Extras: Guide to Characters
[Upon request, and roughly in order of appearance, a guide to the characters in The Empty World, including in particular which mythological characters they are based upon. NOTE: will contain SPOILERS if read before finishing the story.]
Morpheus - A shapeshifter of mixed Angelic and Human ancestry whose varied skills make him useful to the Children of Night who frequently give him assignments on Earth. (Based on the god/daimon Morpheus from Greco-Roman mythology. He's pretty savvy about other fictional characters who share his name.)
Maya - A Partangel, and twin sister to Morpheus, whose specialized skills lead her to operate behind the scenes from the Night Regions. (Based on the concept and goddess Maya in Buddhism and Hinduism.)
Opium - A Halfangel who is mother to Morpheus and Maya. In her own right, she is a member of the Children of Night, functioning as Vice-Regent to Psyche; is a member of the Sidhe, who know her as Leanan; and is known on Earth as The Looking Glass Girl, of interest in suicide and attempted suicide cases in several jurisdictions. (Inspired by both leannán sídhe and banshee from Celtic and Irish mythology, arguably, as baby-mommy to Somn, she's also Pasithea, a Grace and goddess of rest in Greco-Roman Mythology who was associated with a plant with her same name. )
Somniel - An Angel of the Order Hashmallim and the Regent of Sleep. He is father to 100 sons including Laudanum, Phantasos, Icelos, and Morpheus; Maya is his only known daughter. (Based largely on the god Hypnos/Somnus (in the aspect of a god of sleep) in Greco-Roman mythology.)
Leliel - The elusive founder and leader of the Children of Night. (Based on many "Night" figures, including Sumerian deity Enlil, the Greek deity Nyx, The Egyptian deity Nut, and the "angel named Night" or "angel of night" in some Judaeo-Christian interpretations.)
Laudanum - A Halfangel son to the Angel Somniel and the Human Metro of Athens. He is commonly recognized as heir apparent to the Regency of Sleep, should Somniel be unavailable, but stands in for Opium more often. (Conceptually, he's the counterpart to Absinthe as the spirit of the tincture laudanum.)
Absinthe - A Halfangel daughter to the Angel Jibril and the Human Metro of Athens. She is a Vice-Regent among Children of Night most often governing Fantasy. (Inspired by "green fairy" legends related to the beverage absinthe. Her appearance is influenced by the croquis drawn by a fashion student the author once knew.)
Jibril - An Angel of the Order Hashmallim and Regent of Dream. He was created by the Archangel Gabriel, incorporating at least some aspect of Leliel, specifically for the purpose of assuming the regency of Dream. He is often occupied governing his vast region and dispatches Opium, Absinthe, and Morpheus to act on Earth for him. (Based partly on the Greco-Roman god Hypnos/Somnus (in the aspect of a god of dreams) and on the angel Gabriel/Jibril in Judaeo-Christian-Islamic tradition)
Metro - A former hetaira of Athens, Greece and known recreational and ceremonial drug user; she became a mother-figure to Shade and his companions and lived in Shade's household. She encountered Somniel and Jibril when her drug-induced stupors put her in their Regions, and was apparently visited by them on Earth. She bore Absinthe to Jibril and Laudanum to Somniel. After her death, Somniel and Jibril claimed her soul and brought her to live in their Regions, where she is often in a state of prophetic trance. (Inspired by various Sleeping Beauty figures. Her name is literally 'mother', but according to a book on the history of sex in culture, using familial terms of address may have been a habit of some courtesans and sex workers.)
Steven Jewel - A renown New York Billionaire in the telecomm industry who was granted immortality by the Angels Zerachiel and Gabriel. Through a friendship with Shade, Steven became involved in Darkling Rights activism. Shade placed an order of protection on Steven and all his descendants. Steven's family continues to be influential in Darkling affairs, as well as in industry and politics. (The billionaire playboy or eccentric billionaire type, of a geek chic variety. Symbolically, his name indicates he is the crown jewel, the head of a precious family.)
Shade - a Vampyre, born Human in Alexandria, Egypt at the turn of the common era. He was transformed by the Nephillim Azyur Ka, under the direction of Lucifer, with the intention he be their agent on Earth. Shade encountered Angels opposing Lucifer in the settlement of New Eden and subsequently took a neutral position in their Angelic conflict, which ultimately earned him the enmity of Lucifer. Shade is generally reclusive, but nevertheless influential in Darkling circles, being idolized or despised by various other Vampyres and Halfangels. Most Humans are unaware of him, as he writes novels under a pseudonym and sometimes works as a musician under various stage names. (Conceived as something like The Starscream to Lucifer, but not as actively backstabby as the original. 'Shade' is the English equivalent of the name he would have chosen in Greek, but is the name he uses for himself through most of the story. Symbolically it can work on several levels.)
Helen Jewel - A hereditary witch, maiden name Helen Templeton, she found work for an organization researching Darkling, and encountered Steven during a raid on the building where he and Shade were both living. After marrying Steven, Helen struggled with the politics of Darkling Rights versus need for Human safety and attempted to compartmentalize her professional and private life. (She fits some tropes due to her turn from antagonist to hero; her given name (Helen) and maiden name (Templeton) each reference a different real person known to the author, though the character herself is not based on either.)
Joy Lesleigh Fortnight - An engineered being who is a Human female in most respects, created by Jibril to be a muse-like agent of Joy in the Empty World (Earth). Unknown to herself, she was eternally young and programmed to enter a fugue state every decade, at which point she was updated with a new identity. During her decade as Joy Lesleigh Fortnight, a Gothic Rock musician in New York City, she encountered Shade's brood of Vampyres, including some who had encountered her in past versions. Joy's experience with the Vampyres, particularly becoming enthralled by Julien, left her in a state of desperation that eventually led to her death. Being resurrected by Vampyre blood corrupted her programming. (Somewhat Perky Goth. In bond-girl fashion, her name sounds like Joy for tonight...or Joylessly for the night.)
Zerachiel - An Angel and Archon of the Order Aishim. The Regent of Death and twin to Gabriel, whom she split from in a fission-like event. (Based on various underworld and death figures, including the Angel of Death, Persephone of Greek mythology, and Ereshkigal of Sumerian mythology.)
Raphael - An Angel and Archon of the Order Seraphim, a physician, and tutelary of the Sun. He has held the title Regent of Dream, presumably after Gabriel and before Jibril. He retains some influence in matters of inspiration and museship, though he is not a member of the Children of Night. His daughter, Maeve, was granted asylum in Dream on his account. (Based largely on the archangel and saint Raphael of Judaeo-Christian tradition, and also partly on Apollo of Greco-Roman mythology.)
Remiel - An Angel of the Order Tafsarim and tutelary of Mercury, and sometimes Archon of his Order. He is always simultaneously dark-skinned and light-skinned, though many beings are only capable of perceiving him as one or the other at a given time. (Based on the angel Remiel of Judaeo-Christian tradition as well as the Greco-Roman gods Hermes/Mercury. On some level he also homages 'speedster' characters inspired by Hermes/Mercury...whom he originally inspired.)
Hyacinth - A Human follower of Apollo. He's a Lacedaemonian originally from the city of Sparta. (Based on Hyacinth of Greek mythology. The author likes that "Lacedaemonian" looks like "Lace Demon" even though it sounds like La-ke-dai-mon-i-an.)
Duma - An Angel, once Archon of the Tafsarim, who fell and eventually became one of the nine Satans, and who remains among the Children of Night as Regent of Silence. (Based on both the angel Dumah in Judaeo-Christian tradition and the god Dumuzi in Sumerian mythology.)
Gabriel - An Angel, Archon of the Order Cherubim, and twin to Zerachiel. Sometimes associated with life, in contrast to Zerachiel's association with Death, Gabriel is involved in genetic engineering. A former Regent of Dream, and also once in charge of Inspiration, before passing duties to Jibril and Raphael, Gabriel remains an Angel of Revelation and associates with various prophets in the Empty World. She is sometimes confused with Jibril, particularly when manifesting in masculine form. (Based largely on the archangel and saint Gabriel/Jibril in Judaeo-Christian-Islamic tradition and partly on various virgin or creator goddesses, including Ninhursag of Sumerian Mythology and Artemis of Greek mythology.)
Raguel - An Angel, Archon of the Order Hashmallim, and charged with regulating duties and orders for Angels. (Based on angel Raguel of Judaeo-Christian tradition.)
Ceyx - A man of mixed Human and Angelic ancestry who died at sea. (Based on Cexy of Greek mythology.)
Alcyone - A woman of mixed Human and Angelic ancestry who was married to Cexy. (Based on Alcyone of Greek mythology.)
Hepburn - A Djinn in service to Morpheus who often manifests in the guise of Audrey Hepburn. Originally from an area settled by ancient Semitic language speakers, Hepburn responds to requests in several languages, but communicates in combination of signs, gestures, and shifting. (Hepburn is a Jann type Djinn associated with sand and camel forms.)
Loren - A Djinn in service to Morpheus who often manifests in the guise of Sophia Loren. Originally from ancient Persia, Loren is fluent in various ancient languages but is shy about speaking in modern Human languages. (Loren is a Si'lat type Djinn associated with a centaur-like form.)
Julien Dangerous - A Vampyre, born a Human in the later 1960s in Long Island, New York. His sister, Blade, became entangled in the conflict between Shade and Lucifer and, through her, Julien encountered Shade's brood of Vampyres. In the early 1990s, he entered into a relationship with and was eventually turned by Athené. Joy was instrumental in helping Julien accept his Vampyre nature. Professionally he works as a couturier and fashion designer and continues to hire himself under assumed names to maintain control of his House while hiding his Vampyre nature. (In a conceptually Apollonian vs Dionysian pairing, he's overtly the more emotional and physical one, but he has 'light' coloring.)
Athené - A Vampyre, born Human in Alexandria, Egypt early in the First Century of the common era. He suffered trauma in his early life when his father, Shade, was turned into a Vampyre, and this led to his mother's death by self-immolation. He coped with his trauma by disassociating from Human nature and identifying with his father's Vampyre nature. He was raised by his father's adopted sister (Absidus) alongside his cousins-by-adoption (Faye and Miranda). While still a teenager he was turned into a Vampyre by his father. Professionally he is an artist, but also generates income through import/export and smuggling businesses, and is known to have a fine singing voice. Has a rivalry with Eros. (In a conceptually Apollonian vs Dionysian pairing, he's overtly the more logical one typically keeping others at a distance, but he has 'dark' coloring.)
Faye - A Vampyre, born Human in Athens, Greece in the early first century. Her parents were both former slaves. Her father, Star, was Shade's friend and former lover. Upon her father's death, Faye and her sister, Miranda, were raised by Shade's sister, Absidus, alongside Athené. She was turned into a Vampyre by Athené. Faye does not care to keep employment in Human society but lives of what she can take from Human victims. (Her name is a shortening+transliteration from Phaeto, in turn derived from Phaethon "shining one", a child of the (god of the) Sun who fell.)
Daniel Never Fortnight - The never-born son of Joy and an unrevealed man, who found sanctuary in the region of Dream. He appears to some in the Empty World as a ghost. (He's one of many 'Daniel' characters; the name having personal significance to the author.)
Dodgson - A white rabbit in Jibril's service who may have once been a Human. (Possibly inspired by a historic figure.)
Penelope - A gray cat in Jibril's service who may have once been a Human, possibly British. She is apparently Jibril's housekeeper and/or secretary. (Possibly inspired by a historical figure.)
Alexandra - A black spider in Jibril's service who may possibly have once been a Human, possibly Greek-speaking.
River - A green lizard in service to Morpheus who was once a Human man and who made a deal with Gabriel to be reincarnated in a new body and work with a partner, in order to have to opportunity to resolve unsettled issues from his former life. (Possibly inspired by a historical figure.)
Jorge - A soul who previously lived as a Human on Earth, and spends his afterlife in the Library of Dream working as a volunteer librarian. He keeps astonishing spherical objects in his pockets. (Inspired by a historical figure.)
Michael - An Angel, Archon of the Order Tarshishim, and Commander of The Host. (Based on the archangel and saint Michael of Judaeo-Christian tradition.)
Uriel - An Angel, Archon of the Order Shinnanim. (Based on the angel Uriel of Judaeo-Christian tradition.)
Jophiel - Also known as Beholder, an Angel of the Order Hashmallim, member of the Children of Night, and Regent of Beauty. Usually appears with distinctive mismatched eyes, one of which perceives and possibly grants beauty. (Based on angel Jophiel in Judaeo-Christian tradition as well as various gods/goddesses of Beauty.)
Lucifer - An Angel, Satan of the Order Seraphim, Lord of the Malakim faction, tutelary of Venus, former Archon of the Seraphim, first among the fallen. He sought to place Shade as his agent on Earth, but was denied and as result threatened to deny Shade what he loves. Believes the one Shade loved most was Blade. (Based on the personification of Venus/The Morning Star in Roman Mythology and, at the same time, The Adversary/Satan from Judeao-Christian lore, which were two separate entities in The Bible who got confused some time after its English translations. Arguably, he's also Zeus from Greek Mythology, but that leads to a whole Gnostic rabbithole of implications if anyone is both a creator being and adversary.)
Tristopher - An Angel of ancient and unknown origin, associated with the Children of Night while also maintaining relations with Lucifer, who is the father of her son, Eros (created with assistance of Gabriel.) She is Regent of Love. (Based on various primordial and/or self-generating goddess figures, including Sumerian Tiamat and Greek Aphrodite.)
Raziel - An Angel, Archon of the Order Ophanim, and sometimes Governor of the City of Los Angeles in the Night Regions. A librarian, archivist, architect, and technician. His tears fall as morning glories the seeds of which are hallucinogenic. (Based on angel Raziel from Judaeo-Christian tradition, and homages Egyptian Ibis-therioceph Thoth and Mesoamerican Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan as a plumed being known for wisdom. )
Absidus aka Sid - A Devi Angel, born Human in the region then Armenia. She ended up a slave in Athens, Greece, by her teen years, where she met Shade, Star, and Metro who became her surrogate family. She helped raise Shade and Star's children: Faye, Miranda, and Athené. She also tended to Metro's children Absinthe and Laudanum when they were newly born. In the New Eden settlement, she was sponsored by Lilith and Leliel to take the elixir that granted her Angelic nature. She then was assigned to the Order Shinnanim and took the name Absidus as her personal name, though she is also known as Vanahiel. She was once, briefly, married to Steven Jewel, though they disagree on the legal status of that union. Absidus is a member of the Children of Night and Regent of Desire. (Absidus is a made-up Latin name composed of ab+sidus roughly meaning by or on a star, as in how we wish; possibly also "opposite Star" in homage to her former companion.)
Icelos - An Angel and one of Somniel's many sons. He has the ability to take the form of animals or beasts. Icelos is often accompanied by a white snake and frequently travels with his brother Phantasos. (Based on god Icelos of the Oneiroi from Greek mythology.)
Phantasos - An Angel and one of Somniel's many sons. He has the ability to take on the appearance of vegetables and minerals (naturally occurring objects). He often travels with his brother Icelos. (Based on the god Phantasos of the Oneiroi from Greek mythology.)
Psyche - A Devi Angel, born a Human Princess of Lydia in Anatolia, in the millennia before the common era. Her family sacrificed her to an alleged beast on the suggestion of an oracle. The 'beast' was Eros, who sought a relationship with Psyche against his mother's wishes. After various trials, Psyche and Eros married and conceived Splendor. Sometime after Splendor's birth, Psyche was granted the elixir that gave her Angelic nature, with Leliel among her sponsors. Psyche is one of the Children of Night and Regent of the Mental States, which she shares with her Vice-Regent, Opium. During the era of Romanticism, Psyche divorced Eros and chose to be with the Vampyre Athené. (Based on heroine Psyche of Greco-Roman mythology.)
Splendor - A Halfangel, child of Eros and Psyche, conceived and born while Psyche was yet mortal. One of the Children of Night and a Vice-Regent of Love in charge of Bliss (particularly afterglow/post-coital bliss). (Based on the demigod Hedone from Greek mythology.)
Elle Makepeace - a Human woman who met Opium in Los Angeles sometime prior to 1992 and is somewhat aware of Opium's non-Human nature and abilities. She moved to New York to help Opium. She is a musician and drummer for the Goth band Robert's Pill. (Original character, but her name is an homage to characters in a certain Children's Fantasy series by a certain British author.)
Pedro A. Montoya a.k.a. Pam a.k.a. Toni Toy - a Human man; a Contemporary Folk musician and singer from New York City who exhibits androgynous presentation. (Inspired by historical figure Pedro Montoya who was a castrato singer living in the estate of Cardinal Francesco Del Monte around the same time as the painter Caravaggio and one of the possible models for the painting The Lute Player (others being Caravaggio himself or Sicilian painter Mario Minitti).)
Seraph - a Human Dark Wave chick who attends Parson's School of Design. (She coincidentally shares a name with the author.)
Mandy Valois - An engineered being who is a Human male in most respects, created by Jibril to be a muse-like agent, balancing the release of Joy into the Empty World (Earth). (Mandy fits the trope of the morally ambiguous gatekeeper and informant to a literal or criminal underworld such as often appear in Urban Fantasy and Occult Detective genres. As Joy's opposite, he can also be compared to Greco-Roman Oizys/Miseria.)
Lance Fisher aka Lancelot Jérouge - A man of Human and Wolfbreed ancestry. A member of the Shinnecock Indian Nation on his mother's side and one of the Jérouge Wolfbreed on his father's side. He is employed by Steven Jewel (III) as a chauffeur after Steven's father (Steven Jewel II) killed his brother (Chevy Fisher/Chevalier Jérouge) in a drunk driving incident in Connecticut. (Original character developed toward goal of introducing more Wolfbreed characters earlier in the sequence. His name is not inconsistent with the character's ancestry, being an English trade-based name. Both real Shinnecock and fictional Wolfbreed have an association with working around water. Any apparent Arthurian symbolism is mostly coincidental.)
John Jett - A Human man born in California in the late 1960s who retired from professional dancing after a knee injury and became a private investigator and bodyguard. Encountered Vampyres for the first time in San Francisco when one preyed on a lesbian friend. Moved to New York for a change of scenery, where he met Blade Dangerous on a music video shoot and subsequently encountered the same brood of Vampyres, again. (Original character, but his name is based on a person the author met.)
Joseph Ripley - An American Vietnam Veteran who struggled with drug addiction back in The States, while working as a History teacher at a school for performing children that Blade Dangerous attended. Was diagnosed with AIDS in the 1980s and spent time in a hospice care facility where Amanda Jewel was a fellow patient. Befriended Steven Jewel over their shared love of Classic Rock. (Shares a first name with someone known to the author who happens to be a vet, but otherwise is an original character.)
Ernest and Albert - The respective doorman and security guard at the Jewel Building in Midtown Manhattan through the 1990s. (Their nicknames are Ernie and Bert.)
Yara Arroyo - a former highschool classmate and friend of Julien who fell out of touch but re-encountered Julien when she began dating another Parson's student. (An original character, but her names reference water: Iara, a Brazilian river spirit and Arroyo which can indicate a creek.)
Cary Merisi - a New York-based painter and former Parson's student who dated Julien freshman year, had some personal troubles after dealing with Mandy Valois, and developed a relationship with Pam. (Inspired by historical Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.)
Evangelista - A Djinn in service to Morpheus who often manifests in the guise of Linda Evangelista. A native to New York City with ancestry in the Persian Gulf, Evangelista is fluent in American English and communicates through slangy English and shapeshifting. (Evangelista is a Hinn type Djinn associated with water and rat forms.)
Troy aka Destroyer - A vampiric wolf, formerly a mortal gray wolf and traveling companion to Shade, Troy was exposed to Vampyre blood and continued to serve Shade as an immortal guardian.
As of now, this guide is completed through the beginning of Chapter 8. I will add to it as I continue to edit and update chapters.
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