Chapter 9- Times change
I slowly rode around the encampment. Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn had gone into the mountain all alone. Legolas had not allowed me to even think of coming with.
"Legolas, as your mother-"
"As my mother, you will not risk your life." He gently held me in his arms. "Naneth- dorth-. Adar wants cin. Im could u- guin- with myself if cin bel-." (mother stay. Father still wants you. I could not live with myself if you should die.)
I let a tear slid down my pale cheek. My hardened eyes watched as Gimli and Aragorn were preparing for the trip.
"Emig." His tender voice slid through my thoughts. "Emig."
I looked at my son. "Legolas. Go. I will protect the men."
He smiled and kissed my cheeks. "I love you Emig."
I grabbed his hands and placed kisses to both of them. He smiled into my eyes and I rubbed his jaw. "I love you more, my son."
He ran and jumped on his horse with Gimli behind him. I watched him sadly and then went to Mithrenele. I saddled him and mounted.
"Theoden King." I yelled. The king walked over to me.
"My lady." He bowed. I nodded.
"I am expecting every man in this camps allegiance. Can you offer me your's?" I held my breath. For a woman to ask of a king to follow her to battle was unheard of in the men's realm's.
He looked at his nephew and niece at his sides. He sighed and reached for his sword. I sat silently, tall and proud.
He drew his sword and it glinted in the sun. I touched the Goblin Cleaver at my side and shot him a warning look.
"I pledge my sword to you." He knelt. I looked at him approvingly.
"Good. Rise Theoden King." I commanded. He rose and his nephew shot him a look.
"Uncle! We can not let a woman lead us!" He prostested.
"We are." Theoden grabbed my reigns. "I trust you. That is the only reason why you are alive." He tried to look scary.
I laughed. "Oh Theoden. The only reason you keep me alive is because I am too great an ally for you to lose."
He looked down sheepishly and I huffed. I rode through the ranks. "We fight tomorrow. Saddle up!"
I trotted around the bodies searching for my son. I looked down at each and every face. I did not see his blonde hair. I sighed.
"EMIG!" Legolas bound over to me. I jumped down from Mithrenele. He caught me up in his arms and swung me around.
"I thought I lost you." I cried. He gently set me down.
"Oh Emig. I would never leave you and adar." He smiled.
I sputtered and then smiled. I turned around to hear the blood curdling scream of Eomer clutching Eowyn.
I looked to Legolas. He motioned to Aragorn running to them. He carefully picked up the woman and cradled her.
I brought Merry and Pippin in on Mithrenele and Gandalf grabbed Gimli. We had won! The towns people rejoiced. Aragorn was no where to be found.
"Legolas." I caught his hand. "Where is Aragorn."
Legolas pointed to the stretcher bearing Eowyn. I walked with Legolas to the stables. He let a silent tear slide.
"I will see you in the Woodland Realm." I promised. He nodded and kissed my cheeks. I mounted Mithrenele and pulled my hood up and over my blonde hair.
"Emig." He caught my hand. "I will be there." He promised. I smiled a sad smile.
"When you return, we will spend a long holiday together." I gathered the reigns. "Now I must see to your father."
He kissed my hand and let me go.
"Fly Mithrenele. Fly." I whispered in elvish. He perked up and we galloped from the stable out of the town.
I rode into the darkness and into the great unknown. Mithrenele was a strong Mustang with a fearless streak and a fierce loyalty. I camped near the great river crossing into Rohan. My black cloak fluttered around my body in the breeze.
Mithrenele pranced slightly. "Easime Mithrenele. Easime." I patted his flank. He slowly lowered himself to lay next to me.
"Care- tye osan- Thranduil indome vest- me?" I quietly questioned. (do you think Thranduil will marry me?)
Mithrenele nosed my hand and I pet his forehead. The fire died and I watched the stars. Mithrenele snored softly next to me. I quietly began to hum. A soft breeze came through the encampment and it ruffled my hair. I leaned on my steady companion and slept.
The next morning, Mithrenele and I left in haste. I rode quickly and quietly through the woods and into the kingdom of Rohan.
"STOP!" A man ran to me. I reigned Mithrenele in and he threw his mane around. I slowly touched my swords at my side. "Who goes through?"
I looked to the man. My hood was pulled up and over my eyes and my mask was tied tightly. The sun glinted off of my knives fastened to my shoulders and my sword hilt.
"Its the Dark Rider." One man exclaimed. I heard a nervous shift in their armor.
"I have come for an audience with your king." I lifted the Goblin Cleaver over my head. "Under the leadership of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm and The forests there in."
The sun caught my movements perfectly and made me look scary. I smirked as they hustled to the gate and opened it. I nodded, sheathed my sword and rode into the kingdom. I rode up to the castle or main hall as it was called here.
I dismounted and tied Mithrenele to the post. I swiftly walked up to the front of the building. A man tried to stop me and take my weaponry before entering. I quickly side stepped him and pushed into the hall.
"Eomer King." I called. He looked up from his parchment. He watched me hastily walk to him.
"Who is this." He asked of me.
"I am the Dark Rider." I stood before him.
"Why do you not bow to me?" He spat. I lifted a perfect brow and slowly tilted my head in acknowledgement to his status. He nodded back and waved his hand. "Remove your covering, Dark Rider."
I smirked. "Have you already forgotten the one who helped you and your people in your time of great need?"
"No. It can't be." He exclaimed standing from his throne. I slowly untied my head piece and threw my hood back exposing my long, gleaming blonde hair. He gasped. "My lady Alavara." He bowed slightly and kissed my hand.
I smiled gently and tipped his head up to look at me. "How is Eowyn?"
"She is happy. She was recently married to the Lord Faramir." He smiled. I looked at the council around him.
"I see you have created a great kingdom here in your uncle's death." I walked to the front door. "I was looking for food, and water to continue my journey to the Elvenking."
"The ElvenKing?" Eomer faltered slightly. "My lady, the Elvenking is ruthless. He will slaughter you if you come to him."
I smirked. "If he would try I would strike first."
"You are brave, Alavara." He kissed my hand. "Very brave."
I removed my hand and he quickly led me to the pantries, giving me food enough to last me the end of my journey. He led me to the outer door.
"Are you sure this is your path?" He looked worried.
"I am positive." I smiled and pulled my hood up and my mask on. "Besides, they will only know me as the dark rider."
He smirked and wished me well. I galloped away from the city and to the plains. I made a quick trip through the small towns along the road before stopping on the outskirts of Mirkwood.
"Mithrenele, we are home." I proclaimed. I dismounted and led Mithrenele through the maze of woods. We remained on the elven path and slowly but surely came closer to the king's palace.
An arrow appeared in front of my face. "Who goes here." An elf guard surrounded me.
I held my head high and my glinting blue eyes pierced the guard's brown ones. "It is the Dark Rider." Another pointed out.
"The dark Rider?" The captain smirked. "Won't the king be thrilled to hear this."
I quietly walked with the guard into the kingdom. My necklace, tucked under my layers of clothing began to shine slightly.
"Open the gates."
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