Prompt from CourtneyVanderDussen: I think it would be interesting to do a prompt where Mon-el is only gone for 7 months and it's been 7 years for Kara. And she's married to Oliver and has a family, or what ever way you want to work it.
I thought this would be simple, quick and easy to write. What did I end up writing? 20 pages in Word, 10.8K+ words. That's a chapter in a normal book, not a normal one shot!
Anyway, hope everyone enjoys. A few rare pairs - crackships, really, because I took this prompt and went "what kind of ships could happen?" and just went with it, so if you don't agree with some of them, that's OK - along with mainly memories. Plus, it's from someone's point of view that's not Kara or Oliver, so I hope this isn't so confusing.
The last thing Mon-El remembered before he went into cryosleep was Imra's determined face, her desire to kill the Blight and avenge her sister clear in her eyes.
The first thing Mon-El realized when he woke up from cryosleep was the nagging feeling that they weren't in the 31st century yet. So what had caused him to wake up?
A quick examination of the other cryotubes revealed his fellow Legionnaires had not woken yet. That didn't help him at all, Brainy knew this ship better than him. Hell, anyone from the 31st century would know this ship better than him, he was originally from the 21st century, for Rao's sake!
He heard a sizzling sound from nearby, and internally cursing his luck, he hurried to the ship's armory and grabbed the first gun he saw, preparing himself to shoot whoever had boarded the ship. He could hear voices buzzing from nearby, so clenching his jaw, he moved around the corner and aimed.
The next thing he knew, he received a humming ice blue gun, a buzzing armored fist, and a gauntleted fist in his face. He didn't recognize the first two figures, but he did recognize the third.
And apparently the third figure recognized him, too, because he let out a surprised squawk and lowered his hand. "What the frak?" he sputtered.
"Cisco?" Mon-El croaked, lowering his gun.
The owner of the ice blue gun, who was wearing a navy parka for some reason, turned and frowned at Cisco while the man in the armored suit blinked and lowered his arm. "You know him?" the man in the parka asked.
"Yeah," Cisco swallowed. "Mon-El?"
The man in the parka was the one who blinked this time, and the man in the armored suit did a double take. "Wait, Mon-El?" he asked, looking at Mon-El in surprise. "As in – ?"
"Yeah, that Mon-El," Cisco frowned. "What the hell are you doing here? And alive?"
Mon-El swallowed hard. "Can you help me?" he asked the Earth-1 native.
Cisco pursed his lips, looking around at the cryotubes. "With what?"
"OK, so let me get this straight," Cisco rubbed his forehead as he watched Mon-El help Imra and Brainy check the cruiser over. "You went through an actual wormhole and ended up a thousand years in the future?"
"Yep," Mon-El nodded.
"And in the process joined a group of superheroes to watch over the entire universe?"
"Mon-El formed us," Imra smiled at him. "He did so in Supergirl's image."
The man in the armored suit, who Cisco had called Ray, cleared his throat while the man in the parka, who Cisco had called Leo, smirked and muttered "Awkward." "OK," Cisco sighed, looking around. "Well, as much as I would love to get my hands on this tech and help you out, we gotta tell the D.E.O. you're back. They can probably help you, too."
"We can meet Supergirl?" Imra's eyes widened.
Mon-El held down his own excitement, trying to maintain formality as he nodded. "Thank you, Cisco."
"Oh, you may not thank me later," Cisco shook his head, opening a breach. "You're in for a bit of a shock."
To say Mon-El was shocked when they stepped through the breach and into wherever Cisco took them was an understatement. He almost didn't recognize where they were until he saw the familiar D.E.O. logo on the floor. "This is the D.E.O.?" he asked in surprise, looking around.
"Yep," Ray nodded.
Mon-El swallowed, seeing the skylights and wide-open windows and balconies, along with several holographic screens lining walls. "It wasn't this high-tech when I left," he said.
"Like I said, man," Cisco looked at him. "A bit of a shock."
"That's an understatement." Winn's voice stopped Mon-El in his tracks, and he swallowed when his friend approached, a wary look in his eyes as he looked Mon-El up and down. "Please tell me I'm imagining things," he finally said. "I really hope I'm imagining this."
"Imagining what?" a blonde woman asked as she walked up as well, tilting her head as she looked at the three Legionnaires; she had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing black glasses, a tablet in her hands and a comms device in her ear, a similar device in Winn's ear as well.
"Um, Kara's ex and two . . . others," Winn gestured.
A snort came from Winn's other side, and Mon-El did a double take as Lena Luthor sauntered over and stopped by Winn, her hair in a tight braid down her back. "You're not imagining, Winn," she drawled, blood red lips curling in a scowl as she stared Mon-El down. "I see him."
"Yeah, me, too," the blonde nodded.
"Great," Winn closed his eyes. "That's just what we need today."
Mon-El frowned and pointed at Lena. "What are you doing here?"
The blonde's eyebrows shot up while Lena's eyes narrowed. "I work with the team," she smiled sweetly. "Why else would I be here? As a prisoner?"
Alarms suddenly started blaring, and the blonde jumped. Winn's eyes hardened in determination, and he turned on his heel, hurrying towards a ring of computers nearby. "Everyone, stay sharp!" he barked, Lena not giving Mon-El a second look as she followed after Winn; the blonde gave them one last look before hurrying away, too. "That's our cue!"
"Harry?" Lena asked, joining a black-haired man with glasses at one computer.
"Still hacked into the Lexosuit," he told her, eyes narrowed in concentration; with a start, Mon-El recognized the voice of H.R. Wells from Barry's team on Earth-1. "It's him."
"Telle, what are we heading into?" a rough male voice asked over whatever connection was in the D.E.O.
"Looks like an estimated fifty of those super soldiers," Winn answered, narrowing his eyes as he looked at a screen of heat signatures. "Along with Lex, a few Metallos, and their Red Daughter."
"Is the Atom there?"
Mon-El's heart skipped a beat when he heard Kara's voice, and Winn turned to look at Ray, who had straightened. "I copy," Ray spoke.
"Great. We need you out here."
"What about me and Vibe?" Leo asked as Ray put his helmet back on.
A crunch came over the line, then the male voice answered. "We'll get back to you on that."
"Which means yes," an Australian voice interrupted.
"Yeah, a bit of help against these super soldiers would be nice," a voice Mon-El vaguely recognized as Caitlin's said.
"Copy that," Cisco cracked his knuckles, then opened a breach. "Heading your way."
Mon-El watched him and Leo disappear through the breach, then approached Winn, taking in the black jumpsuit he was wearing, the unmistakable diamond House of El shield on his armbands in brilliant cobalt blue. Lena, Harry, and the blonde were wearing similar outfits with the same armbands; while Lena's had the blue House of El shield, the blonde's armbands had an emerald arrow on them, and Harry's had ruby lightning bolts. "Winn," he whispered. "How long has it been?"
Winn held up a hand. "We're a bit busy."
"You don't say!" Barry's voice barked.
"Easy, Flash," Leo said. "He's got a reason to be on edge."
There was a sizzling sound, followed by a muffled curse. "Yeah, good reason," an unfamiliar male voice said. "I don't like these Metallos!"
"You're – " The voice of Clark Kent was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of heat vision. "Not the only one, Steel!"
"Constantine, behind you!" a worried female voice called.
Pause. "Thanks, love!" came a British male's voice.
"You're welcome!"
Mon-El shook his head, cutting the chatter out of his ears as Imra walked up to him. "What's going on?" she asked.
"I don't know," Mon-El frowned. "How would I know? Barely anything in the future survived!"
Imra flinched at his tone, then there was a triumphant whoop from Barry. "Lexosuit's down!"
"Got it!" the blonde at the computer cheered suddenly. "Metallos disabled!"
"About time!" an annoyed female voice grumbled.
"What about their Red Daughter?" a tight, concerned female voice demanded.
"She's wearing down," an unfamiliar female voice answered. "We've almost got her."
"Checkmate?" Winn turned. "Will the Harun-El be ready?"
"It will be when they get her here," Lena nodded, tapping away at her tablet.
"Good," the first male voice said. "Maybe this time they'll realize it's not a good idea to attack us when we're all here."
"That'll be the day," Barry snorted.
There was a triumphant cheer from Kara, then J'onn's voice came on. "We've got her."
"Thank God," Lena sighed in relief.
"Copy that," Winn smiled. "Nice work."
"I'm bringing her back," Cisco said.
A second later, a breach opened up, and Mon-El turned to see an exact doppelgänger of Kara stumble through in a suit of black and red, an unfamiliar crest on her chest. With her came a dark-haired woman in a black suit with violet accents, a black mask, dark lipstick, and armored gauntlets . . . and Alex Danvers in a black leather suit with piping of metallic colors, her own lips painted dark red, her jaw-length hair wispy around her face. She froze when she saw Mon-El, then her eyes narrowed to slits. "What the hell?" she demanded.
"That was my internal reaction," Winn nodded.
"No, what the actual hell," Alex shook her head, turning to the woman in black, who was looking at Mon-El curiously. "Get her to a cell."
"You got it," the woman tugged the Kara lookalike off.
Alex marched up to Mon-El, narrowing her eyes. "How the hell are you not dead?" she asked.
Mon-El frowned, offended. "Alex – "
"No, seriously, there's lead in the atmosphere," Alex scowled. "You should be dead."
"A cure was developed in the future by L-Corp," Imra spoke up, drawing Alex's attention to her. "It was given to Mon-El when he arrived in the 31st century."
Alex blinked once, then twice, then slowly looked back at Mon-El. "The 31st century," she repeated.
"Yeah," Mon-El nodded, already getting a headache as he predicted he was going to get asked this a lot.
Alex took a deep breath. "Mon-El . . . how long has it been for you since you left in the pod?"
"Seven months," Mon-El answered promptly. Seven months, he'd been away from Kara. Seven months he'd spent in the future keeping her memory alive in a place where everything from the past was lost.
The blonde's eyes widened, and Winn closed his eyes as a quiet curse came from Lena. Alex just looked long and hard at Mon-El. "Mon-El," she said quietly. "It's 2024 now."
Mon-El could feel the blood drain from his face. "2024?" he repeated, eyes widening. "But that's . . . that's – "
"Seven years," Alex nodded.
Mon-El swallowed hard. "I've been gone for seven years?" Alex simply nodded again. "Oh, my God."
"That's one way to put it," Winn nodded.
"So it may be a good idea for you to hang back a little," Alex advised . . . and did the great terrifying Alex Danvers look uncomfortable? "Things have changed. A lot has."
Mon-El took into consideration how confident and at ease Winn looked at his station, how Lena and Harry were looking at him, almost daring him to contradict Alex, and that blonde girl who looked like she was taking an extreme amount of interest in her keyboard. He could already tell things were going to be different, so he silently nodded and backed up with Imra and Brainy, the two other Legionnaires seeming confused about why they had to back away.
They got their answer when another breach opened and Kara – the actual Kara – stepped out, her blonde hair longer than he remembered and twisted into an elaborate braid down her back. The skirt she used to wear was gone and she wore pants instead, tucked into boots that looked sturdier than the heeled ones she had before. With her came Barry Allen, his face hardened from the years that had passed, a steely look in his eyes. His usual red suit now had gold piping and lightning accents, making him look more intimidating.
Then they were followed out by another man and another woman, the two dragging who appeared to be Lex Luthor between them, the bald man looking dazed. The woman was in a suit of white, the top a halter around her neck, a long leather coat reaching the top of her boots, silver batons that occasionally pulsed with weak green light holstered to her thighs, her hair tightly braided back. The man was in a Kevlar suit of dark green, a bow held tight in his hand, quiver almost empty of arrows on his back. Both gripped an arm of Lex Luthor tightly, though Mon-El wouldn't have been inclined to run based on the two that stepped out of the breach after them: one a man in an armored suit with blue and orange accents, his mask split down the middle, half orange, half black, the other a woman with blonde hair in a black suit with fishnet accents on her arms and legs, the top flaring out at her waist and acting like a skirt. "Nice work," Winn complimented them, eyeing Lex.
"It took blasts from me and Wally, but we managed," Barry folded his arms, the blonde in black stopping by his side, a smug look on her face.
"And then it just took an explosive arrow to take out the Lexosuit," Oliver shrugged.
"Let's get him out of here," Kara scowled, and Mon-El saw Clark and J'onn fly into the D.E.O. past them. "The sooner he's in a cell, the better." She paused, looking over her shoulder. "No offense, Lena."
"None taken," Lena shook her head, curling her lip as she looked at her brother. "I don't want to look at him right now."
"After you," the man in green nodded to Kara, the woman in white releasing her grip.
"Thank you," Kara nodded, gripping Lex's arm tightly; she took a few steps, then stopped, face darkening. "And then I'm talking to the three behind you, Alex."
Imra started as Mon-El flinched, and like a well-oiled machine, Kara's friends turned to see the Legionnaires. Barry immediately bristled, but Kara simply walked forward, never looking back. The man in green said something quietly to her, and she nodded curtly as they disappeared with Lex.
To Mon-El's surprise, it was the blonde in black by Barry that sauntered forward first, peering at him curiously. Mon-El fidgeted under her gaze, then she barked out a laugh and backed up. "So he's the one who gets poisoned if he's hit with a lead pipe?"
"Laurel," Barry sighed.
"What? You said he was allergic to it."
"Apparently not anymore, if he's here and not dead," the man in the mask rumbled, reaching up and removing it to reveal a man with one eye, his hair dark with the occasional speckle of grey. That made him more intimidating as he fixed his gaze on Mon-El. "Which is surprising that he's here at all."
"He doesn't look much different, either," the blonde in white tilted her head.
"That's because it's been seven months for him," Alex finally spoke.
The man in the armor's eyebrows shot up, and the woman in black – Laurel, apparently – asked in a gleeful tone, "Really?"
"I hate time travel," was all Barry had to say, sighing as he rubbed his forehead.
"I agree," the woman in white pointed at him. "Time travel's a bitch."
Mon-El finally cleared his throat. "Barry . . . good to see you again."
Barry sighed, nodding and stepping forward, extending his hand. "You, too . . . though I can honestly say I never expected to lay eyes on you again."
"I always hoped to come back, but we had never found a way," Mon-El admitted, shaking his hand; he heard more breaches opening and more people filling the D.E.O., but he kept his focus on those in front of him. "I missed a lot, it seems."
Laurel snorted. "That's an understatement."
Barry nodded, gesturing to her. "Meet Black Siren . . . or Laurel Lance-Allen, my wife."
Mon-El did a double take. "I thought you were with Iris?"
"I was," Barry's eyes darkened. "Then Savitar killed her when we couldn't find a way to save her."
Mon-El flinched, and the woman in white glared at him. "Way to go, Mon-El."
"This is Sara Lance, the White Canary and captain of the Legends," Winn gestured to her. "And my girlfriend."
"Turns out when your teams meet up much more often than they probably should, everyone mingles and ends up in a pair you don't expect," Sara said cheerily, sauntering to Winn's side and putting her arm on his shoulder, leaning against him.
"Prime examples being the brothers of Team Arrow and the sisters of Team Supergirl," Laurel grinned.
Mon-El's eyebrows shot up as the man in the armor rolled his eye and Alex huffed. "What a wonderful friend you are, Siren," the auburn-haired woman grumbled.
"Hey, I'm saying things as they are, aren't I?"
"Wait," Mon-El pointed. "You and – ?"
"Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke," Alex nodded, the man silently making his way to stand with her. "Turns out I'm demisexual and Maggie was the first real person I felt attraction to."
"So, brothers and sisters," Mon-El said slowly. "That means Kara – ?"
"Yes," the woman herself answered, walking back with the man in green. "I married Oliver over five years ago." She stopped in front of the Daxamite, taking a deep breath. "I thought you were dead."
He swallowed hard. "You look good, Kara."
Something flickered in her eyes, and she sighed. "You do, too." She stepped backwards, and the man in green – Oliver, Mon-El guessed – looked at her worriedly. "The lead poisoning?"
"Cured," Mon-El answered. "L-Corp develops it in the future."
"The future?" Sara parroted.
Mon-El nodded, gesturing to his team. "Imra and Brainy – well, and me, I suppose – are from the 31st century."
Barry groaned, burying his face in his hands. "I hate time travel sometimes."
"Agreed," Sara scowled. "So what are you doing here and now?"
Brainy cleared his throat, looking around the D.E.O. "Perhaps not in the company of so many?"
Slade's eye narrowed, and Laurel stiffened, but Oliver looked at Kara and raised an eyebrow. Kara stepped forward and examined Brainy, then folded her arms. "What exactly do you know of this building in this year?" she asked.
Brainy blinked, obviously not having expected that. "Uh . . . well – "
"Kara, we didn't discuss everything at the D.E.O.," Mon-El spoke up.
"Who said this was just the D.E.O. building anymore?" Alex asked.
At Mon-El's startled look, Kara nodded, stepping back to join Oliver. "In addition to the D.E.O., this is the Earth-38 headquarters of the Justice League, a group of heroes from multiple Earths who fight threats that no one else can." Her blue eyes hardened. "So we can leave to a private room . . . but if you're here about a threat, we are doing this with my fellow League members present."
Mon-El heard Imra take a deep breath to say something – most likely to refuse – and he looked around, seeing Sara fold her arms and Barry raise a challenging eyebrow. "All right," he nodded before Imra could say a word, making her look incredulously at him. "Deal."
"OK," Alex folded her arms as she, Kara, Barry, Oliver, and Sara gathered with Mon-El, Imra, and Brainy in the Legion ship. "What brings superheroes from the 31st century all the way back here?"
"So one thousand years from now, this farming planet, Winath, goes dark," Mon-El began, turning on a holoprojector and displaying a planet in the air. "Our friend, Ayla, she's from there, so she goes to check it out."
"Winath was a paradise," Imra continued. "But Ayla made planet-fall and found it – "
"Decimated," Mon-El sighed, and Kara's eyes widened as the planet turned red. "It was completely dried out."
"The creatures that did this, we call them the Blight," Imra said. "They consume everything in their path."
"And Brainy found a way to stop them, but they were on us before we could use it."
"So we hid the information in the safest place we could . . . our DNA, where it can't be lost, can't be stolen."
"In your genes?" Barry asked in shock.
"That's incredible," Oliver admitted.
Brainy gave a proud smile, and Mon-El nodded. "So, that's why we're here."
"The Blight is here?" Kara asked. "Now?"
"Not the Blight exactly," Imra shook her head. "We are here for who will eventually evolves into the Blight."
"Who's that?" Alex opened the tablet she had in her hands.
"A Kryptonian Worldkiller," Imra answered. "Known as Pestilence."
Alex froze, looking up at them. "Worldkillers?" she repeated. "Pestilence?"
"Yes," Imra nodded. "They – " Sara snorted loudly, and Imra looked at her sharply as the blonde hurriedly covered her mouth, though her shoulders kept shaking. "I'm sorry, is this funny to you?" she snapped.
"A little," Sara admitted, voice muffled through her hand. "Oh, time travel really is a bitch."
"What Sara means to say," Oliver, too, had a small smile on his face, "is that we faced the Worldkillers six years ago."
"What?" Mon-El's eyes widened.
"That's impossible," Imra shook her head wildly as Brainy moved to another console to check. "We programmed the ship to wake us up when the Worldkillers appeared!"
"It's very possible," Kara told her, gesturing to Alex, who flipped her tablet around and displayed three women on screen: a black-haired woman in black and blue with sickly yellow eyes, a black woman in bronze and black with pure white eyes, and a brunette in black, complete with a mask displaying demonic red eyes. "The first Worldkiller, Reign, appeared nine months after Mon-El left. She nearly killed me before the rest of the League joined the fight."
"Purity appeared a few months later, and it took Pestilence only a few weeks to show her face," Oliver continued. "We were able to turn Purity against her sisters, and she and Pestilence killed each other, leaving Reign left."
"And we were able to help Reign's human side defeat her Worldkiller side, and Reign is officially dead as well," Kara finished as Alex put down her tablet. "All three Worldkillers, dead and gone."
"They're right," Brainy swallowed, looking up from his console. "We are years too late."
"How is that possible?" Imra snapped, eyes wild as she stormed up to the Coluan. "You input the calculations yourself!"
"Could the Waverider possibly interfered?" Barry wondered.
"Who knows?" Sara shrugged, tapping the gauntlet she had on her wrist. "Gideon?"
"I'll run calculations immediately, Captain," a female British voice came from her gauntlet, and from similar gauntlets that Oliver, Barry, and Kara wore. "It is possible that, if this ship has traveled in time, the Waverider could have affected its systems."
"Guess that means a few people could help you fix this place up," Barry shrugged.
Imra was seething still as she returned to Mon-El's side, and he looked apologetically at Kara and Alex. "Her sister was one of the Blight's victims," he explained, making their eyes brighten in understanding. "She was anxious to end Pestilence before she could become the Blight."
"But since Pestilence is dead now, she'll be alive when you return," Oliver pointed out.
Imra, who had started to open her mouth once Mon-El spoke, shut it again, cheeks burning as she realized Oliver was right. "I'm sorry," she mumbled, ducking her head.
"It's OK," Kara smiled at her. "I would do anything to save my sister, too."
Barry cleared his throat. "Perhaps a few of us could help you fix your ship while you catch up with the others?"
"I'd appreciate that," Mon-El said gratefully. "I know . . . practically nothing about what's happened in the years since I left."
"In the year 2455, Earth experienced a third-degree extinction phenomenon," Brainy spoke up. "We lost everything . . . interesting."
"Interesting?" Oliver repeated.
"History, culture, art, music, life," Imra rattled off.
"OK, yeah, that's a lot," Barry cringed.
When they returned to the D.E.O., Barry and Sara called Cisco, Harry, Wally West, and three members of the Legends – Ray Palmer, a black-haired woman with a blood red jewel named Zari Tomaz, and a black man with a dark-haired young woman named Jefferson Jackson – to assist with repairing the Legion ship. J'onn, Winn, the blonde in glasses named Felicity Smoak, and another black man wearing glasses named Curtis Holt, volunteered themselves as well, and they joined Imra and Brainy onboard the ship.
And Mon-El returned with Kara, Alex, Oliver, Barry, Sara, Slade, Laurel, Caitlin Snow, the dark-haired woman who had been in black and violet Alex introduced as Samantha Arias, two people Oliver introduced as John Diggle and his sister Thea, and three men Sara introduced as Martin Stein, Mick Rory, and Nate Heywood to a place Mon-El guessed was Kara's and Oliver's loft in National City. It was a mix of modern chrome and marble and homey wood and colors Mon-El had associated with Kara's previous loft. There were also three bedrooms in addition to what had to be the master.
It just further made Mon-El realize, with a sinking feeling, that Kara truly had moved on. "Where should we start?" Alex asked.
"The beginning," Mon-El answered. "How all this – " He generally gestured to the room of heroes. "Began."
Oliver smirked. "Is it just me who finds it ironic that where this began is the same place Slade and I started off?"
"Lian Yu," Slade shook his head. "Always goes back to that bloody island."
"It actually started not long after the fight against the Daxamites ended," Kara recalled, tilting her head thoughtfully. "It actually cut short Alex and Maggie's beginning discussion about what they wanted for their wedding . . . "
Alex laughed with Winn, finishing her report when she looked around and realized someone vitally important was missing. "Hey, I'm gonna find Kara," she told Maggie with a smile.
"Go ahead, Danvers," the cop smiled back, not even arguing.
Beaming, Alex kissed her fiancée – her fiancée! – on the cheek and wove her way through the D.E.O., occasionally thanking someone who offered their congratulations. She found Kara where she guessed she would, on the D.E.O. balcony.
Except Kara wasn't gazing up at the stars where she had been looking for, as if trying to see Mon-El in space. Instead, she was looking down at the slim silver device she held, fiddling with it absently. "Hey," she put a hand on her arm. "You all right?"
"Yeah," Kara nodded, looking up at her. "Yeah, I'm fine."
Alex tilted her head, noticing the distracted look she had. "No, you're not."
Kara sighed, ducking her head. "I got a message from a friend of mine on Earth-1," she explained. "He needs help. Any help his friends can give."
"And you want to go," Alex guessed.
Kara swallowed. "If Oliver's calling for help . . . he needs it, Alex. I want to go, I really do . . . "
Alex frowned, thinking that name over. "Oliver . . . Oliver Queen?" she asked. "That archer?"
"Completely human, yet every hero looks up to him?" Kara nodded, and Alex looked around the D.E.O. Maggie was speaking with Winn, whose hands were moving rapidly as he described something. Alex finally turned back around. "Give me a minute to get changed into a better suit?"
"Wait, what?" Kara did a double take.
"Your friend needs help, any help you can give," Alex answered. "So we're going to go help."
Kara's face split with a grin. "I have the best sister ever."
"You bet you do!" Alex grinned, going back down the stairs.
"You were honest to God life savers that day," Thea said gratefully. "If you hadn't come when you had . . . "
Dinah had just opened her mouth to scream when the sound of startled shouts and bodies landing on the ground outside stopped her short.
Oliver turned around, John and Quentin looking just as confused. "Was that part of your plan?" the deputy mayor asked.
"Not mine," Oliver narrowed his eye, adjusting his stance. "I don't know – "
Abruptly, the door swung open, and in toppled one of Talia's assassins, slumping down on the ground, completely unconscious.
And in through the same door came an auburn-haired woman in a black tactical suit, two guns holstered on her thighs, a bulletproof vest completing the look. "Oliver Queen?" she guessed, pointing the sword she must have taken from one of the assassins at the archer in green.
"Who's asking?" Oliver frowned.
"Nice to meet you," she walked forward, holding up the key ring she held in her other hand. "Name's Alex Danvers. I hope you know my sister, otherwise this is a bit embarrassing."
"Kara?" Oliver's eyes widened as John inhaled sharply. "Kara's here?"
"She's flying around the island looking for your son," Alex nodded, inserting the key into the lock of his chains. "Let me tell you, when she heard he was involved in this, she got really upset. Then again," she went on in a nonchalant voice as the chains fell to the ground, "so did I, but then again, I'm not a superpowered alien."
Oliver let the simple fact that Kara had come after all – and had also brought her sister to help – then gave her a small smile. "Nice to meet you, Alex."
"Yeah, you too," Alex smiled back.
Oliver rounded the corner with Alex, the others behind them, in time to see Talia collapse on the ground, Nyssa frowning down at her. Slade gave them a quick look before he did a double take and abruptly raised the sword he had, aiming at Alex. "Slade, wait!" Oliver held up his hands as Alex did the same thing, her eyes narrowed. "Alex, it's OK!"
"Kid?" Slade asked, voice a low growl.
"Alex Danvers, Slade Wilson, Slade Wilson, Alex Danvers," Oliver made the introductions. "She and her sister are a bit late, but they're friendly."
"Wait, he was only pretending to screw with you?" John asked as Alex and Slade sized each other up.
"I needed to find a way to get the device to Dinah, but that ended up not needed," Oliver gestured to Alex, who finally stepped back behind Oliver, causing Slade to relax. "Have you found my son?" he asked Slade.
"I've searched," the Aussie shook his head. "Your son is not here."
"Kara?" Alex put a hand to her ear. "Any luck?"
"I've found a boat at the back of the island that's got someone on it," Kara reported. "I'm checking it out now. Give me a few seconds." Alex tapped Oliver on the shoulder, causing him to look at her expectantly. Kara finally spoke again, sounding excited. "I've got him!"
"Hang on," Alex took the device out of her ear, reaching for a radio at her belt. She inserted the device into the radio, holding it out to Oliver. "Say that again?"
"I've found him," Kara said, making Oliver sag in relief and Rene whoop. "He's scared, but he's OK."
"Oh, thank God, Kara," Oliver pinched the bridge of his nose. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Kara sounded pleased with herself. "I saw Thea on one of my laps, I'll leave him with her."
"Just make sure he's safe."
"Oh, Oliver," an oily voice said, "I thought you would know by now."
Everyone spun around, Slade and Nyssa raising their swords, Alex drawing one of her guns in addition to holding the sword she had at ready. Oliver's hand tightened around his bow as from every hall came Talia's assassins. From one direction as well came Black Siren, her black-painted lips curved in a smug smirk.
And facing Oliver and Alex was Adrian Chase, the man's eyes glinting cruelly. "No one close to you is ever safe," he finished.
Kara kept her arms tight around William's waist, the boy's arms clinging around her neck as she flew over Lian Yu, eyes fixated on the group that included Thea Queen, Felicity Smoak, and Curtis Holt. "Almost there," she murmured, feeling his grip tighten in response.
Another signature caught her eye on the ground, and frowning, Kara narrowed her eyes, using her X-ray vision to see better. Her frown deepened in unease . . . those didn't look like the landmines she had seen earlier . . .
When she finally realized what she was seeing, her eyes widened in shock, and she picked up speed, making William yelp. She hurriedly apologized even as she landed on the ground, causing Curtis to yelp and Felicity to shriek. It was the last woman in the group, with brunette hair in a tan trench coat, who didn't so much as blink; instead, she shouted William's name and ran right to him, the boy running into her arms as well. "Kara?" Thea gawked.
"I've got to go!" Kara turned tail and ran, jumping back into the sky.
If Alex was asked if she preferred fighting aliens or human beings more, she would typically say aliens because they brought a challenge she never faced before. Whether it was a super power or trait that set them apart from each other, there was always something new to face on Earth-38.
But here on Lian Yu, fighting human assassins? Alex was honestly having the time of her life as she wove through swords and occasionally swiped with her sword or fired one of her guns. Every human was different as well, in the ways they were trained or the ways they spoke or the ways they held themselves. She could even see it in how Nyssa's and Oliver's fighting styles were similar but not quite the same; in fact, Oliver seemed to have a fighting style similar to Chase's and the other assassins, yet she could even see some of Slade's style as well. Lots could tell you about a person even in just motions.
Such as Slade, for instance, whenever he intercepted an assassin trying to place himself close to the fight happening between Oliver and Chase. In a way, it reminded Alex of how she often placed herself in danger so Kara wouldn't have to take her focus away from a fight much more important than everyone else's . . . and Alex didn't need to connect any more dots after remembering how Slade instantly reacted to her as if she was a threat when he saw her by Oliver.
So she abruptly spun on her heel and joined by Slade, the two of them a wall standing between the assassins and the duel of Oliver and Chase. "Brothers?" she shouted over the clash of swords.
"Once!" she heard the Aussie growl back, punctuated by a stabbing sound. "Not by blood!"
Alex shot one assassin down, risking a look over her shoulder. "Family doesn't end in blood!" she countered.
The man shot her a look that she couldn't read with the mask shielding his face, but the respectful nod he gave her spoke volumes.
Abruptly, one of the windows shattered above them, and Alex quickly ducked, covering her neck as best she could as glass fell around her. She heard Oliver yelp and Chase curse, then the other man let out a strangled yell and there was a thump on the ground in front of them.
When she looked up, she found Kara with her knees on Chase's chest, pinning him to the ground, her hands holding his wrists so he couldn't move. Black Siren spun around from where she'd been facing Dinah, freezing when she saw what was happening. Kara's eyes flashed as she sneered down at Chase. "Where's the detonator?" she asked sharply.
"Detonator?" Alex repeated, eyes wide.
"For all the bombs around the island," Kara answered, not looking up at John's quiet swear. "The ones that aren't landmines. I've searched the entire place and I haven't found anything."
Chase just laughed maniacally, and Rene narrowed his eyes. "He really is crazy, isn't he, Hoss?"
Slade's head shot upwards, and he looked at Oliver. "He wanted you to kill him, kid."
"Dead man's switch," Oliver murmured, eyes wide. "He wanted me to kill him so the entire island would blow up."
"And everyone you loved would die anyway," Chase managed through laughter; Alex saw Black Siren's face pale as she looked at Chase with a new expression . . . horror. "Either way, you lose!"
Kara's eyes narrowed to slits, and she threw a sharp right hook, knocking Chase out with a single hit. She was gone in a blur, and suddenly all of the assassins were collapsed on the ground as well. She glared down at Chase, then silently turned to Black Siren. The woman, however, held her hands up silently, glaring down at Chase. "I didn't know about the bombs," she said.
"Yeah, I find that hard to believe," Dinah scoffed.
"Heartbeats don't lie," Kara shook her head.
"I trust Kara," Oliver said before Dinah could open her mouth again. "Quentin, keep an eye on her."
"Yep," he nodded in relief.
"And Kara?" She silently turned, and she blinked in surprise at the pure gratefulness in his eyes. "Thank you."
Kara smiled widely, the first true smile Alex had seen from her since Mon-El had vanished. "You're welcome."
"Chase didn't have a single chance to do anything that could set off the bombs and kill every single one of us," Thea sighed happily. "I just wish I'd seen her knock him out."
"It was glorious," John chuckled, making Kara blush.
"So you and Maggie were actually engaged?" Mon-El asked in surprise.
Alex ducked her head. "We were," she nodded. "After Lian Yu, a few of us started going back and forth between universes . . . but when I broke off our engagement, that was when . . . more started to happen between our groups."
Alex tossed back another shot, absently tapping the glass on the bar counter when she was finished. She was picking up the next one when she heard the seat next to her pull out. She didn't need to look beside her to see who it was; it was one of two presences she would always recognize from Earth-1. "Did Kara send you?" she asked thickly, reaching for the next shot glass.
"No," Slade shook his head, watching her fingers trace the rim of the glass. "But I was back in town and thought I would drop by." He nodded to the glass she picked up. "I didn't expect to find you here drinking away."
Alex snorted. "You know, uh . . . Kara told me once that if I lost Maggie, I would be at a bar drinking and I would be broken." She lifted the glass in mock salute. "Score one for the girl from Krypton."
Slade frowned, watching her down the drink. "What happened?"
Alex scoffed, putting the glass down. "She and I didn't agree on the topic of children," she answered. "I've always wanted to be a mother. Maggie didn't."
Slade sighed, signaling for the bartender to get him a drink as well. "I'm sorry, Alex," he said sincerely. "But I understand. My son Joe was everything to me before Lian Yu."
Alex choked on her next drink, coughing as she put the glass down. "Here I am drinking my sorrows about breaking up with my fiancée about children while you're still looking for your son," she wiped her mouth. "Is there irony in that?"
"I think you're not sober anymore," Slade raised an eyebrow.
Alex snorted loudly. "Thank you, Captain Obvious."
Slade watched her down another drink before he uncapped his beer. "I have a suggestion."
"Oh, this will be good."
"I came back to Star City because my lead on Joe paid off."
That caused Alex to put down her next shot, her full attention on Slade. "Really?" she asked. Slade nodded, and a smile, albeit small, formed on the woman's face. "That's good!"
"Not quite," Slade shook his head. "He took after me, joined ASIS. That landed him in a prison in Kasnia."
"Oh, God," her eyes widened.
"I came back to Star City to ask Oliver for help," Slade nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "What if you came as well?"
Alex did a double take. "Me?!"
"Why not?" Slade shrugged.
"Um," Alex sputtered, "I'm a D.E.O. agent – "
"Surely capable of taking time off – "
" – and we barely know each other!"
"It's been months since Lian Yu, only one of which I was gone," Slade reminded her. "And you look like you could use a distraction from Maggie, or even this universe." Alex fell silent at that. "What do you say? Perhaps Kara could come as well." He smirked. "I doubt Oliver would argue that."
Alex mulled it over, then finished her last shot and turned to him. "You have a deal, Wilson."
"Long story short, both of us got dragged to Kasnia," Alex went on.
"We did not drag you," Slade grumbled. "That makes it sound worse than it was."
"Jackals," Kara threw out. "I had fun punching Nylander, though."
"Which I wanted to do," Alex glowered at her.
"Then you should have gone with Oliver and not Slade!"
"Anyway," Barry cleared his throat before the two of them could bicker any further, despite Oliver and Slade exchanging amused looks. "From the timeline we figured out, it wasn't long after that when we thought all of the teams would try to meet up again, this time without a crisis going on in either world."
"How long did that last?" Sara snickered. "One night?"
"Sounds about right," Barry said cheerfully.
"Yes, it lasted one night," Oliver smirked. "But Kara's team fit in pretty well, all things considered."
"Do you plan on drinking the bar, Danvers?"
Winn yelped on Kara's other side, fumbling with his glass before he managed to catch it. Kara giggled and caught it for him before turning around, a wide grin on her face. "Sara!"
"Hey, Kara," the other blonde smiled back, giving her a hug. "It's good to see you."
"Yeah, with no alien invasion, it's nice to talk to other people about things other than work," Kara beamed, then gestured to her friend, who had turned around as well, still fiddling with his drink. "Uh, Sara, this is my friend Winn. He's the first person I told I was Supergirl."
"Really?" Sara asked curiously, tilting her head and making Winn fidget. She let her gaze linger, enjoying the way Winn's eyes widened further, before she finally grinned. "He must be a keeper if you trust him that much."
"I like to think so," Kara smiled proudly as Winn did a double take. "He's the best techie I could ask for."
Sara smiled as Winn flushed. "Definitely keep him, then." She held out her hand. "Sorry for startling you, Winn. It's nice to meet you."
"Yeah," Winn cleared his throat, shaking her hand. "You, too."
"I scared the hell out of Winn," Sara recalled proudly.
"Yeah, and when Slade and Laurel showed up when the Nazis did, they scared the hell out of me," Barry grumbled.
"Nazis?!" Mon-El repeated.
"Yeah," Oliver nodded. "From a universe known as Earth-X."
"I hate Nazis," Mick grunted.
"Join the club," Nate agreed.
"And that's when – ?" Mon-El gestured between Barry and Laurel.
"Kind of, yeah," Barry nodded.
"You left me in that pipeline to rot! What else was I supposed to do?!"
"I didn't mean to leave you there!" Barry protested, though it sounded weak even to his ears as he argued in the time vault with Black Siren – or Laurel, as Oliver, Kara, and their teams called her. "I didn't! It was just that after we captured you . . . "
"You defeated Zoom, and that was that," Laurel huffed. "You could have let me go! You could have let me go back to Earth-2! Why did you keep me here? To look at me, remind you of the Laurel from this Earth?"
"No!" Barry sputtered. "That wasn't it at all!"
"Then why?" Laurel demanded. "Why was my last resort a madman I followed because he freed me from here?"
Barry swallowed hard, lowering his head. "Because . . . I'm sorry, Laurel, but you were honestly the last thing on my mind."
Laurel's jaw dropped, and her face turned red in anger. "Why?!"
"Because after Zoom, I went back in time to save my mom," Barry let out in a rush, speaking rapidly so Laurel wouldn't interrupt. "And it created an entirely different timeline we called Flashpoint, where both of my parents were alive and I wasn't the Flash, but everything was wrong and I convinced Thawne to go back and kill my mom so the timeline would reset back to normal, except it didn't, and it caused Joe and Iris to become distant and Cisco's brother was dead and Caitlin developed her metahuman abilities and John's daughter became a son and – "
"Slow down!" Laurel held her hands up, eyes wide.
Barry took a deep breath, burying her face in her hands. "I tried to fix everything, but I made a lot of things worse, and everyone was blaming me – they should have, I was selfish, I wanted to see my mom and dad alive again – "
"You could time travel, and they blamed you for wanting to go back and save your mom and dad?" Laurel blinked. When Barry nodded miserably, she snorted loudly. "So everyone who blamed you would never think otherwise? That if they had a family member who died and they could time travel, they never thought that if they could time travel, they would think about saving them?"
Barry blinked rapidly, not expecting that turnaround. "Uh . . . "
"I would," Laurel muttered, a dark look in her eyes. "If I could go back and reverse the last conversation I had with my father . . . if I could stop him from going to get my birthday cake and getting in a car accident . . . I would do it without hesitation." She looked up at Barry, whose mouth was opening and closing like a fish. "That's why you forgot about me?" she narrowed her eyes. "Because you changed the timeline and when you came back, you were dealing with everyone else?"
Barry swallowed hard. "It's not a good excuse, but by the time everything was figured out – "
"Chase had already helped me escape?" Barry nodded sheepishly, and Laurel sighed, sliding down the wall behind her. "I forgive you," she finally said.
Barry reeled backwards. "What?!"
"I forgive you," Laurel looked up at him. "I'm not happy, I'm far from happy . . . but I forgive you."
Barry's mouth shut with a click, and he swallowed, bowing his head. "Thank you, Laurel."
"That was really the adventure where we were all set up," Oliver admitted. "Me and Kara, Alex and Slade, Barry and Laurel, Sara and Winn, Lena and Harry . . . Jax and Lily, even though they're more tightly knit siblings."
The actions were small at best, though some spoke even louder than others.
Oliver and Slade promising Alex they would get Kara back.
Barry's silent support of Laurel when the Earth-X Quentin Lance appeared.
Barry helping Laurel stand when they were electrocuted by their collars.
Slade protecting Alex when they ran to cover.
Kara's silence when Overgirl taunted her about being unloved though she loved someone back.
Slade questioning Alex about if she would stop him if Oliver was the one held by Nazis instead of Kara, both of them vowing they would be right by the other.
Harry's protective questions for Lena when she was shoved into the pipeline by Dark Arrow.
Slade defending Alex after she took the shot meant for Martin Stein.
Oliver and Sara coming at once to Kara and Winn's aid, Sara taking out the Nazis aiming for Winn as Oliver threatened his doppelgänger with Overgirl, Dark Arrow refusing to take a shot at Kara while his wife was in danger.
Oliver's and Slade's protective vigils over Kara and Alex while they recovered, Winn and Lena close by as well with Sara and Harry occasionally checking in.
Barry supporting Laurel when she revealed she had to kill the doppelgänger of her father, remembering how it had felt to see Joe's Earth-2 doppelgänger die.
Oliver and Kara standing side by side, flanked by Slade and Alex, as they refused to back down to Dark Arrow.
Oliver facing Dark Arrow in one on one combat, Slade and Alex a wall between them and the fight between the heroes.
Sara dueling the Nazis in a deadly dance, Winn occasionally calling out a warning she always thanked him for.
Harry and Lena working together to pilot the Waverider once Cisco left to rescue Caitlin, Amaya, and Zari.
Laurel finding Barry after the Reverse Flash left, defending him from Nazis trying to sneak up on him.
Oliver and Dark Arrow instantly finding Overgirl's supernova in the sky, one worried for Supergirl, the other for the Nazi General.
Oliver killing his doppelgänger with two simple words: "for Kara."
All rushing to stop Kara's descent as she plummeted from the sky, to be caught by Nate Heywood in the center of the battlefield.
Oliver and Kara hugging each other gratefully after both survived their respective duels, Alex almost collapsing in relief against Slade.
Laurel helping Barry say goodbye to Ray Terrill.
The joy of seeing Jax and Lily merge for the first time with Martin watching proudly at his daughter and the young man he saw as a son.
Sara cheekily telling Winn she would see him later before the Legends left, causing the techie to sputter, much to James's and Alex's amusement.
Oliver, Slade, Barry, Harry, and Laurel saying goodbye to Kara, Alex, and Lena before they left for Earth-38.
"And that was just the start of it," Kara swallowed. "Because then Reign showed up . . . and with her came the other Worldkillers while on Earth-1 came Cayden James, Ricardo Diaz, Clifford DeVoe, Mallus . . . we all found our support in each other. And that support made the difference with so many of us."
Alex's panicked call to Team Arrow, Lena's to Team Flash, and Winn's to the Legends after Kara's fall to Reign, desperate to save her life.
The Waverider arriving with a sputter, Cisco explaining rapidly he managed to attach an extrapolator to it before Nate and Ray got Kara to the medbay.
Alex only letting her fears show before Slade, the Aussie her silent support.
Winn's panicked babbles as he tried to track down Reign, only silenced when Sara put a hand on his shoulder, and he collapsed in pure exhaustion, Sara dropping to help him.
Laurel snarling and pacing like an animal caged, Barry watching her worriedly.
Lena trying to work with James calmly at CatCo, aided by Harry, the two of them working together to try and keep peace where they could.
Oliver never leaving Kara's side, the first to volunteer when Sara suggested using the Waverider to go inside Kara's mind and help her wake up.
Sara the first to volunteer to go with Kara to Fort Rozz while Alex was out of commission with a broken leg, Laurel second.
Kara, Alex, and Winn standing with Oliver, Slade, John, Laurel, and Felicity when Team Arrow fractured.
Lena occasionally lending a new point of view to Team Flash in the fight against Clifford DeVoe.
Winn impressing Sara by setting up a link to the Waverider for them to stay in better contact, always keeping an open ear, even when Sara admitted she had feelings for Ava.
Kara protecting William during the showdown with Cayden James's cabal, earning Oliver's eternal gratitude for once again looking out for his son.
Kara vouching for Evelyn after she turned coat against her former allies, Oliver watching William tentatively helping the older girl settle in.
Laurel aiding Barry in his grief at the loss of Ralph Dibny.
All three Earth-1 teams responding to Team Supergirl's despair at discovering Samantha Arias was the Worldkiller Reign.
Harry helping Lena attempt to separate Reign from Sam while the rest of the teams searched for Purity and Pestilence.
The two other Worldkillers rescuing Reign, leaving Oliver, Laurel, Winn, and Alex poisoned in their wake.
Slade and Sara turning Purity on Pestilence, giving Barry time to take Pestilence's DNA to manufacture a cure, speeding away just before the Worldkillers killed each other.
Winn and Alex waking seconds before death, Oliver and Laurel moments after, with Sara, Slade, Kara, and Barry refusing to leave them.
Learning of the Black Kryptonite and taking it from Coville's cult to separate Sam from Reign for good.
Winn snapping Sara out of the Death Totem's manipulations.
The four teams taking a stand against Mallus with Sara wielding the Death Totem, Mick the Fire, Zari Air, Amaya Spirit, Wally Water, and Nate Earth.
Winn congratulating Sara on not succumbing to the Death Totem, only to be stunned when she kissed him right on the mouth, earning pleased catcalls from Alex and James.
Laurel loudly protesting when Marlize DeVoe said only one could go into DeVoe's mind, saying Barry wasn't going anywhere without her, thank you very much.
Barry rambling profusely about thanking Laurel for how she helped him, only quieting when Laurel pulled a Sara and kissed him, effectively shutting him up.
Curtis Holt, Rene Ramirez, and Dinah Drake reuniting with Team Arrow after Diaz assassinated Samantha Clayton.
Kara scowling as Diaz all but damned Oliver before Alex, newly proclaimed Director of the D.E.O., remarked the agency could always use more agents or consultants, earning a stunned look from Oliver and a cheer from her sister.
The four teams, forming the newly proclaimed Justice League, tearing every remnant of Diaz out of Star City root and stem, Sara politely asking the Time Bureau Director Sharpe to deal with the crime lord, the clone all too happy to do so.
Oliver, William, Slade, Thea, and Roy Harper all moving to Earth-38, leaving Star City in the capable hands of John Diggle and the rest of Team Arrow.
Mon-El was silent at the end of the story, then looked up at Sam. "You aren't what I think of when I think of a Worldkiller."
"Just a Kryptonian now," Sam shrugged, smiling shyly. "Kara's been a great teacher."
"And since then?" Mon-El asked Kara.
"Oh, tons of enemies," Kara waved it off. "Manchester Black, the Elite . . . "
"Oliver's half-sister, a group called the Ninth Circle," John continued.
"Cicada," Barry mused.
"Neron," Sara hummed. "Astra."
Oliver's eyes darkened. "The Monitor."
Barry made a face at the name. "John Deegan."
Kara stuck her tongue out. "Who became an evil Superman."
"What?" Mon-El gawked.
"And switched us with each other," Sara nodded. "Let me tell you, waking up in bed with Barry? Not fun. No offense, Barry."
"As long as you don't take offense the same way," the speedster shrugged.
"I woke up with Winn, who's like my brother!" Kara protested.
"And the doppelgänger of your sister, my ex-girlfriend!" Oliver scowled.
"Basically, it was a mess," Slade sighed.
"Not as big a mess like this was," Caitlin whispered.
Mick growled low in his throat as Martin shook his head. "This was unbelievable."
Mon-El swallowed hard. "What happened?"
Kara ducked her head, and Mon-El could feel the temperature drop as she tentatively described how after she married Oliver, Cadmus, led by Lillian Luthor, became more anti-alien and became more prominent in National City. He listened as she described Ben Lockwood, who became the leader of the Children of Liberty, joining forces with Cadmus to protest the Alien Amnesty Act. He learned of the Graves siblings exposing President Marsdin to the world, leading to her resignation and Vice President Baker's rise to power.
Baker, Lockwood, and Cadmus working together led to sowing seeds of discord throughout the nation and even worldwide, turning the public against Supergirl, Superman, and the aliens that protected their world. That turned into the public even turning against the heroes who supported their alien comrades . . . and that was before Lex Luthor escaped from prison, and everything turned upside down.
Mon-El almost wanted to cover his ears so he couldn't hear about Lex's plan to use a clone of Supergirl to put himself in the spotlight, making it appear like he stopped the "rogue superheroine" from attacking with a terrorist cell from Kasnia. He found it lucky that Winn, Felicity, and Cisco had fought to reveal Lex's plans to the entire world, surpassing the corrupt president and going straight to the public. Soon it was Lex's head everyone was calling for, and with that, Lex seemed to snap and went to war with the Justice League itself.
"And you saw how that ended," Kara finished with a sigh.
"We have a lot to clean up," Alex nodded.
"Wow," Mon-El blew out his breath in a rush. "I can't believe that happened . . . I'm sorry, Kara."
"There's nothing you could have done," she shook her head.
I could have woken up earlier, he thought. I could have come back sooner.
But before he could voice any of his thoughts, he heard the door to the apartment open, and the teasing voice of a young man and the excited squeal of a young girl made his mouth shut with a click, and he turned around to see a blonde girl no older than four speed into the room – and she did indeed speed, making Mon-El blink. Then Kara was laughing and hugging the girl, lifting her off the ground and into her lap. "We didn't expect you back so soon, Mia!" she tapped the girl on her nose, making her giggle.
"Sorry," a dark-haired young man smiled sheepishly as he took off his leather jacket, moving to hang it up and revealing the three other women with him. "But Ruby finished her evening class early."
"Hey, Rubes," Sam smiled, standing up and moving to hug the brunette young woman with a similar style to her. "How'd it go?"
"I'm wondering how you ever survive in business," Ruby gave her a hug. "Hey, Aunt Alex. Hey, Aunt Kara."
"And Z was around, too, so," the young man shrugged, gesturing to the black-haired young woman his age.
"Dad said he was still at the D.E.O.," she waved. "Will said I could hang around."
"That's fine, Zoe," Oliver assured her, standing up and moving towards the oldest of the group, a dark-haired young woman in her twenties. "Thanks for watching her, Evelyn."
"Oh, no problem," she smiled, giving Oliver a hug; with a start, Mon-El realized this was Evelyn Sharp, also known as Artemis. "I just want a go at the bastard before he rots for life."
"Language," Sara pointed at the girl Kara was holding.
Will snorted, walking over and giving Kara a hug around the shoulders before ruffling the blonde girl's hair, making her squeal. "Nice try, Aunt Sara." He finally realized there was someone he didn't know in the room, and he frowned. "You look . . . sort of familiar."
"William, this is Mon-El," Kara introduced.
He frowned, scratching his head. "The Daxamite prince?"
"That's him," Kara nodded. "Mon-El, this is Oliver's son, William Clayton. That's Sam's daughter, Ruby, over there – " The brunette young woman waved. "William's best friend, Zoe Ramirez – " The black-haired woman merely nodded. "Evelyn Sharp, our adopted daughter – " The female archer considered Mon-El curiously. "And this," she curled her arms around the blonde girl, "is William's half-sister and our daughter, Moira Queen, Mia for short."
Mon-El swallowed around the lump in his throat. "She's beautiful," he said quietly, the girl peering at him with Oliver's green eyes. "Congratulations."
"Thank you," Oliver nodded, Thea scooting over so Evelyn could sit by Oliver, William and Zoe perching themselves at the kitchen counter.
Alex's phone suddenly chirped, along with Oliver's, Kara's, Barry's, and Sara's. All of them took a look, and Alex sighed, standing up. "The military's coming in to take Lex Luthor to prison. I need to get down there."
"We all should," Sara got to her feet, stretching. "Strength in numbers."
"Does that mean I get to punch him?" Evelyn asked hopefully.
Oliver barked out a laugh. "Not likely."
"Hopefully this won't take too long," Kara smiled at William as he hopped down to walk over and take his little sister.
"Take what time you need," William grinned at Mia. "I've got Mia."
Kara walked up to Mon-El as everyone else started filing out of the loft. "Sorry about this."
"Luthor's the priority," Mon-El shook his head. "He needs to be dealt with."
Mon-El could feel the tension in the D.E.O. as he, Imra, and Brainy watched from an upper level as the Armed Forces came to retrieve Lex Luthor from the D.E.O. All four teams that comprised the Justice League were in full uniform, including Alex in her vigilante gear. It was Kara and Clark who completed the transfer, Kara locking eyes with the female Marine who had been in charge. She set her jaw, then offered a crisp salute to the Kryptonians, which both returned with the salute Kara had given Mon-El's mother before trial by combat. It seemed to be enough for the Marine colonel, who did a perfect about face and left after her men.
It was a blond man in a trench coat in the ranks of the Legends who snorted and muttered, "About bloody time," Ray choking and the dark-haired woman in black between snickering.
"Is it really over?" Imra asked quietly, looking at Mon-El as everything seemed to settle.
Mon-El swallowed, watching Kara take a deep breath and turn to speak with Alex, Clark, and J'onn. "I think so," he said, looking at Sam, whose arms were crossed as she stood with Lena.
He later stood with Kara as Imra and Brainy completed final checks of the Legion cruiser, the Justice League's workers lending a hand. "This was probably difficult for you," Kara finally said.
Mon-El sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Well, the 31st century took some getting used to. I don't think I got the 21st out of my system completely before we were heading back."
Kara shook her head silently. "I mean with the seven years."
Mon-El closed his eyes. "It was something," he admitted. "But you're happy. All of you are. You even have a daughter of your own." He swallowed hard. "It was a bit difficult . . . but that's how time worked, I guess."
"Barry and Sara are right," Kara sighed. "Time travel is a bitch."
"Speaking from experience?"
"Well, we were in the Wild West when we faced Mallus, so . . . "
Mon-El chuckled, watching Brainy nod in satisfaction as he checked the engines. "I think that means we're about ready."
Kara cracked a grin. "Back to the future."
"OK, that's bad," Mon-El grinned widely.
"It was bad," she agreed with a giggle, turning to face him. Her grin turned more somber, and she cleared her throat. "I think the future's in good hands with the three of you. And the rest of the Legion, those who didn't wake up."
Mon-El bowed his head. "Thank you, Kara," he told her, holding out his hand.
Kara bypassed the handshake and went right for a hug. "Just take care of yourself," she said quietly.
"I will," he nodded, squeezing her tightly before backing away. He turned to face Oliver, who had only been a few paces away, and extended his hand to the archer. "Keep looking out for her," he said.
"The ones I need to look out for are the ones who get in her way," Oliver shook his head, but he shook his hand anyway. "I always will, though."
Mon-El nodded, joining Imra by Brainy's chair as he fired up the engines. He turned to see Cisco open a breach, and he swallowed again, seeing Oliver take Kara's hand as they went through, Slade pressing a kiss to Alex's head as they followed, Winn and James giving him a quick wave, Barry sending him a small salute.
And when everyone was gone, Mon-El could still feel the presence of the Justice League linger, as if keeping an invisible eye on him and a silent message. Prove her right.
I will, Mon-El promised silently as Brainy piloted the cruiser back to the stars. Maybe seven months hadn't been enough time for him to change, but Kara had, yet she still had faith in him being a hero. I won't let her down.
Oof, heavy. And complicated. Seriously, I made this way more complicated than I should have. Hopefully it was still enjoyable, though! It was the pairings I was concerned about - hopefully I sold Slade/Alex, Winn/Sara, and Barry/E-2 Laurel for at least one shot. If not . . . well, there's always other crackships I could try.
I do still take requests! Please keep in mind that I do not do anything rated M or higher (I am not a smut writer), and the more a prompt sticks closer to the TV shows, the more likely it is I can succeed with your prompt - I can also do extensions of prompts (a sequel or so) if you would like to request (i.e. further in the season for the DeathSiren chapters). Main pairings are Emerald Steel, Scarlet Canary, DeathSiren, and DarkSiren, but if another crackship pairing/random pairing is one you would like to see me try and incorporate, let me know!
Next time from gammaxmen: What about a prompt about Sara meeting Future Barry in the future where Iris dies, murdered by Savitar?
OK, I really mean it this time - this will be the next prompt I do because otherwise I'll keep putting it off, and I really want to do this. I'm looking forward to it!
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