2: Little More Coffee
A/N: here's an early update! Updates are still scheduled for Friday/Saturday but since I'm so excited to finally post this story I thought why the hell not? If I manage to finish this story earlier than expected y'all might be looking at double updates weekly ;)
If you have any questions/queries please feel free to drop them in the comments or you could ask them on my ask.fm account if you wish to be anonymous. A direct link to my ask.fm can by found on my profile.
ask.fm: anha101
ENJOY and please don't hesitate to vote and drop your thoughts in the comment section!
My lecture today had finished early so I had headed to the Golden Quaff, my all-time favourite café, to attempt to start my assignment that I had gotten yesterday so that I could free up my weekend for Riley. But the second I opened my books my mind drifted and I started to think of what had happened yesterday. My encounter with Bruce Vela was quite something. I liked how he had talked to me, the casual banter that easily flowed between us like we weren't as much of strangers than we actually were, and mostly I liked how when Riley sidled along into the conversation Bruce didn't immediately back down, like having a son wasn't a complete turn-off, nor did he try to ignore Riley but actually engaged in a conversation with him. Something about the events of yesterday, both in the morning and in the evening kept my mind spinning.
"Are you always so deep in thought?" came that gravy smooth familiar voice and I found myself smiling before I even met the eyes of the owner of that voice.
"Hello, Bruce," I greeted as he slipped into the seat opposite of mine without an invitation and as I watched him get settled into his seat, I said, "I don't remember saying anything about you sitting with me."
"It is lunch time and I came here to grab a bite before I headed back to the office. And a little company didn't hurt anyone, did it?" he replied, looking at me through that gaze of his. "What are you working on?"
"An assignment," I said, sighing dramatically as I closed my books and returned my stationery back into my pencil case. "Gosh, these lectures tire me out and then I've got these assignments to do and I have to say that I really hate university right about now."
His eyes widened and surprise overtook his features. "You're still in university? But you don't look..."
"Are you trying to say I look old, Bruce?" I said daringly, eyebrows lifted.
He coughed and shook his head. "No, it's just that you didn't look like you were still a university student, that's all. It doesn't mean you look old. Maybe it was just this really mature vibe you gave off like you knew what to do with life and all that."
I chuckled at his failed attempt to cover his embarrassment and smiled sweetly as him. "I am still a university student but I'm twenty-six. It's actually my final year. Four years doing this is absolutely crazy," I said, clearly enjoying all the excuses he conjured up.
"How come?" he questioned.
Suddenly I got nervous and it wasn't like me to ever get nervous except when questions about my son were brought up and Bruce was indirectly doing that now. "Well," I began as I racked my mind for something to say that would lead on to a different topic that was not Riley but when I came up with nothing during my long pause, I said, "I was busy after I graduated high school and I didn't have time for university but I got back on my feet and I'm finally completing it, even though it's three years after I would normally be finishing it."
I couldn't control the way my voice sounded-how my tone was clipped, defensive and exceedingly guarded like I was afraid I had leaked information that I didn't want him to know out into the open. When Riley was thrown into situations that were mostly of my doing I did everything I could to protect him, against rumours, against disappointment and especially against people because I'd always had that constant fear that they were going to turn their back on him just like they did me.
Bruce smiled and nodded before he said, "I'm going to go order but don't disappear on me while I'm gone. I promise to bring you another coffee," he said, a soft smile on his lips, like he understood that I didn't want to share anything about my personal life with him when I barely knew him. We were still strangers.
"Deal," I agreed and when he left the table I let out a huff of relieved breath and his minutes away at the counter gave me time to recollect myself and think of a conversation that wasn't directed at Riley because while Riley and Bruce did seem to have a good first encounter I was afraid that more encounters would lead to something that I didn't want. Riley was my everything and I would do anything and everything to protect my son.
By the time Bruce returned, with a burger and chips in one hand and a coffee cup in the other whilst clutching a milkshake to his chest with the forearms of both his occupied hands, I had collected myself and had a smile on my face as I always had.
I stood up and took the milkshake from his fragile hold so he could set my coffee and his burger and chips down on the table. Exchanging the milkshake for the coffee, Bruce launched into a conversation of my university studies-what I was doing, why it interested me and how my courses were coming along. I obliged and told him all about it, albeit a little hesitantly because there was information that linked to Riley that I didn't want coming up in the conversation. But once I had started talking the conversation easily flowed between us and I soon found out that he was a charted accountant working at the firm that I had interned in during the second and third year of university, and had decided to apply for a job after my final year which I had freed up because Riley needed more attention and I couldn't keep asking Mrs. Gellar or babysitters that I barely knew to take care of him.
Bruce explained that the reason our paths had never crossed before was because we worked in different sectors.
"Speaking of never crossing paths," I began, draining my cup of the last drop of coffee, "How come I've never seen you here before but I've managed to see you three times in two consecutive days?"
"I usually don't get my drinks from here. I always went to Three Standing-"
"Fancy," I commented with a tug of my lips.
He chuckled, picking at the tomato that slid out of his burger while he was eating it. "Yeah, but it serves really good cappuccinos. This place is very restricted about its range of caffeine."
"Hey mister," I frowned at him as I looked him down with an accusatory glare, "This is my favourite café you're bad mouthing."
He leaned forward on the table slightly and said, in the same flirty manner that I talked to him, "I didn't say it had bad coffee, did I? On the contrary actually." He had removed his blazer and hung it over the back of his seat. His sleeves had been rolled up so that nothing would spill on him and he would be able to eat more freely. I certainly enjoyed the view he presented even through the time I was talking about university and he was eating his burger, with those sleeves rolled up.
"You didn't finish your story about why you came here more times in two days that in your entire life," I pointed out as I leaned across the table, picked a chip off his plate and popped it into my mouth.
His eyes darted from my eyes to my mouth and a smile tugged on his lips like he was highly amused while those chocolate brown eyes darkened. "I was having a terrible Monday. It was the worst of all Mondays and Golden Quaff was right next to my apartment so I thought of getting my coffee from here instead of driving all the way to Three Standing which is how I found myself behind you in the shortest line, grumpy and frustrated and it surely didn't help when you were tormenting that poor barista."
"It was fun," I objected, picking another chip off his plate without the flirty manner this time as I leaned back and rested my head on the back of my seat.
"It was cruel."
"But fun too."
"Poor boy, though. He was so flushed."
"What can I say?" I boasted as I flicked my golden hair over my shoulder. "I must be a very charming woman to get that blush from such a cute boy."
"Don't flatter yourself too much, lady," he warned, a humoured tone underlying his gravy smooth voice.
I gasped, my expression crumbling as I feigned looking disappointed. "What are you trying to say? Are you trying to say that I'm not charming and good looking?"
He tilted his head to the side, playing along, as he pretended to survey me. His mouth twisted and his face crunched and I couldn't tell if that expression was a mask of disgust or was how he looked when he was trying to concentrate really hard and figure out an answer to the problem presented at hand.
"Maybe that's what I am trying to say," he replied after the long pause, tilting his head back to his former position and finishing off the last of his chips on his plate.
"Is this how you flirt with women? By insulting them?" I asked, holding a hand over my heart for dramatic effect.
"Just you," he easily replied as he took that tissue napkin given with his plate and began wiping off the grease from his fingers.
My heart did an involuntary flip and I quickly laughed, a little nervously at first but when Bruce chuckled in reply to my response my laugh grew more hearty and sincere. It was strange that I didn't know much about this man that sat before me and yet felt so at ease with him as we talked about worldly things.
The harmless flirtatious conversation soon shifted and Bruce started talking about his work and how his boss was such a pain in the arse. I found myself laughing at the snide comments he made of his boss and some of his fellow office acquaintances that he clearly disliked. I couldn't help thinking that a dose of Bruce was what I needed all along.
"Shit," he said, his eyes widening as he glanced above my head. I turned around to find him looking at the ancient looking clock that Noah refused to take down because it was symbolic-symbolic of what, I'm still not sure. I saw the clock neared half past one just as I heard Bruce say, "I took too long of a lunch break. My boss is going to kill me."
"I'm sure he won't," I said, bemused as I watched him look down at his hands.
"I'm certain if he doesn't find me in my office he will."
"It's not like he's going to pull out a machete from his secret drawer and gut you to death," I pointed out.
He looked up from his hands to me and I could see that he struggled to keep the smile that threatened to break through onto those lips of his. Then he held up his hands and said, nodding at the slim device that rested next to him, "My hands are still greasy. I'm going to go wash them but in the meantime you could add your number to my phone."
I took his phone as he pushed back his chair and began to get on his feet. "Don't you have to enter your password?" I asked.
"I don't have one," he replied as he walked away to the restroom.
I watched his back for a while with a frown on my face. Who didn't have a password on their phone? Instead of pondering over that question which I knew I would not find an answer to in the fortress of my mind, I clicked the home button before I swiped my thumb across the screen. Going to his contacts I added my number in and under name I put Hottie Maddie (Madilyn) before I clicked save and fished for my phone in my bag. Pressing the call button on Bruce's phone I waited for my phone to ring and when it did I cut the call off and placed his phone back onto his side of the table. I began to gather my things and put them into my bag. I was supposed to be on my way to pick Riley up from school.
"You're leaving?" came Bruce's voice from behind me and I closed my bag, draping it on my shoulder before I turned towards him. He looked refreshed and his sleeves were back down, neatly buttoned up.
"Yeah, I have to pick up Riley. School ends at one but he and his friends joined this Arts and Crafts club so he stayed an extra hour for the club," I replied, my voice guarded again with the mention of Riley. Quickly wanting the subject change, I said, "Hey, I don't remember ever saying you can have my number."
"I don't ever remember you saying I can't have your number," he replied as he took his blazer from the back of his chair and put it on. "And if you remember from yesterday you said I could call you but with you friend-Noah, was it?-I felt too afraid to ask. He looked murderous."
A smile took over my lips as I said, "That's Noah for you. He gets protective from time to time."
"Time to time?" he echoed like he couldn't believe this statement.
"Well, yeah. It's not every day I get along with a nice guy," I admitted and for the first time in a long while I was shy of the response my words would get from him. My cheeks heated as the light blush rose from my neck to my cheeks.
"And...you and Noah," Bruce started, his tone different-inquisitive and curious, "What's going on there?"
"Why are you asking?" I said, raising my eyebrows.
"A man can be curious, and a respectable man doesn't want to overstep his boundaries," Bruce replied with the same charming and flirty grin he liked to wear.
"Well, these respectable men should know that they aren't overstepping their boundaries because Noah and I are just friends. Have been for almost seven years and I don't think that is likely to change," I replied before I bit down on my lip, feeling the rising beat of my heart against my ribcage, my stomach tightening with the excitement his chivalrous statement brought.
"Great! Now these respectable men know," he commented, his grin growing wider. He turned around but quickly changed his mind, like he had something to say, and turned back to me, those chocolate brown eyes alight with the drive of excitement and enthusiasm.
"I'll call you," he said, his words a promise, before he turned fully this time and walked away, heading out the door and leaving me staring after him stupidly as I stood, rooted to my place by his words.
* * * * *
"Hey Rye," I greeted as he walked towards me, a big happy grin slung across his lips.
He rushed towards me but didn't hug me and I held in my amused chuckle. His friends were still around and Riley never hugged me in their presence which I actually found cute because the only time Riley got shy or nervous around me was when he was with me and his friends simultaneously. It sort of reminded me of how my parents used to make me feel around my friends-jittery because of the impression they'd make on my friends.
"Look Mum," he declared proudly as he held up his artwork to see. For a six year old I thought it was pretty impressive.
"This looks familiar," I said, tilting my head and looking at my son with curiosity, my raised eyebrows and eyes showing my silent question.
"Yeah," he said sheepishly, ducking his head slightly. "It was that necklace you got from Dad but never wore it, except last year when it was Christmas and we went to see Grammy and Grandpa and Dad was there."
My smile faltered and my heartbeat was a thousand times louder in my ears. I tried to recover but the mention of last Christmas brought memories that I didn't want to think about ever again. Finn was a heartbreaker through and through and I should have known better last Christmas.
I quickly recomposed myself and gave Riley a smile. "Why don't we video call Daddy tonight and you can show him?" I said, smiling as I offered my hand to him.
Riley turned around, waved at his friends who waved back at him, before he placed his hand into mine and we walked out the door together. There was silence and I couldn't find anything to say. I wasn't too sure why Riley, the talkative one, was quiet but I for one couldn't stop thinking about Finn. Finn was an amazing man. He had charm and was exceedingly charismatic. When I'd found out that I was pregnant I immediately called Finn and Finn, like the logical gentlemen he was, proposed to me. I had said no and we had both broken up but I never denied my son his father. Noah was more of a fatherly figure to Riley than Finn ever was and that was because I allowed Finn only a restricted amount of visits and it wasn't as if Finn was complaining because he could barely piece together his life.
"Mum, are you angry?" came Riley's soft voice from behind as I drove down the road.
I sighed, turning left, before I said, "No, I'm not mad, Rye. I'm just thinking about Daddy."
"I'm sorry, Mum," Riley said, shifting forward on his seat and clutching the back of mine.
"Riley, how many times do I have to tell you to sit back! It's dangerous standing when Mummy's driving!" I exclaimed, looking at him through the mirror.
He sighed before he sat back down properly on his seat. "Can we video call Dad, tonight?" he asked, his voice holding hope as well as caution.
"Of course, we can. We can order some pizza too if you'd like. I know I'd like some," I replied cheerily, trying my best to show how enthusiastic I was about this when my heart just wanted a long break from Finn-a break that didn't come a stop; a never ending break.
"Yes, but don't get the one with pepperoni," he said and when I sneaked a peek at him through the mirror of the car I saw that his face was scrunched up in disgust.
I laughed, still amused by his distaste towards pepperoni. "I don't understand why you don't like it," I said, "It tastes amazing."
"You like coffee too. There is something wrong with your taste buds, Mum," he said, crossing his arms across his chest like a defiant little kid.
"Or maybe it's your taste buds that are messed up, kiddo," I said, smiling. "Enough about taste buds. How was your day?"
"Pretty good," he replied. "Angela let me borrow her red colour because I couldn't find one and Eric hid all of Stella's crayons in his bag. Other than that, it was a good day. Mrs Gellar said my art today in Arts and Crafts was good. I got another gold star!"
"That's my baby!"
"Mum," Riley moaned devastatingly. "Don't call me baby. I'm a big boy."
"Yes, sir," I said in a strong, deep voice or well, I had attempted to say it in a strong and deep voice. "So," I hinted, "Angela let you borrow her red colour, huh?"
"Mum," he warned. "It was just a colour."
"But it was a red colour," I argued, fighting the smile off my face.
"Ugh," Riley groaned, "you're so embarrassing!"
"I'm your Mummy, Rye. That's what Mummy's do."
"Dad doesn't do it," Riley said pointedly.
My reply that was readied at the tip of my tongue fell away at his verbal jab but before I could even recover and think of something to say my son was already apologising.
"Sorry, Mum," he said sincerely and softly. "I didn't mean it that way. I just... I miss Dad."
I missed the old Finn, the Finn I wholeheartedly loved as a foolish teenager but I'd changed a lot since then and since my pregnancy and Finn... Finn hadn't changed much and that was why nothing could ever work out perfectly between us anymore. I was different and he was still the same and I was to blame for my change as much as he was-or rather he was to blame for the lack of his changing behaviour.
"I miss Dad too, honey," I said, my voice soft and low as I parked the car in front of my house's driveway. It wasn't a big house. It was rather small and I could afford a bigger one with my parents' assistance but I was already in debt to them with so much that I couldn't wait to be done with university so I could start paying them off and giving Riley a more spacious life, a better one than I was currently giving him.
"Come on," I said, turning around in my seat to look at Riley who had picked up his school bag from beside him and slung it over his shoulder. "Let's get inside, order some pizza and I'll tell you all about my day. Then we'll call Dad but first I have to tell you about the man I saw today... Bruce Vela ring a bell?"
Riley's eyes immediately lightened as they widened. "You met Bruce? What did you talk about?"
"Just normal adult stuff," I said. "He tried to bring up Batman but I told him I was having any of it. I already have too much of that at home."
"You're such a party pooper," Riley said, sticking his tongue out at me.
I rolled my eyes and said, "I'll tell you all about him. Let's get some pizza first. I'm starving!"
I got out of the car and watched Riley scramble out of the car as well before screaming, "RACE YOU!" at the top of his lungs and running towards the front door. I merely trudged behind him with a smile on my face as I watched my baby jump with excitement.
"Hey, that looks familiar," Finn said. "Isn't that what I got for you, Maddie?"
"Yes, it is," I said, smilingly as I looked at Finn's radiant face through my laptop. Even if Finn wasn't here physically, there was always something about seeing him that lifted this weight that I hadn't known I was carrying despite how cynical I could get about him sometimes. "Didn't Riley do a fantastic job?"
"Definitely!" Finn agreed.
"It isn't that good," Riley said, shyly, burrowing half of his face in my shoulder as the other half peeked at his father on the laptop screen.
"Hey buddy, when we meet up next time we can go to Murphy's and-" Finn was cut off by the ringing of my phone and his eyebrows rose inquisitively. "Who is calling you at this time?"
"I don't know," I replied and handed the laptop over to Riley who steadied it on his lap. It was nearing eleven in the night and I honestly had no idea who would be calling at this time of the day. I leaned across the bed and reached for my phone on my nightstand. Once I saw the caller ID flash across my screen I turned to my son, wide-eyed. "It's him," I mouthed so that Finn couldn't hear.
Riley, however, didn't get why I had mouthed it instead of saying it out loud and his eyes widened as he said, "Bruce?"
"Yeah," I whispered, my heart picking up its pace as I began to panic. "What should I do?"
"Answer it!"
I only stared wide-eyed at my son.
"Mum, answer it!"
"Okay," I said, my voice a little high pitched as I climbed off the bed and walked out of the room, distantly hearing Finn say, "who is Bruce?"
I entered the hallway in a rush and clicked answer on the screen before I lifted the phone to my ear, holding my breath, as I waited for his familiar voice to reach my ears.
"Hello Hottie Maddie," came a smooth gravy voice and instantly I smiled, my heart lifting in the process as I leaned on the pale beige wall.
"Sorry sir," I said, regaining my confidence as I tried my best to shed off all the nervousness I felt very much alive in my system not even a minute ago. "You've got the wrong number."
"That's a shame," Bruce said and I could hear the amusement laced through his voice. "I really wanted to talk to Hottie Maddie."
"Hottie Maddie isn't available right now," I said looking down at my oversized striped black and white t-shirt that was actually Finn's and grey cotton sweatpants. "But," I drawled, clutching the phone to my ear as a small smile touched my lips, "Madilyn is available now."
"Is Riley sleeping?"
"He's talking with his dad," I replied. "And before you ask me why he isn't sleeping... He spelt a bit when we got home and I woke him up because his dad called. He'll go back to bed after he's done with the call."
"Well then, since you have time to spare," he started, his voice lifting something hopeful within me along with the rise of his suggestion, "Hi Madilyn."
I breathed, my lips lifting up unconsciously. "Hi Bruce."
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