Chapter 2- History Part 2
"Never be the same." I repeated. He nodded and watched my eyes fill with different emotions. He laced his fingers through mine and tilted my head to look into his eyes.
"No matter what, Alavara, you are always welcome in my kingdom. No matter what is chasing you, or what is haunting you, you will always find refuge in my home." He searched my eyes again and I nodded.
"Even though I am not fully elvish?"
"You are every bit elvish, minus your blood line. Your ears have even morphed and if you did not see your transformation, you could never guess you were not a pure bred elf." He grinned.
"I guess." I shrugged and he tilted my face.
"My Lady, you were a lovely human, and you are an even lovelier elf." His eyes shown with something. I could not place it. Compassion maybe?
I twisted my ring on my finger nervously. "Stop." He commanded. "You are making me nervous as well when you do that." I stilled my fingers. "Please continue with your tour." He motioned in front of us.
I sighed and plastered a small smirk to my face. "After my father finished going to battle, my mother placed me on her knee and reminded me of how you rescued our town. How you as a young elven prince, had kissed my head and promised to return at some point. I had been a mere baby at the time. But every time father would return, I was retold the story." I smiled sadly. "We lost many on that day."
"Yes." He glided along next to me. "We both did."
I looked away as a tear slipped down my fragile features. My uncle had been killed and my oldest brother slain trying to protect my father.
We stopped in front of his apartments. "It is not much, as we are fairly poor. But it is the best we can offer." I pushed the doors to the king's apartments open.
Inside was a large crystal chandelier. Under it lay a silken rug and an ornate table for your weaponry. A crystal water set was on the set of drawers and a large ceiling to floor mirror in the corner.
In the next apartment was a lounge with a cream colored sofa and a roaring fire. A bookshelf lined the entire room and it was filled to the brim with books.
The next one over from that was the master bedroom. A large bed lay in on a raised dais and a curtain the color of cow's milk hung around it. Another silken rug lay beside the bed. A large closet was in the corner and a restroom was near there.
Thranduil followed me from room to room until we stopped at the bed room. "This is not just a poor man's suit. This is a suit fit for a king!" He gently lay his hand on the bed.
"It is titled the King's suit after all." I shrugged and walked to the closet.
"Alavara." Thranduil followed me. I turned and looked at him.
"Are you alright?"
"No." A tear slipped down my cheek. "The tales of the past bring back pain and hurt."
"Oh my lady." He slid his arms around my waist and comforted me. "It will only get harder. I am sorry, but you will watch your mother and father pass and you will be left alone."
I snuggled into him. "I know. It doesn't stop it from hurting."
"I know. I know." He soothed. "Come away with me." He pulled away and looked into my eyes. "Come with me. Come to Mirkwood, the Woodland realm."
"Thranduil." I stammered. "I can't leave my parents like that."
"I understand." He looked down at me. His icy exterior returning. "I will see you in the morning."
I walked from the room. "Thranduil, it is not that I don't want to be with you, it is I can not leave my parents in this way."
He looked to me. "Someday I hope you change your mind."
"I do too." I whispered before I fled the room and ran to my apartments.
Tears slipped down my face unchecked and I ran to my room. My newfound grace and agility made it difficult to jump onto my bed swiftly.
I laid down with my hair fanned out around me. My breathing steadied and I heard the Lady Galadriel's voice inside my head.
Life is full of trials my child. Most don't gain their courage to face the unknown. Many fall.
I looked to my ceiling. I wish I had the courage to leave with Thranduil.
Why do you hesitate, Alavara?
Because, what happens if I am found. Thranduil will lose his family because of me.
No he won't. And if you are found, Thranduil will care for you. He already cares deeply for you.
How do you know?
I can see it in his eyes. He is shy and unaware of your hesitations. He will train you for a month then he will leave and you will be left alone.
Will I ever see him again, if I do not return with him?
I can only tell you this of both of your futures. You will flee to the Mountains. He will go home broken hearted and marry the one his father has chosen for him. You will return only to find him a changed man.
I do not wish that to pass.
The only way around this future is if you choose Thranduil.
I can not leave my Father. He is ailing. My mother is ready to pass. I would not be surprised if she did by tomorrow.
Alavara, you are to be with him. I know it. While I may not have the gift of foresight I have heard your future from Lord Elrond.
I-I can't.
You must.
I let my eyes drift shut as the tears slid down my cheeks. He would love another. I would return. In the end we are together. The lady did not speak of how, when, or who, but she had made herself clear. Thranduil and I would become one eventually.
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