Chapter 9: Over Worked
Jina was worked hard, she was kept busy for the next forty eight hours. Ava Paige had taken over for Anderson. No one disputed her power, or maybe no one had the guts to dispute her power- seeing what she was willing to do to gain it. Her entire demeanor changed over night as well. When she was Doctor Paige she was kind and actually pleasant to be around; Jina wasn't overly scared to speak her opinion, with in boundaries, of course. She had an uncomfortable vibe, like she was hiding part of a secret but now, as Chancellor Paige, her answers were short and snappy, she was demanding, and sharp. Jina learned by the end of the first day, when she was with the Chancellor to keep her mouth shut. Jina kept her head down and did her work.
Maze B was ready and the first group of girls were going into the Maze tomorrow. All Jina wanted to do was to go see Sonya and Harriet. She wanted to go say a proper good bye. She was going to miss those girls so much.
The Chancellor had her running back and forth between the doctors, Psyches, Overseers and anyone else she needed all day, from the moment she showed up for work, and she was still going. With a tired sigh, Jina straightened her lab coat and knocked on the door. She ran a hand though her hair again, her neat twist at the base of her neck was starting to fall out, and her feet were killing her. She hadn't seen Aris and Rachel, never mind the chance to see Thomas. Yesterday, by the time she got back to her room, she had a full new folder to read through- another new maze was being launched. Maze F. She had fallen asleep with papers scattered around her and still in work clothes. She only woken up when Thomas knocked on the door and she was so distressed he helped her clean up the papers and then made her go to bed.
She was irritated now, already have had missed supper because she was working in the control room setting up for Maze C's candidates. Now Chancellor Paige had sent her to drop off some thick folder to the new Director, Janson.
There was no answer so she knocked again, louder this time. This time she heard chairs scrapping. The door swung open and someone crashed into her, sending papers all over the place and her crashing to the floor.
"Are you finchin' kidding me?" She cried in frustration, "Watch where your going, crackface!" She snapped before she realized it could have been a higher up worker. She froze, feeling the blood drain from her face.
"Careful yourself shuckface. Maybe it's you who's gotta watch where your going- you walked into me."
Jina gasped looking up at the boy who knocked into her. "Minho?"
"Wait...Jina?" He backed up at step and looked down at her. His eyes went wide and then narrowed and his face hardened. "What happened?"
She forgot about all the bruising on her face. She had two big black eyes from her broken nose- WICKED had some great fancy medical equipment, and the swelling had gone down and the bone had been fused back together, it was all just black and blue and purple. She also had a nasty hand mark still on her neck along with scratches from Leavitt's nails. She was also disheveled from hardly sleeping for almost four straight days.
"Work." She said, her answer was short and curt.
She heard him growl. He folded his arms and glared down at her. Jina rolled her eyes and got up onto her knees and started grabbing papers and shoving them back into the folder. Minho knelt down and started helping.
"Explain." He hissed.
"I had some run ins with some cranks. I'm fine. I was with Thomas, Aris Teresa and Rachel."
"Ha. 'Fine' my shucken ass, Jina."
"I'm a big girl Minho. I've learned to take care of my self."
"What Minho?" She sighed, she was exhausted, and all her brother was doing was trying to pick fights, she glanced up at him, all her fight left her and she sagged, still on her knees. She could see a storm of emotions brewing in his eyes.
"I'm just... worried about you..." He leaned forwards to hand her a paper and whispered, "they're using you. They're brainwashing you! Turning you into one of them! Can't you see that?"
"I'm not being brain washed. I'm-"
"Jina?" Came a rather nasally voice from inside the office. "what's taking so long?"
"Sorry Sir. Bit of an accident... papers everywhere, I'm coming Sir." She called. She looked back at Minho and hissed through her clenched teeth, "You need to trust me, Minho."
She jammed the rest of the paper haphazardly into the folder and got up. "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon in class."
She pushed passed him and closed the door. She saw him standing stiff, every muscle coiled and ready to spring into action. He opened his mouth to say something but she closed the door sharply. She had seen the anger and mistrust, but there was no way she could tell him anything- not the real facts and especially not with Janson right there. She turned towards the big desk by the window.
"Sorry Sir, the papers got out of order." She apologized and handed the messy folder over.
He was a thin man, with a long thin nose that ended with a rather sharp point. His salt and pepper hair was brushed to the side. His eyes were dark and intelligent, but Jina knew he was a sharp and cunning man. Randell was harsh but he had been easy to read. This man seemed the opposite; calculating and cunning.
"No need to apologize, accidents happen. He was rather upset on his way out, so I understand his carelessness." He waved his hand. And tossed the messy folder onto the desk, not even bothering to look at it.
"Oh..." Jina said and she glanced at the closed door, wondering what happened in the meeting could have made Minho angry.
"Oh nothing to worry about my dear. I'm new to this position, and I'm just going through each subject, a quick fifteen minute meet and greet. Going through records and such. And I see in yours," he tapped his finger on a brown envelope with her name on it, "that, that subject A7 is your brother."
Jina jerked her head around to look at the man behind the desk. Randell had made a big deal about not bringing that up, and even tortured her when she did. She didn't know what game this Janson was playing.
"Yes, yes, I know he's your brother. I also know you were five and he was seven when your parents brought you here rang our doorbell and left. I know he used to sneak out of the boys dorm to come see you in the girls dorm. I also know he tried to plan an escape to try and get you out, and you tried to stop that rather ... Beg my boldness- sloppy attempt at running away." He placed the tips of his fingers together and leaned back in his chair. "I've seen the records."
She wasn't sure how honest she could be, how much she could push the boundaries with Janson yet. So she was careful with her next words. "I was ... taught...not to bring up family ties. WICKED...frowned upon...emotional obstacles as we work to find a cure." Jina said slowly, and carefully.
Janson watched her over the tips of his fingers. "Hmm. That was the old Chancellor and Director's rules. You are integrated into their schedules now are you not? Do you not see him regularly?"
"I'm back and forth between Maze A and B, mainly. Sometimes though, I'm with C, D and E. And I also assist Doctor Pa- no, sorry. Chancellor Paige. My free time is limited, sir."
"Ahh, so Chancellor Page has you in on the others. How has that been?"
"Slow." She said honestly. "The others aren't as... well equipped and aren't nearly close to being ready to go. Especially the candidates... And I was just handed a file the other night for Maze F. Maze B is going up tomorrow morning. And A is slotted for next month."
"Oh...oh dear." Janson said sadly, she could see his frown deepen and his eyebrows pulled together as he looked at Jina. "Did they not tell you?"
She felt a sudden anxiousness and worry in the pit of her stomach. "T-tell me what?" Jina stammered, her mouth had gone dry. She knew something terrible was about to happen.
"Oh dear, they didn't, did they? I guess," he sighed heavily. "It's left to me." He sighed heavily again through his long nose and shifted, sitting forward, his elbows on the desk. He looked at her like he held the weight of the world on his shoulders. "They changed the dates. Maze A is going up tomorrow morning. Maze B went up this morning."
"Wait...what?" Jina asked, she felt like the floor shifted under her feet. Her world stopped spinning and all the air was sucked out of the room. Her head was spinning.
"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news."
"Sonya...Harriet..? They went i-into the maze this...this morning?" Jina finally managed to choke out. "They're... gone?"
"I'm afraid so."
"That...that can't be right."
"I have no reason to lie to you, my dear. If you don't believe me, go see for yourself. I believe they are in the control room."
Jina was frozen to the spot. Her hands and feet had gone cold and numb. Her legs felt like led, a huge tight knot of anger formed in her chest. She spun on her heel and ran down the hall, she punched the elevator button a few times, impatiently waiting for it to open. Inside the elevator she had to place her hands on her knees and breath heavily through her mouth. She felt physically ill. She couldn't stop shaking and her breathing started becoming heavy and shallow.
She squeezed through the elevator doors before they were even fully open and ran down the hall, skidding around a corner she just about slammed into a guard. She pushed passed him and into Maze B surveillance room.
"What the actual hell?!" Jina yelled.
Sitting at the desk of computers was Aris, Rachel, a few other doctors and Psyches and standing behind them, her back stiff and straight was Chancellor Paige. All the heads turned in her direction.
"How did you meeting with Director Janson go?" Chancellor Paige asked, completely ignoring her anger and the fact she didn't tell Jina about this major date change.
"Why didn't you tell me you changed the insertion date? Why didn't you let me help?! Or let me say good bye?!" Jina cried. She was so angry and hurt she was shaking, and the tears in her eyes burnt.
"Plans changed. Aris and Rachel did splendid and can fill you in later."
"But...they were my friends!" Jina cried, she didn't even care that she was sounding rather whinny.
"You were busy with other projects that needed your attention." Ava's voice was calm and controlled, but low and dangerous. "Be reminded of your place Jina. And who are you talking to."
Jina's hands shook with anger, she squeezed them tightly into fists. She took a deep breath and tried again.
"I've worked on this project just as long and hard as they did. Changing the dates without telling me was not fair. I think my work and dedication to this company and its core beliefs proves that I believe in what we are doing. I would...hope in the future- if there are any major changes that could affect my work...would you please let me know?"
Ava regarded her with cold eyes for the first time. She had always been warm and kind, and now she was a completely different person. Jina suppressed the urge to shiver. The entire room had gone silent watching the interaction.
Chancellor Paige finally gave a curt nod. "Maze A is slotted to be inserted in the maze tomorrow. You may come assist Thomas and Teresa in prepping the subjects."
"Thank you Chancellor." Jina said with a nod.
She walked over and slid into the chair beside Aris and laid her head on his should.
"I'm sorry Ji!" He muttered quietly so no one else could hear. "They shut off my connection. Rachel too! We couldn't contact you or anyone, not even each other. I don't know why!"
"It's not your fault Aris." She whispered back, trying to control the tears that were forming.
"Have you talked to Thomas at all today?"
"No. She had me practically running laps of the finchen' facility the last few days. I'm exhausted."
"Well...the girls said to say buy. And don't work too hard." Rachel said sadly. She had reached across Aris and held Jina's hand. "You can see them..."
Aris pointed to the screen. Jina searched the video feeds of the girls. They were all laying on the grass. Sound asleep. They looked peaceful.
"They aren't dead, are they?" Jina asked suddenly feeling the anxiety knot in her chest tighten.
"No. Just asleep." Rachel said leaning around Aris. She had cut her hair short again. "They went for their last medical check up this morning and then the Designers gave them something to sleep and whatever, and they will wake up tomorrow morning, once the drugs leave their system."
"Oh...okay. Well...I have some things to do I guess for tomorrow's insertion of the guys. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye Ji." Rachel smiled at her.
"Night Jin." Aris called, "I'm gonna hit the hay soon, too, not much to watch."
"Night Rach, night Aris. Don't stay up late."
"Wouldn't dream of it!"
Jina left the surveillance room. Walking down the hall, she had a plan already forming in her mind. She tried calling to Thomas in her mind, but she felt empty and cold. She frowned. This wasn't normal, something was wrong and she couldn't put her finger on it.
She picked up her pace and went to Thomas's room. She knocked quietly on the door. There was shuffling and then the door opened.
"Jina!" He cried. "Where have you been, I have been trying to get you all day! I don't know what's going on or maybe there's something wrong with those implants! Maybe mine broke.. Shuck! You think maybe the Purge and the cranks had something to do with it and-"
Jina placed a hand over his mouth. He got really chatty when he was worried and anxious. It was cute. He stopped talking and his eyes lost the panicked worried look and softened. She gave his chest a little push. He stepped back into the room and Jina closed the door behind her. He raised an eyebrow at her. She removed her hand from his mouth.
"It's been a long few days, I'm sorry Tommy. Ava has me running around like a chicken without a head. But now...I understand." She blinked a few times trying to keep the tears at bay.
"What?" He asked, "what's wrong?" He gently tugged her and they sat down on his bed. He took her hand in both his and looked at her, waiting.
For the first time, she told him everything. She looked up into his big open and honest eyes. She knew right then she could trust this boy. He was loyal and respectful, he had saved her life more than once that awful Purge night. She made the decision to throw caution to the wind and trust him with all her secrets.
She spilt everything to Thomas. She didn't hold any secrets back. She told him about the other mazes she had been working with, and the information she had slowly gathered, she told him about her suspensions of Ava Paige and Director Janson and how it seemed too easy of a take over of power. She told him about how Teresa had started acting towards her and her suspensions of Teresa being in on it- even though he got slightly defensive of her, she told him her opinions and views. Jina told him what happened with Minho this evening and the time changes of the maze and then what went down in the surveillance room.
"Holly shuck Jina!" Was all he said. He looked at her with his mouth slightly open and his eyes full of that mix of worry and care and concern and anger.
She let out a long exhale, as her body slowly slumped- like she had been holding her breath for way to long. And then collapsed forwards, her forehead gingerly pressed into his chest. A sob from deep inside her chest worked its way up and came out. And once it did she couldn't make it stop. She hadn't cried over the purge. She had been numb, but now- talking about it, explaining how she felt maybe Teresa was working with Ava Paige and setting them up to be tested in their killzones. She let everything out in body shacking, heart wrenching ugly sobs.
At first Thomas didn't know what to do. But he didn't pull way. After the shock of what she word vomited out sunk in, he encircled his arms around her and pulled her closer. He held her tight as her body shock and shuddered with sobs. He held her head gently and rubbed her back. He didn't say anything for a long time. Jina's sobs slowly died down to hick ups and sniffles. And when she was finally quiet she just enjoyed his physical comfort.
She didn't want to move. She wanted to stay snuggled beside him forever. Her body was absolutely exhausted. Her emotions were stretched too thin and her nerves were ready to snap. She closed her eyes and stayed there. She was feeling herself being pulled into sleep when Thomas spoke and she jerked awake.
" don't gotta do it all on your own. I've already agreed to join your hunt for the truth and answers and gathering info. I'm not as sneaky as you are...but I did meet a Berg pilot yesterday."
Jina slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. Thomas looked so excited to share this news he was really cute when he was excited. She nodded for him to continue.
"I was waiting outside Janson's office and got talking to a dude who was waiting to meet with him too. So he's a burg pilot, right? Been working for them for a while, and he says he has a niece here too. I ask who, 'cause ya never know. He says she's a Lab Tech. Name is Brenda. Do ya think it's the same Brenda you met? 'Cause those three could be vital contacts!"
"Thomas!" Jina exclaimed, as straightened up, "that's awesome!"
"Thank you. But don't sound so surprised!" He pouted.
Jina giggled a little at his puppy dog pout. "your cute, Tommy."
His eyes lit up and he smiled, but then it slid off and she saw his mind spinning again.
"Out loud. You have a busy mind, think out loud."
"I don't think Janson is someone we should mess with, or like...ya know push boundaries with. He seems...smarter than Randell and in a more sinister and sneaky way. Also...I noticed the change in Chancellor Paige. I don't know, I was in classes all day, so I'm not with her as often. But what you said about Tess ... I- I don't know. You know she had a shucked childhood -"
"Tommy. We all did. Okay? Don't let her sob story change that, we all lost people- we all lost family. We all remember what happened before we got here. Or at least most of you do."
"You don't?" He asked frowning.
"I was young.' she shrugged. "I don't really remember much from before being dumped here."
"You don't remember anything though? Like...any memories?" His eyebrows pulled together even more and the corners of his mouth tugged down.
" I...I don't know."
"What was your mom's name?" He asked.
Jina opened her mouth to answer but she had no answer. She couldn't even bring up what her mom looked like. Or her dad. Or...if she had any pets, no birthday parties or grandparents, no memories of anything with Minho before WICKED.
"No..." She whisper. "No I...I can't remember!" A realization hit her hard, and felt like the air was snatched from her chest. "Tommy....they took my memories!!"
She felt another sob rising, for the first time she felt a little hysterical. On the edge of a magor breakdown. Thomas looked rather sick, but she saw the anger in his eyes. And then he took her hand and pulled her off the bed.
"Come on."
"Tommy?!" She cried, "where are we going?"
"The one person who can fix this!"
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