A new start/Ch.1
Taeyong's P.O.V-
I'm getting dropped off at my new school, I look out the window. I wonder how this will be since my last school didn't turn out so well halfway.. Anyways enough about my old school, this is a fresh new start for me.
I look at my luggage's which contained all of my belongings since we'll be living there till we graduate, I hope I get a good roommate.
As the car approaches the academy, I'm shocked at how enormous the academy is. And how it looks as well, it's so royally yet like an old church in a way. How I scored this top-notch school, is beyond me. I gotta make a good first impression on everyone. But I'm getting nervous as I'm looking at the school, it's usual though..right?
I hastily step out with luggage's and take a deep breath in and with a smile on my face I head towards the entrance, to the front office lady and she asks me for my name and school number to which I gave. "Welcome dear, here's your paper with your schedule of all your classes, clubs you can join, etc. Also here's another paper of the directions for this whole academy so you won't get lost" She explained to me and I thank her. I walk out of the room and look down at my sheet and oh wow that's a lot of classes, did they forget we have to sleep? And a break now and then but then again look at this school, I can't slack off.
Oh look the dormitory, definitely gotta go there. I'm looking down at the map whilst also looking up and I go up some stairs until I'm right in front of the dorms. Alrighty, this is it! I open the door only to be left confused and a bit discontented. We're ALL sleeping together?
There are rows of bunk beds next to each other and small cabinets by them. 12 bunk beds in total, are they all the same for the other students or levels? I look down at my paper and find my number for my bed so I go to mines, oh wait but who's who? I'll just wait until the person comes, in the meantime, I'll put my stuff under the bed. Now, I'm pretty sure it's almost class time so I look at my first class and the number and head there.
There are 3 people already in class, wow I sit in my assigned spot and wait for the rest of the students to pour in along with the teacher. And once they do they all sat on their seat while they stared at me, some whispered to each other gossiping. Though some of those stares were weird..off..Thankfully that was for a minute and they all stared in front then the teachers came in and the first class started.
As my first class ended I headed straight to my second one with a bit of a struggle. I get to the door and inhale preparing myself for the expected looks towards me, I open the door and the looks were as expected there. I look around and a classmate is smirking at me, I see a student at the far back with their head on their arms most likely sleeping how can you sleep? I go to the seat in the back that's in the middle of the student that's sleeping and another classmate paying no mind as I do I hear chatter
"Who's this?"
"A new student"
"A normie??"
"A mortal?!"
"Oh a regular?.."
"A human?!?"
What are you guys talking about-
They're just different, quirky...yes, I try to ignore those comments and as I was going to sit in my seat I see the other student right by my seat take a glance at me and gave a small grin before looking ahead. Okay but something in the way how he looked at me was...
My thought was interrupted when the teacher came in, "oh the new one! You must be Lee Taeyong, correct?" He spoke "Yes sir" "and you arrrrrree sitting on the correct chair actually, great!" He looked away from the paper and smiled clasping his hands together then began the lesson.
Second class ended and I was already heading towards the door I got called out. I looked at the person and it was the person who was smirking at me.
"Hey! How's your first day going?" He asked me "oh well it's been going smoothly, thanks for wondering!" I tell him smiling "I don't mean to be intrusive well I do cause I'm a nosy person but what are your classes?" He asked "oh that's fine, here" I handed him my paper and he scanned it all "ooh! We have the same classes for the rest of them except for 1st class" He said giddy walking out the class with me following behind
"Here" he hands me back my paper and as I do I look down and he's wearing a skirt?? "You're wearing a skirt..." I tell him shocked but a bit nervously "Yeah?" He answers back looking at me unfazed "Wait, you can wear skirts!?" My eyes widen, I would have thought they had a problem with it especially since it shows skin. "Yeah! You'll see other students wear them. I'm assuming from that, I'll see you in a skirt soon?" He says "Actually tomorrow you will" I say "Yay! We'll be matching!" He cheers "Oh crap, I haven't told you my name! That was out of character of me, my apologies my names Haechan, Lee haechan also go by donghyuck too" He told me
"That's a pretty cute name" "Thanks, likewise" He complimented me back and I thanked him as well
"So feel free to ask me about anything or anyone. Most likely I'll know" he told me afterwards opening the door to our next class
A/N: Hello, I made a playlist for this fic that goes with it. If it doesn't work, search up Light/Dark Academia Yutae NCT
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