Chapter 53: To Denver
< Thomas >
Thomas and Minho sat on the roof for a long time in silence. They drank the drinks they stole and when the village had settled into silence of night they got up. They snuck quietly to their bunks, grabbed their backpacks and silently made their way to the garage. They had worked out that they would take a jeep and a map and a few guns, and see where it led them.
Minho closed the door quietly. Thomas stepped into the garage and went to grab the keys off the wall when a light flicked on.
"Where do you think you're going then?"
Thomas and Minho jumped. Newt was leaning on a jeep, his jacket on and a backpack leaning by he's crossed ankles. Clearly he had been waiting for them.
"Newt..." Thomas started.
"Don't be a twat about it." Sonya said, stepping into the light now. The shimmer on her cheek made Thomas wince, but she had a fire in her eyes. Also a jacket and back sling over her shoulder.
"We're already in." Taylor appeared out of the dark, on the other side, also peeled to go.
"Come on, then." Yelena also stepped into the small circle of light, arms crossed, a backpack and gun strapped to her back.
"No, not this time." Minho shook his head.
"Look, even if we find Jina, there's no guarantee we make it back from this." Thomas tried to explain. He couldn't risk more people's lives. He knew there was no point trying to get Minho to stay, that was his only family. He would die to save her. But all the others, he could at least make them stay.
"Well, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you? Newt said, he opened the door to the jeep. Inside, sitting at the wheel was Frypan. Thomas let a small smile play on his lips and he looked at Minho who was also trying to hold a smirk in. They made eye contact and shrugged.
"Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way, too." Thomas sighed, giving in.
"Okay." Jill said, also appeared by the door, "Let's go get her back."
The door at the far end opened and Jorge came striding towards them, spinning a set of keys around his finger, a knowing smirk on his face.
"Someone call for a motor transport expert?" He asked. Brenda followed on his heels, double checking a gun before sliding it into her hip holster with a smirk.
"Uhhh." Thomas stammered.
"Shut up Sex Kitten, she's our sister. She means just as much to us as she does to you. We're in. Whatever half cocked plan you idiots came up with, we'll save your finches asses." Taylor rolled her eyes.
"Exactly." Harriet showed up, followed by Teresa, Jill, Flo,Thea, Tavia, and Hannah.
Minho's smirk got even bigger. "Girls are gonna fucken rule the world."
"Fucken rights we are. You guys are too dumb to do it properly. Now. We already talked this out. We're taking the smaller Berg-"
"Do Vince and Tim know?" Thomas asked.
"I have a...ask for forgiveness then permission kind of view of life." Jorge grinned. "Yet, I'm sure they do."
"Our commander and chief will stay here with Flo, Hannah, Tavia, and Thea- they are the best tech savvy people other than Yelena, but she's a deadly shot, so she comes." Taylor explained.
"We'll go to the Resistance base camp, and we'll use that as our base of operations. I've already been in contact with Mary." Jorge explained.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Minho asked, slapping his hands together and bouncing on his toes.
"For me."
They all sound around. Tim was standing in the doorway.
"Tim?" Thomas sputtered.
"You'll need as much gun power as possible. I'm a trained wicked guard, and I've just got a message from David-"
"About Jina?" Thomas interupted.
Tim nodded. "Doctor Crawford managed to extend the date they planned to dispose of the poor girl. She has convinced Janson to hold off on the surgery for another few days. So our time is limited. But if we can pull this off, it's the best opportunity to take down WICKED as well, once and for all."
"Then let's go!" Thomas said already moving.
The door was thrust open, Vince was there, panting. "Wait...guys wait." He held a hand up, indicating he needed a minute.
Everyone around the room waited anxiously. Until he caught his breath.
"Just got ahold of Laurence. He says he'll meet you on the outskirts of the city. Land the Berg in the city hangers and he'll send some people to get you. It's not safe to be wandering around Denver right now apparently."
"Excellent." Jorge said.
"We'll have someone on the coms the whole time if you need something." Vince said nodding. "We'll work to get anyone who's willing to fit ready and sent after you know what's going on."
Jorge and Tim nodded. "Let's go."
"Let the downfall of wicked and the nasty ass rat begin." Sonya fist pumped.
"Good that!" Minho nodded.
Jorge led the way to the Berg. It took them a minute to get organized. Thomas noticed Teresa was standing by a window alone, her arms wrapped around herself. He ran a hand through his hair and slowly walked over.
"Hey. I uhh never asked how you doing..."
"It's been a wild few hours." Teresa forced a smile.
"Ya. Ya it's been a wild few months..." He nodded. "But...are you okay? You just got free, and your ready to run back..."
"I owe it to Jina. She forgave me for everything I ever did. With her understanding and unwavering belief she made me realize how terrible Janson and Ava really are. It took a lot... Oh, and she...she introduced me to the girls. They are a bit more accepting then the gladers."
Thomas chuckled quietly. "That's true."
"But ya, Tom, I'm good. I'm ready to take them down. And get your girl."
"Good that." He nodded. He paused, shuffling his feet slightly. "Hey Tess...are...are we good?"
"What do you mean?" She asked. Her beat up face made him wince, and then he felt the anger in his gut. Someone actually did this to her. "You mean my complete and utter obsessive infatuation with you for years because I have a very deep seeded fear of abandonment and need for control?"
"Ummm." Thomas stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yes? Maybe...umm. I dunno Tess..."
"I had a lot of time to think about everything, locked in my cell. Tom, I shucked up. A lot. I let them twist my mind and play into my fears. I know I still got a lot to fix.. I'm sorry I did what I did and said what I said."
Thomas shrugged. "I guess we just move on as best we can."
Teresa nodded. "I've realized sometimes the harder I hold onto something, the more it pulls away. You were my first friend, my only friend for a very long time. It will hurt. But...your not mine. I think...I think I finally understand that now."
Thomas smiled. "I'm proud of you Tess. That's huge personal growth."
Teresa just nodded sadly. Thomas and her looked out the window as the Berg rose into the air and started towards their destination. Thomas patted her shoulder and walked away.
He felt the anxiety building up in his chest again. The restlessness. The panic that was always there. Jina's wild eyes haunted him ever time he closed them. He had been dreaming of her for so long and seeing her on the survalence tape nearly stopped his heart. He wished this thing would move faster, despite how fast it already was flying. His need to move was making him feel sick. He paced the Berg, despite everyone telling him to sit or sleep.
< • >
He finally slid into a seat beside Jorge. Tim went to check something, so Thomas took over.
"How ya doing Hermano?"
Thomas shrugged. He watched out the front window as the Berg zipped along in the sky. It was dark out, and it was hard to see much, except the stars. The stars were bright and twinkled like diamonds.
"Jorge? What if...what if we're too late?"
"Won't know until we get there."
"What did...what did you think?"
"About what, son?" Jorge asked. He glanced at Thomas. Thomas figured Jorge knew what he was asking, but wanted him to work his thoughts out. Jorge was good for that. Making him stop and think, and helping him think through his anxieties and worries.
"Well...we all saw her, how she flipped between the madness and the sane moments. Or was it all insane? Or is she a really good actor? Or..."
"Do you trust Doctor Crawford and Captain David?" Jorge asked.
Thomas thought back to the Waystation and then to his break out in the last WICKED facility. David wasn't directly involved, but he helped get them out.
"Jina trusted them in the Waystation. And I trust her. So...ya I guess I do." Thomas said slowly. "Why?"
"They both believe..." Jorge paused and sighed. He ran a hand down his face and then scratched his chin and scruffy beard that was growing. "They both interacted with her, before sending another message. She's not acting. Janson has pushed her too far. He's slowly breaking her mind trying to prove that there is a cure somewhere in her mind. He refuses to hear reason-"
"But why?" Thomas cried.
"Many suspect he has the Flair, and it's eating his brain. He's just covering it with whatever he can get his hands on."
"Well shit."
"Indeed. But as far as what do I think? I think...Doctor Crawford and Mary and Hans have ways to help the body, but to deal with the mind? That's a lot more tricky. It depends on how bad the diagnosis is. How deep the trauma goes, how much control those voices have on her. And how willing she is to heal."
"Will she ever be the same?" Thomas asked slowly. He could feel the tears forming in his eyes and the lump in his throat.
"I don't know Hermano. It depends on her too. Does she want to be saved?"
"Yes!" Thomas said immediately. "Why wouldn't she?"
"Remember...she has all her memories. She remembers everything, not just a few murkey ones from before..."
Thomas put his head down in his hands and tried not to cry. He didn't realize that Minho was standing in the doorway listening too.
"What do I do, Jorge, if...if she's gone?"
"You giving up on her?"
Thomas spun around in his chair. Minho stood arms folded over his chest he was so tense every vein stood out his jaw was so clenched it looked painful.
"What? Shuck no!" Thomas cried. "I was willing to go alone to get her. No, I'm not giving up on her!"
"Relax, Herman. It doesn't do her any good if we're fighting each other. You both love her and want what's best for her. Si?"
"Right!" Thomas agreed. Minho slowly nodded and kept his narrowed eyes Thomas.
"Good. Because we're here." He announced. The Berg slowly set down, Thomas peeked out the window. It seemed to be a docking bay full of other Berg's and helicopters and other things.
Jorge turned the engine off and Thomas and Minho followed him to the main hanger. Everyone had congregated there. They were all slinging backpacks on and strapping guns to their hips.
"We ready?" Tim asked.
Everyone nodded. Minho looked around, "if you wanna stay here now's your chance. 'Cause I ain't dealing with some pants wetting baby crying for their mamas."
"Wow. Great pep talk." Sonya said.
"His last one was more inspirational." Taylor whispered back.
"Ya, I was bloody inspired." Newt said, his words dropping with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes.
"Really?" Sonya asked, looking around at her brother.
"Fuck shit up. Don't die." Minho said dryly.
Sonya snorted with laughter. "Concise. Straight to the point. It's great. I might use it."
"Can't, it's mine."
"Try me." Sonya raised her chin and glared at him.
Minho smirked, his eyes went from angry to amused. Thomas gave his shoulder a shove. Was he this bad with Jin? He hoped not...but probably.
Jorge hit the button to lower the ramp. The group slowly and cautiously walked down the ramp and stopped at the bottom. They stood outside the Berg, at the foot of the cargo door ramp, just a hundred feet or so in front of a cement wall with big iron doors.
Jorge let out a snort. "I forgot what an inviting place they have here."
"Right?" Tim said.
Thomas looked around. The walls were high and wide and thick as the walls of the maze. He shivered. They went all the way around the city. In each direction they stretched out and disappeared from view.
"This their solution to everything? Walls?" Frypan asked.
"Keeps wanted things inside and unwanted things out." Yelena said seriously, looking around.
"So...what do we do now?" Thomas asked.
"Well, Vince said someone would meet us." Jorge answered looking around.
From down the hanger a few big square bans came speeding towards them. Tiers squealing, engine roaring. Thomas was so shocked to see the vans he didn't move. And apparently everyone was shocked because they didn't move. Tim had pulled a gun, but one gun wouldn't do much against the vans. They squealed to a stop, the smell of burning rubber made Thomas feel sick. The doors flew open, even before they were fully stopped. People came pouring out, launches and guns raised. Their faces were dirt-smeared and sweaty, and some of their clothes had been torn, as if they’d had to fight their way through an army to get there. Thomas could only hope it was security being extra cautious.
"What is this?" Jorge asked.
"Shut your mouth, Munie," one of the guys said, "Now step down here nice and easy, or you won’t like what happens. Don’t. Try. Anything."
Jorge was the first to respond. "You start firing that thing, hermano, you may get one of us, but we’ll get all three of you punks."
Thomas knew it was an empty threat.
"We’ve got nothing to lose," the man replied. "Give it your best shot. I’m pretty confident I’ll nail two of you before anybody takes a single step." He lifted his gun a couple of inches and aimed at Jorge’s face. Another man lifted his gun and pointed it towards Tim's face.
"Fair enough," Jorge muttered, and put his hands in the air. "You win for now."
Minho groaned. "You are one tough slinthead. I thought you were a soilder?" But he raised his hands, too. "You guys better not drop your guard. That’s all I’m saying"
Tim's gun was snatched away, and everyone's hands went into the air as soon as Jorge and Tim raised their hands in surrender. They were all roughly grabbed and shoved towards the vans. One of the men opened the side door, then gestured inside with a nod of the head.
"In you go. One wrong move and bullets start flying. Like I said, we’ve got nothing to lose. And I can think of a lot worse things than the world with one or two less Munies in it."
With apprehension growing in his gut he climbed in, his mind racing trying to figure out how to get out of this mess. The longer they were delayed the further Jina slipped into the madness with no way of coming back to him. And Laurence's men would be showing up and their Berg was empty.
The windows had been blocked out. A few of the armed men and women climbed in.
"We getting surprise adopted." Sonya whispered.
He heard Minho snort in amusement.
"Sonya, getting bloody kidnapped is not adoption!" Newt groaned pinching his nose.
Thomas stopped listening to the conversation. He was eyeing up the people around him. The van lurched into motion with a roar of the engine. It was a smooth ride, but it seemed to last forever. And so much time to think about things wasn’t exactly what Thomas needed- especially without being able to see. He was nauseated by the time they finally stopped.
The engines turned off and the doors were flung open. One guy with a gun jumped out and motioned for them all to climb out. Thomas hopped out, and looked around as another van came squealing into the garage.
There were in some kind of huge warehouse, bright spotlights were blazing down on them. Thomas had to squint his eyes, and hold a hand up to see. On the outside of the bright lights, he could see more men and women with guns pointed at them. A van door opened and some of the girls and Frypan and Tim came stumbling out. Thomas let out a small breath, at least they were still together.
There was some loud ruckus and then from one of the vans a guy was tossed out. Jorge came leaping out.
"Where's Brenda you son of a bitch?" Jorge yelled. He jumped on top of the guy and sent a solid punch into his face. "Where is she?"
Thomas heard the unmistakable sounds of guns being cocked.
"Jorge! Stop!"
"Jorge!" Brenda screamed and ran forwards, pulling him off. Jorge let go of the guy and spun towards he and pulled her into a hug. Someone from the group who had just kidnapped them ran forwards, an arm stretched out towards them, in a passive gesture.
"Wait!" He cried, his voice was muffled from his gas mask. "Hold your fire! Wait! Everybody relax. We're all on the same side here."
"What do you mean same side?" Newt asked, he was frowing at the guy. Newt had pulled Sonya behind him.
"Who the hell are you?" Thomas asked, his frustration of being delayed more was really eating at him.
The guy in the gasmask, sighed, he turned slightly to pull the mask away, he slowly looked back at Thomas.
"Hey, Greenie."
< • >
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