Chapter 2
Emperor Ren's place.
Emperor Kylo Ren, master of the knights of Ren, heir apparent to Lord Vader, paced nervously. He sat on his throne, and called for General Hux.
"Yes your majesty." The ginger general bowed.
"Her ladyship is on her way." Kylo tapped his fingers on his throne.
"Yes sire." The confused man stood. "Ren. Who is the new Empress?"
"Long lost princess Reyna Palpatine." Kylo smirked as the general's jaw dropped.
"T-t-the Princess?" Hux stuttered.
"Yes. She has accepted my proposal." The new Emperor tipped his head to the side, allowing his gleaming black hair to fall slightly. "Prepare for her arrival."
"Of course." Hux clipped. He clicked his heels together and strode off to the main entrance.
Kylo watched him leave. The man was typically very intelligent, but he had his moments.
Alpha. The call reached out to him and he perked up.
She needed him. He reached out for her distress call. Rey. Come to me. Now.
They are following me. Her words were filled with fear. Help me.
Kylo went into action. His woman was in danger. She was his all. He could not bear to lose her. His grandfather had lost his wife, but Kylo would not lose his.
"General Hux." His steely voice called the general back to him.
"Yes Ren?" The general came over a holopad.
"Her ladyship is being followed. Take care of it." His clipped words were clear. Hux instantly knew what to do. As the Emperor's second in command, he held a lot of power.
"I want every fighter we have in the sky. NOW!" Hux yelled. "The Empress is in peril. Her ship is marked with the first order's symbol."
The fighters nodded and took off towards the stars.
Rey clutched the controller on her clunky ship. She was definitely being followed. A fighter was hot on her tail.
Alpha. She cried out for her man. She needed him. Badly.
He promised he would send help. She clung to that as she steered towards her lordship's castle. The sound of the pilot trying to contact her from behind was the only thing that kept her sane. Then she heard the whirl of fighters. Kylo had sent them for her. He had kept his word. He was looking out for her. He loved her.
Loved? No. She shook her head. Not loved. Well maybe.
The fighters scared off Poe behind her and hacked into her com. "Your ladyship. We have a better transport ship. If you will come into the hanger of the Star Destroyer, we will make the transition."
"Of course." She smiled and turned into the spot they directed. She opened her cockpit and climbed out.
"Your highness." The men on board knelt.
"Please stand." She ordered.
"Your ship." They led her to a command shuttle much like Kylo's. She thanked them and walked in. She was escorted to a room where maids were waiting to clean her. She accepted their poking and prodding, telling herself this was her new life.
They put her in a silk, black gown and black gloves that came to her elbows. A black cape was draped on her shoulders and she was helped into a pair of heels. She teetered slightly at first but then got the hang of them.
They applied make up next. With bold strokes the head maid, Constance, placed heavy layers of mascara on, followed by eyeliner, and creamy eye shadow. She then placed bronzer and concealer followed by foundation. She placed crimson lipstick on next and then placed large, dripping diamonds in Rey's ears. She pinned Rey's brown hair back and up into a harsh updo with soft tendrils here and there.
She finally proclaimed the empress was finished, just as they pulled into the entrance of the palace.
"Your Highness." The captain stuck his head in her waiting area. "It is time."
"Thank you captain." She smiled at him.
She, lined by knights, stood ready to descend onto the cold, harsh planet. The door lowered and steam shot out. Rey took in a breath and slowly walked out.
She got to the bottom and looked towards the entrance of the palace. It was lined by the Death Troopers Kylo had cloned and General's as well as higher ranking officers.
General Hux walked towards her. "Empress." He bowed to a kneel.
She stood over the bent man. "Rise." She commanded.
The entire company rose and she walked with the General to the throne room.
"Empress Reyna Palpatine." The doors swung open and Kylo stood. A holocam buzzed around filming the entire thing live.
Rey looked for Kylo. There her love was. Standing regal and proud. An Alpha in every way. She glided towards him.
When she reached him, he took her face in his hands and asked her permission with his eyes. She nodded and he kissed her cheeks. She smiled and then they turned.
"I have at last received my Empress. She is now the Empress of the New Order. She is my equal and you will treat her as such. Anyone who does not, will speak with me." He ordered. Rey's eyes burned those watching.
Her friends in the resistance were probably yelling and screaming. Those who supported the Order would be impressed.
She turned with her Emperor and sat on their thrones.
"Long live the Emperor. Long live the Empress." The cries began.
Rey and Kylo linked hands and smiled and deathly smile.
Finn stopped moving as the holopad mounted to the wall turned to the local station.
"In other news, Emperor Ren's media center is announcing the upcoming wedding." Finn grabbed Poe as he walked by.
"Hey wh-" Poe cried.
"Shut up and listen." Finn chided.
Poe shut his mouth and watched. "We were able to get camera's in as the lucky lady was being brought in. She is apparently related to Emperor Palpatine also known and Chancellor and Darth Sideous."
The brown haired reporter cut in. "Here we see the Emperor's early wedding gift a private, top of the line, shuttle, coming to his majesty's home."
Finn snorted. "Ugh the royals and their stupid weddings."
Poe laughed. His laughter was cut short when the door opened however and the new Empress walked out.
"Is that?" Finn squinted at the grainy screen.
"No it cant be." Poe reasoned. Then again, she had been intercepted by the Order's fighters.
"Its Rey. The new empress is Rey!"
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