Chapter 4
Rey sat next to Kylo in the command shuttle. She lifted her hood to cover her eyes. Kylo smiled and kissed her on the mouth. When he pulled away she smelled a spike in his scent.
"Ky?" She touched his arm. His mouth was set in a hard line. She slowly backed down and sat quietly.
"Yes?" His pained brown eyes found her's.
"Are you Okay?"
"Not really. The last time I was here you were being captured by me." He sighed. "I am sorry about that by the way, my love."
"You were simply trying to save me. Do not apologize." She ran her hand through his hair. "Kylo, look at me." He turned his rueful hazel eyes to her. "Kylo, you called for me. I came. Simple as that. Those at the resistance don't understand. Maz does a little bit. She knows that you are my Alpha, my big, strong Alpha." She pressed light kisses to his hand. "I am your Omega. Your partner."
He sighed. "I know. But I almost lost you."
"Hush, do not think of the past my love. Think only of the future." She whispered into his hand. "Think of your strong sons, and beautiful daughters."
Smiling, he dropped his head. "Yes my darling. Only the future."
Staring ahead the couple smirked. They had spent every waking moment together since their scents had found each other, and the Force had wisked them together in a swirl of events. Going to Maz was risky, but she would know better how to help them. She would be able to remove the thing that separated them so deeply.
Kylo looked to his darling Rey. She was deep in thought as her little fingers deftly wove through his. She was perfect. Pint sized and spunky, and obedient when needed.
"Rey, you will need to listen to me when we arrive. It would not due for the Empress to speak out of turn." Kylo smiled as she nodded. "You will be a darling little Empress will you not?"
"Yes of course Ky." Rey paused slightly. "Kylo, my darling, why are we going to see Maz? Why can this not be done in the safety of our quarters?"
"Because my pet, she is the best there is. She helped my mother and father when my mother was thought to be sterile." He grimaced. "And unfortunately because you were under fed for too long, the likelihood of conception is growing slimmer and slimmer." A pool of anger settled in his gut. How could he have let her starve for all those years, and never done something. If she were to say a word, he would have those men's heads on platters before them.
"If I am not fertile, am I no longer good?" Tears gathered in her already glassy orbs.
"My pet, you will always be worthy and good," he gathered her into his arms, "no amount of pups will ever prove any differently. But we must try. For if you can not conceive and bear a son to continue our line, other measures will be taken." Tilting her head to look at him he grimaced. "And they will not be in our favor I am afraid."
Nodding slowly, she looked down. "Of course." Meekly she tucked herself against Kylo. Alpha was right. She should not have questioned him. He knew what was best.
"Do not worry Omega, it will be fine." He smiled and kissed her temple softly.
Alpha is pleased.
Her insides purred. He was pleased with her. She would carry big strong boys for him, and they would have beautiful daughters together. Her dreams were jolted when the captain's voice came over the com,
"Your Majesties, we have arrived."
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