Chapter 1: Discovery
Chrys' P.O.V.
I was in Science class majorly bored and just ready to get out for the weekend already and I wasn't paying attention to my teacher Ms. Colt. "I wanna go home already," I whispered to myself. I looked at the clock and saw that there were only 10 minutes of school left. I gripped my desk in anticipation. A note landed on my desk and I opened it. It said 'You look like a dork. I like dorks. Signed the guy behind you'. I looked behind me and saw a guy with light blonde hair,dark green eyes,and a tan complexion. He was in total contrast to my dark brown hair,light blue eyes,and pale complexion. That's what I get for staying inside and reading fantasy novels all afternoon. I blushed and turned away from the guy. The bell rang and I sprung up from my seat. I was the first one out the door exited for the weekend.
I got my things from my locker and rushed out of the school too exited for words. I walked home with a dopey grin on my face. "Hey there," A male voice said. I turned to where it came from and saw the guy from earlier. "O-oh. Hi," I said with a small blush on my face. "Did you get my note?" The guy asked. I nodded. "Cool. And your name is..." The guy said. "Oh. Chrys Walker. My first name is spelled with a y not an i," I said. "Weird," The guy said. "Yeah I guess," I said. "Have any plans for the weekend?" The guy asked. "Just sit in my room and read," I said. "Bookworm?" The guy asked. "No I just like to read fantasy novels when i'm alone. Which is a lot," I said. "You sound like a bookworm to me," The guy said. I blushed a little harder. "Well see ya next week," The guy said. "Yeah. See ya," I said as he walked away. Then I realized that I didn't know his name. "Dammit Chrys you're crushing on a guy you don't even know. Smooth," I said to myself.
Time Skip
I was in my room reading fantasy novels but not just any fantasy novels. Gay fantasy novels. Not my first choice but I thought 'Why the hell not'. I heard a crash coming from the backyard which my window was conveniently facing. I looked out the window and saw a huge wolf looking around. It sniffed the air and looked at my window obviously seeing me. I looked away thinking I was seeing things and I looked again but it was still there looking at my window. I looked away totally freaked. "What the hell," I said. I heard something that sounded like claws on the outside wall. I looked out the window and saw the wolf trying to climb the outside wall. I ran to tell my mom and dad. "MOM! DAD! THERE'S A GIANT WOLF OUTSIDE!!!!" I yelled. "NO THERE ISN'T CHRYS!!!" My mom yelled back. "YES THERE IS I SAW IT OUT MY WINDOW!!!!!" I yelled. "WELL I'M LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW DOWN HERE AND I DON'T SEE ANYTHING!!!" Mom yelled back. I ran downstairs and looked out the window. "It's right there how do you now see it," I said gesturing to the wolf. "There isn't a wolf in the backyard Chrys. You gotta stop reading those novels," Mom said. "But mom," I said. "There's nothing there Chrys," Mom said. I went outside and saw the wolf. How did they not see a giant wolf scaling the wall. "How do they not see you?" I asked the wolf. The wolf charged at me and I shouted. I put my arms up in reflex and a blue wall appeared between me and the wolf. The wolf was knocked back and turned into a person. "What the hell?" I asked. The person groaned and Ms. Colt appeared in a white flash of light. "Congratulations Mr. Walker you've beat your first Werewolf," Ms. Colt said. "Wait what? Werewolf?" I asked. "Yes Werewolf. You might want to come with me," Ms. Colt said. I went over to Ms. Colt.
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