Chapter 58: Let Me Go
< Thomas >
The building shook and trembled. The glass exploded all over the place. Thomas was tossed to the floor, he threw his hands up over his head. The lights flickered, more lights went off and exposed wires now sparked.
As he lay for a second getting himself under control, over the explosions and fighting outside and in the streets of the city and screaming of employees, he heard crying. And he knew. He knew it was Jina. He picked himself up and ran. Not sure if Minho and Newt were okay or behind him, but his mind was solely focused on Jina. With the ceiling collapsed in front of him he had to climb and wiggle over, under and l through the metal beams and ceilings and chunks of brick and cement.
He had a horrible though that he would end up in the Underneath with the building collapsed on top of him. It was a terrible de ja vou. He clamped his jaw hard, and forced the thought from his mind and wiggled under another metal beam that has collapsed from the floor above. The sobbing and pleading was louder. He knew she was around here somewhere.
"Jina?" He yelled. "Jina? Where are you?"
He spun in a circle. The hall in front of him was clear. The lights flickered, the red emergency light flashed, the siren wailed, but there was no Jina. He turned back to the mess of wall and ceiling. His panic spiked. She was trapped under there somewhere.
"Jina!" He called again.
"Tommy! Help...please ..."
It was Jina's scared voice. Not one of the voices. The explosion must have scared them away for now. He dove towards the rubble.
"Jina! Talk to me, Hun. I need to hear your voice."
"I'm...I'm here..." Her voice was quiet and tired.
"Keep talking, baby. I'm gonna get you out. Are you okay?"
"No. No Tommy, I'm not okay. I haven't been for a long time.... I'm... I'm scared. And tired. I'm so tired."
"But are you hurt?"
"I..I don't think so..."
"Okay..thats good. But you know, none of us are okay."
He answered, he now had a location. She was trapped under a huge cement chunk and bricks that rained down. The few metal rods and beams must have stopped the major damage.
"None of us are doing good. We're all just functioning until we're away and free and safe, then we can being to heal." Thomas kept talking to her. "Jina, I'm gonna get you out of here. I promise. And then we're going to leave for safe haven..." He started to shift the bricks. "And we'll slowly heal. Together. And we'll watch the stars, and live for those who couldn't. Remember you told me that?"
He kept shifting the bricks and concrete.
" I don't. It's all...a mess. I can't tell what's real and what's not. Nothing makes sense. And I'm so tired Tommy. Just...just leave me hear. This way I can't hurt anyone."
"No, Jina, I'm not going to leave you. I promised you a real date!"
"Please Tommy..."
He finally saw her. She was curled up, she didn't look hurt- physically. He made the hole a little bigger. She should be able to get out now.
"Jina, Honey. Look at me." Thomas pleaded. She uncovered her head and even in the dark shadows and red flashing lights he could see her eyes reflecting. She looked so scared and lost. She looked so broken. "I love you. I love you!" He could feel the emotions bubbling up. "All I could think about was you the moment we were on the Berg being taken away, all I could think of when I was trapped in a white padded room was you. When we were busted out and I found out you weren't even in the same building...that's all I could think about, was getting to you and getting you out. I love you and I'm not leaving. So if you're giving up, so am I. Because I'm not leaving you!"
Jina's chin was shaking and tears where running down her bloody dirty and dusty face.
"But...I killed a man..."
"I've killed people too. They were horrible. And all of them monsters. They were doing horrible things to you. And to others. We'll figure it out. But we do it together. Okay?"
She slowly shift and pulled herself closer. Thomas reached through the hole and took hold of her hands and helped pull her out a bit. She had to stop and wait, the rocks and cement were shifting, the metal beams groaned under the wait.
"Okay...come on, on three. And I'll pull you free. One...two-" Thomas readjusted his hands to her waist- "three." Thomas pulled her free just as it shifted and collapsed.
Thomas pulled her into his chest and held her tight. She was so tiny. Her body trembled and shook. He could feel her taking wild gasps. She had her arms pulled tight to her chest, and her face pressed into his chest.
"Okay...okay, I got you. I have you now."
He didn't know how long he held her. But he would sit in the middle of the destruction and hold her. He had dreamed of this for so long. And right now it was his Jina. He slowly tightened his hold on her and felt the hot burn of tears in his eyes.
< Jina >
Jina felt the arms wrap around her. She clamped her eyes closed and fought the tears. She was absolutely terrified. There was too much noise. Too much colour. Too much activity. She could feel the cracks in her mind widen and spider web out. But there was something about the arms and the steady thump of a heartbeat and the smell of clean laundry, mint, soap and something distinctly triggered something in her memories.
"Thomas..." She whispered.
"I thought it was Tommy?" He whispered.
She choked back a sob.
Tommy was here and holding her, he had chased after her even after everything she had done. He had pulled her free from the rubble. She sat cowering and trembling in his arms. Her eyes were clamped tight her face buried deep in his chest, trying to dissolve into him, for him to just disappear with her and away from everything.
"Ji? We need to get up...we need to get out of the building. Can you stand?"
"I don't want to. I want to stay here."
"We can't...we can't stay here. It's not safe."
"Neither am I. I don't want to go back to people. I don't trust myself."
"Jina...we will get better. But we can't get better here in the building that's collapsing."
"But I'm so tired. I'm tired of being fucked up, Thomas. I can't hold on anymore-"
There was another explosion and the building shook. Jina screamed, her arms flailed and pushed away from Thomas. She didn't intend to do it. But after the dead silence for so long this was too much. She scrambled away, and saw a gun laying on the ground. A dead guard lay half buried under the rubble.
"Yes, Precious. Do it! Wes is tired too."
Jina dove for the gun.
"No! Jina!" Thomas cried behind her. He dove after her and grabbed her around the hips.
"No!" She shrieked. She wiggled and twisted and managed to slip from his grip and grabbed onto the gun.
She flipped onto her back, holding the gun.
"Jina! Stop!" Thomas cried.
Jina could see the panic in his eyes. She could see his fear. A sliver of her brain understood why, and she was terrified of what she was doing. But most of her mind, the part that was now fully engulfed in the dark abyss of crazy just laughed.
"Wes wants out, Precious! We don't wants to be arounds no more!"
"We hurt people around us."
"First it is filthy Psyches who deserve it! Then next is maybe Captain David of WICKED...and maybe evens Tommy boy whose we loves very much- he even came back for us. But what if I is hurting him?"
"Me, myself and I won't forgive us, if you do."
"Jina please put the gun down." Thomas pleaded, he had froze, he had a hand reached out. His big brown eyes were full of tears.
Jina sort of registered it. Her vision was in and out. The siren blared so loudly in her ears it made her angry. It made her heart beat even quicker, it hurt. Her chest hurt so much.
She saw Thomas, she saw his mouth moving, pleading, but she couldn't process his words. She struggled to come back. It was like trying to swim in a current pulling you under with an anchor around her feet. She struggled with everything inside her, and she managed to pull herself to the surface.
"Please Tommy...please."
"Jina...honey...I can't. I can't let you do this. I love you. I love you so much! I need you!"
" one needs me."
"She would've made such a lovely bride, Precious. Tommy and My Precious."
"What a shame she's fucked in the head."
"No! I need you!" Thomas crid and slammed into her, she went tumbling to the floor. The gun went skidding across the hall.
Jina screamed in outrage.
She had no control over the voices now. She was blacking out. They would take full control soon, with all the extra noise around her and the extra stimulation she wasn't used to. Thomas tried to scrambled for the gun. Jina was faster, and her fingers curled around the handle. She pulled it closer and held it to her temple. She sat on her knees. Thomas panting on his knees in front of her. Tears streamed down his face. She could feel her heart breaking as she saw his heart break in his face. But her mind was pulled back under the current of madness
"Understands me now! I'm in controls of us!"
"No! I'm in control!"
"Please ..leave me alone!"
She could see Thomas on his knees, both hands reached out, tears running down his face. Jina struggled, she felt like she was kicking and screaming to come back. Like she was being buried alive. Her small piece of sanity was pleading for her life, his face showed his heart break, but the voices were louder. The voices were stronger. Her finger curled around the trigger.
There was something solid that slammed into her body and her head smacked the floor. Her vision went fuzzy. And her hand loosened its grip on the gun and it was yanked from her.
She was vaguely aware of Minho holding her down, he was on top of her, pinning her arms to the floor. And Newt scooped the gun up. There was a rushed conversation between Thomas and the others.
Loud yelling came from down the hall. Blue electricity exploded around them. Someone scooped her up and ran. Her vision was in and out. Her hearing was coming and going. All she was aware of was wild hysterical laughter coming from her.
Blue electric exploded around them as the guys ran down the hall. Thomas had her held close and protectively to his chest, where she felt the safest. And just like that her hearing was back. Her vision was still double and her head hurt.
"Where do we go?"
"Here! Over here!"
"Come on! Come on!"
A door was slammed shut. Something heavy and loud clattered to the floor and a scrapping. Jina blinked a few times. A small closet room came into view, shelves full of stuff lined the walls except one that had a full floor to ceiling window. She saw Minho and Newt pushing a big metal shelf in front of the door, they had pushed it over.
"Why?" She whimpered, "why won't you just let me die?"
"I won't let you die that easy Ji, because I'm selfish." Thomas voice washed over her. She felt him sink to the ground and place her down and lean her against the wall. He shifted to be in front of her. He held her face in between his hands. His thumbs brushed the skin by her ears. His big brown eyes stared into hers. The voices were silent right now. The smack to her head made them disappear. For now.
"Jina, I want to be free with you. I want to sit under the bright stars with you. I want to take you on a date. I want to kiss you in the moonlight. I want to wake up to you each morning for the rest of my shuck life. And I can't do that if we're here in a building that's falling apart. Please Jina...let me be selfish, for once in my life!"
Her eyes fluttered. Her chest heaved and she took a shuttering breath. She forced her eyes to focus on Thomas. His face was so close, only inches from her.
"I love you Jina. I always have. And I always will."
"But I' fucked in the head...I can't control them."
"We haven't had a safe place to heal yet. And we're so close...don't give up on me. Please, not yet."
"You're...very persuasive..." She whispered and a ghost of a smile appeared on her exhausted and pale face.
There was loud pounding on the door.
"Somebody get this door open!" A voice screamed. Jina whimpered and shivered. She reached out a shaking hand and grabbed onto Thomas.
"Tommy! It's...him! It's him!" Jina cried. "I won't be control them."
"Yes, sir!" Another deep voice yelled.
"And someone get me details on my fucken caption! Now!" Janson screamed. There was commotion outside the door. And then there was a loud buzzing noise and metal on metal echoed through the little room.
"Oh, shit!"
Jina was shaking and trembling. She grabbed her head, like that would keep the voices silent. She felt another title wave of madness coming.
" no no no. Go away. Go away. Go away!"
"Any ideas?" Newt asked, backing away from the door that was sparking from the buzz saw.
Thomas was looking around frantically. He stood up and his head was whipping around and then settled on the window. Jina saw him still and he cocked his head. He slowly stepped up to the window.
"Maybe." He said slowly. "It's an idea..."
"Uh, is it a good idea?" Minho asked, turning to see what Thomas was looking at. He came and stood beside Thomas.
"I said I had an idea." Thomas said blankly, with a half shrug of one shoulder.
"We're all gonna bloody die." Newt said as he stepped up beside the other two.
Jina let a small laugh out. She was still huddled against the wall. The sparks were become more, the yelling from the other side of the door was getting louder.
Jina pressed her forehead into her knees and clamped her eyes closed. Trying to keep control. The voices were whispering; it was all indistinguishable but she could hear them. And they were slowly getting louder. She shut the world out around her. She clamped her hands over her ears, trying to block the sounds out.
There was a loud smashing. Her head snapped up. Eyes wide with fear. The guys had smashed the window with something heavy.
"Okay, it's doable." Minho said hesitantly, leaning out the window slightly to see the thing they chucked out sailing through the air.
"Just need a little running start..." Thomas said, trying to inject some confidence in his voice.
"Almost through, sir!" The voice from the other side yelled over the noise.
Jina felt the rising panic.
"You sure about this?" Minho asked, he was still leaning slightly out the window.
"Not really." Thomas answered honestly
And it finally clicked in Jina's weak and shaky mind. Thomas wanted them to leap out the window of who knows how high up. She had no idea what was at the bottom, but clearly it was something they could land on, because the guys looked kind of on board.
"Thomas.." she whispered.
They were so focused on the window they didn't see her. She was shaking her head and trembling worse then ever. She felt the tug deeper under.
"No. Go away go away!"
"I is the only one to protect us now, Precious!"
"No! No no no. Go away! Please go away!"
"No, Precious. Let's kill the rat!"
"No...let's just leave! Please let me leave!"
"The rat is here...we kills the Psyche, the rat is next...look what they made me do..."
"No! I want to leave! Please let me leave."
"Jina!" Thomas's voice cut through her arguing. "We're going to leave. Come on. I need you up on your feet." He crouched down in front of her and pulled her up onto her feet, despite her protesting. His hands were holding her tight.
"Thomas...I can't! I can't do this!"
"We don't have a choice Jina. We jump into the pool or we're stuck with Janson. You and me... Together. Remember?"
"Jina! Thomas!" Janson screamed.
Jina could see Janson's face, his arm reached through and almost grabbed her. She screamed and Thomas pulled her away.
"Okay. We just need a running start." Thomas said turning to the smashed out window.
"Don't die." Minho said, bouncing on his toes.
"Bloody inspired." Newt rolled his eyes.
"Tommy, I can't do this!" Jina whimpered.
"One three!" Thomas said, ignoring her whimpers. "One-" the door groaned. "Two." The door crunched. "Three!" The door gave away. Thomas ran. Minho and Newt on his heels. Jina took a step after them, but she was jerked backwards as pain flared from the back of her head.
"Thomas!" She screamed. Her hands went to the back of her head.
Thomas snapped his head around as she screamed. He had already pushed off the ledge. Janson had scrambled through the door, and grabbed a handful of Jina's hair. She was jerked back.
"Jina!" Thomas cried as he disappeared from view as he plummeted down towards the pool. Jina was hauled back into the grasps of the guards of WICKED.
"You thought you could escape me?" Janson snarled at her.
"The filthy dirty fucken rat, we will kills it, My Precious! We will kills it dead! Dead dead dead!" She snarled, fighting with renewed determination. Jina was fully swallowed, pulled fully under into the dark abyss. "We wills snap its filthy neck! Rip out its ugly nasty pervy eyeses! And then we wills gut it like a fish! Rip it aparts, Precious! Filthy ugly dirty rat!" Jina screamed, spit flew from her mouth. She struggled against the many guards who held her.
Janson nodded at someone and there was a sharp pinch in her neck and cold fluid ran through her veins and she felt her mind going dark, and all the fight went out of her as she was pulled into darkness.
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