Chapter 13-Long days
Song for the Chapter- Beast by Mia Martina ft, Waka Flocka
Thranduil groaned as he rolled over, his arm slipping around my waist. I stared at the wall. My blonde hair was wrapped around my fingers. I slid out of his grasp and slipped a robe on. I walked to the balcony.
A gentle breeze lifted my eyelashes to the rising sun. My sparkling ring and my shimmering necklace reminded me I was taken. A warm glow surrounded me and a shining lady stood before me.
"My lady." I knelt.
"Rise my child." She tipped my chin. I looked her in the eyes. "You are content?"
"Yes, my lady." I nodded. A small smile played on my features.
"I have come to tell you news. Your son, Legolas Greenleaf, has befallen horrors. He is in grave danger and you must go to him." Her face was grave and I felt a hand touch my back. "My lord." She lowered her head.
"My lady." Thranduil nodded. "What news?"
"Your son is in danger." She walked beside us.
"I must go to him." I insisted.
Thranduil nodded. "I will see to it."
"You must be careful, and you must do this together. Your son needs you both." The lady's features were tense. "Respen must be gone and you my king, must take your queen to your prince."
"Of course."
With those words the shining one left. I turned to Thranduil. "What do we do? Where do we even begin?"
"I know where he is." Thranduil's hardened features looked out to the mountain, "He went to the place I told him never to go. He went to the place where his mother died. He was captured and now he has been taken to the pits of hell on earth."
I gasped and my face turned white. In all my years of leading battles, I had never ventured to Minas Morgul. The heart of all evil.
"No." A tear slid down my cheek. "NO!" I screamed falling to my knees. Thranduil picked me up and carried me to our quarters. After calming me, he dressed and I in turn got ready.
We walked down to the throne room. "Prepare our horses. Get the army ready." Thranduil yelled.
I pulled my sharpened knives from the armory and placed them in their trusty spots.
"I am sorry Respen, but you must leave." Thranduil consoled his brother.
"I understand." He smiled sadly and the brothers hugged. The elder left and I walked to Thranduil.
"All will be returned to the way it was." I rubbed his hand.
"I know, I just don't understand why I must be the person to bear it all the time."
"You are not alone." I touched his cheek. "I am not leaving."
"I should not be letting you come." He grasped my hand.
"You could never make me stay away from our son." I pulled my hood up and over my head. I tied my mask on and he smiled.
Our horses were brought to us and we mounted. "We will return." Thranduil shouted. The guards saluted and we galloped away followed by our troops. "Send word to Lord Aragorn, the devil had crept out of his hole again."
Days passed slowly as we surged towards the pit of hell. Thranduil grew more and more distant as we neared. I understood and removed myself from his worries. I underwent my normal drills with the soldiers and Thranduil was left with the dealings of state.
We were red lining it to the heart or Minas Morgul.
"I thought the goodness had been restored." I asked Thranduil.
"You thought correctly. I was under the same thought." He looked to the mountain.
We kept riding and reached the mountain sooner then we thought. The elven guard that surrounded us halted and a blonde haired figure was brought out to us.
"King Thranduil." The slimy scum in front of us wobbly bowed. He motioned to our struggling, dirty and scarred son. "I assume you came for this." He smiled slightly.
"Yes." Thranduil leveled his gaze to Legolas's eyes. Aragorn's army marched in behind us. The skiddish, ragged demonic army in front of our eyes twittered with worry. "You will return the prince to me and I will let you go in peace." His eye brows raised. "If you refuse, I will have no choice but to get my son."
The wraith's black garments, tattered and worn, shifted as he made his decision. He whipped his neck up and a guard pushed Legolas towards us. He stumbled and I caught him in my arms. He coughed and sputtered.
"Emig." He whispered and strained to reach my cheek. He placed a gentle kiss on my cheek and passed out.
"Legolas." I whispered. Thranduil stood guard over our little family. "No!" I rose and a guard took Legolas from my arms. In one swift, fluid motion I removed my sword and sliced the vile thing in front of us in half.
"Alavara!" Thranduil yelled. I was on a path and was unfazed. The remaining orc army looked at me.
"YOU HAVE NO PLACE HERE!" I screamed. I could feel power surging through my veins. Lady Galadriel had warned me that this could happen. She had warned me of what I was capable of. A darkness and a light mixed together and came screaming out of me. "GO BACK TO HELL FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!" A flash of light erupted from my body and I blacked out. What had I done?
"ALAVARA!" A familiar voice screamed my name.
Thranduil. I sleepily thought. He will rescue me. He will take care of me. I could feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me and lovingly hold me.
"We must go!" He yelled.
"Don't leave me, my love, do not go."
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