Chapter 57: Free!
< Jina >
Jina was tossed back into her room. The door was slammed shut and she lay exhausted, convulsing slightly still. She lay panting, the hysterical laughter kept going. It kept coming, every time she slowed down and tried to get herself under control, it bubbled back up from deep within her. It just kept coming, like a never ending waterfall. The tears of fear and panic slid down her cheeks, and she laughed.
She felt herself slipping even further into the dark abyss of lunacy.
"Please Tommy... Please help..." She gasped between the hysterical sobbing and the wild manic laughter. Jina had no idea how long she lay on her back laughing and crying. But at some point she got herself under control and the silence started to take over.
"We's did it, Precious. We's killed the filthy twisted Psyche."
"Yes. And I'm proud of you...gross though. Psyches bleed a lot."
"Yes, Precious, it did. Filthy little bent and twisted old Psyche. It won't be watching us ever again."
"You know the rat is mad now, way to go dumb dumb. The Good Doctor Crawford-Moose won't help us now."
"We don't needs no one, Precious. I is taking care of us. Just Me, myself and I. He made us mad. So...look whats they made us do! We kills it, dead, Precious."
"Yes, dumb dumb. I'm still covered in its blood."
"Captain David of WICKED won't be letting us out for a shower now. They don't trust you."
Jina giggled to herself.
"Shower privileges revoked."
Jina giggled again, "look what it made us do, Precious. We is fucked in the head for sure now!"
"We knew that dumb dumb."
"Can Tommy still save us?"
"Who wants to be saving? I has us safe, Precious."
"How? Our arms are stuck!"
"At least we is not chained like a mad dog, Precious."
"And no old Psyche to watch us!"
Jina struggled to sit up. After she killed the old bent whizzened old Psyche from her evaluation the other day with her bare hands, and dug his eyeballs out for good measure- so he couldn't watch her ever again, she had been shot with a launcher, as she screamed with manic laughter. She had then been shoved into a straight jacket and tossed back into her silent and padded cell. Now she sat in the middle of her room. Eyes closed and quietly sang a new song she made up. Her hands and arms where itchy from the dried blood. She had a gross taste in her mouth, but she ignored it.
She slowly rocked back and forth, quietly singing her song when there was a shift in the silence around her. And then the entire building shuddered and shook. She felt the vibrations through the floor. The invisible lights flickered, and one of them must have gone out, because now it was darker. Jina laughed. It wasn't so bright. And it felt better on her eyes.
She smiled. "What's happening, Precious?"
"I don't know."
"Me either, dumb dumb. We're locked away in the loony bin."
"The whole building is blowing up and we is gonna die, dead, and smooshed with it!"
"No Captain David of WICKED or Good Doctor Crawford-Moose or Tommy to save us."
"We will die alone. And not loved. And very fucked in the head."
"No. Not alone, Precious. You has us."
" Me. Myself. And I."
"Did you see whats we did, Precious?"
"Yes...we killed the Psyche...and the rat is next. Oh...look what you made us do. Look what you just made us do...the Psyche is dead and the rat is next. Look what you just made me do...I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me! I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams... oh look what you made me do....I killed the Psyche and the rat is next. Look what you made me do!"
Jina hear the silence change. Her door was opened. She didn't bother to turn around or open her eyes. They would do whatever they wanted to her. She would fight, but after killing the old Psyche, she was much more restricted now, in the straight jacket.
"Good evening Jina."
She stopped singing immediately. She became still and cocked her head, still with her back to the door and eyes closed.
"Captain David of WICKED."
< • >
< Thomas >
Thomas stood right behind David, as he pushed the door open, and then he heard her singing and made his blood run cold. The song was so creepy and unnerving. David pushed the door open a bit more. And for the first time in months, he saw his Jina.
He slapped a hand over his mouth. Tears stung his eyes. She sat cross legged in the middle of a white padded room, similar to his when he was trapped in WICKED. But hers had a metal table bed with built in cuffs at the back of the room. Jina sat in white cotton pants and bare feet, her hair was matted, greasy and dull. But what made him almost cry out was she was in a straight jacket. Her arms wrapped around herself and secured behind her.
"Good evening Jina." David said. His voice was a controlled calm.
Thomas had to struggle to keep himself together. He felt Minho tense and apprehensive beside him. Her song came to an abrupt end and she stilled. Even in that it was unnerving.
"Captain David of WICKED." She said, her voice was horse and quiet.
Thomas saw her head twitch and cocked to the left. And a different voice came out. This one was quiet and full of madness, it hissed and had horrible grammar. "Captain David of WICKED is here, Precious. Why is it here?"
Her head then cocked to the other side. "Maybe he made the building go boom." This voice seemed to be a bit more gentle, a little more child like. But still just as creepy. He could figure out which one was talking by the grammar and the sound of each voice. The gentler one, the wild evil one and Jina. Like having the devil and angel on each shoulder, that's what it reminded Thomas of.
"Oh, yes, Precious. Or maybe...maybe it's here to take us away to sector B! The backstabbing traitor did warns us about being killed, dead. Dead dead dead."
"Oh. Yes. The other cranky crazies wants to eats our brains."
"I wonders how brain would taste, Precious. Maybe like eyeballs!"
Jina threw her head back and laughed. Thomas shivered. Was Jina in there at all? The real Jina didn't seem to say much when the voices where there.
"Jina." Captain David said cautiously and slowly stepped into the room.
Thomas had dreamed of this reunion for so long. He didn't think she would be so...lost. So gone. Now that he was here his body froze. Minho seemed to be the same. He hadn't moved. Ever single muscle was coiled so tight it looked painful. Thomas felt the bile trying to rise up, but he swallowed it back down. His legs felt numb, he didn't know if he could do it. He was actually terrified to move closer.
"Jina..." David stepped closer and slowly squatted down, beside her but still giving her space. "Do you remember what we talked about? In the elevator, with Doctor Crawford?"
Jina's body shivered. Her head shook and the quiet rough horse voice of his Jina was back.
"Yes, Captain David. I remember. You would be damned if I wasn't out and away. You want to do this for your Stella."
"Right. Your right Jina. is that time." Dave said quietly. "We're here to get you out."
"We?" Jina asked.
Thomas watched as her body shuddered.
"Yes, Precious. We. There is lots of wes by the door."
"Too frightened to come say hi."
"I says we was scary, Precious. You don't believes me."
"Shut up. Both of you. We have company."
"Better not be any Psyches! Wes don't like nasty little psyches. Always watching us. Always writing notes. Wes kills nasty little Psyches now, yes we do, Precious. Does Captain David of WICKED knows we kill nasty little Psyches and plucks out it's eyeballs?"
"Go away! Go away go away!" Jina's horse voice pleaded.
"Jina. There are some people who have been anxious to see you..."
"To ..see me? Captain David I'm...I'm loosing it. They...they made me kill someone." Her voice was close to breaking. Thomas could hear the fear and tears in her voice.
That snapped him out of whatever spell he was in. And he slowly and cautiously walked closer and copied David. Squatting beside him, still giving Jina her space.
"Jina, Honey. I'm here." Thomas said quietly. Willing his voice to hold together and the tears to stay behind his lashes.
Jina slowly turned her head. Thomas clenched his jaw to keep from gasping and crying out. His muscles tensed. Her mouth and chin and down her neck was covered in dried blood. Her hair that hung in dirty lanks down the side of her face, were matted with dried blood. Her eyes were empty and haunted. But they were here's. For now.
He forced a small smile. "Hey, Honey." He said quietly. "I'm sorry it took so long. But I'm here now."
Jina wasn't moving. She stared at him with unblinking empty eyes, like she didn't recognize him. The longer they stared at each other the more he slipped into a dispair so painful it was like a knife slowly twisting into his heart. He felt the tears forming and stinging his eyes. He felt a lump growing in his throat, it was getting hard to breath.
"Jina..." He managed to somehow choke out. "I missed you so much. I'm so sorry! I'm so fucken sorry." His legs felt like jello and he ended up with his knees on the ground and both hands holding himself up. But then she whispered something, it was so quiet, he almost missed it.
"Ya. Ji, honey. Jina I'm here. I finally found you."
"You... you're here?"
"Ya, Honey. I'm here. It took so long, too long. But I'm here to bust you out."
Jina kept staring at him. Her eyes slowly became less lost. There was something, like recognition in them.
"You didn't...didn't leave me behind?"
"Never. You and me. Together. We can do this together. Remember? If your beside me...we can do it together."
Jina squeezed her eyes closed and her body shook.
"No no no." She whispered desperately. "Go away! Please. Please...."
"Together, Precious. He wants us to purge the filthy little psyches together! Just like last time!" Her eyes snapped open, Thomas jumped and a small yelp of surprise came out. He regretted it immediately. Because Jina's face twisted into a creepy smile. Her eyes were dead and vacant.
Her head shifted to the right. "Oh...he is scared of us."
"Yes Precious. Wes scares him and the others by the door. They wants us free. He says together...but nooooo. Wes scares them all."
"Well...we did kill a man."
"With ours bare handses, Precious, and pulled his eyeballs out. And rips his throat outs too!" She snapped her teeth at them, making Thomas flinch.
Thomas felt the bile rise. David tensed. This was the first time Thomas felt a shift in him. He made some kind of noise, but kept his face blank, a very tight controlled calm. Jina closed her eyes tight and tipped her head down, hiding behind her very dirty hair and shook her head.
"Shh! Please! Leave me alone. Please."
She looked back up at them, her eyes were so lost and pleading, filling with hopeless tears.
"They won't leave me alone!"
Thomas saw Sonya and Taylor finally move and they came over and collapsed down beside Thomas.
Jina suddenly shift backwards, like she was surprised more people were in the room, despite the one creepy hissing voice saying she knew more people were here.
"Sonya? Taylor?"
"Ya, Love. We're here. We're here to kick some rats ass and blow up WICKED. We're here to fuck shit up." Sonya smiled through her tears.
"You ready to go?" Taylor asked.
"You've been sitting around too buggen' long, can't have lazy Blondies around here, so let's get that jacket off and get you home. Ya?"
Something like a ghost of a smile appeared on her face. But then it faded and fear filled her eyes.
"I killed someone." Her eyes flicked to David. "Captain David, I killed someone! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! They made me do it!"
The building rocked again and this time there was a loud explosion. The lights flicked off, leaving them in complete darkness. There was silence for a second before a quiet laughter filled the silence.
Thomas swore.
A red emergency light in the hall flicked on at the same time the sirens started to wail. And Jina's manic laughter grew and layered on top of the emergency siren. The take down of WICKED had begun. And it all went wrong.
< • >
Thomas felt Jina move. Even with her arms in a straight jacket she was fast. He tried lunging for her, with the red light flashing in the hall, it didn't do much for seeing. He tried to grab her but she slipped past him. There was a wild scream and a thud and then the fading of the laughter.
"Fuck." David swore.
"What's going on?"
"Where's Jina?"
"I can't see worth a damn!"
"Is everyone okay?"
A second later a flashlight flicked on. Newt lay sprawled out on the ground on top of Minho, groaning in pain. Thomas scrambled over, Minho shoved Newt off.
"Wait! Thomas!" David yelled.
Thomas was done waiting. He was going after Jina.
"Minho! Newt! Come on!" Thomas yelled, the guys were right behind him. They scooped up guns from the dead guards and chased after Jina. She was still laughing hysterically so they could follow her.
She was also yelling "into the unknoooooown!" Followed by wild laughter.
They chased after her down hall after hall. Thomas was shocked how fast she was even after sitting in a padded room for months.
"Why didn't you stop her?" Thomas yelled.
"It was a little hard to see, Shuckface!"
"She bloody slammed into me! I wasn't expecting it."
Thomas ground his teeth. Now he knew how the plan was going to go wrong. He expected it, but it still sucked. Just once he wished things would be easy. When would his life ever be simple? He was so done running for his life and coming up with plans in a life and death situation.
He caught sight of her as she rounded the corner.
"Hey! You!" Someone yelled from further down. "Stop!"
There were the unmistakable sounds of launcher guns charging, and then they went off. Thomas felt his stomach drop out of his body.
"Jina!" He screamed.
"I thought they weren't going to work anymore!" Minho yelled.
"They still had about a fiveteen minute working charge!"
"Dammit!" Newt cursed.
They were about to round the corner when someone came back around the corner and slammed into them.
"Yes, Tommy, Precious."
"Mi-Minho? Minny? You're here too? And Newt?"
"Ya Ji. We all came for you."
There were more blue electricity balls that hit the wall beside them and exploded sending tendrils of electricity all over the place.
"Reunions later. Run now!" Minho yelled.
Newt turned and ran, leading the way. Thomas ran beside Jina, and Minho took up the rear, and shot back at the guards. They rounded another corner, and almost slammed into more guards.
"Where are all these bloody guards coming from?"
"Where the hell did David and the girls go?" Minho yelled, shoving the group behind a wall.
"The elevator!" Newt yelled, pointing towards it. They ran for it and slid into it. The guards shot little balls of electricity at them as the guys shot back as the doors closed. Minho jammed his thumb into any of the floors, no one cared. They needed out.
Thomas grabbed Jina and spun her around, so she was facing the wall. He started to fumble with the straps on her straight jacket.
"Is that a good idea?" Minho asked, over his shoulder. He was holding the gun up, pointed at the crack in the closed elevator door.
"She can't run with her arms locked."
"Tommy! No! I can't control them! At least this way I won't hurt someone." She cried, her voice shook with fear and pulled away into the corner, trying to huddle away from them. Thomas felt his heart slowly break. Her chest was rising and falling so fast her breathing was shallow and very ragged.
Thomas stepped up closer to her. He winced slightly as he held Jina's bloody face. Her entire body was trembling. Thomas could see the struggle in her eyes. Every time she blinked he could see the voices trying to take over. He took a deep breath.
"Jina, I trust you. I love you, and I know you won't hurt me. Or Minho. Or Newt."
"Tommy..." She whimpered, she tried to shake her head and pull away. "Please..."
Thomas held her tighter, he wanted nothing more but to pull her tight to his chest and hold her safely in his arms, but they needed this thing off and they needed out. A tear slid down her cheek, and he used a thumb to wipe it away.
He spun her around and worked furiously to undo all the buckles and fasteners. The jacket finally came loose and Jina shook it off just as the elevator dinged.
"Ahhh. We is free, My Precious."
Jina's face was twisted in such a wild deranged way Thomas actually stepped back.
"Thank you Tommy." The creepy voice whispered and then she shoved through the crack in the elevator doors and she was gone, screaming and laughing down the hall.
"Jina!" Thomas screamed.
"We is freeeee!" Jina cackled down the hall.
"Shit!" Thomas cursed.
"That didn't work."
"No shit Sherlock!" Thomas grumbled.
He took off after Jina as the building was hit by another explosion. This time part of the ceiling collapsed and some of the huge floor to ceiling window exploded, sending shards of glass everywhere.
The whole building was going to come down on them and they still needed to get Jina out.
< • >
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