Nine (these events are Ten in the revised scene list)
Miami, last decade of the 21st century. Opium had searched for her fellow Sidhe, and found none of them earlier in the century, and that worried her. She had to know if they had survived, and so Mother had called to Morpheus, not being able to cross time herself. They realized as soon as they came into the new time that their kind had not been completely destroyed. They were few, but they were always concentrated in the large cities, and they had formed a network of havens and safehouses to protect themselves.
But none of the Halfangels they came across in the British Isles had been Sidhe, though they all knew of them. They crossed to Paris then. Mother could feel when certain types of people were about, she found the haven easily. They met Wraith there, a shapeshifter of sorts, his ability to change shape was not physical but a simple trick of the mind, only causing people to think he had a different face. He knew of the Sidhe.
Baobhan Sidhe had been Mother's closest friend in that time, and Wraith said that she had been living at the Haven for some time, but that she had left a few years back. It was obvious that he knew more of the circumstances surrounding her departure, but he wouldn't speak of them. He did tell them that she had moved to Spain, that she had been using the name Raven Pelolobo last he saw her, and that he suspected she had been taken in by her mother's people.
They went to Barcelona by train. Mother explained that being Sidhe had nothing to do with being Irish, it had merely happened that, as the lands around the Mediterranean were given to Human rulers, Halfangels had moved north, afraid that the true Angels would not protect them from Humans. When Humans had come to the isles from the south the Halfangels had banded together to protect each other, they built the earth mounds to shelter them and retreated. They were the oldest organized group of Halfangels that she knew of.
Baobhan was, other than the daughter of an Angel, one of the Wolfbreed. Most Humans called them Werewolves, or similar names, but they were not like Vampyres, they couldn't create another through a bite, only their children were like them. They had existed alongside Humans from the beginning, created by the Angel Gabriel whom they held special devotions to. A lot of them were actually Catholic, except those living south and east of the Mediterranean, these were devote Muslims. Mother explained that Pelolobo was the name of the Wolfbreed tribe of which Raven's mother had been Matriarch, and that, even before she had been called Baobhan, she had been called Little Raven. Raven, as her father was called by his human worshipers Ravenstar, the Angel commonly known as Mephiztopher.
"She is a very interesting woman," Mother said of her.
But, they didn't find Raven in Barcelona. Wolfbreed there were convinced that Opium was actually a friend of Raven, and told Mother that they should ask for her in Madrid, but they thought she was not actually there anymore. In Madrid, there was only one family of Wolfbreed; the woman of the house described a Vampyre and said Raven had lived with him. The Vampyre was hard to find, because he did not smell as Wolfbreed or Humans do, and he was blind, which meant even Angels could not steal from him his sight and see the place he was hiding.
Mother laughed, as they went out to look for the Vampyre. It amused her that they thought a blind Vampyre would be hard to find. "Do you see how it is funny? For me, a blind person is the easiest to find, because I have no substance to reflect light here, like Wraith my appearance is all glamour. Blind people can see me! He will find us, this Vampyre!"
They waited for night, visited the noisiest most crowded clubs. Mother was of the opinion that Vampyres could not resist these mortal throngs. Eventually, they found him: good-looking and vaguely Moorish, eyes swimming behind tinted glasses. He approached cautiously.
"Gabriel, my name is Opium, I need you to answer some questions for me, nothing major."
Gabriel laughed then looked at Morpheus. He had no vision, but his other senses told him Morpheus was there.
"This is my son, Morpheus. We're looking for Raven Pelolobo, the other Wolfbreed said you knew her."
"Maybe I know her."
"She is an old friend of mine, of Leanan. That was my name. I need to speak with her."
"Maybe she left the country."
Mother was not impressed. "Tell me."
"All right, I knew her. We lived together, me, and Raven, and her kid. She went to America. These humans, they didn't like the kid much, you know; they thought he was the antichrist." Gabriel laughed.
"You know where in America?"
"Miami. She has cousins there, distant cousins."
And so, they stood at the door of a brightly-colored, dilapidated apartment building, ringing at bell of a seventh floor apartment. "Who's there?" asked a decidedly Jamaican voice through the intercom.
"Tell Raven that Leanan is looking for Baobhan."
Long silence, then, "Could you say that again?"
"Tell Raven that Leanan wants to see her, it's me Opium!"
Mother's eyebrows appeared to rise slightly, as she looked at Morpheus.
A couple of minutes passed. Two figures looked out from behind the glass door, a slim, black man in black tee and three-color beret, and behind his arm, an unreally tall white woman, with thick black braids hanging over her shoulders. The woman rushed at the door. She stood before Opium and Morpheus with open arms, speaking rapidly in Gaelic, and then she drew her hands close to her body and just smiled.
"C'mere," Opium said and curled a finger.
The tall woman bent and Opium stepped up to hug her. Drawing back, afterward, Mother closed her eyes, her eyebrows knit together. Making herself felt was often difficult.
"Give me strength," Morpheus whispered, voicing his mother's sentiment.
She laughed weakly.
Raven switched to Spanish suddenly, "Este es mi primo, Jose." That was about all Morpheus understood, as Raven gestured to the man now behind her.
"Let's get out of sight," Jose said to her.
And still speaking in Spanish, which Morpheus didn't understand without first translating, she invited them upstairs.
It was a very small apartment, a narrow rectangular room, with a tiny kitchen to one side, and a narrow hall leading to bedrooms and bath. There was a small boy sitting in front of a flickering television screen, his hair an unusual burgundy color.
"When did you have this child, Raven?" Opium asked.
Raven looked almost startled. "He has four years," Raven said in something like English.
"Is," said the boy still staring at the screen. Morpheus recognized the program, a cartoon then practically ancient, Josie and the Pussycats.
Raven laughed as if in apology and walked across the room to scoop the boy from the floor. She scolded him in French. He screwed up his face, as she tried to brush his hair away. "Speak American to me, Mama," he said.
It became evident the boy's name was Thierry.
They sat on Raven's couch, she on the floor. Morpheus was embarrrassed to take the seat, but then Mother smiled at him, saying, "She's always preferred floors."
Jose was in the kitchen making a sandwich. He had extraordinarily long fingernails, and also there was something about the bones of his face, the way his eyes and eyebrows sat on his face...he wasn't a Human. He brought the sandwich to Thierry who picked the meat out of it and bolted this down.
Thierry approached Morpheus, and stood staring at him. The boy's skin was rather dark, compared to his mother, but his eyes were a very bright aqua and his hair, though dark, was red. He was wearing a very small version of a velvet dinner jacket with red cotton tee and shorts. And he wore sandals. "Are you a faerie?" he asked.
"I'm a Three-quarter-Angel," Morpheus said, "but I suppose I'm also Sidhe, because Opium is."
The boy blinked slowly. "I know that. I mean one of the faeries," said the boy putting a strange whine on the word.
Morpheus shook his head. "What do you mean?"
"They're famous. My papa's a faerie and he's famous."
"Scoot!" Raven said suddenly. She spoke loudly, changing the subject. "I know where Jean-Daniel is!"
"Jean-Daniel? He's alive?" Opium asked.
"And still young, Maeve's...." she gestured to her breasts.
"I don't believe that," Opium said, "He was probably already immortal when we found him, probably abandoned by some Human woman."
Raven shrugged. "He was in France the whole time they were hunting us, he's in New Orleans right now! We could call; he would fly over in a plane."
"Wonderful!" Opium said. "Oh, Murph, you'll just adore Jean-Daniel!"
Raven made the call from a cheap videophone with a very small screen. Jean-Daniel answered right away. Raven told him Opium was there, but said she had embraced her, so she couldn't come on the phone. Jean-Daniel mentioned a caldron.
They met Jean-Daniel at a cafe that night for dessert and coffee. Raven took out her braids and brushed her hair then slipped into a white dress identical to the one she had worn before. Thierry made her wear sandals; she wanted to go barefoot. Thierry dressed himself all in black, including his velvet jacket, and he put silver charms about his neck on thin chains and silver hoops in his ears. He was at four, tall as most six-year-olds a precocious talker and better able to dress himself for public than his mother. Jose stayed in.
Jean-Daniel was, as it seemed Halfangels tended to be if their parents were not from very low orders, tall and slender. Actually even the diminutive Halfangels were also slender, and never heavily built. Morpheus thought it might be metabolic, the fact that Humans foods just weren't rich enough to fatten them. But, besides this, he was also rather beautiful, appearing dressed in a red velvet jacket with no shirt beneath and a black kilt. It did not seem terribly out of fashion then, given the other patrons, except for the absence of an undershirt. He had rich brown hair and bright violet eyes, one might actually say lavender; he couldn't be all human.
He kissed Raven first, as if greeting a lover. Smiled longingly at Opium, gazed at Morpheus and said, "Aren't we gorgeous?" Jean-Daniel then sat at the table, took a sip of water and asked Thierry what interesting movies he had watched recently.
"I don't watch movies that you would find interesting," Thierry said just as cattily and took a sip of water.
"We learn young don't we?" Jean-Daniel said. He smiled again at Opium. "Leanan, you are a vision. I looked at those album covers and I knew you weren't using blood anymore, it used to give you such color."
Opium smirked, "Anything that reflects light will do, dust, sand, smog, water even."
"You always looked radiant in sea mist," said Raven.
For a while they spoke of old times, of stone circles, and Angels, of old wars. "Robin?" Opium asked.
"I hope he's dead," Jean-Daniel said.
"Robin's too smart to get himself killed," Opium said thoughtfully.
Raven just shook her head.
"If you are going on tour, like I hear that you will, then maybe he will find you," Raven offered.
Opium took this news without a shock. They were, after all, in a time in which they knew no recent history.
"Find her?" Jean-Daniel asked, "He'll kill her...or try."
"And Maeve?" asked Opium.
"Ah, I was certain that the rumors were true, that she had begged protection from the pale one, your father...and that he had taken her."
"Oh," said Opium, "I suppose he did." She looked to put her chin in her hand. "Hey, what about the hunting, and this Order?" Opium asked.
"There are very few Sidhe left," Jean-Daniel said,
"And Wolfbreed, many were killed before things settled. If they didn't manage to escape to one of the less developed nations, or find one of Havens in Pakistan, or New Orleans, it seems they died, or were at least captured for a time. Shelters in Paris and Rome were raided multiple times. Um...Australia, no one has heard from anyone who went there."
"Yes, terrible, wasn't it."
"Ah, but those beautiful mad Vampyres," Jean-Daniel sighed. "Pulled us out of our spot of trouble, no?"
Opium nodded. "Yes, those mad Vampyres, always with their fangs into everything."
"Yes!" said Jean-Daniel.
It was only then that the waitress came to serve them. Thierry growled at her.
Morpheus went back home after the visit with the Sidhe, going from Earth time to the relatively timeless shallow world. He came to the Cave of the Allegory and met Daniel Never in the caves chasing butterflies. "Hello, Morpheus!" Daniel said happily.
"Hello, My Friend. How are you?"
"Daniel always happy. Daniel has two new friends, Dream gives them to me."
Morpheus smiled. They walked into the section of the Allegory that was constructed like a labyrinth and seemed open to the sky. The animals were more colorful here. The boy was dancing and singing.
"Daniel gets to play with Car-o-line and Tee-eh-ree, Daniel gets to visit the people places, gets to play with babies, needy babies in the nee-dee world."
Daniel darted behind a curtain of ivy. Morpheus hurried after him. "Daniel! Where are you?"
The boy was standing up on a swing, butterflies flocking about him madly, a flurry of soft pale things was moving through the air. Morpheus shielded his eyes. He couldn't tell if these were butterflies or flower petals. The flurry didn't stop, but it helped when Morpheus turned his back. They looked like cherry blossoms, reminded him again of the cartoon about the pretty Vampyre princess and the evil doll-faced creature that was trying to steal its pretty human lover. He spun around in dance, hearing Daniel giggle.
The tree were covered with these things, like petals or leaves, and yet as they flew by Morpheus saw they had elegant dancing legs.
"This is nice part of the Al-e-gory," Daniel sang.
"Daniel, did you say you had a friend named Thierry?"
"Oh yes, Dream gives Daniel new friends, Daniel must watch the babies like a good boy and he can play with them. Big Angels! Big Angels come and tell Dream not to give their friend person hurting dreams and Dream says the big Angels can not tell him what to do, but he shows them Daniel. Dream tells them Daniel will go and watch the babies of your friend person, and good little Daniel will tell us if they have bad dreams, and this will never happen again!" Daniel took an enormous breath. "So Daniel gets Caroline and Thierry to play with!"
Morpheus picked a cherry from one of the trees and popped it in his mouth. "Daniel," he started and then stopped and licked at his lips, "Ooooh, they're goood!" he said.
"Ac-quired taste," said Daniel.
Morpheus ate another one.
"They give you dreams."
"I've never heard of a hallucinogenic cherry," said Morpheus.
Daniel nodded gravely as the swing reached its lowest point. He sailed backward in the air. "The roses have no thorns," Daniel sang.
Morpheus sat under the tree and ate another cherry. "So it's that sort of garden, is it?"
"Ssssssh," hissed Daniel and then giggled as the swing carried him backward again.
"Tell me about faeries, Daniel, do you know about faeries?" Morpheus' vision was all out of focus, things looked watercolory.
"Daniel knows the ribbon lady," he said.
"She ties ribbons in everything, pink ones. The cats don't like her. Her father is one of the big Angels who was Dream before Dream was."
"Maeve," Morpheus said. He felt very giddy. "Queen Mab!" he giggled.
"Morpheus Friend, stop eating the cherries!"
" was I going to say?"
Daniel hopped from the swing and came to Morpheus. Morpheus swatted at the soft purple things before his face.
"Faeries! What other faeries are there...oooo, you must know if Thierry does."
"The children people, the pretty dancing people children that kiss and suck candy all day, the children are called faeries. Thierry's father is a faerie, Amadeo is just like the ribbon lady."
"The faerie Queen?"
"Oh yes, Thierry's father is the queen of children who kiss and dance. Amadeo has dreams that hurt him, some person with sharp teeth is giving him bad dreams. Big Angels don't like it."
"When you talk these pretty silver bubbles come from your mouth...and then they pop...tink, tink."
"Daniel is not understanding you, Morpheus."
"Wherefore art thou Julien? For an orchid by any other name would smell as eternal. Forsake your father, and your maker. Swat Cobweb from your eyes and give suck to me through this gloryhole..."
"Morpheus! Morpheus!"
"Or dash my brains against this wall like strawberries and cream and read in them your future lost, Julien!"
"Amazing how much Shakespeare one picks up watching TV and reading comic books," said Jibril. He stood at the iron gate backed by ivy, dressed in black, including his Nightcloak. "Let him sleep it off, Daniel. Morpheus will be fine. He'll be all right."
Morpheus was down inside. Everything was black, and there was the web, all lacy and red, a skirling pulsating thing in the blackness and at its ends voices called to him. And there was another Morpheus, and another, so many of him. All twinkling black eyes with different clothing and jewelry and one of them was female. He tried to hold onto what they were saying, but it just went away.
Something raked his back then; it seemed Julien was there.
Morpheus came to realize that his mother was there and had been watching him. "I ate a cherry," Morpheus said.
She smiled.
Morpheus stretched his arm up over his head, pushed himself up off the ground with his wings. "I had this dream," he said, grinning.
"Can you fly?" asked his mother.
"Anything," said Morpheus. He felt himself blush.
"Laughter," said Mother. "Come on then, I thought there are some places we might go...we've got time."
Morpheus stood up, all his feathers spread and then fell into place against each other with a sound not unlike the thumbing of a deck of cards. "Where to?"
"Back to England, about 4, 200 years see over time, don't you? You see them setting the stones?"
Morpheus' eyes went black to the very corners. "Yes, I see it. Is that where you want to go?"
Mother nodded.
Morpheus folded his wings about them both, and flew.
It was night, the sky was very clear; it caused a pulling in Morpheus' heart to look up at it. "It's so beautiful," he said. There was just flat land and sky and Mother was walking away from him, hidden almost entirely by what looked a Nightcloak, but couldn't actually be one. Turning to one side, he saw campfires blazing, a gray-blue column of smoke rising, blown away from them by the wind. Many Humans were gathered about the fire and away from them, under moon and stars, tall figures stood among stones and wooden posts, pointing to the sky, throwing arms out in gestures of frustration.
Morpheus walked near them. He recognized Raphael immediately, standing quietly in fur jacket and tight leather pants, as another Angel complained to him. This one was quite pale, with ginger-blond hair worn in curls; he wore a long leather jacket, and boots, in the cold air, and had heavy gold earrings from which large green-glinting feathers dangled. The same feathers dangled from his jacket like a fringe. Morpheus knew that the third Angel had to be Gabriel, because no other Angel so obviously high in rank was so obviously female, she stood close to the plumed Angel in red sheath dress and Nightcloak, blonde hair hanging all about in braids. Knowing that the other Angel was standing with Gabriel, Morpheus figured he was Raziel. It was well known that these Archangels just an order apart were practically inseparable.
Gabriel turned slowly to look at Opium and Morpheus. She addressed them by name and invited them closer. True Angels were never surprised to see time travelers. She didn't talk to them again just yet. She was looking back at Raziel.
"It's just not going to work properly," he said. "Don't you understand how important this is? In the South there are humans kings who will go to war for no other reason than a strange omen in the sky. War is coming. We've got to be able to observe the coming of a new age."
Gabriel touched a finger to Raziel's ear and smiled. "Listen to me, my kuku dear, do not be angry with Raphael and I, watching you design houses has not made him an architect, we're healers and biologists, not mathematicians, not astronomers. Let us call my split from the land of the south to bring others with her and the proper stones. You will draw up the plan this time."
"Yes, call to your sister," said Raziel.
"Easily done," said Gabriel. She took what looked pretty much a cellular phone from the folds of her cloak and dialed.
While they waited for Zerachiel to come from Africa, they remained in the camp by night, and during the days, watched the Humans labor to clear away the stones and wooden posts. Raziel lay his papers out on the flat table stone and drew and redrew his plans with mechanical lead pencils and rubber erasers. At night, he walked about with his instruments sighting various stars, and putting flags in the ground. When he wasn't working, he always seemed friendlier, always shuffling a deck of cards.
The others arrived by sea, sending Human servants ahead on dun desert horses, they were Egyptians wearing, under their fur jackets, fine linen clothing. The servants reported that the ship could not make it inland on the river, and that they wanted to know how the stones should be transported. Gabriel sent out their own humans with the wide flat beds with their many wide wheels and thick axles to ferry the the stones by water and land.
The Angels came, themselves on horseback, Zerachiel and Jibril - Morpheus was not certain they were Regents at this time, though they probably had similar functions to those he knew - and two others. Zerachiel introduced these as Duma and Nergal, both Children of Leliel. Nergal, like Leliel, had black skin, though his eyes were white. Duma was pale and black-haired, boyish-looking, and shy. Nergal seemed reserved. They were all dressed in styles of African dress, Zerachiel wearing a black sheath dress and large silver collar, with a tall hat that hid her hair. Nergal had a similar headdress, though not as high. All, but Zerachiel, were wearing false beards. And though they wore fur coats, the furs were from African animals, like the lion's skin on Nergal with a hood made of its mane hanging behind his shoulders. Duma and Jibril were bare-headed, and Duma wore a Nightcloak, while Jibril albino fur and lots of ivory jewelry.
Jibril knew who Opium and Morpheus were when he saw them, just as Gabriel had. "You know that this age is different," he said. Opium said that they knew. The Humans all worked for the Angels, especially so this far north, and the many Halfangels that were about were worked just as hard. Of course, the servants were all fed and housed, but to Morpheus this did not seem to make up for the fact that they lived their lives laboring on projects they didn't understand.
Raziel was sitting in front of his tent when they came to the camp. Jibril was the first to speak to him, "You lost your beard," he said.
Raziel looked up from his cards. "Beards aren't fashionable over there, in fact, no one wears them."
Jibril smiled. "Ear spools and could start a trend if you tried. Though, fashion doesn't do so well in wartime, what with needing materials and hands for the war machine. Eros is going to try another attempt to seize power on this planet. He won't succeed. But, I wouldn't try going east until this all blows over, if I were you, I'd come down to Africa."
"Fashion and war, eh? I'm never at peace anywhere I go, Egypt, Mesopotamia. Someone's always angry at me for teaching the Humans to use a new calendar or planning a building that upstages theirs," said Raziel. "I don't know where I'll go after this. I only hope it can be finished in time to stop some of the squabbling. The view from this location should be a good one." He looked up and caught Duma's eye. "How are you faring?"
"I'm holding together," said Duma quietly. He seemed to be gazing at Zerachiel. She was standing with Nergal's arm about her shoulders.
"It's so misty and dark in this land," Zerachiel said, "Are you quite sure there have been no problems with Nephillim Spawn?"
"I have seen just two since I've come up here," Gabriel said. "The strongest ones I know of are in the Far East now; they don't bother us."
"Raziel, will this plan of yours actually work?" Nergal asked.
"Yes, it should, this plan will allow us to sight many events in the heavens, and predict them."
"The equinox? For the New Year?" asked Nergal.
"Everything!" said Raziel.
Nergal waked away slowly then, stood at the edge of the firelight eying the Humans with suspicion.
They were all silent, until Gabriel spoke, "You look good, Jibril. It must be nice to be removed from politics...all sit around and let your humans mine the gold and diamonds."
Jibril shrugged, "Play a game of Senet with me?"
Gabriel immediately went away with Jibril, and Raziel was left sitting before his tent, Zerachiel, Duma, and Raphael nearby, and Morpheus sitting on the ground.
Raphael snatched up Raziel's cards, laughed.
"Give them back," Raziel said.
"Want to play a card game, eh?" Raphael asked.
"You haven't invented a card game."
"I have, it's called Fiftytwopickup?"
"Did you say Fifty-two?" asked Raziel just as Raphael sent the cards flying up into the air.
"Pick up!" laughed Raphael.
Raziel was crawling about on the ground after his cards. "How could you?!"
"It was a joke, oh plumed one, a joke. I'll help you pick them up."
"No!" Raziel cried. He looked at the damp cards in his hands. "I'll have to sit here and count them," he said.
"You could play clock," offered Morpheus.
"Raziel, it was only a joke. You know I love you. I really like your cards, and observatories, well they're very interesting...looking at stars, squinting at slide rules, doing calculations...all terribly romantic."
"Clock?" asked Raziel quietly. He looked up at Raphael who was gesturing wildly to the heavens. "Raphael, go write us a song about it, OK." Raziel picked up the last of the cards. "Clock?" he said again.
"Oh, it's a really fun card game," said Morpheus, "you can play by yourself, and at the end, all the cards are in order."
Raziel took his cards into his tent and dropped them down on a table. "Halfangel, come show me this clock game," he said.
Morpheus ducked into the tent. "Three-quarters, and I've got a name," he said.
Raziel nodded. "Sorry...Morpheus, please, teach me this game."
Morpheus sat at the card table - it really looked to be a card table- and he tapped the cards into a single deck. He dealt out twelve cards in a circle, then one in the center. Then went around covering each of the cards with another till the cards were all dealt. Raziel watched, fascinated. "They came out even, you've got fifty-two," Morpheus said. "Oh, I forgot to explain, this is sort of a time bomb game, if you turn over all the kings before putting the other cards in order then you loose the game...but if you only want to lay them in order you could cheat."
"No, I want to learn the game."
Morpheus nodded. "All right, you do it. Turn over any card, see what it is."
"Three of swords," Raziel said.
"Swords, like in Tarot."
"You know cards and Tarot?"
"I was born a long time from now, but sure, I know. Anyway, you put the three here the rightmost part of the wheel. OK, seven of disks, seven goes just left of the bottom. Like a clock-face, twelve hours, and then the kings, they go in the middle."
"Like twelve months, and then you count one year, the ruler," said Raziel.
"Oh, yeah, kinda neat how it works both ways," Morpheus said. "Oh, you got a king there, three more and you're out."
"It's like a battle, one king already against you."
"I bet you'd love Dungeons and Dragons!" Morpheus laughed.
He walked out of Raziel's tent later, explaining that one form of solitaire was good for getting the numbers together, the other was good for getting your suits all together. One way was interesting because you started with seven piles each having one more card than the one before, there was a lot you could do with seven. And Raziel was explaining that when the stone observatory was complete even the Humans would have no doubt when the Earth came into the next age, that of the ram, and besides you could easily view, solstices, equinoxes, moon standstills, and even predict eclipses, not just one or two of these things like most observatories! It was going to be a very useful structure. Morpheus said they ought to make an observatory that actually rotated, Raziel said that of course they knew about these, but that on Earth they just didn't have the resources and tools they needed.
Opium was nearby then, she was watching Duma and Zerachiel. Duma wasn't speaking to her, only staring at her, and Zerachiel kept insisting he just tell her what was going on. "He likes her, you know, likes her likes her," Morpheus whispered to Opium.
Opium shook her head sadly. "He's never going to be able to tell her what he wants."
"Well, sometimes actions speak louder than words," Morpheus said.
"I'm afraid that they do," said Opium.
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