15: Rest Of History
A/N: for those of you who guessed the 'three simple words' right in the last chapters: you've got a brilliant eye! It was "With you, yes" and it was in the Finn-scene ;)
Get yourselves ready for this because t's going to be one hell of a chapter. Don't forget to drop your thoughts in the comment section! I'd love to see what you think of the characters and their flaws xx
I woke up and found Bruce lying next to me. He was awake, his fingers dancing on my bare arm and creating patterns that I didn't quite care about because his touch felt lovely against my skin. I beamed up at him and he smiled back.
"This is what I'd like," I confessed, snuggling closer to him and placing a kiss at the centre of his chest, "To wake up next to you."
"And that's what the woman I love will get," he replied with a lazy grin before leaning forward, surrounding me with his warmth that kissed deliciously at my open skin before he pecked his lips on my nose. He drew back, his eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, is that what you were mad about that weekend?"
"Er, no," I quickly said, shaking my head.
"Madilyn," he started in an undertone.
"All right," I resigned, giving up and smiling at him sheepishly. "I admit that it did tick me off. I just... I'd love to wake up next to you. We wouldn't want me to miss out on that fantastic sight of you first thing in the morning, now would we?"
My tease was met with a sly response. His hand slipped from my shoulder and dipped beneath the covers, smoothly dancing his fingers down the curve of my breast, my ribs, my hip and dipping sideways—meeting my hot need with a tease as he cupped the area where I ached the most and leaned forward, his mouth anchoring to my neck and nipping at it, and before I knew it I was biting down on his shoulder, my moans muffled as pleasure ripped through me.
The next instant he was on top of me, his chocolate brown eyes glinting, his jet black hair messy and falling over those alluring eyes, his lips set into a mischievous grin. The soft morning light complimented his caramel skin from this position. He lowered himself, brushing his lips against mine slowly before pressing deeper, kissing me fiercely.
A few seconds later he pulled up and we parted for air. I breathed in heavily and gazed at him through hooded eyes. "I thought you said you'd never kiss me before I brushed my teeth in the morning?" I couldn't help feeling victorious.
"Last night's events certainly excuse that this morning," he replied hoarsely before dipping his head and stealing multiple kisses from me.
"Good morning," he whispered, before slithering down under the covers and placing hot kisses down my body, his lips lingering at my waist but his hot breath fanning over my skin was enough to make me shut my eyes before his mouth travelled further downwards, his tongue diving into where I most yearned for him to be.
Oh, it was certainly going to be a very long good morning.
* * * * *
I was buttoning up my jeans when I felt Bruce's arms embrace me from behind, his mouth finding the sensitive spot on my neck. I giggled, pushing him away before walking to the bed and swiping my shirt from it before slipping the shirt onto my body.
My hands were tugging it down when I heard Bruce say, "I demand you get out of those clothes this instant. They look absolutely repulsive."
I looked at him, grinning. "You wish they looked absolutely repulsive so you'd have an excuse to rip them to shreds and watch me dress again."
He shrugged, his lips tipping up into an amused smile. "A man can't explain his desires and neither can he quell them."
I stepped forward to where he was and looked up at him through my lashes, biting down on my lip and tilting my head, trying to look seductive as I could be. I leaned in closer and whispered into his ear, "This is going to be fun," before releasing a breath of hot air and retreating back to watch his expression.
His eyes were wide, dark with desire. "Fuck," he breathed out. "You're going to make this hell for me, aren't you?"
"Oh, you don't know the half of it, darling," I teased before giggling and gabbing his hand. "Come on, let's go get breakfast. I'm ravenous."
"Let's go back to bed and I'll give you breakfast," he proposed, tugging on my hand.
I laughed. "Nice try, Mystery Man." I gave him a good look then and it was as if for the first time since we met I was seeing him for who he truly was. He wasn't a man I should be afraid of. He wasn't a man who I should push away. He was a brilliant man. He was kind to me, he was loving to me and he wasn't doing anything to make me hate him. He deserved to know the truth—about my past and how it was that I ended up here.
"Bruce," I whispered, smiling at him softly.
I'm certain the tone of my voice gave me away because his mischievous playful look sobered up and in its place was a concerned one. "Madilyn."
"I want you to come home on New Year's Eve," I said. My heart was beating so fast against my ribcage I was afraid that it would jump out any second now.
He raised his eyebrows, placing his unoccupied hand gingerly on my waist. "What's this about?"
"What you told me last night..." I started, a lump preventing me from getting any further words out.
He lifted his hand to my cheek and cupped it, looking down at me with a broad smile. "That I love you?"
My body couldn't stop reacting to those words. "Say it again," I rasped out.
"I love you." He paused, tilting his head and frowning. "Has no one ever told you they love you?"
"Not as much as I deserve it," I admitted. "And when someone tells you they love you, you want to hear them say it over and over again because it makes you feel, well, loved and I haven't felt loved in a long time."
"What about Riley?" he asked.
"I haven't felt loved in a long time with a man I see that I have a future with," I corrected myself, smiling up at him.
His eyes softened and his hand brushed my cheek, gingerly stroking it and causing my eyes to shut tight at the tenderness of his touch. Everything in our relationship seemed to change from last night. I was no longer shy of telling Bruce the truth and he was no longer doubtful of the relationship I shared with the father of my son and the man who had took me in at the Golden Quaff and cared for me when I was at my lowest. Our relationship was like a flower—and we had finally bloomed.
"What's so important on New Year's Eve?" he inquired softly, tucking a stray blonde hair behind my ear. "I was thinking of heading to New York to see my family but if you want me to stay..."
"I do want you stay," I told him, biting down on my lip. "I know I asked you to spend Christmas with me and asking you to spend it on the first second of a new year is pushing it but... How do I say this? I finally trust you, Bruce. With my past, my present and my future. And I want to tell you everything. I know it is silly for asking you to wait till New Year's Eve but something about the new year, a new beginning, seems fitting and...I'm not making any sense, am I?"
I laughed airily only for him to cup my face and draw me in for a brief but hard kiss. "It is silly," he smiled, "But you wouldn't be Madilyn without the silliness."
I laughed and tears pricked my eyes. My life was near perfection now and I wondered if there was anything to make it all better. A pair of blue eyes flittered through my mind but I quickly pushed it back down because I was getting so much more than I had asked for and I should accept the gift without questions or protests.
"You're perfect," I avowed, looking at him with a certain pride swelling in my heart.
Something flickered across his chocolate brown eyes and his features slightly hardened. The emotion was gone before I caught what it actually meant. "No one's perfect, sweetheart," he whispered.
I didn't question him as he took me into a deep, passionate and almost mind-blowing kiss.
Safe to say, we didn't make it down for breakfast. We had breakfast right there in bed.
* * * * *
New Year's Eve was wonderful. Noah was at my place as usual and Veronica decided to tag along for this year's celebration. When I saw her at the door I was certain that I spent a few minutes just watching her for two main reasons. One was that her coming was unexpected but Noah was always welcome to bring a plus one. I even teased him about it relentlessly but I hadn't actually given thought that he'd bring his girlfriend over. Which brought us to the second reason; Noah Watson had a girlfriend.
"Earth to Mads," Noah said, grinning as he waved a hand in front of my face.
I blinked several times before chuckling and looking at him. He was wearing washed out jeans with a hoodie, his blonde hair combed back because despite hating it combed back Veronica thought it looked better when it wasn't getting up all in his face. I had met Veronica a handful of times and once I remembered talking to her about his hair. I know, strange topic but it wasn't an unknown fact that Noah Watson had such lovely hair. I agreed with her.
"You brought Veronica," I grinned, sending him a wink even though she was standing right there.
"Mads, not now," he groaned and Veronica laughed.
"About time, actually. He's a pussy," she stated, her bright green eyes dancing with mirth.
I put my hand on my heart. "I'm so glad we agree on that."
Laughing, she handed me a bottle of wine and they shuffled into the house but not before I caught Noah's wrist and dragged him close to me so that I could whisper into his ear.
"How dare you, you buffoon! You didn't tell me how the date went and now you've brought her over which means it's official... How could you not tell me the instant it happened?"
"I was a little busy with other activities if you know what I mean," he hinted, grinning like a boy who just got another ice lolly as he tilted his head to look at me.
I shoved him. "Ew, gross," I commented, scrunching my nose in disgust. "I do not want to know about your sex life."
"Are you sure?" he asked, his eyes widening with innocence but I knew the little devil was just playing with me. "It's pretty amazing."
"Bugger off, Noah," I laughed, swatting him away.
His echoing laughing was heard as Bruce slipped his arms around me and we watched Noah approach his girlfriend who was sitting with Riley on the couch. Damn, I could never get tired of saying that. Noah Watson finally grew a pair and asked out the love of his life.
Later that night, I expected Bruce to come find me but instead I was the one who found him sitting outside on a chair that he must have pulled from inside the house. There was another chair beside his and I breathed in hard. He was waiting for me to tell him the truth and a part of didn't feel ready to let all my walls down so that Bruce could enter—not when I've been trying so hard to put Riley before everything else. But what I was doing now, going back and forth with my feelings for Finn and Bruce was not right—for me or for Riley. Riley had his father, he always would, and I knew Finn would have my back no matter what happened in the future. But Bruce...he loved me, he loved Riley and he would do anything to protect this family that had just become his. He may have not said it but we both felt the shift that Christmas night. He was here to stay.
I didn't need any more encouragement as I walked up to him with a full glass of wine in my hand and plopped down on the chair beside his. "It's a beautiful night," I smiled, looking up at the stars.
"And cold," he buzzed, shaking, his knees brushing against my own.
"It's not snowing," I laughed.
"Doesn't mean it's not cold," he pointed.
"Maybe I can warm you up," I suggested with a wink.
He leaned closer and looked at me, his eyes darkening. "As much as I'd like that—" he plucked the glass of wine out of my hand before taking a sip "—I'd like this more."
I rolled my eyes. "You could have just asked me to bring you a glass."
"You didn't know I was out here," he pointed out, an amused smile playing on his lips. We both knew we were stalling—I, because I wasn't ready to admit the truth and him, because he wasn't ready to face it and doubts that may be seeded in his mind because of it when we just got past a hurdle in our relationship.
"Then why did I get out of the house to see you? I know you wanted fresh air before I..." I didn't bother finishing that sentence as our amused smiled washed off from our faces. The reality of my promise on the day after Christmas finally settled into the both of us.
He smiled softly this time before he offered me the glass of wine. I laughed, taking it from his hands and downing the rest, feeling the thrill prickle at my nerves. It was going to be one hell of a night.
Once I set the glass down on the lush, green grass I turned to him. He gathered my hands in his. His warm big hands enveloped around mine, rubbing over them as he created warmth with the friction, his forehead coming to rest upon mine, his breath mingling with my own, warming my face against the cold weather.
"We don't have to talk about this," Bruce told me, his eyes closing as he brushed his lips against mine in a gentle graze. "We can live in this moment forever."
"That's it, Bruce," I whispered and the tone of my voice made his eyes open as he peered at me through his lashes. "I don't want to live in this moment. I want to live in the moments that follow this moment even if they're bad because I'm finally willing to let you in and we both know how much of a feat that was."
He nodded and pulled back but not letting his grasp on my hands loosen. "All right then. What's your story, Madilyn Adair?"
I pulled my hands back and smoothened them down over my jeans, refusing to meet his eye as I took a deep breath. My fingers played with each other as I allowed myself to get lost in memories that I had buried—memories I never visited explicitly until I allowed Finn to enter Riley's life to take back the role he deserved.
"Finn Jackson was my first love. At the time I thought he was the love of my life. It was our two year anniversary. Finn wasn't the person to celebrate the little things like I was so I was surprised when I got home and found a silver wrapped box sitting on my bed. I called my mother from down the hall to ask her why a box was sitting on my bed and if she was thinking to make me attend another fancy party with her and Dad then she'll have to remake her plans because I had no intent of spending my two year anniversary with my parents."
I laughed but it wasn't a light one. I could taste the bitter feelings about what followed that specific night. "My mother said she had no idea what I was talking about and told me I should stop acting silly. Curious, I went back to my room and opened the box. There was a note inside it."
I found this in a thrift store and I instantly thought of you. Wear it and come over – Finn.
I smiled when I remembered the small, touching note. I didn't think I could ever forget that short note. Finn, that time, was never one for sentiments and small gestures so when I had received that gift from him I was beyond ecstatic. I still remember how I felt. But now, Finn had changed and I wasn't certain if that was a good or bad thing. For Riley it was undoubtedly a good thing but for me...? I didn't know yet.
"There was a dress inside the box," I continued, "It was lovely. You thought so too."
I flashed Bruce a smile and his eyebrows raised in question. "The dress I wore on Christmas, silly," I smiled and his lips instantly pulled up as a smirk made its way to his lips.
"Oh, definitely. It was stunning," he nodded, his chocolate brown eyes glinting with mischief and I knew he was thinking of what followed that night—how he got me out of that dress and how many times he whispered the most treasured three words across my skin repeatedly through the night.
"It was only when I held Riley in my arms seconds later after giving birth to him did I realise that the dress was a blessing in disguise," I said quietly, my eyes trained on his, silently expecting something to burst. "Finn and I were really busy with university and we were both doing different degrees even though we went to the same university. It was sometimes hard to find time to be together and that night, we had time. It was the night that I got pregnant with Riley."
He nodded, his expression grim and he blew out a huff of breath before leaning back on the chair as if he needed support for his slacking body. Finally he spoke up. "Why did you think it was a blessing in disguise?"
"Because I was pregnant at nineteen, Bruce. I wasn't ready to be a mother. I barely had my life together—and it sucks that I still don't have it together but I'm hoping that taking this step with you is the first step towards piecing my life together," I said gently, my tone holding a hint of desperation as I reached over for his hand, willing him to understand what my squeeze did. "I didn't even finish my first year. I only started and I got pregnant. I didn't know what to do. I was confused, lost and so, so scared. I was petrified."
"Oh baby," he choked, hunching forward and looking at me with an expression that almost wrecked me. His lips lowered to my hands and he kissed them. "But you didn't go through it alone. You had Finn."
My silence was his answer.
His face almost immediately contorted with anger. "The fucking bastard bailed on you once he realised he knocked you up?" Bruce demanded hotly. "How dare he?"
"I didn't give him a choice," I quickly inserted myself.
"Bullshit. He's the father. He has a choice and he decided to stay out of his son's life until now."
"No, no, Bruce," I said, gripping his hand. "I made that decision because Finn was taking too long to make up his mind. I needed him and he wasn't there for me so I decided to take my son's life into my own hands and I've been managing all right still—even if it meant going to my parents for help."
"What's wrong with going to your parents for help?" he inquired softly, squeezing my hand and I knew what that small gesture said. I should trust him. I had no reason to not trust him. I was safe in his arms. He wasn't the man I should be running from—he was the man I should be running to.
But why did I feel like I was still doing the opposite?
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I cast my conflicted gaze back down to my fumbling fingers. I couldn't look at him anymore. "I lied the other day," I whispered but I was well aware that he could hear me. "I ran away from home. I broke my parents' hearts."
"Oh, Madilyn," he sighed. "How did you find out?"
"I didn't get my period for the first month but I didn't think it was being pregnant that made my cycle late. I thought that maybe it was just all the stress that university was giving me and passed it on. I also blamed my intensified craving for food late at night on my studies—I thought I was stress eating, though after I found out I thought I was stupid because why the hell would someone wake up in the middle of the night to stress eat?"
I sighed, biting down on my lips before continuing. "I didn't even notice that I still hadn't gotten my period until my phone pinged—I have an app and it said that I should be on my period by now. And I realised that this was the second month that has passed by and my menstrual cycle was still acting up. I knew something was wrong and I was in the library—in the middle of doing my assignment when my phone had pinged with that notification. The assignment was due the next day but, God, I was so worried. I started panicking. My first instinct was to go to Finn, make him calm me down because stupid irrational thoughts were buzzing around in it but then I thought what if. What if I actually was pregnant? So I went to the drug store, picked out a test and sat there in the bathroom waiting to pee. Let me tell you one thing now, when I am pressured to pee I cannot pee."
I looked at Bruce with a crooked grin and his reply was a tilt of the head and raised eyebrows. "Really, Madilyn?"
I sighed. Humour wasn't going to make this heavy atmosphere any lighter so I drew back into my chair and slumped onto it, tilting my head upwards and gazing up at the starry sky. It was beautiful, stunning even, and something about starring up at it with awakened memories playing in my head made something heavy rise to my chest. It made it ache.
"Positive," I imparted. "I was pregnant. I didn't know how I was feeling. I couldn't decide on what to do. I was almost two months in, I had just found out and I was at a loss for what to do. It didn't take long for my grades to start slipping, for me to stop attending class. I couldn't concentrate on anything school related when my entire mind was consumed by the fact that something—someone—was inside my stomach, growing, a part of me. At first I wanted to cry my eyes—which, of course I did."
I laughed shakily. "But I couldn't hate the creature growing inside of me. I couldn't. Every night, when all was silent I would just hold my stomach and he didn't kick or anything but I swear, Bruce, I could feel him. I could feel him inside me. And it just tore my heart in two because I knew if he came into this world how much was going to weight down on him. I wanted him to be a bird; free. I wanted to give him everything."
I couldn't say anymore as a sob rose to my throat and my eyes burned with a great intensity. I felt a hand envelope mine, giving it a small encouraging squeeze. I couldn't bring myself to look into Bruce's comforting eyes. I could only gaze at the stars as I tried to blink away the tears.
"We don't have to talk about this, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice insistent. I slipped my fingers and squeezed his hand back. If he loved me then he'd know what I meant by my silent gesture and my heart ached when I realised that he did because the next thing he was doing was pulling his hand away and saying softly, a little hurt laced through his voice, "Do what you need to do. Just don't do it on my account."
I closed my eyes, letting a stray tear roll down my face. "My parents and I don't see eye to eye often. When I started dating Finn I kept it a secret because Finn wasn't of class. He wasn't poor either but not everything was affordable to him. He lost his track on the way but he made it finally and he strived to be the man he is today. He had to work for it. It wasn't handed to him on a silver platter like it was for you and me, Bruce. It was different for him. My parents didn't see that. They said he was trouble and perhaps he was. I mean, he did get me pregnant at nineteen, got me suspended once with him and got scolded by multiple of our college teachers. It's not that my parents don't love me because trust me, I know that they do, but I didn't like the environment I grew up in. So many expectations, so many duties. What if I wanted to be a small town girl?"
"That's the reason you moved here to Porte Orlands?" he asked.
"Well...partly," I admitted. "But also because I didn't want to be far from my parents. I may have acted like a complete bitch to them most of the time but I still loved them."
I paused and ran a hand over my stomach, the memory of the feel of my tiny bump. "It was over three months—almost four—when I could feel the bump. It wasn't visible but I could feel it and I can't tell you how happy I was. I was going to have a child. I was going to be a mother. I wasn't ready. Fuck, I felt so emotional all the time. I didn't know how I was going to do it. So I finally made up my mind and went to my parents. I sat them down after supper and they asked if I was dropping out of university and if that was why I sounded so worried. They were only joking but when I said yes they looked so disappointed. Do you know how tired I am of seeing that expression on their faces? We launched into an argument right there and then and it lasted for about half an hour and my pregnancy didn't even come up!"
I remembered that night. "You are not dropping out of university, missy," my father had scolded.
"I told you that you could have taken a gap year before you started. You could have travelled and had time to discover new things but you can't drop out now. You're in the middle of the first year for Christ sake!" Mum had exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.
"But that's not up to you! I need this break and if you let me explain—" It had been no use trying to defend myself. My parents had never been the one to let me get the better word.
"There's nothing to explain. You are going to regret this, Madilyn!" Dad had burst, his fair face beet red with anger and humiliation. He had never liked being caught off guard.
"They didn't even give me time to explain why I wanted this. They just jumped into an argument. Finn's name was thrown around multiple times because that's who Finn was—the person to be my downfall and ruin my life." I rolled my eyes, huffing out angrily. "I know that they were only looking out for me but they had no right to insult Finn like that. He would never make me give up anything I wanted. And I wanted to do so much—I wanted to be someone in the world."
"You get back here, missy!" Dad had yelled, his voice ringing in my ears.
"I feel sick, Dad. Please excuse me while I go and vomit my guts out."
"Don't be snarky, Madilyn," Mum had said sternly, her sharp voice slicing through the thick fog of tension.
"I am not being snarky, mother," I had yelled back, turning around and looking at them furiously. "I am feeling sick."
"Don't be a coward. Stop cowering and let's finish talking about this." Dad's face was hard, his distaste for this argument evident as his feelings for this topic.
"You're not letting me do any of the talking, Dad! You're doing it exceptionally well. Congratulations."
I felt Bruce's hand brush against mine hesitantly, asking for permission and when I opened my palm he pulled my hand into his and held onto it tightly. "Did you tell your parents that night?" Bruce softly prodded.
"I did," I nodded. "And I was fucking angry but..."
"Do you dare walk out this room? Get back here," Dad had ordered.
"No, I am not going to. I really am sick. I need to go to the bathroom," I had scoffed. I remembered trying to quell the betrayal that burned my body. "You know what sickens me, dear parents? It's that you didn't even bother asking why."
"Pray tell," Mum had rolled her eyes. "It's obvious. It's all because Finn. That boy has always had bad influence on you."
"I'm pregnant!" My throat had burnt from the frustrated scream that wretched out from my throat. That had quieted them down and when I had turned my back, for the first time, they hadn't dared stop me from leaving the room.
"I wish I could take it back," I whispered into the night. Something about this sudden openness with Bruce made all my honest thoughts come back from the grave. "They are still my parents and not getting their approval from the very beginning is one thing that hurt me. If I had only done it differently. If I didn't provoke them with the university bullshit. If I told them what really happened...maybe then I would have brought my son up in London."
"As true as that may be," Bruce whispered, drawing closer to me, "you won't take anything back." I could feel his heated gaze on me and that automatically made me pull my eyes up to his.
My lips pulled up into a small smile. "I wouldn't trade it for the world. I met Noah, I got my space from Finn and my parents. And most importantly, I got to meet you." I wasn't entirely sure if meeting Bruce was the most important thing but he had made me feel so special in the last couple of days. It was only fair that I returned the favour.
"Tell me," he started, curiosity radiating off him. "How did you tell Finn?"
My smile immediately deteriorated. "I can't do this," he had said, like reality was finally sinking in. "This is fucking insane. Tell me you're just pulling my leg, Maddie. I cannot be a father. Not now! Maddie..." His words were ingrained into my mind. I trusted Finn now but the Finn in the past was a different man in terms of principles and attitude. And those were the words I couldn't forget because that was the day that I truly lost the love of my life—or perhaps he was just my first love. There was still Bruce. He could be the love of my life.
"How could you say that, Finn? Just a second ago you were happy. You fucking got down on your knees and asked me to marry you!" I had yelled, angry at his changed split thoughts of my pregnancy.
"I told him the day the day I found out because I was in desperate need of comfort," I answered grimly. "It wasn't pretty. But at least we got to talk about it. He was the only one who knew how I was feeling and supported me even though he wasn't feeling the same. I couldn't do this in London. I needed a fresh start. I wanted to give my child a different environment, a place where he'd feel safe and when I knocked on Noah's door, four months pregnant, I found that safety. I found home. Noah was the person to take me to my doctor's appointment...I was going to have a boy."
Bruce smiled at me, pulling me close and planting a brief kiss on my forehead. "How did your parents take the news?"
I bit the inside of my lip.
"Madilyn," Bruce dragged out my name.
"I left them a note."
"A note?" he asked, surprised. "What? Why? My God, I don't know what to say."
"How about, 'that was very bitchy of you, Madilyn'."
"This is not funny," he declared and I quickly sobered up when I saw that he wasn't even the least bit amused with my comment.
"It's not. I didn't know how to tell them. So that night I stayed up and packed a suitcase. I didn't need many clothes. Just my comfort ones. Most of my wardrobe was handpicked by my mother and she and I don't necessarily share the same taste. After packing what I needed, I pulled out one of my university notebooks and wrote a note. It wasn't short. It was long and detailed. They refused to listen to me, always wanted to have their words being heard and not mine but this way they were forced to hear me out. So that night I poured everything out into that later. I may have overstepped some boundaries and might have overdone the cruelness. If I could do this the proper way...I would have."
"It's okay, Madilyn," Bruce assured.
"That's it, Bruce. It's not okay. We're always arguing about what I wrote in that letter and I get so angry. I'm surprised that Christmas wasn't a disaster but I think because Dad likes you so much he made Mum lay off me this year." I paused, taking in a deep breath as I tried to regain my composure but it was far gone. "In that note I told them I was moving away and once I found myself a place I would send them a letter, telling them my address and that I was safe and sound. After Noah provided me a home I sent Mum and Dad that letter I promised them but I told them for once I was happy. Life was a mess but I was happy and I didn't want them screwing it up. Yeah, I know, you don't have to tell me how harsh it is. A part of me hoped that they'd disobey the request in my letter but they abided by it until I called them one day, during my final month. I had a break down. I couldn't do it. Noah had become family in such a short time but he wasn't entirely family yet. He wasn't what Finn was to me, what my parents were to me. They were my blood family. Finn bailed on me and I couldn't stand myself looking pathetic in front of him. My parents are a different story."
There was a short silence as we both absorbed the truth I revealed tonight. "Madilyn," Bruce started, breaking the silence with trepidation, "Why do you keep saying Finn bailed on you? I see him now and I can't even imagine him not wanting to stay away from him son, much less you."
I didn't question the last part of his statement fully aware that it would only get my mind thinking of all my resurfacing feelings and I was trying so hard to shut them down again. Instead, I answered as honestly as I could. "Finn was the only one I left contact with. We sent letters often, small updates on our lives but we refused to talk about our baby. I told him that I needed him and he stopped replying after that. We met again when I was six months into my pregnancy and told me that I didn't know what the hell I was doing; I was being impulsive and reckless and stupid moving away from London. Then nine months into my pregnancy, just before my delivery he said he wanted in. He said he wanted to be a father. He said he was ready to have me back and to bring our child up together. Truth was, I wanted him back. Because I loved him. But I knew he wasn't good for me. I mean he was, but he wasn't mature enough. He wasn't right for me at the time."
"And now?"
I held my breath. Was he asking me why I thought Finn was right for me now? I smiled at him confusedly, hoping that my expression was convincing. "What do you mean?"
"Is Finn ready to take Riley on as his son?"
I almost sighed with relief when the intent of his question became known to me. "You've seen him with Rye," I stated, "He's different now. He's matured so much. He's come a long way to be the man he is today."
"You refused him when he came begging to you to come back to him?" Bruce raised an eyebrow.
"Yes," I clarified. "I wasn't rude though so I invited him for tea, which Noah obviously rudely interrupted and made everything awkward as hell. Noah had become overprotective."
"I've noticed," Bruce laughed. "I never got to thank you for asking him to ease on me."
I feigned a gasp. "Whatever do you mean, Mystery Man? I did no such thing."
"Well, whoever did, I am thankful for them. Because earning her best friend's respect means a lot to me too."
My mischievous smile softened. "Too bad you don't have it," I teased.
"Oh God," Bruce laughed, rolling his eyes before narrowing them at me despite the smile on his lips still being evident. "Right now, I'm wishing your water had burst during that little tea party of yours."
His narrowed eyes at me widened and he choked when I responded with a drawl, "Well..."
"Your water burst in the middle of a tea party?"
"It was the tension! Noah and Finn are unbelievingly intimidating when they are grumpy. And I hate when there's awkward silence. I mean, where's the conversation people? How will Maddie and little Maddie survive with no conversation? Talk people!"
He burst out laughing. "You're such a drama queen, Hottie Maddie."
"Please." I stuck out my tongue childishly. "Your life would be boring without me."
"It would," he disclosed softly. "It really would."
"Thank you," I whispered, "for changing the subject."
"I didn't change the subject. We were still talking about your pregnancy," he smiled and I wanted to kiss that goofy smile off his face.
"You know what I mean," I giggled and just as I was about to kiss Bruce and thank him a million times with appreciative kisses, the front door to my house burst open and a shout echoed through the neighbourhood.
I groaned, pulling back and looking towards Riley, Noah, Veronica who were running towards us with huge grins on their faces. That's when I noticed that the neighbours came out too. The countdown began.
"Thirty!" Riley exclaimed, excitedly, jumping up and down, his floppy hair bouncy in and out of his line of eyesight with every jump.
"Twenty-nine!" everyone joined in, the neighbours included. We did this every year. We'd count down as a community and it was the most wonderful thing. It was a small act but it made the neighbourhood feel homey, special and as one place where no one would feel left out. Love was a vibrant fragrance in the air.
Bruce and I stood up as the countdown progressed, and Bruce gathered Riley in his arms, hauling my son up to his hips and I curled my hand around Bruce's arm, looking sideways at Riley and Bruce with a smile. This wasn't how I pictured my perfect family to be like but this was the best I was going to ever get and it was going to slip past my fingers if I didn't grip onto it tighter.
"Three... Two... One!"
It was then that I decided that this was where I belonged. With Riley and having Bruce beside us.
I didn't realise that it was damned from the start of the new year because I was unable to see what I needed and what I wanted.
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