< General Notes & Part 1 Notes >
Jina has grown up inside WICKED's research facility. And for four years has been working in the research department under a few select doctors. Always behind the screens and computers, and only ever allowed to watch; only allowed to interact with a few select kids, the top candidates. And never with the other subjects and never ever with her brother.
One boy she works closely with has always been kind and understanding. One of the few people she could trust- they both wanted to take down the corrupt company together. But when things go south, can she truly trust anyone?
< • >
Now 6 months into her new home inside the Glenn, she's adjusted to living a dangerous life. After a wild and chaotic bloody night she finds herself and two others rescued by a group of people in black. They are taken to some kind of Waystation where she meets a handful of other kids who seem just as suspicious as her and her best friend.
Can her heart handle the ups and downs? What about as memories start to trickle in, especially when Jina realizes what she's done and who she truly is. Can her conscious handle the gravity of what she did? Can she forgive herself? Can they forgive her?
Welcome my Greenies and Blondies. Back again for a short little Fanfic about the good ol' Maze. 'Case we can't get enough.
This won't be a long three book series, but rather a one book story. Broken into PARTS. I've never done a Thomas FF. He's not my favorite - but since I love you all... here ya go.
A little WICKED fever code, a little Maze B and a little Scorch and Death Cure. If you haven't guessed, It's a Thomas end game- clearly. Now for this book I need to have a disclaimer:
*Disclaimer* I love Teresa. I think she's a wonderful complex character in the OG books. You can see how she's a manipulated, brainwashed CHILD, and doing what she thinks is right as her friends are threatened. Just as Thomas does what he thinks is right, so does she. Anyways! In every one of my books except 1 (though she has valid reasons and has a redemption arch) Teresa is never the bad guy, always the grown adults in power who are the bad guys; Ava Paige and Director Janson are the bad guys- never the used and abused, CHILDREN. This one... she's a bit more complex - still a teen girl who likes a boy (and you will see Jina's manipulation so we can also assume they are manipulating Teresa as well.) Now...this book may give you a sour taste in your mouth with her character, she is a little more...aggressive in her unkindness.
SO SAVE YOUR HATE. I don't mind not liking a character, but the raging death threats, and over the top hate and insults of said character (or ANY character - or readers) are never cool and I will delete them. There is no room for hate on my page or in my books. Even if it's towards a fictional character.
Now with that disclaimer out of the way- here's a WattMama rant: I've never been one to write a big mushy gushy love triangle story. But there might be elements of cringy teen love drama and competition (but remember they are manipulated by WICKED. You are not) but I'd like to steer clear of that...
'Cause girls- you don't need a man, (in this case a 15/16 year old boy) while it's nice to have. Boys don't make up your identity and who you are. Book boys are fun and all... But that's just it- they are fictional and in books... Most of y'all are young and boys are stupid dumb and not working with a fully formed brain, so there is no need to be dating. Period. End of story. Even if "all my friends"...have you seen the dumb stuff a 15 yr old boy does and says? Wait until they mature a little more. Trust me. Trust your WattMama. 🖤
Part one takes place inside the WICKED compound. During the Fever Code, for those who have read the books. For those who have just watched the movie- it's the prequel...the prologue... to The Maze Runner. It's the building of the maze and the prep for the Trials.
> Blood
> Violence
> Death
> Torture
> Manipulation
> Abuse
> Bad words
> Mental Health/ PTSD
> Boy Drama
> Shmexy spicy kissy scenes NO SMUT
< Music with The Elite Vibes >
> Half Light by Banners
> What I've Done by Linkin Park
> Stargazing by Myles Smith
> Mad Woman by Taylor Swift
> Shadow by Livingston
> Look What you Made Me Do by Taylor Swift
> Heathens by Twenty One Pilots
> Sign of the Times by Harry Styles
> Darkside by Neoni
< • >
Subject: B3: The Elite
(Korean meaning: Pretty & Smart. Pronounced as: g-IN-AH )
Subject A2: To Be Killed
Subject B1: The Partner
Subject A1: The Betrayer
Subject B2: The Expendable
< Other Characters in PART One >
> Minho: Subject A7 The Leader
> Newt: Subject A5: The Glue
>Alby: A4: The Protector
>Sonya: Subject B5: The Optimist
> Gally: Subject A9: The Skeptic
> Harriet: Subject A4: The Commander
> Ava Paige: WICKED Doctor
> Randell: WICKED Director
> Doctor Leavitt: WICKED Top Doctor
> Chancellor Anderson: WICKED Chancellor
> Mary: WICKED Doctor
> Ramirez: WICKED Guard Captain
> Janson: WICKED Director
> Jorge: WICKED Berg Pilot
> Brenda: WICKED Lab Technician
< • >
> PART ONE: Defiance
Chapters 1- 17
> PART TWO: Escape
Chapters 18 - 39
> PART THREE: Revolution
Chapter 39 - ?
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