< Part 3 Notes >
Part three! Here we go.
They have escaped the Mazes, escaped the Waystation and escaped the cranks. But have they escaped WICKED? And at what cost?
Teresa wants to go back...her heart is broken by a boy, and her jealousy of Jina is at an all time high. With her memories trickling in, will she compromise their escape? And she's claiming to have saved Jina's life... Why?
Jina is struggling with what Teresa implied about saving her life and her fuzzy memories about what actually went down before the maze. A few things she knows for sure: Minho is her brother, she loves Thomas, Aris is one of the most important people in her life, she hates WICKED, and she will destroy them and live for the lost.
Thomas has made it clear where he stands. He loves Jina. He wants as far away from WICKED as possible. He wants to save his friends. But...at what cost?
Jina and Thomas have finally had a chance to reconnect and realize they both still have very strong bonds, emotionally and physically- despite the memory loss. (Was it fast? Probably... But...what if?)
They almost made it to the warehouse. What happens now?
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We're going through the rest of the scorch and into the Death Cure. It will be a mix of both the book and movie.
Many twists and turns in this section...
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SAVE YOUR HATE. KEEP IT UNDER WRAPS. I don't mind not liking a character, but the raging death threats, and over the top hate and insults and excessive swearing of characters (ANY character - or readers) are not cool and I will delete them. There is no room for hate on my page or in my books. Even if it's towards a fictional character.
End. Of. Story.
< • >
No new original characters. We have met David- he's from the OG Dashner Book, but I've made his roll bigger. We've met Tim from Survalence. And Doctor Diana Crawford.
This section we re-met Brenda and Jorge. But no new- new characters. Our Main OC's get some revamped boards for this section, because they are growing and changing with the story. And gives hints and vibes about that the section will entail.
Subject B3: The Elite
Subject A2: To be Killed
Subject A7: The Leader
Subject A5: The Glue
Subject A1: The Betrayer
Subject B2: The Partner
Subject B5: The Optimist
Subject B : The Commander
WICKED Defector- Lab Tech
The Rebel
WICKED Defector- Motor Vehicle
Transport Expert
Right Arm Rebel Leader
Subject A9: The Skeptic
Subject B6: The Loayal
Subject A8: The Guardian
Captain David
WICKED Guard Captain/ Right Arm Rebel Leader
< • >
> Ava Paige: Chancellor of WICKED
> Janson: WICKED Director
> Doctor Diana Crawford: WICKED Doctor
> Tim: WICKED Guard in Surveillance
> Jill: Maze B girl- Lead Healer
> Hannah: Maze B girl- Lead Butcher
> Thea: Maze B girl- Lead Farmer/Gardener
> Tavia: Lead Odd Jobs/ Ducks
> Yelena: Lead Builder
> Taylor: Mapper
> Flo: Assistant Cook
< • >
> Blood
> Violence
> Death
> Torture
> Manipulation
> Abuse
> Bad words
> Mental Health/ PTSD
> Trauma Train
> Boy Drama
> Mentions of self harm/ suicide
> Shmexy spicy kissy scenes NO SMUT
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