Romans (pov)
The creature was at least seven foot tall and absolutely gorgeous.
He had black slicked back hair, piecing dark blue eyes, protected by rectangular glasses, his skin was pale yet he had a strong muscular build that could best the general of the knights, from his waist up were dark blue swirls as if they were glow in the dark tattoos. They went up to his his shoulders curling around mirroring both sides of his chest. Though his lower half was certainly the strangest. He had thick black fur and four hooves. He-he was a centaur.
He looked down on me curiosity spiking his eyes. He leaned down his face centimetres from mine, his breathe on his lips. "A human?" He said simply. He stepped back crushing a few leaves he went. He threw the bag at me, the apple missing from it. "I doubt your lesser species can understand me however, thank you for the apple I haven't eaten in a week so much obliged." I stared in shock as he turned around and headed deeper into the forest. I shook my head trying to get a grip on what just happened before taking off into a sprint after the much faster creature despite him only walking. "Woah, woah, woah! What the hell was that?! 'Hi I'm a magical centaur that stole your food, bye'?! I don't think so!" I yelled standing in front of the creature. However, when I did he flinched. "Please lower your voice my hearing is heightened compared to yours." That's all he responds with?! Oh this is ridiculous! "Oh I'm sorry! Oh great one! What do you want me to do bow~" I was cut off by him shoving me behind him as I clashed into his backside. "Hey!" "Shhhh. Listen and if I say run, run." I looked at him confused as he closed his eyes listening for something, anything. I took in a shaky breathe trying to step away but his hand only forced me back into him. I sighed giving in closing my eyes listening in for something when I heard....wings? I opened my eyes to see him staring at the sky. "Virgil." He muttered under his breathe. He let go of me a sigh falling from his lips.
"Apologies I thought it was someone else." I nodded still confused on what exactly happened. "Ok. Can you explain a little?" I asked awkwardly smiling up at the creature. "Ah yes. You are weaker minded." Ouch. "I am a centaur this is the Enchanted Forest, your horse left you, I ate your apple and now this is goodbye. Goodbye." He began to walk off again but I grabbed his tail causing him to yelp out in shock. "No, not goodbye. Tell me your name at the very least?" I practically begged. He sighed turning around to look at me.
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