Chapter 56: The Revolution
< Thomas >
The Resistance vans came to a stop as close to the WICKED building as possible, a few blocks away. Clint and Mary and a few others would stay behind and direct Vince and the reinforcements from the Right Arm when they got there. The Resistance drives stopped and the doors popped open and everyone climbed out.
"To the Revolution!" One drive said, raising his right fist.
Thomas watched them speed off before turning to the group. His stomach was in knots and he felt this heavy weight on his chest. His body kept fluctuating between hot and cold. He was holding his wicked issued launcher so tight his knuckles hurt.
"Well, whose turn is it to give the pep talk?" Taylor asked. "Sex Kitten? You wanna give it this time?"
"Huh? What?" Thomas asked, he was staring down the street, at the huge brightly lit building with the massive WICKED sign down the side of their building. He was trying to keep his anxiety on a tight leash. All his what ifs were bouncing around his head.
"Nah, lover boy is too busy in his own head." Yelena laughed, smacking Thomas's back.
"I got this guys!" Minho cried, holding his hands out for quiet.
Sonya leaned over to Taylor, and whispered not so quietly behind her hand, "If he's say's fuc-"
"Fuck shit up! Don't die." He said dryly. And then stepped back with a proud smirk. Newt groaned and ran a hand down his face.
"Nice." Sonya smirked and gave Minho a high five.
"Ya ya... Bloody inspired." Newt sighed.
"Remember the good old days...when it was just 'be careful don't die' man I miss the Glade." Frypan asked.
"Shank! Most of the guys did die." Gally shook his head.
"Alright, let's get this going. I got shit to fuck up!" Sonya yawned.
"Sonya! Jina was right, you're as buggen' bad as her mouth!"
"I'll drink to that."
Sonya turned to Minho, and raised her eyebrows. "You'll drink to what? Fucking shit up or to my mouth or that fact I curse as much as you and Ji?"
Minho stepped closer and looked down at her with a smug crooked smirk. "All of it."
"Minho." Thomas gave his friends head a smack. "Less flirting and more focusing on your sister. We have a shuck job to do!"
"I'm flirting before death!" He protested.
"I believe the saying is flirting with death." Jill corrected.
Minho winked at Sonya, "who says it's not one in the same?"
"Oh shut up." Thomas rolled his eyes. He was grinding his teeth again.
"Alright everyone knows their jobs and what's going to happen. Each team leader has a walkie talkie." Jorge said trying to rain in the anxious group of young people. "Timer begins as soon as those explosives and surges are in place."
Thomas was bouncing from foot to foot. He was so ready. Jorge clapped his on the shoulder. His stead eyes gave Thomas a moment of ease. Then he turned and walked away in the other direction to help with the escape. Tim led his group down one street. Gally and Flossie's team would come with Tim for the first part. They all slid their standard WICKED issued helmets on. Thomas hated the restricting helmet. It made his breathing loud and he couldn't see properly.
"Why the hell would you wear these stupid things?" He asked Tim as they made their way down the side street closer to the back entrance of WICKED.
"No clue why WICKED does what they do. It makes aiming and shooting difficult. But you learn how to navigate it after a while."
They came to the end of the street. Tim looked back and forth before turning to the group.
"Okay, from here on our, there's no turning back. So if your coming you are commited."
Thomas held his breath. When no one moved and stood stuff staring at the wicked defector. Thomas slowly exhaled. He knew his team were ready to die to get Jina out. This seemed to appease Tim. He nodded sharply.
"Okay. Form your lines and walk in unison. March with your right foot first. Guns held like this- ya, good. Jill, fix your gun. Yelena, not so high. Ya, good. Now... You say nothing. I do the talking. Got it?"
The group shuffled around and got into two lines. Tim fixed how they held the launchers. And he marched them across the parking lot and up to the garage gate.
"Where are you going?" The garage attendant asked, she sounded very bored. She was chewing a big wad of gum and scrolling on a tablet.
"Meeting the Captain. These recruits just came off the train." Tim lied. He had worked with WICKED long enough to know how to talk, walk, lie and get away with anything. He also knew where to look for cameras and how to avoid them. He was also used to bossing people around, so his authority didn't phase the attendant.
"Fine, fine...ya..." She waved a hand and pressed a button and the gate swung open. She went right back to her tablet. Her eyes didn't even focus on the fidgety and overly tense group of WICKED guards.
Tim didn't hesitate and marched through, Thomas followed immediately. He was speechless at how easy that was to get through. With the amount of security this place seemed to have, getting into the actual building seemed too simple. Tim led them across the parking garage to a set of big loading docks.
"All facilities made by wicked are the same layout. There is no originality. Loading docks for supplies, parking garage for EICKED issued vehicles on this side. The parking garage for workers, doctors, scientists, psyches any big wigs on the left side- there you need photo ID, and print scanners. Here? Not so much. Too many things coming and going. And the loading docks is where a lot of off duty or on break guards hang out. Also where we will be meeting with David." Tim explained.
Tim didn't have an access code or swipe card anymore, ever since he defected from WICKED a few months ago, but that didn't seem to bother the workers here, David was just another face in the masses. He didn't need the swipe card, David was waiting for them when they got closer.
"These the new ones, then?" David asked, looking over the group.
Tim nodded. "A few will be studying the maintenance and a few to holding."
David nodded. "Come on then. Let's move. We can't waste time. You have a job to do." He barked at them like they were real brand new recruits here for training. "Once we're inside, I'll send you off with your squad leaders."
Thomas followed the men inside and into the loading dock which as Tim had said, looked exactly like the Waystation docking bay. There were guards lounging on boxes and crates. Big WICKED trucks were parked and being worked on. Supplies of who knows what we're stacked. Fork lifts were driving around. Shoulders were drilling in the corner. It was loud with guards yelling orders, the beeps from the fork lifts, loud sounds from the mechanics. Easy to have a conversation and not look suspicious.
David led them over to a few people who were sitting at a box playing some card game.
"Soilders. These are your new recruits."
The men and women laid their cards down, grabbed their helmets and guns and stood up.
"Maintenance over there with Tim. Holding with me." David ordered. He handed Tim a new swipe card. David's inside men and women separated and they saluted David.
This time the group separated and Thomas felt his insides twist in anticipation. This was real. They were inside WICKED. They were doing this. This was very real now. Thomas would see them again. He would. He had to believe that, or he would lose his mind. He knew he couldn't talk anyone here out of going. They all knew the steaks, and they had been living in the Right Arm long enough to know what they were doing and why. They each had personal reasons for taking wicked down, for helping the other kids, for busting Jina out. Thomas tried to relax slightly. He felt so tense and upyight. He felt quite sick and this helmet was not helping. He gave a nod to the others as they made their way to the stairs well. Then he turned and followed David to the other side of the loading dock.
They got to the elevators and piled in. David swiped his pass and then pressed the button. Thomas was having a hard time breathing now, it was coming in short and shallow.
They were so close. So close to Jina. This was the closest he had been to her in months. His stomach clenched- what if she didn't know who he was? What if...they were too late? He shook his head and squeezed his eyes closed and deliberately took a very slow inhale and a very controlled exhale.
"Keep it together, son."
Thomas looked over, David was watching him closely. He couldn't actually see Thomas's face, but he was watching him closely.
"Doing my best."
David hummed and nodded. The elevator dinged and slid open. And the one person Thomas had fantasized of killing for the last few months stepped in. Thomas noticed how pale and sickly Janson looked. Thomas felt Minho and Taylor tense up. Thomas shifted and felt Newt's hand subtly shift and it was placed on Thomas's arm. Thomas was also pretty sure she heard some kind of whimpering growl from Sonya. At least he wasn't the only one who wanted to murder the rat. But they couldn't, not yet anyways. They needed to wait for Gally and Flossie and their team to set the explosives and power surges so the guns wouldn't work anymore. Then they could exterminate the rat problem. If they did it now it would cause more problems. Jorge and Tim were very firm on that.
"Captain David." Janson said. He hardly paid the rest of the people in the elevator - which were just him, Minho, Newt, Sonya and Taylor in wicked uniforms.
Janson's fake smile made Thomas want to throw up. His heart was beating so hard and fast he couldn't really hear anything- the helmet made it echo and his breathing was extra loud. His hands twitched, he really needed this thing off. He felt like he was suffocating.
"Sir." David nodded.
"I'm sure you're aware there have been sightings of high valued escaped subjects. They have been spotted around the city."
"Of course. I've been made aware and doing everything in my power to do something about it, Sir."
"I would expect nothing less." Janson sniffed. "There was also a recent development with B3. She recently attacked a Psyche. As much as Doctor Crawford protests, her surgery has been scheduled for later tonight. I cannot have my subjects attacking my staff. "
Thomas's knees just about gave out. He must be talking about Jina. He tried to cover up the weird whimper noise with a throat clear. He was going to blow their cover if he couldn't keep it together. His mind was fluctuating between furry and despair. He felt Newt's hand squeezed his elbow.
Janson rode the elevator one floor and then he stepped out and walked down the hall. The entire elevator exhaled. David cursed and pulled his walkie talkie out.
"Diana? Dianna!" He yelled into the speaker.
"She's been bumped. We need to hurry."
"Yep working on it. I've switched all the serums and IVs- so for whatever reason you miss the time, it will give you an extra half an hour, if they need to find the right sedatives again. I've been in contact with Mary. Just stick to the plan, David. I'll meet you at the Resistance building."
"Who was it?"
"Doctor Thrasher."
"Shit. No wonder Janson is pissed." David paused and rubbed his forehead. "Diana? Be careful."
"Always. See you in a bit."
He groaned in frustration and ran a hand down his face. Then shoved the walkie talkie back into his belt. Thomas saw the worry on his face. He wanted to ask, but the elevator dinged.
"Here we are. Sublevel three." David said.
The elevator slid open. David stepped out and marched down the hall. Towards the sliding card lock door. He paused and tipped his head.
Everyone waited. Thomas held his breath.
"What are we waiting for?" He hissed, he couldn't wait any more waiting he would throw up. They were going to direct Jina's brain in a bit, they needed to move.
"Maintenance squad said they're all in place."
David said tapping his ear. Thomas saw a small flesh coloured ear piece that had a small coiled cord down his neck and disappeared under his bullet proof vest.
Thomas actually placed his hands on his knees bent over and exhaled. He had to breath a few times to keep his stomach bile down.
"We have 5 minutes," David said, pulling his swipe card out and hefting his launcher, "before shit goes down for real-"
"Is this like fake shit or not practice shit?" Sonya asked, "'Cause we could have killed the Ratman...that was pretty fucken real!"
"Fact." Minho agreed.
David ignored their comments- he was used to Jina's wild comments at this point, nothing phased him. "Guns up. Tim showed you how to use these? We have about 15 minutes after the power surges before these guns go down. Then we switch to your old school guns. And those will hurt a lot more. So...let's do as much damage as we can."
"Get in, get out." Sonya said.
"Fuck shit up." Taylor added.
"Don't die." Minho chimed in.
"Inspired." Newt sighed.
"Come on." David said. "Time for some very aggressive persuasion."
"Finally." Thomas felt he had been waiting for too long for this. Finally they were doing something. The waiting, the planning more waiting. He hated waiting. He needed to do something immediately. Even now, he felt like David was in slow motion, why was this guy so shucken slow? Just swipe the card and let's move.
David swiped his card and the door slid open. David stepped in, chin up, shoulders back like he owned the place.
"Captain!" One guard yelped and scrambled to stand up straight and saluted.
David shot the camera in the corner immediately. It sparked and the red light went out.
"Wha...?" The guy stammered.
Thomas pulled the trigger of his own gun. The guard dropped to the floor twitching. The guys around him let out some anger, and guards dropped. They all dropped with blue electricity jumping all over their bodies. They twitched, convulsed and scream.
David rushed to the control panels and started punching buttons.
"Go! Get the kids out."
A red light flashed. A buzzer sounded and then all the doors unlocked.
"Where's Jina?" Thomas demanded, yanking his helmet off to breath properly. He really thought now he would puke. Or faint. His chest was shooting pain, and he had to keep swelling down the bike that kept creeping up.
David looked around the control area for a second. His inside men and woman were ushering kids out and reassuring them. And dragging the guards whose electricity had started to fade, were being hauled into the cells the kids were just in.
David nodded once to a woman who was holding a small child in her arms.
"Go Captain. We'll be fine. We trust Horhay and his crew will be there. We know what to do. Go."
David spun around, and with Thomas on his heels, David charged towards another set of doors on the opposite wall. He paused.
"You guys, helmets." David demanded. "We have 2 more minutes before the surges."
Thomas, Minho, Newt, Sonya and Taylor slammed their helmets on. He swiped his card and matched through the doors.
The hall was empty. Thomas felt the rise in his anxiety, any higher and he wouldn't be able to function. So far the plan had been going to plan, and it was making him anxious- none of their plans ever went accordingly. He didn't know when it was going to go wrong, but he was positive it would. But right now...his mind was in getting to Jina. He had to get to her. He needed to.
The hall was harsh white. The florescent light reflected off the white shiny tile, the walls were white, if he didn't know this place was complete hell, he would have thought maybe heaven was like this- starke white and bright. They passed a few rooms with plexiglass windows, but everything was empty and abandoned. No one was working, and it didn't look like the rooms were being used at all. There was a haunted forlorn feel to this section. There was no noise and it gave Thomas the creeps.
"This place is shucken creepy!" Minho whispered loudly.
"Jina is the only one in this section."
The group slowed down and stopped. They all were staring at a room. It had a hard flat bed in the middle, chains and metal cuffs dangled off the metal bed. But what caught there attention was the puddle of blood and the splatters.
"What the hell?" Thomas gasped.
He didn't care, he ripped his helmet off and turned away and threw up.
"What the hell is this?" Minho yelled. Thomas had whipped his mouth and turned back, Minho was pale and shaking. He also ripped his helmet off.
"You heard Janson. She attacked a Psyche." David looked just as worried, "Why they dragged her here instead of staying in her room...I don't know...I was snuggling the boy out. But we need to hurry. This isn't good."
"No shit." Sonya said, she was staring wide eyed at the pool of blood.
Newt steered her and Taylor away from the horrible torture room of blood.
They all slammed helmets back on, Thomas was doing his best to not break down and cry. But he was also proud of her- she caused that much damage...Jina was still there...still fighting.
He hoped.
They rounded another corner and half way down the hall two guards were standing outside a door. They scrambled to straighten up. David marched up to them.
"Sir! Are you here to collect the psycho? You're gonna need all the reinforcements. She's real fucked in the head."
Before David could answer an explosion ripped through the building. Thomas felt the vibrations of the explosions. The lights flickered. Sonya stumbled and Newt caught her. One of the guards fell into the wall.
"What the hell was that?" The guard yelled.
David tossed his launcher gun to the floor, and pulled out a real gun. "That, boys, is the Revolution."
He shot both guards. They crumpled to the floor, a bullet through both of their foreheads.
"Well damn." Minho whistled. " I like you Captain David."
Thomas pulled his mask off and tossed it with a sound of disgust. Thomas couldn't wait, he wanted to just shove past David and rush in. But David held a hand out.
"Wait." He said sharply.
"What? Why?" Minho asked.
"Her mind is fragile. You would do more damage to rush in and overwhelm her. I know you all want her back. me. You just saw the room? Trust me."
"Just listen to the buggen' man guys."
Thomas growled in frustration and ran a hand through his hair and to the back of his neck.
"Weapons away."
"She did that kind of damage and I'm going to beat she didn't have a weapon, and you want us to put our weapons away?" Minho asked.
"Just do it Minho! What are you gonna do? Shoot your sister?" Thomas snapped.
"Do it!" Thomas roared, rounding in him. "We're waiting time!"
Minho ground his jaw and narrowed his eyes, but clipped his gun to his back.
Thomas gave him a twisted smile. With that, David swiped the card and slowly pushed the door open.
The first thing Thomas heard was her singing softly. And it sent a shiver of dread down his spine. There was something very off about her voice, it was full of madness. Worse than the video surveillance he saw two days ago.
"Look what you made me do. Look what you just made me do...the Psyche is dead and the rat is next. Look what you just made me do...I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me! I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams... oh look what you made me do....I killed the Psyche and the rat is next. Look what you made me do!"
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