appeared around it. His outfit changing with it, now in his regular clothes. Well as regular as you can get in a suit.
"Nice hell hole Dr. Facilliar." Virgil mused brushing his hand across a mask. Deceit chuckled. "Sit down at my table, put your mind ease." He gestured you the table as we both sat down on chairs opposite. More accurately Virgil did, I lay on my hooves. "What is it you want boys? Your past? Your present? Your future?" He asked. He snapped once more three cards appearing before Virgil and I, six in total. "Future. I want to know if I'll see Roman again." I answered instantly. Deceit smirked flipping the third card. On it was a knight in shining armour but it was upside down. "An upside down knight? How curious." I looked between Deceit and the card. "What? What is it?"
"Virgil, how about you? Your past? Your present? Your future?" V bite his lip looking between the three. "Present." He finally answered. Deceit flipped the middle card and Virgil's eyes lit up upon seeing it. A basket of baked goods with a light blue ribbon tied in a bow at the front. "You both have very different lives. That is clear. Logan your future holds hurt, hence the upside down card yet the knight shows that help may be on the way and you may be saved." Hurt? By who? Saved by what? "Virgil your present holds many treasures and gifts in celebration of who you are. A person full of life it seems has walked into your own. Correct?" He nods wordlessly looking down to his card in awe.
"Ok. What does this have to do with getting into the Kingdom?" I ask shifting the subject. "Ah yes that. Well this has absolutely nothing to do with that. They are simply fun." What?! He just wasted our time for no reason! "Can you actually help us? I need to see him again." Virgil smiles dreamily as he picked up his card, staring down at the picture. Deceit chuckled.
"Of course."
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