Organizations - Covert Agencies
Children of Night
These Angels are of various Orders but all related to the Leliel, Angel of Night. Leliel has been given the task of keeping certain vital aspects of creation functioning. His children share his charge, and if one fails in their duty, another instantly assumes control so that the universe continues to function within design parameters. The official color of the Children of Night is black and can be exhibited as a cloak, sash or full garment. Tristopher and Shamshiel are sometimes counted among the Children of Night, although they are not children of Leliel. Known Children of Night are Gabriel, Zerachiel, Nergal, Jibril, Jophiel, Somniel, Psyche, Absidus, Rahab and Duma. Part-Angels may also be counted as Children of Night, though they must be raised to the status of full angel before permanently taking up one of their posts.
"Red Jackets"
An American, New York-based investigative and police force with suspected but unproven government ties. The name the organization used internally is not known, and outsiders refer to them by the color of their field jackets. The group operates within the 20th and 21st centuries. It's best known leader is an American man called Johnathan Zion.
Redjack operating procedure in earlier phases is putting suspected non-Human persons under surveillance. In later phases non-Human individuals are detained and tested before release. In the late phase, the organization holds numerous illegal detainees in a facility known colloquially as The Menagerie.
Operatives include field agents, scholars of myth and lore, biologists, and data analysts.
A witch-hunting group known to exist by the later 22nd century, but possibly existing for some time before under another name or in a more secretive phase. An inciting incident for their growth was the election of Caroline Jewel, a known hereditary Witch, to the US presidency. While in the States the group remained highly secretive and anonymous in their practices of disseminating anti-Witch propaganda and supporting campaigns of politicians opposing the Jewel family, Rowan in European branches singled out Witches and their families for physical harassment and in some cases abduction.
Though their specialty is Witch-hunting, Rowan, identified by gray, hooded cloaks, have been witnessed to stake fallen soldiers on battlefields to insure that soldiers do not rise as vampires.
Manchester School
An England-based vampire hunting organization. It is unknown whether the group is named for a person or the city. The group acts as a clearing house for vampire lore and also provides training for would be vampire hunters.
A private group based in New York with predominantly Human membership that supports rights of non-Humans (or Darkling) and opposes the "Red Jackets".
"Psychic Dicks"
Private investigators known to study the metaphysical and supernatural. It is unknown what the group(s) calls themselves, and they are referred to collectively as psychic detectives, or dicks for short.
Metropolitan Noir
A group active in the 22nd century, based in Paris, who work secretly to hide and smuggle Darkling out of hostile areas.
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