Chapter 6- Separation
I fled back to my mountainous home and rejoined the Dunedain. After a thousand years of pain and heart ache, I met a young man by the name of Arathorn, who had a son by the name of Aragorn.
Aragorn was around the same age of Legolas. I cried bitter tears that night remembering the boy who was not my own. He grew to the age of 86 (which is only 30 in Dunedain years). I was with Arathorn planing a battle move against the orcs of the Northern regions when a page came running.
"Arathorn. They are attacking now!" He cried.
Arathorn looked to me. I let a small smirk touch my features. "If war is what they want then war is what they get."
He nodded and I ran to the battalion. "Sound the alarm! The orcs are attacking!"
A horn blast was sounded and the Dunedain armies ran forth, to their death. I helped as much as possible, but was injured before much could happen. There were too many of them and to few of us.
Arathorn crawled to me. "Take Aragorn. Run! Hide. Find the grey wizard. GO!" He cried.
I quickly ran and mounted a horse. I rode through the ranks and picked the young prince up by the back of his shirt, swinging him onto the horse.
"Alavara!" He cried. "I must stay!"
"No, your father needs his heir in tact."
"I will not leave my people to be killed." His eyes shown with hate for the orcs.
"Aragorn, your father knows they will not survive. You will be the last potentially." I kicked the horse and we took off.
We ran for days. The dusk and dawn both came and went and we continued on our path. I left Agragorn to the care of the rangers of the North, before I left to go back and make sure the path was safe.
One day a rider was spotted near my campsite. " Lady Alavara!"
An elf clad in robes of blue with a thatch of windswept brown hair stopped just shy of me. I stood and took in the Rivendale postings on the horse and his rider.
"Nin hiril, cin are being summoned na a private govanneth." (My lady, you are being summoned to a private meeting). The horse pranced.
"Who commands it?"
"My Lord Elrond." The page nodded.
"Oh." I sighed. No word from Thranduil yet. "Tell my Lord I will be there."
"My Lady." He nodded. "Also I bring a gift from the Lady Arwen."
"Oh?" I rose a brow.
He reached into his saddle bag and took out a small box along with a lovely parchment. He handed them to me, then nodded and rode off.
I walked swiftly to my tent and unwrapped the letter. I set the box down and sat on the crude stool I had made.
I unfolded the letter and took in my friends lovely hand writing.
My darling Alavara,
I write to you under dire measures. Thranduil is returning. He has helped the dwarfs of the Mountain reclaim their home. Now the Great Ring of Power has been found.
I sucked in a breath. Not the ring...
Yes, the ring. It is the same one that Aragorn's great grandfather took and my father tried to get rid of. I am sending this letter begging you to intercept Aragorn and bring him home. Legolas is with him.
My father calls for you to plead with you to return to Thranduil and help him. Or go with your son and guard the halfling that bares the ring. I am begging you. My sister. Please, come to me. Thranduil is in need of you. He has sent to you a gift, in the box you will find something precious to him. He wishes for you to come to him.
I need you, Alavara. What ever you decision, I will support you. I fear I must leave soon. I hope to see you before the end.
All my love,
I turned to the box on the table. A gift from Thranduil? I set the letter to the side and opened the box.
I let out a gasp. Inside lay a beautiful necklace.
The crystal sparkled and the silver gleamed. I felt a tear slid to my jaw. Thranduil had thought of me.
I clasped the necklace around my neck and turned back to the box. A small parchment lay at the bottom.
I grabbed it and unfolded it.
I was mistaken to not search for you before. You are the only thing that keeps me moving, you and Legolas. Our son has grown to be an honorable elf. I have sent him to Elrond in my stead to go on an adventure. He is with the young man Aragorn, the grey wizard, four halflings, a dwarf, and another man.
I can only hope that this finds you alive and well. When ever you return to me, wear my gift and I will know you still care for me.
Please, for your son's sake, return to me.
I will remain here waiting for you until my dying day.
I remain yours,
Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm
I sucked a deep breath. Thranduil still wanted me. I smiled and looked around, it would be an easy clean up and a quick fix to find Legolas. But first stop Rivendale. I quickly dismantled my tent and cleaned my area. I saddled Mithrenele and mounted.
"Take me to Rivendale." I commanded. Mithrenele pranced and then took off.
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