Chapter 8- The fellowship
Mithrenele had a thin sheen of sweat on his coat when we stopped for a drink. "Mara. Ser- mime darling." I chanted.
I strode to the near by rock cliff. Standing on it I could see the sun beginning to set. A few more days should bring us close to the fellowship.
I walked back to Mithrenele and patted his shimmering black flank. "The dark rider." I mumbled. "That's what they called me." I pet my horse. A small smile crept to my features. Many believed the dark rider to be a man. Boy was that a false hood.
I slid my hood back on and retied my face mask. I remounted and we were off again. We rode for days through the woods and through the rivers.
It took a while but one day while we were resting, I saw the outlines of the trope on a near by hill.
"Mithrenele! Emme have found tien!" I exclaimed excitedly. He pranced a bit and as if he knew this was major he took his nose and hit my shoulder with it.
"Hey!" I laughed. "Yes we will go now." I mounted and looked around the small encampment. I never traveled with much and the fire pit was going to be destroyed soon, due to the rolling clouds.
Mithrenele took off in the direction of the company. I moved with my horse until you could not tell where I ended and the horse began. My hood was still up and my mask still tied. If this was not the company I thought, I would need my swords quickly. I grasped one and took a small short cut.
I rounded the front and stopped several paces in front. Mithrenele pranced and in the fading light a small wind whipped my blonde hair from behind me. I knew I had the upper hand and looked the part every bit.
The small band stopped with in a yard of me. The older one of the group had a staff and he held it fearlessly. "Who goes there?" He called.
"I ask the same to you." I called back.
"We are on a mission sworn to finish." A young one piped up. A man came next to Gandalf. Aragorn.
"It is the Dark Rider!" He exclaimed. His eyes twinkled. He knew my ruise. I nodded my head to him.
"Please remove your hood." The elf exclaimed. Legolas! My son. I slowly reached up and threw my hood back and removed my mask.
"It is I, Lady Alavara Celelaeth, one whom the Lady Galadriel and the white wizard favored." I slowly road forward.
My swords gleamed in the fading light. Aragorn let a smile break loose and Legolas nearly dropped his bow.
"Naneth, na-ha reallui cin?" He looked up and I dismounted. I walked forward and held his face in my hands.
"Nin red. Im gar- ind -o cin ilaurui." I kissed his forehead and let a tear slid down my cheek. He smiled happily and wrapped his arms around me.
"Naneth." He whispered.
I broke away and cupped his cheek. He smiled and kissed my palm. I walked over to the hobbits. "Which of you is master Baggins?"
Frodo timidly raised his hand. I dropped to my knee and with drew the Goblin Cleaver. "I give you my swords."
His eyes widened and he threw his arms around my neck. I smiled and returned his hug. He pulled away and I grasped Mithrenele's reigns once more. He nosed my hair and Legolas walked with me to the front of the group.
Everyone held back, to allow us time.
"Well, Legolas. You are grown." I sighed. "You have no need for me any longer."
"That is not true." He cried. "Adar and I both need you."
"Your Adar sent me a gift." I fingered the necklace. He looked at me questioningly. I pulled the gem out of hiding and he gasped.
"One of the white gems." He looked at it closely. "Emig, that is one of his most prized valuables."
I looked into his wide eyes. "I know. Which is why I am returning to him soon."
He threw his arms around me. "Oh Emig." He took to calling me 'mama' instead of the traditional 'Mother'. I had been the one to bring that into play.
"Oh Legolas, I won't ever have a reason to leave you and you father again." I pressed a kiss to his cheek and we continued walking.
We could hear the rest of the company's chatter, but one conversation really stuck out to us.
"Is that his mother or his lover?" The one man asked the young master Baggins.
"I am not positive." The young hobbit squinted. Legolas and I looked to each other and grinned.
"Well she does not look old enough to be his mother." He countered.
The hobbit's eyes found Aragorn's and he shook his head. "Well maybe she is maybe she isn't." He coughed slightly. "Why do you want to know Boromir?"
Boromir, that was the strange man's name. "I adan plural edain na- rather dull, na- ho ur?" Legolas laughed at my accusation. I had just called Boromir dull and he had no clue.
"Yes, Emig, ho na-. Ceri- u- let cin tiri- dad with hon. Adar would u-n- happui." He quipped. He was right. Thranduil would be most displeased if I let my guard down now.
"You need not worry." I wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Your Adar will not be displeased."
We listened back into the conversation among the rest of the group.
"Gandalf, I am tired." A little shireling complained.
"Pip, now is not the time." Another one elbowed him. He sighed and ran up next to me and Legolas.
"Hello." He called up to me. "Who are you?"
"I am Lady Alavara Celelaeth. Who might you be?"
"I am Pippin. Are you two married?" He asked with child like innocence.
I looked to Legolas. "Im will ped- baw, but cin must thir ed- an nin." He nodded sharply and I turned back to Pippin. "No. We are not married."
"Oh you two look like you could be." He skipped ahead with his own simplistic way.
I looked to Legolas, who was trying to suppress a grin. "Not a word to your father." I warned. He grinned.
"Wouldn't dream of it."
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