Godly business, forging bonds and new faces
Ra rose from his seat on his holy boat. He had watched the fight with his Champion against the Fallen Angel as they were made out of flames. He rubbed his head upon the ending of the fight. His stress was slowly coming down. He almost lost his champion and seeing him overpower them really made him relax a bit. Just then a flap of feather wings appeared behind him as heels clicked on landing. Turning his head to look behind him Ra smiled seeing a female with feathers on her arms. She wore a long white dress with Egyptian symbols scattered along it. Her eyes were a beautiful ocean blue as her hair was cut just below the ears. The feathers of her wings retracted into her arms as Ra stood up and met with her.
"Maat. my sweet child. Where have you been?" He smiled holding his daughter in his arms.
"I apologize father. I have been watching over your sons and daughters. After the great war, I had to take some time to heal my wounds. What about you father. How have you been?" She asked looking at him as he chuckled before taking some steps towards the bow of the ship motioning for her to follow him.
"I have taken a few centuries to myself after the great war. Of course my time spent was holding back Apophis. But in desperate times with fighting Set Osiris has made a dragon he named Slifer, the heavenly dragon of Osiris. Geb had made his soldier of stone, Obelisk. He couldn't protect Egypt and the world at the same time. No matter how many times he believed it to be so. Over the years I have made myself a protector of Egypt as well. My dragon of the sun. My champion calls him Ra. It's quite confusing." He chuckled.
Maat followed behind before standing next to him. She gazed at the world below taking in the info. "Champion?....Father. How many have you had?"
"I've had only two. My first was Marik. I sadly lost him to to Apophis. His wicked gods took over his body and forced him to insanity and sadism. Even to this day....I don't know if he's still alive or not. But my newest champion. Y/n....he reminds me so much of him before he was taken over. Always wants to do what's right. Training hard to become worthy of my blessing....of my Dragon.....he's already worthy... he's just blinded by his failure."
"What is his failure father?" Maat asked looking at him as the falcon headed god looked at the earth down below.
"Not destroying the Sacred Beasts. They're sealed inside of him. But over the sixty five years he's been awake. The seal of Osiris has become weaker and weaker. I can only assume that in the upcoming months, maybe at most a year, the sacred beasts will overpower him." He thought before getting tears in his eyes. "I will lose him to them as well. If that happens. It'll be up to me to end him." He said before a droplet fell from his chin. Ra was now openly crying. In some way or form it's as if his champions can never have a lasting life. One lost to Apophis and now one slowly on his way to being lost to the Sacred Beasts. Maat placed a hand on her fathers shoulder looking at him.
"If that comes to pass father....I will lead him to his paradise in the field of reeds. After Osiris judges him." She said making the god nod before suddenly looking at her.
"Osiris is alive?!" This caught the falcon god of the sun off guard. For all he knew Osiris died during the fight with Seth before the great war. Then after the great war nearly ninety-five percent of the gods had died in the war.
"Yes. Myself, You, Geb, Osiris and Anubis are the only surviving gods left." She said making the god nod but he knew that wasn't true due to the sinister snake-like laughter was heard below him along with Set still being alive. "But father what is your champion doing?"
"Well it's late afternoon in Japan. He's more than likely doing his homework." He smiled.
Y/n sighed as he rubbed his head. He was getting frustrated with the thing that caused him soo many problems. Math. "Carry the five and put the three here. But that doesn't equal C. AHH why is this soo hard." He sighed as he leaned in his chair. The rolling gaming chair creaked as he sighed. A small creak of his door caught his attention as he noticed Yubelluna. In her hands was a tray, the tray had a simple ham sandwich with a glass of water.
"My Emperor; I brought you some food." She smiled making him roll from his desk before taking the sandwich and water. Hugging the tray close to her she watched as he ate and drank.
"Thanks Yubelluna. I needed that. Now I just need to figure out this answer." He said before turning around back to his computer as Yubelluna looked at the problem.
"Okay. So you did this wrong. You place the five at the end and divide everything by three. Next you place your answer of the division then multiply everything to get X." She said as he was following her instructions to which he got the correct answer making him smile.
"Thanks Yubelluna." closing his book he stretched. Closing his laptop he moved to his bed and started to check his phone and noticed a missed alarm. This caused him to go into a slight panic making Yubelluna look at him with confusion.
"Everything okay my emperor?" She questioned making him turn to her as he showed her his back.
"Not entirely." Taking off his shirt he looked at the mark of Slifer as it was slightly faded. "The mark of Slifer is fading. Every year I need to go to see Slifer and Obelisk to get their blessings so the beasts don't escape. Normally I wouldn't need to get it replenished until ten years. But due to how strong they've started to become. I need to do it every year." He said making her nod.
"If I may my Emperor. May I come with?" She asked making him ponder.
"Normally you wouldn't go due to your devil blood but since you're one of my chosen. The mark of Ra will give you passage. I will warn you. The ceremony takes a few hours."
'That's fine." She smiled before setting the tray down. "I want to learn more about your culture as Ra's champion." She said making him nod.
"Grab my hand and we'll be off."
It didn't take a second for Yubelluna to grab his hand as he blushed. A massive golden portal formed below the two as it had symbols of Ra along with some Egyptian writing. The two were met with a blinding golden light causing Yubelluna to shut her eyes. The marks of Ra on them shined brightly as they vanished with Y/ns dragons roar. Next thing Yubelluna was met was a very foggy place as she felt her arm move forwards. Y/n was moving up and he was guiding her.
The air was thin as well as being very cold. A sudden gust of wind blew past the two causing Yubelluna to let go of his hand. Voices of people in pain as well as optical illusions appeared in front of her.
"Y/n. Where are you?" She yelled out as the gust of wind vanished. Tripping in her heels she found herself in a desert. The night sky was littered with stars as she looked around in confusion. She was in a foggy place just a second ago. Turning around she noticed someone walking towards her. "Y/n? Thank God I thought I lost you." She said to herself as she was walking close to him. "I wonder, is this the spot for Slifer and Obelisk?" She asked but the figure stood in front of her.
Getting a better view of the person she assumed was Y/n she was shocked to see him wearing tan pants a sleeveless black shirt and a dark purple cloak. He wore golden arm bracelets along with holding a golden rod with the eye of wadjet.
"Well, well, well. A new visitor huh?" He smirked making Yubelluna summon her staff but it never appeared. "Oh don't try that Missy. Only godly beings have a right to be here. Your devil item is forbidden." He said before he caressed her cheek. "Where is my replacement at? Did you two get seperated?" He asked making her feel uncomfortable from the bad energy radiating from him.
"Replacement? Are you talking about my emperor?" She asked ignoring the feeling trying to pry him for answers after she backed away from him.
"So that's what he calls himself huh? Figures that he would let a title get in the way of his real name." He said before flashing a crazed smile. "He's already down the line of Apophis!" He cackled making her feel uneasy. "I should help him get there faster." He said before summoning a monster behind him.
"Wicked God Dreadroot." He laughed making her back away in fear. The beast towered over her as it stared her down. She wanted to fly away. But she couldn't. It was as if her energy was drained. The beast moved towards her as the male laughed. "Fears Knockdown!" He yelled as the beast thrust its open palm at her. But a sudden beam of energy collided with it making the male look in anger. Looking behind her she noticed a young woman. She wore a long tan dress and was wearing a necklace with the same eye on it. Behind her stood a humanoid being.
"Exodia, Obliterate!" She commanded as the monster fired two blast at it causing it to roar in anger as the female took this chance and grabbed Yubellunas hand before they ran with the two beasts fighting it out. "You must return to Y/n. You can not be down here for long."
"Wait what is going on?" She asked as she looked behind her. "Who is that person and what is a wicked god?" She asked but the woman showed her an opening in an oasis as Y/n was beginning to panic as his left arm was encased in a fleshy blue claw like gauntlet.
"Yubelluna! Where are you?!" He yelled as he held his head with his claw. He was getting desperate on finding her.
"Y/n!" She yelled. "Wait. What happened?" She asked her as the female looked at her.
"When you two got seperated due to your conflicting blood and mark it took you down to here. This place is called Duat. It's mine and my pharaohs underworld. There isn't much time. You must reach him now." She said as she coughed blood as Exodia was impaled by the wicked dreadroot. "I promise you. We will meet again." She said before pushing her inside the oasis as she fell before Y/n.
The portal quickly closed as the woman turned around to meet the man. He chuckled as his god loomed over him.
"Well dear sister. What do I owe the pleasure?" He asked as his god roared at her.
"Marik....." She said as his figure was slightly covered in shadows.
"Come now Ishizu. Don't sound like you didn't miss me." He laughed.
"I will not let you harm them." She said before summoning Exodia once more.
"Then you will do." He smirked.
Yubelluna grabbed Y/ns cheeks as she looked into his eyes.
"I'm here. Relax. I just got lost that's all." She assured him as he grabbed her hand with his claw as it morphed back into his normal hand.
"Thank Ra. If I lost you here.....I would've blamed myself. We need to hurry. The seal is getting weaker." He said before the two moved out of the fog with Yubelluna giving him her shoulder as a way to carry him. After five minutes of walking water was heard splashing under their feet.
Before them stood Obelisk and Slifer. Slifer lowered its head towards the two as it stared down Yubelluna.
"Hey...Slifer..it's okay." Y/n reassured the God as it looked at him before opening its mouth and starting a thunder force.
A hum from the back of Slifers gullet sounded before firing at the two. Yubelluna held her eyes close but felt lighter. She looked down to see a red outline over the both of them as Y/n was mentally at peace. Yubelluna looked at him as he had a massive smile on his face.
"Ah. No headache." He sighed in relief as he laid on the watery floor. But Yubelluna accidently fell with him landing on his chest making her blush a little before noticing his very peaceful look that was replaced with a unconscious look.
"Seems like Slifer knocked him out." A gator type laugh escaped.
Looking up Yubelluna noticed Geb. Standing up she bowed to him which made the God laugh.
"Easy there little miss. No need for formal greeting. I'm Geb. The God of earth. I see you've met Slifer already." He said as the dragons eyes glowed as Y/n was hovering in a golden pillar. "But this is my beast. His name is Obelisk. My great soldier of stone." He smiled making his beast kneel. "Obelisk and I have been through a lot and have both watched over him." He said looking at Y/n. "But I'm glad to see that he has friends like you."
Yubelluna looked at Obelisk as it moved towards Y/n before holding its hands out powering up the seal. Y/n yawned as he floated there fully asleep. Yubelluna sat on her legs as she watched him glow red and blue with a hint of gold. Just then the water began to turn red as the sky blackened. Multiple roars sounded off as Yubelluna noticed the claws of the sacred beasts tear out of Y/ns flesh literally. The blood and skin tore and leaked as the bomb queen was feeling herself get sick. Obelisk looked at the claws before slamming his fist onto the boy making the beasts roar in anger. The two opposite forces fought for control. Slifer took notice before firing a thunder force at the three as Ras dragon pulled them back inside. Slifer shined it's eyes as the seal began to manifest. Sitting up Y/n exhaled heavily as he held his chest.
"That hurt." He said as Yubelluna and Geb gently sat him on the ground where the golden light bend and collided with his back. "Oh, hi Geb. when did you get here?" He questioned making the god laugh.
"I've been hear for a few minutes. I've been talking to your chosen, young one." He smiled making the Champion nod.
"If I may ask my Emperor." Yubelluna spoke up gaining the Sun dragon emperors attention. " What is it like back in the day of your time in ancient Egypt?"
"It was....so much different than today. I had so many good men and women with me. I was showered with gifts for being Ra's champion. That was, of course, after I helped rebuild after gaining the sun dragon. Even then some people were still cautious around me. Some people even shunned me due to it." He chuckled making Yubelluna look at him with a hint of sadness.
"Did it ever get lonely?"
"No. I had my brother and sister with me...Asim and Sadiki that is. They taught me so much with summoning Ra to fight with me. After a few months or so I could summon him at will. That was until...THEY...came around. I never felt so fearful in my life. An entire army wiped in mere seconds while they had their fun burning, biting and striking Ra. Due to me and him being on I felt every bit of pain from their attacks. To this day them trying to escape has caused me massive amounts of mental torment....but I need to stay strong....I need to stay strong as Ra's champion." He said empathizing on the need to be strong. "That's why if they ever escape........I'll battle it to increase my stockpiling effect...there's a few things you need to know about my balance breaker, as Rias and them call it. So please pay close attention." he said making Yubelluna lean forwards a bit as Geb closed his eyes as if he knew the conversation that was coming up.
"My stockpiling effect is powerful indeed. But I have to release all the power. Remember what you heard when Ra yelled out release when I gave Kokabiel that massive punch to the face."
"Yes. I remember you panting hard after that." She said from the fight yesterday.
" If my stockpiles get to big I can cause massive damage to myself. My organs can shut down, my blood will bubble and turn into steam as it escapes my body. My body becomes as hot as a star. Nothing in it's path would be safe."
"Has this happened to you before?" She asked seeing Y/n shake his head in disapproval.
"No. But my god told me what would happen. He said it was a hypothesis. But I can see it actually happening due to the nature of the balance breaker." Looking down at his right arm he sighed.
"Hypothetically. If this does happen would you still survive after this?" She asked to which the emperor shook his head.
"No. This would be my last resort if I couldn't kill the sacred beasts. Geb has told me that since the beasts are linked to me. The only way to eradicate the beasts would be to kill the host. If something happens that stops Ra from killing me....this would be my answer to that. This world is all that i know if I lose it to them I would never forgive myself. Which is why when it happens. I want you, Isabella and Carlamine to kill me and provide support to my god." He said looking at her purple eyes. "Promise me that you would do this."
"I promise." She said but noticed him holding out his pinky. This caused her to be confused.
"Pinky promise. You can never break a pinky promise." He said making her wrap her pinky around his.
"I promise."
"Good." He smiled before yawning. " We're gonna be here a bit....wanna watch a movie?" He asked showing his phone but realized he had no service. "Oh..." he said making her chuckled before grabbing his head gently and resting it on her lap.
"I believe that Rias and Issie call this a lap pillow. please rest my emperor." She smiled at him making him nod but pointed up.
"We could look at the stars." He said making her look up as well since the time in the godly realm changed to night since Ra's ship that was carrying his sun moved away.
""I'd like that." The bomb queen said as the two looked and watched the stars.
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