My life now.
"That sucked." Y/n said as he just finished watching the documentary. "Historical my ass." He said as Ra spoke up.
"Indeed. As a godly dragon from that time. This was disgracefully in accurate." He added on as Y/n sighed and looked through the movies.
After finding a comedy Y/n reached down to grab his bowl of ramen and began to eat the rest of his food. Just then Y/n's doorbell went off. Standing up he made his way to the door only to find Asia in front of it.
"Asia? What are you doing here?" He questioned as she smiled.
"I heard you were alone so I wanted to make a pack with you!" She smiled making him confused but realized she meant devil work.
"Oh. That's right. Then come on in." He smiled as she entered making her smile.
"Your home is so cozy." She smiled seeing it for herself.
"Well RA did say that it needed a bit more of a homey touch considering the three woman that live here now." He said before going to the kitchen. "Do you want some Ramen? My dragon and I were just about to watch a comedy." He asked making the small demon smile.
"Yes please." She smiled as the two began to eat soon after getting her food. "Y/n-Onii can you read me a bible verse?" She asked making the male turn to her.
"Oni and a bible verse. Everything okay?" He questioned the small girl as she looked like she offended the champion.
"Oh I'm sorry did you not want to do that? I know your religion is different from mine it's just I can't read any verses anymore. I'm sorry!" She apologized making the boy smile.
"Asia. I have no issue with reading a verse but why call me onii-chan?" he asked making her blush in embarrasment.
"It's just you've been helping issie and Rias like a big brother so I thought it was okay to call you that." She said making the boy look at her with embarrassment.
"No it's okay. I'm not used to be called Big brother. Mainly little brother from my siblings." Sitting down next to her he placed the bowl in front of her as she smiled.
"I didn't know you had siblings." She said before taking a bite out of her food.
"I actually had a few. My siblings before I became RAs champion and then my champion siblings. It's been quite sometime being called that. But back then they would call me. Al'akh Al'akbar or Al'akh Al'asghar." He smiled before relaxing. "It kind of brings a bit of nostalgia." He beamed.
Asia smiled as she listened closely. She watched as he grabbed her Bible before flipping through some pages. He smiled before landing on one. "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." He spoke as Asia smiled being able to hear a verse without getting a massive headache. Even though she can not verbally read a verse. She can listen to one. But being prayed for is another reason she would get hurt after her talk with Irena and Xenovia from when her, Issie and Shoji from the student council peerage.
After a few hours of watching the movie and talking Asia got a call from Rias. Asia said her goodbyes and left. Y/n sighed as he laid on the couch looking over his phone.
"Partner.. that verse you've read. It's quite interesting you picked that one." He said making Y/n look at his right arm.
"What do you mean?"
"That verse symbolizes us. For I'm here for you during your fear. I'm here to strengthen you and help you. All through your righteous right hand." He explained making Y/n smirk.
"I guess you're right."
In the underworld Yubelluna, Isabella and Carlamain entered the Phoenix household. The home was massive, the size of a castle basically. The girls walked towards the massive manor before being greeted by the staff. Everyone was happy to see them before meeting up with the rest of the peerage.
"So how has Riser been?" Isabella asked Ravel as she looked at her.
"Not good. He's been having terrible nightmares. His flames aren't as strong as they used to be now. All thanks to that dang Sun dragon." Ravel informed making Yubelluna nod.
"I'm gonna go see him. Isabella, Carlamain do you want to come?" She asked as the two shook their heads saying that she should have her time with him first. "Alright."
Riser was shifting in his sleep. A replay of his fight with Y/n played in his dreams. From the decapacitating strike to his God's Phoenix move. Riser rose from his bed in a cold sweat as he looked around his room. Throwing his sheets off he moved towards the bathroom where he splashed some water on his face.
Looking up in the mirror he jumped seeing Y/n standing right next to him. Turing around he went to throw a punch but hit the wall behind him. Sighing he went to his room and sat on his bed but stopped as Yubelluna was already doing that in front of him. Moving to his closet he didn't lock eyes with his ex-queen.
"You look like shit." She pointed out as he growled. "Are you happy? Having nightmares about your fight, Your pride being destroyed and even giving the rest of you family a tarnished name. All because you couldn't look and see that your opponent could've been stronger than you regardless of their name or title?" She questioned making him turn to her and yelled shut up. "I don't have to listen to you anymore. I only listen to my new master. The Sun Dragon Emperor. The person that screwed you over. The person that fucked up your healing factor and from what I've seen. Left you with a reminder."
Riser growled as he touched his face. Y/n did indeed leave a reminder in the form of a fist on his cheek.
"If you're here to scold me I get it." He mumbled as she looked at him.
"I don't think you do. Knowing you, you're gonna try and fight him again. Only to end up getting your ass handed to you again." She said making him growl. "I've known you for years Riser. This is nothing new." She spoke before standing up and making her way to the door. "Think before you act and for your sake. Keep that ego in check." Closing the door she left Riser to ponder.
Yubelluna stood by the door as she sighed in sadness. Isabella and Carlamain noticed her as they walked to her.
"Everything okay?" Isabella asked only for Yubelluna to sigh.
"We should get going." she said making Isabella nod but Carlamain looked are her like she wasn't in a hurry.
"Why we just got here." She acknowledge making Yubelluna nod.
"Yes but the dragon emperor is most likely bored right now. We also should leave. My talk with Riser didn't end to well." She spoke as her and the others left after saying their goodbyes.
Y/n laid on his bed yawning. A golden circle appeared in the middle of his room as the girls appeared. The three noticed him still awake as his eyes were half open. Carlamain and Isabelle left to go to their rooms as Yubelluna stayed out.
"Do you need some more blankets my emperor?" She asked as he shook his head.
"No. I'm fine. Thank you Yubelluna. How was your trip to Riser?" He questioned before laying on his side getting comfortable.
"It was good. I just had to speak to him real quick. What about you how was your time here?" She questioned petting his head.
"Eh. It was good. Got a visit from Asia and watched a shitty documentary of my home." He chuckled making her raise an eyebrow making him wave her off. "Nah don't worry just head to bed and rest up we got a busy day tomorrow." He smiled before falling asleep.
"Of course my emperor."
-The next day-
Yubelluna woke up due to the entire house shaking. Rushing to Y/ns room she opened it to see him missing. But a gold blur zipped pass the window as she saw him in a crater with his armor on. Teleporting in front of him she held her arms out as Isabella did the same in a boxing stance while Carlamain lazily held her sword up. But the three stopped seeing RA hovering in the air in front of them with his arms crossed.
Y/n stood up before zipping to his god as the two fought. Well more like RA blocking Y/ns attacks with a finger before flicking his champion around the planet before he grabbed the tail of his armor and slammed Y/n to the ground making him cough for air as his armor crumbled away. RA lowered to the ground and walked to his champion before helping him up.
"You must move faster Y/n. You can not win with just brute force against a god. You must think with your head to defeat Set." He said making the girls look at him in shock.
"Wait you're gonna be fighting the god of chaos Set?" Isabella asked making him nod.
"That's my goal. He created three beasts and these beasts have destroyed Egypt time and time again before being sealed by Osiris." He said but RA stopped him before clearing his throat.
"I remember hearing about that battle from lady Phoenix. I also heard that they were released. What happened do them?" Carlamain questioned making Y/n stay quiet before being elbowed by his god.
"Y/n I do believe we should let them in on where the beasts are now." He spoke making his champion sigh.
"They are sealed inside of me." He told them making the girls call his bluff before he took off his shirt and showing them the mark of Slifer on his back.
"You aren't kidding. So all those times I saw you in discomfort and that night I heard you talking to yourself." Yubelluna recalled making him nod his head. "You were speaking to them."
"Yes i've been in a mental battle with them. If they were to control me it would take all three Egyptian gods, Obelisk, Slifer and Ra to take them down. The only way to take down the beasts is to kill the host." He explained making the girls look at him with shock. "If that were to happen I have spoke to RA and we agreed that my life would be extinguished to keep humanity safe. Which is why I'm telling you girls when it happens I want you to kill me before they are released." He said making Carlamain raise an eyebrow.
"Can't you just recover? it would be pointless." She said making him chuckle.
"Which is why when i've been too far gone. My dragon has orders to leave my body so my healing factor isn't in the way." He sighed making Yubelluna walk up to him and bring him into a hug.
"If that is your wish my emperor." She said making him nod.
"It is." He said before RA smiled and clapped his hands together.
"Now who is ready for some breakfast." He smiled making Y/n raise his hand.
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