Chapter 55: Interigation
< Thomas >
"Well, he's sleeping." Mary announced as she walked into the meeting room.
"That didn't take long." Taylor noted, she was leaning on the table, going over the city maps with Sonya and Minho. The others were scattered around the room cleaning weapons, or eating.
Thomas, Minho, Sonya, Taylor and Gally were just going over what happened in the city and how these WICKED guys showed up at Gally's look out with an unconscious Aris. They said David had been in touch with Mary. Gally didn't get the message, but he rolled with it and they carried him back to the building. Mary was waiting for them at the hole, and took Aris to the medical wing to remove his chip. Now they were waiting for him to wake up.
Gally had suggested using him, once he realized who he was and his importance to the WICKED and his relationship to everyone. Thomas pulled himself back to the conversation.
"It was an easy procedure." Mary said, "And David had already temporarily deactivated the chip. So he didn't put up any fight. Just needed it removed."
The girls all looked up, they all had their jaws clamped most of them had their arms crossed.
"And you're still set on using him?" Minho asked, dropping into the chair, and propping his booted feet up onto the table.
"Ya, I said I had a way in." Gally said, "didn't say you were gonna like it."
"No. There's gotta be another way." Thomas said shaking his head.
"Like what?" Gally challenged, "You've seen the building. It's maximum security, the place is crawling with soldiers. They got surveillance everywhere. Scanners on every floor."
"Sounds like a bloody fortress." Newt muttered running a hand down his face.
"She's fully locked down, with constant surveillance. He is our only way in." Flossie said quietly.
"You really think he's gonna help us?" Thomas asked, folding his own arms, every muscle was tense and his chest felt tight. He narrowed his eyes at Gally and Flossie.
"I don't plan on asking for his permission." Gally snapped back.
"Am I missing something here?" Brenda asked.
"This is the same dude who betrayed us, correct?" Sonya asked "same dick." She spat.
"I like her." Minho smirked at Sonya. Her cheeks went pink, but she held his gauze.
"Dude." Newt smacked Minho in the back of the head. "That's my bloody sister."
Minho yelped, and tried smacking Newt back but he had already stepped away. Sonya winked, and smirked right back.
"But seriously, come on guys, there has to be another way!" Thomas cried, throwing his hands into the air.
"What's going on?" Minho suddenly looked over at Thomas, his face lost the smirk and it was angry.
"What, are you afraid your old WICKED pal is gonna get hurt?"
Minho slammed his chair back to the floor and slammed his feet into the ground and stood up. Thomas had been with Minho long enough to know this was all intimidation...unless it came to his sister. He literally killed a guy because he smacked her in a fight. Thomas squared his shoulders and glared right back.
"Because this has obviously never been just about rescuing Jina. Has it?" He challenged and stepped closer.
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Thomas asked, genuinely confused.
Every muscle was tense and he was breathing hard. He dropped his arms to his sides and his hands formed fists. Every vein was popping from his muscles.
"Aris's the only reason that Jina's even missing in the first place."
"Ya. I know that. I was there!" Thomas shot back. He genuinely didn't know where this was going.
"Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back! And what? You don't want to because of him, because deep down inside you still want your soft squishy job with them! Don't you!! Just admit it."
Thomas finally understood. And his vision turned red. His own hands formed fists, and he took a step forward, he drew his arm back and took a solid swing into Minho's jaw.
"Don't you ever say shit like that again!" Thomas yelled.
Minho's head whipped to the side. There was a fire in his eyes now. Thomas was seething in the anger now. How could Minho accuse him of wanting to go back to them.
"You saw what they did to everyone here, what they did to Jina! Why the hell would I want back in?"
"I don't know Thomas! Why would you? We have a way in and you're chickening out!"
"No you shuckfaces! I wanted out before the maze! Why do you think Jina and I worked together to steal information?"
"Then do something, coward!" Minho yelled. Sonya and Taylor and Gally leapt in to shove Minho back from trying to start a fight now.
"You think I'm the coward?" Thomas yelled right back. Frypan, and Newt had grabbed him and shoved him back. "I didn't bail on Alby!"
Minho froze, his face went white and then all the fight left him. He ran a hand through his hair and then spun on his heel and left the room.
"Well done mate." Newt said, his words dropped with sarcasm.
Thomas deflated. That was a low thing to yell. He knew Minho regretted what he did the night in the maze. But Thomas couldn't believe he thought he would use Jina as a means to work his way back into WICKED.
Thomas shrugged off Newt and Frypan and stormed from the room. He needed air. He climbed the back steps and shoved the emergency exit door open. The warm sun hit his face and he took a deep inhale. His three and a half weeks of being locked in a white room made him appreciate the outdoors and open spaces. He took a deep inhale and slowly let it out. When he felt the anger melt from his chest he opened his eyes.
And then felt horrible. He saw Minho sitting at the edge of the roof. His feet hanging off staring miserably off into the setting sun. Thomas inhaled slowly and knew he needed to apologize. He slowly made his way over and sat down.
"Sorry." He grunted.
"Nah. I deserved it." Minho shrugged.
Thomas glanced over and saw tears slowly rolling down his cheeks.
"What if ... What if we're too late?" Minho asked, still staring into the sun. "She was so fucked up, man, what if we're too late and there's nothing we can do?"
"Then we rescue her anyways. She's your sister, shank. Even if...even if she's not...her anymore. She needs out and away from them." Thomas answered.
He had wrestled with this since he saw the tape. What if they got there and she wasn't Jina and no one could help? He was terrified she wouldn't recognize him. Or he wouldn't be able to get past the madness. But he had to try. No...not try. He would. He would rescue her.
"Look...using Aris is risky..." Thomas started. "I don't trust him anymore. After what he did?"
"Ya. Ya I know. I know you don't want to go back. It's... apparently I say things and hide behind anger when I'm upset, or so Newt says. I know you hate those fuckers as much as us."
"Right. We're here to save the same girl and take them down once and for all."
"Ya....ya I know." Minho sighed. "And I'm sorry I called you a coward. Your anything but...if it wasn't for you we'd still be in the maze or strung up or...whatever."
"We're good, shank."
"Good that." Minho nodded. He used the back of his hand to get rid of the tears and he sniffed.
They sat for a bit longer in the silence.
"So you and Newt's sister..." Thomas finally broke the silence.
Minho snorted. And then shrugged with a small smirk. "She's feisty."
"I thought you and Taylor had a thing."
Minho shook his head. "Nah. She's a sister. I dunno. Sonya fought back..."
"You like an aggressive chick?" Thomas asked, raising his eyebrows.
"She's also got really pretty eyes."
"You've been gazing into Newt's eyes for two and a half years in the maze...maybe it's just familiarity." Thomas teased.
Minho gave his head a shove as Thomas laughed at him.
"I could say the same for you and my shuck sister. Ya filthy shank."
"Nah, it's different. I only gauzed into your eyes for like two weeks before I met your sister."
"And then you shucked her a week later."
"It was less actually." Thomas smirked.
"WHAT?" Minho roared.
Thomas was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes and his stomach ached. But he was also slightly scared of Minho at the moment.
"Seriously?! Come on! Dude you're a man slut!"
Thomas got himself under control. "Dude. She had full memories of us. And during the changing I remember some of us. It's not like I just met her! We were together before the maze! And it was like...picking up where we left off. Except we had been through a lot of shit and we grew up. I thought you knew.".
"Dude, that's my sister it's not like I want details of her sex life!"
Thomas shrugged and was thankful Minho dropped the subject. His face was beat red, and didn't want to talk about it anymore either.
"We good?"
"Ya. We're good. We should probably go back." Minho sighed running a hand through his hair.
The door behind them was shoved open. They twisted around and saw Taylor. "He's waking up."
The guys scrambled up and followed her back down the stairs.
Back to the room they had been using as a meeting room, sitting in a chair, a bag over his head was Aris.
He was groaning as he woke up. Gally marched forward and yanked the bag off his head. He blinked a few times and looked around.
"Where...where am I? What's going on...?"
"Here's how this is gonna go." Gally demanded. He slammed a chair down in front of Aris. The kid jumped.
"Who the hell are you?" He asked, still squinting. For some reason one of the girls had flicked the lights off and had a giant bright spot light on him. It was probably Sonya and Taylor's idea. They seem to be over dramatic.
"We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know."
"What's going on?" Aris asked, he was trying hard not to whimper or shake.
Thomas heard a heavy exhale and looked around to see Teresa shoving forwards, and shoving Gally's shoulder.
"Enough." She snapped. Gally raised his hands and got up and backed off, he went to stand beside Flossie, who was leaning on the table.
"Wait...What? Tess?" He sputtered. His eyes went wide and he winced when he saw her beat up face.
"Aris." She said, her voice was crisp, but Thomas could see the nervousness in her body. Her hands were clamped behind her back and they were squeezed so tight together her fingers were white. " Welcome to the Resistance." She gave him a tight lipped smile.
Aris was staring at her with his big watery blue eyes. "What happened you?" He whispered.
"WICKED." Teresa said. "They don't like when you fight back."
Aris's eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open for a second and then it snapped shut. Thomas looked closer at him now that his eyes were open. They had black bags, they looked exhausted and red from lack of sleep or crying constantly. And they looked jumpy and haunted. His eyes never stayed in one spot. His breathing was also shallow and he looked thinner and paler.
"What's going on?" He asked quietly.
"Captain David and his men on the inside got you out. You are now inside the Resistance head quarters and are being interrogated by everyone you stabbed in the back." Her answer was harsh and straightforward.
The room became tense. Aris's eyes flicked around the room, squinting past the light to see the shadows in the dark.
"We'll start off simple." Teresa said slowly. "Do you regret it? What you did to us? What you're doing to Jina?"
Aris dropped his head and his shoulders shook. "Yes." He whispered. " first...I thought she was lying. Because how could it be that simple? You guys had to have been lying! But...after...seeing her- I was kept out of her room for a long time. And then they started to send me in every day after...after a session. I...I decided to try. I used my blood. And what they used for the Grief serum. And...and she was right. I...I was wrong. Janson won't listen to me. I went to Chancellor Paige. But that was about two weeks ago and I haven't seen her since."
The room was silent. No one knew what to do now. They figured it would be a lot harder. He was so set in his beliefs when they were all captured in the Right Arm camp.
"Where's Jina?" Teresa asked, breaking the silence.
"You guys don't seriously think..." Aris looked at everyone with wide eyes. They landed on Thomas and Minho, who stood shoulder to shoulder arms folded tight and glaring at Aris.
"Don't look at them." Gally cut in. He didn't know Aris, but Flossie must have filled him in. He stepped in front, blocking Aris's view of Minho and Thomas. "Why are you looking at them? Look at her." Gally pointed back to Teresa. "They're not gonna help you."
Aris gulped.
"Now, we know you have Jina in the building.
"She's on the same level as the others. But her hall is empty except her and it's full of scanners, and access code doors. I'm never allowed, except escorted by at least three guards and a Psyche."
"Where?" Teresa demanded.
"Sublevel three. Hall three. Room 1."
"How many others?" Yelena asked. Her, Brenda, Jill and Taylor were playing some card game.
"43. All other muni kids. And rumors of more immunes in the basement holding room."
"We can make that work." Brenda nodded, laying a card down.
"You worry about the kids. We'll worry about the others in the basement." Tim nodded.
"No. No, you guys don't understand. The whole level is restricted." Aris cried, suddenly his eyes were full of fear. " You can't get in without a thumbprint ID and swipe passes and codes."
"That's why you're gonna come with us." Thomas finally said. He pushed off the wall and walked closer. His jaw was grinding.
"Well, I don't know." Minho snarled, glaring at Aris. He looked ready to actually murder the guy. "We don't necessarily need him..."
He picked up a knife from the table scattered with maps. He spun the knife in his fingers. "We just need her finger."
Aris gulped and looked around in panic. No one moved. Apparently no one really was worried about actually hurting him. And it made Thomas feel sick. He was angry. But hurting Aris who was just as twisted and used as the rest of them, didn't make them any better. With his teeth grinding and a knit of anxiety building in his chest, Thomas stepped up and threw an arm out to stop Minho.
"Minho, back off."
"What, are you squeamish?" Minho spat, looking at Aris with disgust. "I guarantee you he's done a lot worse to my sister."
"By the looks and sounds of it, no. He's been a prisoner too. He threw himself under the bus too. This isn't the plan. Back off." Thomas worked hard to keep himself composed. He still wanted to punch the guy's face. "We hurt kids, we ain't better than wicked."
"It won't make a difference." Aris said. Thomas looked back at the guy sitting in the chair. His head down shoulders slumped, he looked so dejected and miserable. "Do whatever you want to me."
"See? Even Aris agrees. Let's just chop a finger off."
"Didn't you hear him?" Teresa asked, turning, "his finger print doesn't even get access to anything. We need an actual guard."
"So happens I know where to find a few." Tim grinned.
Minho growled and slammed the knife into the table, and it stayed point down when he let go. He stormed back to the wall and leaned against it, arms folded and glaring at the wall. Thomas noticed Sonya slid over and whisper something to him.
Thomas really wanted Jina back. Like really bad. And it made the anger bubble back up and it took all his will power not to slam his fist into Aris's face.
It took them another hour to sort out all the details of the plan. And get Vince on the coms and organize that side of things. Thomas was getting more and more anxious about this. He just wanted to leave right now. None of their plans ever worked out, they always ended up improvising. So why bother.
There were lots of moving parts to the plan and Thomas had a hard time keeping everything straight. But his part was simple. Him, Minho, Sonya, Taylor, and Newt would go with Tim and meet David and his men and get access into the building and then split up and get the kidnapped people from the basement holding and find Jina.
Gally and Flossie would get into the control panels and work on setting explosives with a few of the girls.
Brenda, Jorge, Aris and the rest of the girls would get the kids free. Aris was dejected and miserable, but he wanted to help. They didn't trust him to be alone, but Jorge would be able to keep an eye on him and he could lead them to the kids.
Everything was in order. Now it just needed to work.
What could go wrong? Thomas laughed to himself, as the knot of anxiety and dread tightened.
< • >
Seriously...what could possibly go wrong...
*Eye roll*
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