Ra's Champion
The ancient pyramids. A staple of Egypt and their culture. A young boy was on a trip with his family to go see the pharaoh. The young boy sadly had a very weak heart and one of the things he wanted to see so desperately was the tombs of the gods. Making his way to one of the pyramids, with the help of his mom and dad, he smiled seeing the different Egyptian scriptures. One that caught his eye was the Egyptian God of the sun. Ra.
The boy stared at the image of the God before it shined slightly. The caused the boy to look at it with confusion asking his parents if they saw it as well. But he was shot down with a no from both parents. Standing next to him was his younger brothers as they helped him to the next pyramid. But screams went off. The four looked behind them theives as they all held swords cutting down people left and right. The four began to run but Y/n stopped as his heart began to mess up.
The boys father picked him up on his back but crossbow bokts fired hitting his mother and brothers. This caused the two to go wide eyed as they laid dead. Running to one of the pyramids the two heard dogs barking as they hid behind an Obelisk. The stone pillar hid the two but the dogs barking was getting closer. The boy grabbed his heart as he began to breath weakly.
"Stay with me Y/n. Come on be strong." His father pleaded but this situation wasn't helping.
Running towards the camp to call for help his dad suddenly felt his ankle get bit. The two collapsed to the ground as Y/ns father told him to run. Running towards the camp the small camp exploded making the boy turn back and run towards the small distance he put behind himself and the pyramids. But the boys heart beat caused him to collapse in front of the image of Ra.
"Be strong my champion. I'm sending help." A godly voice called out as the boy looked up to see the image of ra glowing. Multiple footsteps rushed to the boy as he looked behind himself with fear. "Calm down and repeat after me." He spoke as the boy nodded. But he just couldn't stay focus.
"Great beast of the sky. Please hear my cry. Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight." The voice spoke making him do the chant. "Evelope the desert with you glow and cast your rage upon my foe. Unlock your powers from deep within so together we may win. Appear in this sick game as I call out your name." The voice and Y/n spoke at the same time.
Turning around the boy saw the terrorists as they aimed at him with their weapons.
"WINGED DRAGON OF RA!" Y/n yelled out before feeling his body go limp as a bolt made contact with his head.
The thieves turned around and left but felt the dessert sands shift as they turned to the boy. His body was shining as a sudden beam of golden light erupted from him the two backed away as the boy was lifted up with the sky turning black. The boys body vanished and so too did the light.
"Where did he go?" One of them asked as a sudden roar was heard. Casting their attention to the top of the pyramid a golden claw grabbed the side of the pyramid as a massive beak poked out. The two men trembled as the dragon of Ra appeared and on top of the head of the beast was Y/n with his upper torso sticking out of it. The beast had him protected in a golden light as it blew sacred fire melting the men into ash. Turning its attention to the others the dragon continued its onslaught. Burning and destroying everything in its wake.
"My pharaoh the guards reports of seeing Ra's dragon fighting the thieves." One of the guards spoke causing the Pharaoh to stand along with two other people.
"So Ra has chosen his champion." A belly dancer woman spoke as she branded Osiris Champion mark.
"It appears so." A bulky general man said as he was branded by the champion mark of Geb.
"This champion isn't in control of Ra's dragon. He's destroying everything."
"Sadiki,Asim. I require you two to calm our new ally." The Pharaoh spoke making the two nod.
"Right away my Pharaoh." They spoke before running outside.
The two rushed to the city as Ra was continuing his destruction.
"Osiris please bless me with your dragon once more to put this God to sleep." Sadiki pleaded as the sky turned black before a massive red dragon flew from the heavens and rammed into the golden dragon God.
"Geb. I require your soldier of war once more. Obelisk come to light!" Asim called out as a massive blue giant appeared wearing a Egyptian headdress.
Shoulder charging Ra Obelisk slammed Ra into a wall causing it to trip. The golden God opened its mouth and let out a massive blast of fire pushing the giant soldier back. Quickly turning into fire Ra slammed into Slifer held it by the throat as it solidfy.
The two champions of Geb and Osiris held their hearts in pain ra charged another blast. A flaming glow casted a light in the dragons gullet.
"Slifer thunder force!" Sadiki yelled as the dragon blasted ra in the face but the dragon continue to charge its attack. Just then Obelisk grabbed the beak of Ra's dragon making the attack damage itself massively.
Turning the dragon to face itself Obelisk slugged it making it fall to the ground. Trying to get back up Ra roared before falling and laying prone on the ground with Y/n falling but he was caught by Obelisk as the giant soldier dropped him into Asims arms.
"Let's take him to the palace." Asim said as he turned around with Obelisk and Slifer turning into mist.
"Awaken my champion." He spoke making Y/ns eyes snapped open as he looked around before feeling his head.
"No wound?" He asked as he looked up to see Ra.
"Hello Y/n." He greeted with a friendly smile.
"You're the Egyptian God Ra. You're real?" He asked making the bird man laugh.
"Of course I am...well now I am. I am deeply sorry for what happened but you past away during that attack. I brought you back thanks to my powers. I have decided to make you my champion like what my friends made."
"Friends? They chose champions. Wait! My family are they?"
"They're gone...I'm sorry. Much like you they died in that attack. But I assure you. Anubis has showed them the light and they past on with no doubt. Your family was religious correct?" He questioned the boy as he kneeled down to him.
"We didn't go to one of the shrines or anything like that but they did think there was a powerful being out there." He told him as the bird man helped him up.
"I see. I appreciate your truthful words. Well my champion you are now one of those people. You are in control of my dragon the Winged dragon of Ra. You and him are partners. But I must ask you to train for my friends and I have a small tournament coming to see who has the best champion. But for now. Rest." He said before tapping me on the head causing me to black out and into his arms.
Ra pov
Holding my champion in my arms I smiled gently as I laid him back down on the bed.
"Rest my boy. For you have a duty to fulfill." I said before vanishing as I began to look down at his left arm. "Keep him and his heart safe my dragon."
Y/n pov.
I slowly began to wake up as I noticed myself under a long piece of cloth. Sitting up the cloth fell to my waist as I looked down at my chest right at my heart. There rested a brand of Ra the image of his dragon. Standing up my feet touched the stone floor as I made my way towards the balcony. A thousand of thoughts ran through my head before one finally hit me as I looked over the destroyed city as the sky was filled with smoke.
"I'm dead?!" I yelled causing some passerby to look up at me with confusion.
"Yes now can you keep it down?" A gruff voice said as I turned to see a man wearing Egyptian armor as he walked towards the bed and fixed it. "Were you raised in a barn?" He said before turned to me and crossing his arms.
"Who are you?"
"Like you child. But I am Gebs champion. I'm bonded to his Soldier named Obelisk. You are Ras' champion. The Winged dragon is your partner." He said before pointing at the mark on my chest. "All champions of the three gods are branded in some way or form. Mine is on my arm. My name is Asim."
"Y/n. But if you don't mind me asking why is there only three champions? Don't we have multiple gods?" I asked as I focused on his movements as he walked to a bowl of fruit and stole a orange from it before peeling it with his knife.
"The others see no reason to have champions. We are Osiris,Geb and Ras because we keep balance. You're the first one Ra has picked in over a three hundred years." He said before curling his finger at me while he made his way to the door. "Come. You have some studying to do." He spoke as I grabbed a shirt and followed behind.
"What do you see on these walls?" He asked as I noticed the hieroglyphs.
They showed a war between light and dark. Ra, Geb and Osiris stood back to back with each other before the next set showed them fighting off Seth
"The gods were in odds. More specifically Osiris and Seth." I spoke as I ran my hand on the images.
"Yes. Seth had used his magic to summon three wicked beasts along with three Sacred Beasts. Using these six wicked gods he forced Osiris to his knees where he ended his life. Sadiki stays away from this spot considering she is Osiris Champion. But only his Dragon chooses now since his death." He said before pointing at the Hieroglyphs of a two mouth red dragon.
"Each one of us is born with this mark. But Ra chooses based on the person he sees fit to be the holder of the Winged Dragon of Ra. The last champion was named Marik. He used the dragon to cause destruction. If it wasn't for the champions of Geb and Osiris Marik would've become a God himself by bonding with Ras' dragon. What you did yesterday was a reminder of Ras' destructive power."
"How long was I out for?" I asked him as he looked back at me.
"About the entire night and half of a today." He said as he turned back to the Hieroglyphs. "Now pay attention. You're not done. Right after his death Ra and Geb had summoned their monsters along with the help of Slifer and the other gods locked the wicked and sacred beasts deep within the world and the heavens. Slifer left the heavens in search of a champion to keep the sacred beasts locked up. Mine was used to protect our world from the sacred beasts. Finally yours is to ensure if they ever escape you could fight off the six for you would be our final defense from eternal darkness." He told me as I heard my own heartbeat.
"I'm the last line of defense?" I confirmed as I looked at my hands. "What of Marik?"
"He was killed by the two other champions and their gods. Since then Ra has watched everyone intently and chose you. Your new life begins today champion of Ra. Don't fail your god." He warned making me nod.
"I won't."
"Good. Now we must meet with Sadiki and Pharaoh. One more thing about your dragon. It's known as the immortal dragon. You can not die unless you take immense damage. Much like me and Sadiki. But one thing you have against us is the gift of healing." He said making me stop and look down at myself. "Come we must meet with Sadiki and the Pharaoh. They've been waiting for a while to see you. Especially the Pharaoh."
After a short walk Asim and I made it to the throne room. The guards standing in front of the doors pushed them open as I looked in awe. The marble white stone made me pause as I smiled at the sheer beauty of the room.
"Lovely isn't it?" The Pharaoh called out as she let out a smile. "I'm so glad to finally meet Ras' new champion." She said as I turned to her. "My name is Cleopatra. May I have your name young man?" She asked me as I kneeled and told her my name. "Y/n. That's such a lovely name. But I must be blunt my people fear you Y/n." She spoke before standing up as Sadiki stood near the throne. Making her way down to me she stood in front of me as she gently lifted my head up. "But some are grateful for what you did to the theives. Y/n you are a powerful warrior but you must control your dragon to be of help to Egypt. Are you willing to be the next protector of Egypt with Asim and Sadiki? You will have a permanent home here in the palace. All I ask is that you keep my people safe."
"I only woke up a few minutes ago my Pharaoh. I've been overwhelmed by all the info I was given. But I also want to make amends with what happened last night. If you don't mind me staying while I help rebuild the damages I will think over about being the protector of Egypt." I told her truthfully to he surprise.
"Well you're already going to that first step by just helping my people out." She smiled as I stood. "Go ahead and help them out."
"Yes my Pharaoh." I smiled before walking out as I exit the palace.
Over the next few years I ended up helping the people rebuild the destroyed building and even healed some with Ras' blessings. I healing factor I learned while reading about Marik. I never want to do what he did. Upon healing and finally rebuilding the city I stood in front of the palace as now my age was eighteen. Thanks to Ras power rebuilding the city was quite easy to do once I learned to summon The Winged Dragon of Ra. That was thanks to Asim and Sadiki. During the nights they would teach me how to use my powers on will after being here a year.
Being a general Asim always was out when we were in war. Today was the day Asim was coming back from the field along with his soldiers. I watched as I saw multiple soldiers make their way to the city. Sadly there was only three hundred compared to the thousand that went out with him but being in the front was Asim.
"To the wounded head to Ras champion to get fully recovered. To the ones that have some form of motor skills I want you to help the wounded first and then head to your families." He said as I made my way to the ground.
"No need for them to come to me Asim. I got this." I smiled at him making him chuckle.
"Of course you do kid." He said before taking his horse to the horse pens.
"Almighty dragon of ra grant me the power to heal these injured men and let them see their families once more." I asked the divine dragon within me as my body glowed before I focused it all in one singular spot in my hand as a orb of golden light appeared. Raising my hand I fired it as it exploded into particles with each and everyone of the wounded began to glow and become fully healed.
"Thank you champion of Ra." One soldier thanked making me chuckle.
"Call me Y/n." I said as the injured bodies all raised up and were either helped out of carts or helped the severely wounded out of said carts. "You should know this already." I smiled before leaving to the palace. "I wish you a relaxing break soldier. Welcome home."
Climbing up the stairs I noticed a small glow appear next to me as Ra had manifest next to me. He would come every month to check on me and his dragons connection to make sure I didn't fall to the side of darkness.
"How are you my champion." He smiled as he gave me a warm hug.
"I've been good sir." I spoke hugging him back. "Just a bit saddened by the things our men have to go through." I told him making the sun God nod in agreement.
"I understand. That is a feeling I have never been able to get over in all my life time." He told me as we continued up the steps. "But let me ask you Y/n. If you had the power to save everyone. Would you?" He asked me as I looked down at the city.
This place is my home after the years I lived here. I want to protect them against any foe. Including the Sacred and Wicked beasts. My training with Asim and Sadiki is going well but I need a power that's even stronger than just summoning Ra.
"I would." Turning to him I had a determind look in my eyes as Ra smiled at me.
"Then you must learn the armored chant. The true chant of Ra. By using this chant you and Ra will be bonded to one body. Right now you two are seperated. Your power will be stonger than just summoning Ra. But i must warn you. After the chant if my dragon does not see you worthy of the bond. You will die and I can not bring you back a second time." He warned making me nod.
"That'll be fine. I want to do this my lord. Please allow me to." I asked him as he stopped and turned to me.
"I can not help you with the chant. When you are in the most dangerous situation only then will the chant come to you. I only teach you what you can achieve. But I can not fully teach you on how to achieve it." He said much to my dismay.
"I understand. My lord. I want to thank you for granting me this power. I promise to make you proud." I told him only to hear a chuckle as the both of us made it to the final step.
"Do not do it for me my child. Make yourself proud with the power you achieve."
With that he faded away leaving me to my own thoughts. Entering the palace I made my way to Sadikis room to check on her. These past few weeks she's been very sick and weak. This worried both me and Asim since she was bonded to Slifer. The only God keeping the wicked and sacred beasts locked up. Upon entering her room I noticed she was getting dressed as her bare body was shining in the sun making me look away.
"Did I come in at the wrong time my friend?" I asked as she let out a small laugh.
"No its quite alright." She smiled before putting on her dress. "What is it Y/n?" She asked me as I noticed she pulled her hair out of her dress.
"I wanted to check up on you. I need to know if the wicked and sacred gods are being held back. If not I'll do everything in my power to keep you and our friends safe." I told her to which she smiled.
"I appreciate the worry little brother. But no need to worry yourself about me." She smiled.
Thats right. She always saw me as a little brother since I'm still new to my power. The three of us always treated each other as family with the Pharoah being our mother.
"I know but I just wanted to make sure. I'm gonna go check on Asim. Just let me know if there is anything you need." I told her making her smile.
"Of course."
Leaving the room I walked towards the throne room where Asim would report back to our Pharoah after everything that has happened. Upon entering the room I could hear the conversation Asim was having. I should just leave.
"I worry about Sadiki my Pharaoh. Her health has weakened and I can feel it. The wicked power of one of the gods pushing through the seal. I fear one of the wicked gods will be out of its cage in the next three months." He said making me shocked. Before I hid behind a pillar.
If he could feel this power how come I never felt it? I bit my lip as I realized I was still weak. I'm the last line of defense if the wicked God pushes through the two obsticals. If I'm still weak how can I truly keep Egypt safe?
"I see. I want you to continue your training with Ras' champion have him harness the power of the Winged Dragon. So when the tike comes he can fight to his best. I trust you to keep doing it my general." She said making Asim nod.
"Yes my Pharoah. And of Sadiki?" He asked as she stood up.
"Sadiki has brought joy to our guest with her dancing. I will see it myself that she continues to get better. In the name of Egypt." She said as she dismissed Asim.
Leaving the room I hurried to my room as I made my way to it two people stood ready at my curtain. They wore the traditional Egyptian clothing but they wore a headdress that had my dragon head.
"Good afternoon my lord. Everything okay?" One of them asked as she looked towards me.
"I need time alone to my thoughts. Make sure no one interrupts. Not even Asim or the Pharoah." I told her as she looked towards her sister.
"My lord?" She questioned but I ignored her and entered my room.
Pacing back and forth anxiety filled me. This wicked God will be coming to Egypt. I..I need to get stronger within three months. What can I do?" I questioned before noticing a golden shimmer across the way from me. Walking towards the balcony I noticed it was at Ras' pyramid.
Leaving my room I made my way towards the entrance of the palace.but I was stopped by the Pharoah.
"Y/n a word." She told me before I turned around and entered the throne room. "I appreciate your help with rebuilding and healing my kingdom. But I must ask. Will you be willing to join my army? I'm sure Asim would love the extra fire power."
"I would do what is needed. If you think it's necessary than I will take it. But I must ask a favor from you." I told her and this caught her attention.
"And what would that be?" She asked as I looked at my mark.
"The beginning of the upcoming third month. I wish to train by myself in the temple of Ra. No interruptions, no nothing. I think I know of a way to harness my Winged dragon without summoning it. But I won't know unless I train for it." I told her as she looked at me with wonder.
"And this power what will happen? Will you do what the champion before you did?" She asked me as I looked from my mark and towards her.
"No. But, I'm sure the power will be unstoppable. That's why I must focus on it and only it." I told her as she nod.
"You are granted that time. But please I want you to hurry with your training. A wicked God will be here within 3 months."
"I understand. I will do all that I can." I began to walk out but I heard her call out to Me.
"Happy birthday my little champion." She smiled making me nod back at her.
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