Chapter 15-Unexpected friends
As the days continued I grew stronger, and finally the day came when I could stand. Thranduil watched me as if I were a fawn taking her first steps. I wobbled a bit, but was able to walk for a bit of time.
I stood with my long hair blowing in the gentle breeze as a small bird flew by. Inhaling, I looked at the beautiful lands in front of me. The lands I saw were Thranduil's. All of it was his. And all that was his was mine. Or so he claimed.
I was doubtful, but he would not be swayed. I sighed and turned to look at the luxurious apartment in front of me. The crystals gleamed and I smiled. He had ensured that the lovely apartments had been to my liking. My entire wardrobe was moved into his stunning rooms and it finally looked like home.
I twirled the sparkling ring on my finger. Thranduil's long lanky fingers thread through my hair as he pulled me up against his chest.
"Good morning, my love." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I twirled and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Good morning." I kissed his nose. "What do you have planned today?" I poked his chest.
"I have a meeting and a mountain of documents to go through." He smirked as I made a face. "Would you like to help?" He asked.
I shook my head. "I have been inside for weeks. I want to go out!" I spun away from him and he laughed following me.
"My darling, your son has been asking for you." He captured me once more under his chin and held me tightly.
"I should go to him." I smiled up at my handsome fiance. "Should I not?"
"My precious love, you should go to the gardens." He touched my rounded cheek. "He is waiting."
I gave him a kiss, and quickly ran to my dressing room. I pulled on a royal blue gown and slippers and walked out. Thranduil was still sitting in our room and he blew me a kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you more." I smiled at him and swiftly walked to the gardens.
As I walked through the double doors and out into the luxurious gardens, I spotted my blonde haired boy. I walked over to him quietly.
"Emig, I can hear you." He smiled at me and turned.
"Legolas!" I chided. "Can a mother not sneak up on her son?"
"Nope." He grinned and strung his bow once more. He breathed in, and let the breath out, releasing the arrow. It flew from its place and spiraled through the air, landing with a soft 'thump' into the dead center of the target.
"Beautiful Legolas." I sat on the stone near him. "Lovely." I patted the seat next to me. "Come my child. Sit."
He smiled and sat next to me gently. "Yes Emig."
I ran my long fingers through his blonde hair. "My son," I smiled and kissed his temple. "You have grown." He ducked his head. "And yet, you have not found a love?"
His brows furrowed. "Emig, you and father did not find each other till he was older."
"Yes yes, I know." I smirked at the blushing boy. "But my child, you surely have found someone who has caught your eye?"
"No Emig. I have not." He hung his head. "There was one woman. But she fell in love with a dwarf." He sighed. "I will never love again, I fear."
I grasped his chin gently and raised his face to meet my gaze. "My son, do not lose hope. Your father felt the same way when your mother passed away. But he has found love once more." I smiled and kissed his hand. He closed his eyes and then opened them to look into my eyes. "Cin will rad- er. Cin will mel once more mui réd, a cin will know ir cin see hen. Cin will know." (You will find one. You will love once more my son, and you will know when you see her. You will know.)
"Emig. You will not be disappointed." He smiled and looked away. "Im ber." (I promise)
I stood. "Good, now continue."
"Thank you." He caught my hand and smiled his cute little smile. "Thank you."
"You are welcome." I smiled and walked away. I swept through the garden and into the Throne room.
"My what a surprise." I heard Thranduil's deep voice echo through the hall. I smiled and walked into the room.
I rounded the corner and came to the sight of a small hobbit, kneeling before the King's throne. I swept passed him and up the stairs to my throne.
"My dear." He kissed my cheek.
"Hello." I smiled at the shaken hobbit. "Who might you be?"
"I-I- am Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins. From Bag end." He looked at the two of us.
"Rise Sir Bilbo." Thranduil smiled. "You aided me greatly in the wars and now you are my guest."
"Thank you your majesty."
"Adla." He motioned for a servant. "Please, take Mr. Baggins to his rooms."
She curtsied and ushered the stuttering hobbit to his rooms.
I looked to Thranduil. "What?" He shrugged. "He was a friend of mine."
"Of course my darling." I smirked and looked away.
"I love you."
"And I love you."
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