Chapter 7-Rivendell
Mithrenele galloped through the marshes and towards the city. Many days and many nights came and went, but never once did he need to stop. I sighed and we continued our travels.
Finally we entered Rivendell. Kingdom of Lord Elrond. I was met with guards and then the Lord himself.
"Welcome, hiril Alavara." He bowed slightly.
"My Lord." I touched my chest with my finger tips and my hair fanned out around my knees in the slight wind.
"Come, food and drink has been prepared for you." He took my hand. He motioned to the guard to take my horse's reigns. "Ech- sure hen roch na- fed." He commanded for my horse to bed fed. He led me up to the main home and sat me down at a fine table with plenty of greens and wine to feed an army.
"What news do you bring from the north?" He asked as we ate. Arwen looked up at me with hope filled eyes.
"I crossed many orc packs along the way. Telling them all the same story. I slit their throats during the night. They are growing bolder." I commented. "I regret to tell you I did not come across the fellowship you spoke of, Arwen."
She nodded and continued eating. I sighed. "I will go out after them." Elrond looked at me with a raised brow.
"My son is with them is he not?" I touched the necklace Thranduil had sent me. "And Aragorn is there as well. I promised his father he would not be harmed."
"Your son has grown." Elrond pointed out.
"He is around 2, 930?" I sighed. "His birthday was last moon, so he is 2,931." I let a tear slide down my face. "My son is growing up."
Elrond placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and Arwen held me as I wept. Anger, hatred and bitterness resurfaced and I calmly pushed it down. I removed my tear stained face from Arwen's shoulder.
"I am sorry." I hiccuped. Arwen smiled and helped me clean my face. Lord Elrond stood and extended me an arm.
"Please. We have a meeting to attend to." I grasped his arm and he led me to the throne room. He took his seat and the meeting began.
"Lady Alavara. I am sending you to find the fellowship of the ring of power to assist in any way possible." Lord Elrond began.
"I will my lord." I nodded.
"You promise to help them as if they were your own."
"You will not leave them unless needed?"
"No my lord." I bowed. He touched my head.
"Rest then go after them." He commanded.
I nodded and followed Arwen to my chambers. "Has Thranduil really changed?"
"Yes. Legolas begged him to join the fellowship but he was clear that he needed to remain in Mirkwood." Arwen sighed. "When you find them, tell Aragorn that I miss him."
"I will."
As soon as my head touched the pillow I fell asleep. I woke the next morning refreshed and alive.
My child, you will find them alive and well. The Lady Galadriel's voice echoed in my head. I let a smile creep to my face.
I walked out of my apartment's dressed for the day. My black riding attire was neatly pressed and clean.
I walked to the clearing where my horse pranced. "Good Mithrenele." I patted his flank.
Lord Elrond walked over to me. "Lady Alavara, this will be tricky and challenging. You must use your sword and daggers, along with your bow. I know you prefer the sword how ever." He motioned for an elf to come forward. The elf placed something in his hands and backed away. "I give to you, The Goblin Cleaver." He whipped the sword out of its sheath.
I sucked in a breath. The beautiful sword had supposedly been lost in battle. I grasped the handle and pulled it into my range. I swung it around and then returned it to its sheath. "Thank you my lord." I bowed my head.
"My Lady, if you would, call me Elrond. I know that if a certain king gets his way you will be a queen at some point." He kissed my hand. I blushed and mounted.
"Until the next time." I nodded at all in the clearing. "Vile-Mithrenele, vile-ana i others." I spoke softly in the ancient tongue.
Mithrenele took off and I drew my hood up and over my face. I tied my hair back and clutched the reigns. Bits of mud flew every where and I had a single purpose. Find Legolas. Find the Fellowship. Help. Return to my love.
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