16: The Birthday Surprise
A/N: Guys, we're nearing the end and I am so not ready. I'm anxious for all your reactions tbh. Anyway, I'm not going to say much other than ENJOY! :)
The house was silent when I arrived and I narrowed my eyes with suspicion. I looked about me, quietly closing the door behind me, as I scavenged for something that looked amiss or out of place. After living with Bruce and Riley together in the same household for the past three months it was on a rare occasion that I found Riley wanting to go to bed on a school day without a fight, or Bruce letting him stay up his bedtime despite my protests. Those two boys, when put together, were uncontrollable but something about how well they got along, how they made each other happy with their Batman-Superman talks, pulled at my heart strings.
Bruce was beginning to fill in his father shoes more and more as the days went on.
Muffled voices reached my ears and I followed the sound of voices until I stood in front of Riley's slightly ajar door. I put my hand on the handle, ready to greet my boys with a smile but when I picked up the topic of their conversation I froze, stopping dead in my track.
"Wow," I heard Bruce's voice. He sounded breathless. Awed. "I don't know, Riley. Maybe that's something we should ask your mum."
"That's not fair," Riley protested. "She gets everything she wants."
His words hit something hard at my chest and I tried to ignore the pain that spread over my heart. I leant to the side and peaked through the small gap of the door. I saw Riley lying in bed with Bruce sitting up next to him, his hand stroking Riley's hair. Very fatherly. For a brief second I felt angry. What was Bruce thinking when he told my son that it was up to me to decide what Riley looked to him as?
"Don't say that, Riley," Bruce said and I saw that he shook his head whilst saying it. I could barely make them out with the dim lighting. "Your mother is protective of you."
"She seems to love you. Has she told you she loves you?"
Bruce was silent for a moment. "She doesn't have to say it for me to know," he replied softly. But I heard what was in his voice. I just couldn't decide if it was the emotion of betrayal or sadness.
"To know what? The she loves you? That she doesn't love you?" Riley interrogated, his voice starting to become more agitated with each question.
"Riley," Bruce whispered, lowering his head to press his lips to Riley's forehead. I couldn't see clearly but I could imagine Bruce's eyes falling shut, his heart aching just as mine was. I had hurt him again, this time involuntarily and unconsciously, and I didn't know if I should be ashamed. I could love him. Three months later after that night under stars, confessions out in the air, and here I was—still waiting on a could. I could love him. I could.
Why didn't I already?
"I just want everything to be perfect," Riley confessed and my hands balled by my sides. Riley always talked to me. Always. And here he was opening up to Bruce instead of me. It didn't make me angry. It just made me sad. Riley could always talk to me. He had always been able to so why was he suddenly drawing back?
"Everything is perfect, Rye," Bruce assured him.
"Then I can call you Dad. We don't have to ask Mum anything. I'll call you Dad at breakfast tomorrow before I go to school in front of her and she'll be surprised. But the good kind. Trust me, Mum's always wanted a good man who I'd want as a father and she'll be ecstatic to know that I called you Dad."
"Ecstatic huh?" Bruce teased.
I could picture Riley's lips widening as a faint blush rose to his cheeks. "Yeah, Angela taught me that word."
"Wow! How does Angela know that word?" Bruce asked with enthusiasm but I could tell he was trying to prolong the issue.
"I told you that her mother is a teacher. Angela saw one of her mum's student's papers and saw the word so she asked what it meant. Do you know Angela and I are always ecstatic when we say ecstatic?"
The two boys laughed. Bruce smoothed a hand over Riley's hair. "I think I should let you sleep. Your mum will be home any minute now and I should let you sleep before she murders me. Remember what happened last time?"
Riley didn't chuckle this time. He was a smart boy and he knew what Bruce was playing at. "Why is it such a big deal?"
"Why is this so important to you, Rye?" Bruce asked back. "Won't it be confusing if Finn and I were both in the same room and you called out Dad?"
"We can work something out. Dad will obviously be Dad-one and you can be Dad-two," Riley supplied, his voice perky like he came up with a brilliant idea.
"Tell me the truth, Riley. Do you even want to call me Dad?"
"Does it matter? You said everything was perfect with you, Mum and I. That means we're family now. That means you make her happy. If she's happy then I'm happy."
My hand raised to my mouth and my eyes seared, tears prickling the back of my eyes. I couldn't decide if I should feel proud or sad about the scene I was witnessing.
"I'm just Bruce, Riley. For now at least I'm just Bruce. Okay?" Bruce said softly after a pregnant pause.
"Okay. Goodnight, Bruce," Riley said. I knew my baby was feeling confused now but I decided that I would confront him the morning, when his emotions had settled down. Right now I needed to talk to Bruce.
I watched Bruce stand up and kiss Riley's forehead. Oh God. He was perfect—he could be the perfect father. "Goodnight, son," he whispered before he leaned back.
His gaze locked on mine and his jaw tightened. Walking towards me, he exited Riley's room and softly closed the door behind him. For a while we both just stood there staring at each other, not certain what we should say in case we triggered a fight. We hadn't managed to go at least three days without a fight but they were petty ones—the ones couples always had. These fights were just behind closed doors. Riley didn't know about them. He didn't need to know about them. They were always about stupid things like the dishes, the dry-cleaning, the job prospects after university, a bigger house.
"Hello," I said breathily.
He smiled softly. "Hey. Are you hungry?"
"I think starving is the proper word," I corrected, my heart slowing down and easing the panic as a smile overtook my lips.
"Come on, I ordered takeout. There's leftovers," he said, taking my hand in his and leading me to the kitchen. I eased into the kitchen stool by the island. He pulled out a plate and opened the white box. Emptying the contents onto the plate he slid the plate of Chinese noodles in my direction.
"Chinese takeout!" I exclaimed. "My favourite."
"I know," he chuckled, sitting opposite me. "I have good news."
"What is it?" I asked before taking my first bite.
"I got you a job at my firm."
His words made me pause. I raised my head and swallowing the food down I spluttered, "What?"
"I know we talked about this but—"
"Damn right we talked about it!" I exploded. "And I just can't believe you. I told you that I am not going to be working in your firm. I know I used to intern there and I have made friends there. In fact, they called me today to catch a drink this weekend but I bet it was because you got me a job. And I told you I didn't need a job from there that you could get for me because I told you I already have an open position."
"But the one I got you is even better," Bruce argued.
"No!" I cried out. "You just don't listen to me. Working in the same firm as you is going to be weird. I don't want to be known as the girl who has this secret affair with her boss."
"First, I am not your boss. And second, why would it be a secret?"
"Do you honestly think I'd want to parade the fact that I'm dating a man in the firm who not only just got promoted to being the financial manager but is also technically my boss?" I asked.
"I told you—I'm not your boss. If I was your boss I'd be the marketing manager which I'm not therefore I am not your boss," he said clearly, his voice punctuated with a pause towards the end just to exemplify the fact that he was not my boss.
I threw my hands in the air, suddenly losing my appetite. "You're unbelievable," I said accusingly as I shook my head.
"Oh, what did I do now, dearest darling?" he inquired dramatically.
"Don't mock me!" I scolded.
"I'm not mocking you. In fact, mocking you would be something I'd do if we were teasing with each other because that's fun. But all you ever want to do is fight."
I scoffed. "Wow," I breathed. "I didn't want to fight today. In fact, I came home smiling. Remember that job interview I told you about last week and reminded you of this morning?"
A pause. "Yes?"
"I did well and I got the job there and then."
Another pause but this one was pregnant and awkward. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, his brown eyes apologetic.
"No," I shook my head, standing up. "You don't get to be sorry, Bruce."
He nodded, taking in a deep breath. "Okay," he said. "I'm happy for you. You deserve it."
"Do you even know the interview I'm talking about?"
"Yes, with Bree Stars Hotel," Bruce replied, his voice soft with a begging tone lacing through it. "I'm not that inattentive and I wish you'd realise that your wellbeing is all I'm concerned about, Madilyn."
"Yeah, I get it," I smiled but we both knew that I'd have to take a good night's sleep to actually get it and I wasn't going to get it by tomorrow morning because a good night's sleep wasn't coming my way tonight. "I'm tired. I think I'm going to get ready for bed."
"All right," he nodded, getting up and rounding the bend of the kitchen island. "I'll come a little later. I have to finish some work."
"Don't stay up too late," I said, touching his forearm. "You've been up a lot lately with work and I don't want you to lose sleep because of work, okay?"
"Yes ma'am," he saluted with a smile before swooping down for a brief kiss. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, sweetheart," I smiled, letting him kiss me one last time before making my way to my bedroom. Collapsing on the bed, I stared up at the ceiling and sighed deeply.
Bruce was a good father—he could be an excellent father to Riley. So what was in me that was still holding back?
* * * * *
The days passed by and I was consumed with a workload I was barely managing to handle. My final exams were consuming me and I wondered when I got to start the job I'd gotten recently after graduating if it would be any easier and less stressful than having to study my arse off.
"Thank you so much for doing this, Mel!" I gushed with gratitude as I stood up from the library table and hugged her. "Studying with someone always makes it easier to get this stuff into this stupid brain of mine."
She laughed, her eyes crinkling. "Why didn't you just ask that hotshot Mexican boyfriend of yours?"
"For two reasons. He's hot. His Mexican beauty is almost irresistible. I think we both know that Bruce and I wouldn't end up studying," I winked, smirking as I watched Mel raise her ebony-skinned hands to her mouth as she tried to hold in a giggle.
"Dirty, dirty Maddie," she tsked shaking her head but the laugh that bubbled from her lips crumbled her serious look.
"Have you seen my boyfriend?" I laughed, playing along. Mel and I weren't the closest of friends but she was a friend. I didn't have many friends in university because I didn't have much time for that leisure. Inside the university walls I joked around with them and shared certain social details with them as they did with me but when it was time to go home there was barely time to call them, especially with the romance that I had got caught up in the last few months. I only ever managed to send them a handful of messages but I doubted that we would carry out a friendship after university—except with Mel. She seemed pretty determined to know things about my life.
"Definitely fuck worthy," she agreed with a serious nod and we both stumbled out of the library laughing. We walked to the parking lot together talking about our love lives—well, Mel's love life. Apparently this time Steven left the milk out again.
"Did your boyfriend drop you off today or you came in your own car? I can give you a ride," Mel offered with a friendly smile as she rummaged through her bag for her car keys.
"My boyfriend dropped me off but don't worry about giving me a ride. I have one," I said distractedly and Mel followed my gaze. When it landed on Bruce who was waving one hand frustratingly in the air while the other clutched his phone which was plastered to his ear, Mel bumped her hip against mine and giggled.
"No dirty deeds in the car, Maddie. Think of the germs."
That caught my attention and I swivelled my head to her. "Gross," I stated with a disgusted look. I hadn't ever had any experiences in a car but with Mel bringing up germs I was even less inclined to the idea of car sex.
"Bye," she giggled. "I'll see you in a bit!"
"What do you mean?" I asked but she slipped into the car, shutting the driver's door before she could even hear my confused query. Shaking my head with a smile on my lips because I assumed it was just one of Mel's thoughtless expressions—she had a tendency of texting with a lot of abbreviations and certain expressions that actually stuck to me.
I made my way to Bruce who was on the verge on pulling his hair out. "Look here, Donald, just please leave it. You didn't mess it up and Mr. Fred isn't going to kill you. I'll meet you tomorrow—" A pause "—because, Donald, I have something important to do with my girlfriend today and I'm not going to screw it up because some idiot can't figure out what's missing from the damn ledger!"
I pressed my hand to his forearm and Bruce looked over at me, his face a mask of anger and frustration. It softened once he looked at me and cut off the rambling Donald who was on the other side of the line. "My girlfriend's here, Donald. I've got to go and I promise you that we'll settle this problem tomorrow. Okay?" Bruce's phone was still pressed to his ear as he looked down at me with a smile. Seconds later he rolled his eyes and ended the call.
"Did you just hang up on Donald?" I asked, chuckling.
"He's very annoying and certainly can't get it through that thick skull of his when I tell him something," Bruce laughed before catching both his hands in the crook of my elbows. He drew me in and planted a kiss on my lips. I pulled myself up by wrapping my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.
"Hey honey," he smiled down at me dazedly.
"Hi honey," I replied, smiling up at him with the same expression before we both broke out into chuckles.
"Madilyn, I want to tell you something," he started, his hands gingerly brushing my waist. His happy expression dwindled exponentially and concern kicked into me.
"What is it, Bruce?"
"I don't want you to think I'm a fucking jerk, you know?" he said softly, smiling but I could see the pain behind it. "I know you think that of me because we're always fighting and I want you to realise that I don't like fighting with you and my anger isn't unjustified."
I shifted on my feet, suddenly uncomfortable in his arms. "Don't ruin the moment, Bruce," I pleaded.
"You have to know, babe," he reasoned. "I'm only looking out for you. I still don't understand why you don't want to work with me and you haven't even told me why but I respect your decision now because I don't think I can even convince you to work with me so we can see more of each other. And I know you don't like talking about moving into a bigger house, talking about furniture, this and that, but it's our future Madilyn and while the start of our relationship was fast we've been going out for a few months now. I want a future with you."
His words stunned me. I stood there, in his arms, speechless for an entire minute thinking of all the excuses I could fire back at him but his voice was so gentle, so caring, so concerned. He wasn't the jerk. I was. I acted like a complete arse and here I was, standing in front of him, trying to justify my attitude and trying to convince myself that he was right in taking the blame.
But he wasn't so I said, "You don't have to explain to me, sweetheart, and if anyone's the arse in this situation it's me."
"You're too beautiful to be an arse," he chuckled, swooping down and pressing his forehead against mine.
"And?" I teased, wanting to hear more.
"Happy birthday," he breathed, slanting his lips across mine and pulling me into a fierce kiss, his tongue tracing my lips and I gasped with surprise at his words. His tongue easily slipped past the entrance of my mouth and played along my mouth, sliding over my teeth.
"How did you know?" I asked breathlessly as Bruce disentangled himself from me and headed towards the driver's seat.
"How could I not know? Now get into the car. And get in the back. Riley's waiting for you."
"What?" I exclaimed, "My son has been in the car for the last five minutes and all you've done is find excuses to kiss me."
"What can I say," he shrugged with a smirk before he ducked down into the car but not before he winked and said, "The birthday girl needs to get her treats."
Laughing I opened the back door of the car and grinned down at my son. "Riley!"
"One second, Mum," he drawled as he pushed and adjusted certain buttons on his small portable PlayStation. It was quite outdated but once I gave it to him—I used it once during college just to waste time and focus on anything but the damning A Levels—he was hooked onto it and didn't mind that it was old. My parents got him a Wii and he played on that all the time but he used my old PSP whenever we went out.
I slid into the car and huffed dramatically, closing the car door behind me. "Does the birthday girl deserve no love?" I sighed to which Riley said impatiently, "Shh. I need to kill this alien!"
Bruce's laugh echoed through the car as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Video gaming is the life," he stated.
"Don't encourage him, Bruce!" I scolded.
"Yes, mother," he retorted back still laughing.
We arrived home two hours later after making a detour through the Golden Quaff to get milkshakes, mildly surprised by the fact that Noah was nowhere to be found. Riley finally set his PSP down once Bruce pulled his car over to the side of my house. He was practically jumping with excitement and if I knew why he was so giddy I wouldn't have been staring down at my son like he was out of it.
"What's so important that you had to put your PSP down for? And can you please stop jumping."
"I am not jumping," Riley said defensively but his grin never faltered. "I was just too excited and if we talked then I'd ruin everything and I don't want to ruin anything. Bruce worked really hard on this."
I narrowed my eyes and glared at the two boys. "What's going on here?"
"Nothing!" Riley quickly scrambled out of the car after thrusting open the door before I could catch him. Amused, I got out of the car and followed Bruce and my son to the front door. They stood at either side of the door, looking at me expectantly. I eyed them warily. "If I go in there will I meet my murderer?"
"You might," Bruce replied with a smirk, his brown eyes dancing with mirth.
"Riley?" I prodded, turning towards my son who ran his index finger and thumb over his lips before throwing the imaginary key away. I rolled my eyes and fished for the house keys in my handbag before opening the door.
One second I was in darkness and the next light flooded all around me and I had to squint my eyes at the sudden change of light as a choir of voices sang loudly, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MADILYN!"
I laughed, my heart inflating once my eyes adjusted to the lighting. I didn't even get the chance for my eyes to scan over the crowd before Noah came barrelling towards me, swooping me in his arms and giving me a bone crushing hug. "Noah," I rasped out, "Can't...breathe."
He laughed before he set me down and kissed my cheek. "Happy Birthday, Mads," he said.
"Oh my goodness," I breathed in awe as I took in the crowd. My university friends were here and Mel was dancing her way to me. Some of Noah's employees were here too—the ones that had stuck with Noah from the day I came into his life. Finn was at the edge of the couch, smiling at me softly and my breath caught in my throat. He was here too. My eyes shifted as I tried to ignore the feeling that arose in my chest and I froze when they landed on Mum and Dad.
"Bruce, what are my parents doing here?" I asked as Bruce leaned his ear closer to my lips so he could hear me over the music that already started blasting.
"I thought they'd like to be here and they do. They said they'd love to be here," he replied, his arms wrapping around my waist protectively before pressing his lips to my ear. "Is that okay?"
"I think they'll feel out of place," I said, as I watched them from across the room. They had begun dancing along with the everyone else but something about watching them tugged at my heart. My mother kept pointing to random individuals and my father kept throwing his head back laughing and I could imagine what he was saying. Mum looked like she wanted to prove him wrong and started dancing before Dad joined in and before I knew it they were just flailing their limbs in the air.
I laughed softly. "They look so funny," I smiled.
"I can go talk to them," Bruce offered, "Make them feel less out of place. Your father and I get along quite well actually."
"I still don't want to know how that's possible," I started before turning in his arms. I wound my own behind his neck and pulled myself up as I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. "Did you do this? All of it?"
"It was my idea," he admitted, "But Noah made the food, Riley did all the crazy decorations and I took the afternoon off to help him put it up. I bought the drinks and prepared your bedroom for an after-special tonight."
I stared at my boyfriend in awe. He was so many good things. I didn't deserve him, especially when I knew my heart could never fully lay within him because a piece of it still belonged to someone else. I pressed my lips against his once more, with more ferocity, hoping that he could sense the gratitude that came from me. "Thank you, thank you," I gushed before reeling him for another wild kiss.
"Your mother is looking at us," Bruce said, his gravy voice laced with humour, "And I think she's about to scold us about moral ethics and what should be kept in the bedroom."
I laughed, slipping my arms off Bruce's shoulders. "I should go talk to them."
"You sure you don't want me to take care of it?" Bruce offered.
"That's really kind, Bruce, but I'll go talk to them. I just... I can't believe they're here." Before Bruce could press me with a question that I knew was on the tip of his tongue I quickly composed myself, turned around and walked towards my parents.
"Madilyn," Mum greeted, her lips pulled up in a small smile as her livid green judgemental eyes assessed the surroundings. "Quite a gathering. If this is what all your other birthday parties were like then I'm glad I hadn't attended any of the past seven of them."
I sighed. Great. "Hello Mum," I said, before looping my arm through hers. "Great to see you! Come on, you and Dad seemed like you were having fun."
"Your mother was quite silly," Dad laughed. "Did you see her dancing?"
"Johnathan!" My mother scolded, flushed.
"She was absolutely ridiculous," Dad snickered and I threw my head back laughing.
"Johnathan!" Mum exasperated.
"Oh, Roselyn, have fun," Dad said before he took my hand in one of his and my mother's in his other hand. "Let's dance."
"Three people couldn't possibly dance together," she objected.
"All we have to do is do what all these kids are doing. Just jump."
"Stop suggesting such incredulous things, Johnathan," Mum complained.
"Oh, come on, Mum," I begged with a huge smile on my face. "You don't have to throw a hissy fit tonight. You can just dance tonight."
"This is not dancing!" she exclaimed, taking a look at the dancing all around her.
"Rose," Dad said excitedly, "Nobody knows us here."
My mother's mask fell. "You're right. I suppose... It wouldn't matter so much."
"Before we dance—" I started only for Mum to cut me off.
"Madilyn, you said we should dance," Mum said sternly. "I suggest we do that."
"Yes, but then you wouldn't get to hear how glad I am that you're here."
"You're glad?" Dad echoed.
"Of course," I said. "I never invited you over because I thought you were my parents. You didn't need an invitation and you had to drive all the way from London and you're always working, Dad. And Mum, you're always busy with all your events."
"True," Mum said and looked at me for a few seconds. "But we're glad to be here."
"Good," I nodded. "You do know that I love you two, right?"
"If you didn't then you'd have saved us the heartbreak all these years," Mum said dramatically and I laughed. "Come on, let's dance!"
An hour later I made myself to the kitchen, my throat burning. I had been shouting all night—half was just the partying scream and the other half was screaming at Riley to get off the freaking couches and how many times had I have to tell him not to climb them with his shoes and jump on them.
"We're finally in the same room together and it's been forever," came a deep, husky voice laced with amusement and my hand which was clutching the glass to my lips immediately stilled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, trying not to sound breathless and let his words affect me but I knew I far past that point. "We see each other every Sunday."
"Yeah," Finn agreed with a smile still on his lips, "But Bruce has made the habit of coming to those lunches, every single time."
"He comes because he wants to be there as a family member and what better time to do it when we're all together?" I said defensively. I was the one who had actually pushed Bruce into coming to Sunday lunches. I couldn't face Finn alone, even with Riley there. I couldn't trust my emotions. And with Bruce around I knew I wouldn't betray my morals that I seemed to be on the edge of doing.
"Okay," Finn surrendered, putting his hands in the air and I noticed that he was holding a slim box in his right hand. "I wasn't trying to accuse you of anything, Maddie. I'm just... I don't feel like I've talked to you in ages without our son or Bruce around."
I didn't know how to answer him so I folded my arms across my chest, agitated, and said, "What do you want, Finn?"
"I wanted to give your birthday present," he said, stepping closer. He was still a couple of steps from me but that step made my heart flutter.
"You can give it to me when I open all the other presents later tonight," I said, my throat closing up.
"It's special," he said throatily and the way his tone deepened, the way his entrancing blue eyes darkened with the sombre look, made my heart crack.
I nodded, trying to calm the frantic beating of my heart, before I stepped forward and took the box from his outstretched arm. I held my breath as I untied the pink ribbon. The ribbon fell away and my heart started beating faster and harder. It was like everything was going in slow motion. I lifted the lid of the paper box. When the present came into view I choked on the air momentarily. I raised my free hand to my mouth, unable to believe what I was seeing.
"That's your keychain," Finn said, his voice low and husky, laced with nostalgia. "I couldn't bring myself to throw it out or give it back. When you broke up with me I was angry. I was fucking furious."
My eyes burned and I kept looking down at the box, ashamed to look into those blue eyes of his because I knew one look at him would send me crumbling to the floor in despair. "I wanted to throw that key ring out the window. I knew how much you loved it. I never knew why you liked the damn panda but I knew you loved it. And it made me furious with it sitting around in my flat. I wanted to throw it out. But I couldn't bring myself to do that. I thought of giving it back to you but I couldn't do that either—the reasoning is exceedingly stupid but...it felt like I was giving up on you and I wasn't ready to do that. I could like as many girls as I wanted but you were the one girl I had fallen in love with and couldn't get out of love with."
"Finn," I begged, my voice thick with emotion. I shook my head as the tears gathered up in my eyes. I still couldn't look up at him. "Don't do this to me, Finn."
"I couldn't throw it out," he continued, "But I'm ready to give it back. I'm finally ready but not to give you up. To have you in whatever way I can. You're the mother of my son. You're my...friend. You mean a lot to me than you think you do."
"Why?" I rasped out, finally looking up at him, blinking my eyes furiously as I tried to get rid of the tears. "Why are you saying this? Why are you doing this?"
He lifted his hand and brushed his fingers over my cheek, his fingers dancing a brief random pattern that made my heart throb more. "You know why, baby," he whispered with that reassuring smile of his, his blue eyes soft and smiling too. He stepped back and gave him one last smile before he turned around and walked out of the kitchen.
I watched him walk away, his heart on his sleeve and mine still caged within the walls I had built around it. I looked down at the keychain and lifted it up to my palm. I brushed my thumb over it, smiling at it. It was a panda, clutching onto a bamboo stick. It was my grandmother's and she might have been Mum's mother but I only ever had happy memories of Grandma.
"You look deep in thought," came a smooth gravy voice and I looked up, putting a smile to my lips.
"Finn gave me his gift," I smiled, holding it up for Bruce to see.
Bruce made his way to me, before he slipped behind me and grasped his hands upon my hips. "I saw him leaving. He wanted to give you his present before he left?"
"Something like that," I whispered, looking from the keychain to the kitchen door. Bruce's lips brushed against the nape of my neck sensually before he wrapped me in his arms and we stood in the middle of the kitchen with the sound of muffled music carrying its way to our ears.
"Something like that," I repeated before I closed my eyes and I clutched Bruce's arms, seeking all the warmth and comfort he could provide me.
"Happy birthday, Madilyn," he whispered, kissing the spot below my ear.
"Thank you, Bruce. It... Today is perfect."
And for once I wasn't lying—to Bruce or myself.
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