Roman's (pov)
Lovaranna huh? "Strange name." I say smirking. "Really? I don't think it's all that peculiar. Perhaps we could compare. What is your name?" He asked curiously. "Why I am Prince Roman good sir!" I exclaim posing. He only raises a brow "Right. Well your name is certainly more for lack of a better word, common." I gasp dramatically placing a hand on my head. "How dare you? I am wounded." I smile lightly when I see an amused smirk make its way across his lips. "Well if my name is in fact the strange one, what would you insist on calling me?" I smile brighter at the chance to be creative with a new name.
I circle the tall creature looking him up and down curiously. "Strong build, smart language, glasses, blunt. Yep! I have it!" I say grandly placing my hands on my hips. "Have what?" He asks running a hand through his hair causing me to glimpse at his pointed ears. "Your name! Lovaranna sounds to feminine for a man of your body structure so I shall call you. Drum roll please?" He sighs but stomps his hooves nonetheless "Logan!" He stops stomping and raises his hand to his shin. "Logan? I quite like it." Victory accomplished! "I knew you would! Now~" I cut myself off when I fell the sun beam down through the leaves. "It's seems to be morning." He said looking up to the sky. My eyes widened as I picked my bag up as well as my sword. "I have to get back to the kingdom! I wish to see you again Logan. Here, tomorrow night!" I yell as I start walking backwards "But~" "Au revouir my noble friend!"
Lovar-Logan's (pov)
I watched as he ran out the Forest his two legs taking him as fast as he can. How humans can run on such short things I'll never know. But that boy he seemed so, so bright, so happy here I doubt he even noticed the frown his face held when the sun fell upon his tanned skin. Oh god damn it!
I take off into sprint galloping in the direction he went all the way to the edge of the Forest. "WAIT!" I called out the sun making my markings dim. I panted slightly my hooves aching under my own weight as he disappeared into the distance.
"The hell are you doing? It's daytime get to bed." A large gust of wind hit me in the face as Virgil landed in front of me. His skin was was painted in a tar like substance going up to his neck leaving his face exposed, his eyes a gorgeous purple to match the feathers strung in his brown hair, his wings however, stood grandly stretched out and glimmering. "Apologies Lord I was busy." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at me "Lovarrana we're friends no need for formalities." He said folding his wings back in.
Virgil or Lord Virgil Anx is the protector of the Forest, his family having been protecting it for many a years. "Yes well, I suppose your right. Shall we head back to the village?" I asked he nodded. "Best to look after all of you at once." I rolled my eyes turning back to forest Virgil walking along beside though he was significantly shorter due to him only having two legs much like humans. "So who were you calling for?" He asked keeping his eyes forward. "An acquaintance." I replied simply. He hummed in thought but I knew he didn't believe me. Virgil has always been the fight or flight type of person due to his upbringing to become the Lord of the Forest. "Yea well get some rest I doubt you'll be able to hold yourself up for much longer." I nodded "To true, to true." A small smile crept upon his lips as we entered the village. Fairies being chased by pixies, younger centaurs like myself galloping for the first time, ravens such as Virgil learning to fly not to mention the mermaids/men swimming in the river surrounding the village. "Beautiful as ever." I breathed out content in the small village we all call a home. "Indeed."
We made our way through the village Virgil getting the occasional bow or glance but I could tell something was off. "What's seems to be the matter V?" I ask. He sighs "I'm not sure if I want to be Lord. I'll happily protect the Forest but the formalities are annoying." I nod in understanding "I suppose that could be bothersome. Even I have been thrown many a nicknames simply for being a companion of you-SHAVALA!" I screamed out as fell on my front legs Virgil immediately at my side. "I knew you wouldn't be able to stand much longer." He muttered under his breathe. I felt tears well up in my eyes as my legs ached.
Centaurs are seen as majestic however, once we reach a certain age we become to heavy for our own good. But it usually starts at a much older age than I. However, I was cursed as young foul, by who I do not know so my legs are much more problematic. "Come on lets get you home." Virgil places his hands to the grass I was laying on a glowing purple circle forming around me. "Vivanine ciraso medalatoa." He chanted as I tried my best to slow my breathing. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I let out a sigh of relief as I saw the inside of my cottage.
Virgil quickly went to work with his healing magic. "You really need to be carful." He said as the purple around me began to fade. "Apologies but I'd rather be putting my legs to good use than lie down doing nothing." I say crossing my arms. Virgil only chuckled however, sitting cross legged in front of me. "Whatever nerd. Just sleep for now. Your up all night." I roll my eyes "I don't need sleep." Though once I said that I yawned immediately afterwards. He gives me a coy look before placing a hand on my forehead. "Sleep."
In a flash of purple, I drifted to black.
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