Character Profile - Steven Jewel
Real Name: Steven Jewel III
Aliases: none
Gender: male
Blood Type: AB+
Apparent Age: 30
Birth Date: 7 July 1959
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Pig
Mortality: prior to 1990: mortal. After 1990: immortal
Race: Human
Background: American
Place of Origin: New York City
Family: Mother Amanda, Father Steven II, Wife Helen, Children Cecil, Nancy, and Julien, various other descendants through his children, Second wife Tanya, former wife (from annulled/void marriage) Absidus
Height: 5'9"
Weight: unrevealed, has medium or fit build
Eyes: small, deep-set, light blue
Hair: brown, straight. After Helen's death: entirely white. Short, fashionable cut.
Skin: light to tan, depending on season. Clean-shaven.
Distinguishing Characteristics: charming movie-star-like smile
Medical Conditions: after 1990: miraculous healing/regenerating ability
Criminal, Civil & Service Records: various libel and paternity suits brought about by celebrity status and frequency of erroneous media reports.
Manner & Movement: makes affectionate or encouraging gestures. Portrays knowledge and confidence in business situations, but shows some hesitation in social situations
Aesthetic: what magazines show to be stylish or fashionable
Voice & Sound: pleasant
Scent & Fragrance: currently advertised designer fragrance
Feel & Taste: If not tasting of toothpaste, sometimes of alcohol. Musculature is firm and fit, but not remarkably so. Has some amount of body hair, including on his chest.
Aura & Presence: Perceived as intelligent, intuitive, comfort-seeking, kind, and protective of those he loves.
Residence: NYC penthouse, sometimes a 2nd home or summer house on Long Island.
Transportation: limousine, in youth a Ford Mustang convertible
Talent & Ability: gifted with supernatural regenerative ability, but has no other supernatural ability or talents
Skill & Education: Bachelor's in Mathematics from NYU, class of 1982. Completed various non-credit technology and business management programs of study. Various programming and IT certifications. Reads non-fiction books and magazines on math, science, and technology
Occupation: CEO Jewel Network Systems, Inc. (formerly Jewel Telegraphy & Cable), board member Amanda Jewel Foundation. Board member Mandy magazine. Owner and President Steven Jewel Enterprises, Corp.
Affiliation: various charitable and non-profit organizations
Likes: scotch on the rocks, 70's rock music, card games, logic puzzles
Dislikes: paparazzi, tabloids, entertainment news programs
Religion, Politics & Philosophy: nominally Christian; registered Republican with Democrat tendencies; interest in Game theory, Chaos, Self-referential Consciousness, etc.
Dark Past or Damage: Mother's AIDS-related death in 1980s and father's following deadly alcohol-related car accident. His best friend being a Vampyre.
Weapon of Choice: at-hand weapon of convenience
Romantic Nature: probably heterosexual. Sensitive, compassionate, seeks comfort and pleasure, capable of faithfulness and loyalty to those he loves, desires long-term commitment and family.
Quote or Motto: "I don't know, but I'll find out."
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