Chapter 5: Sneaky Secrets
Later that night, while Jina sat cross legged on her bed, Aris and Rachel had left already after they went over notes for tomorrow, there was a knock on her door. It was late now, well past midnight. The knock was quiet and hesitant. Jina got up off her bed and pulled her door open. Thomas stood in the door. He gave her a small shy smile.
"Hey." He whispered.
"Uhm hi?" Jina whispered back. She pocked her head out the door and looked around, she frowned and wondered what Thomas wanted. Usually Teressa was tagging along and very unhappy about it.
"Can we talk?" He whispered urgently.
Jina stepped back and let him in, he slipped into her room and she closed the door with a quiet click. Thomas turned around to face her. She was leaning on the door. Her stomach fluttered as he looked at her. Thomas never came to her room alone. He seemed nervous, rubbing the back of his neck and shifting his weight. His eyes though were steady, keeping her frozen against the door.
"Okay...I really wanted to talk about this whole tablet thing you found!" He said quietly, clearly he was nervous about this, he was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. And he glanced around the room like someone was going to jump out at them. Jina slowly nodded and indicated that he should sit. He sat down in her desk chair, and Jina slowly sat down on the edge of her bed.
"Okay..." She said slowly. "What do you want to know?"
"Everything!" he said eagerly, He placed his elbows on his knees and leaned forward slightly, "No one tells us anything. And I want answers!"
"Well...the worst part of what I read," Jina said, thinking back, "every single kid here, had their names changed, and assigned a subject number. And the other thing is, it seems like...The Flare is man made and a lot of connections to early WICKED years."
"A guy named John Michael was the one who ordered the virus release."
"Wait..John Michael? I meet him one time. He was crazy, he ended up with the Flare and it was Randell who shot him. We meet him before they made us go into the Crank pits after we got caught outside."
"The finch is wrong with Randell?"
"Wait..." Thomas snickered, "Did you say finch?"
"Yeah...Maze B girls came up with swear words, just like the guys. You say shuck we say finch."
Thomas grinned at her for a second, he let a small chuckle out of which made his nose scrunch and his eyes crinkle. "It's a weird word."
"So is shuck." Jina pointed out.
"Okay, fine, they're both weird. Now back to this information." He scooched forward, eager for more. "So the Flare is man made, John Michael of WICKED gave the order. Why?"
"Because the sun flares hit the ground and the earth couldn't sustain the population - you remember our history class, that's how WICKED became the governing organization..." Thomas nodded. Jina could see his wheels spinning, trying to connect the dots. He was staring at the wall behind her. Jina went on slowly. "So... with a growing population that the plant couldn't handle, civilization destroyed...civil wars happening over food and other resources, what do a few people suddenly in power think of?"
"Population control." Thomas said, his wide eyes locked onto hers. She saw realization in them and then it turned to disgust. "They released the virus."
Jina nodded, "instead of killing a bunch of people and leaving it at that, it spread like wild fire, constantly changing and reforming. The virus has a mind of its own. I've been studying it for a while. You are either immune or not. There are, from what we can tell... some levels of immunity. You, me, Tess...Aris and Rachel are all top level. We can be fully attacked by a person who has the Flare; bit, scratched the whole thing and we'll be fine - disease wise. Then, people like Minho, Alby, Gally, Sonya, Harriet, Flossie, they might get symptoms but they can fight it off. Then people like Newt and most of the actual workers here, are low immune or not at all and wouldn't be able to fight it without help- the cure."
Thomas sat for a moment processing the information. Then he whistled. "That's a lot. More actual information about this then I've tried gathering over years."
Jina grinned mischievously, "Pays to have a squishy cushion job beside Dr Paige."
"That's really smart! Stay quiet and gather information..."
Jina just nodded. Thomas frowned slightly. Jina waited for him to think the thought through and voice it. She didn't have to wait long. "I tried asking if Tess, earlier, if she knew anything, and all she said was the past should stay the past, and that we're trying to figure out how to stop the Flare...but doesn't understanding how it works, where it comes from, how it affects different people help? To understand the solution you need to know the problem."
"She would say that." She grumbled. "But yes... critical thinking class 101."
"Exactly. And I think this is a big problem!" He grumbled, throwing up his hands.
She chewed her lip for a second, debating her next words and her next move. She watched as he thought about everything they said. She could see the cracks of mistrust and the realization that these people aren't fully who they say they are. He glanced up at her and she made her design.
"Okay, Tommy...I'm going to tell you something I haven't even told Aris. But you need to swear on your life you wont say anything. Not even to Tess. No one. At all."
"I swear. There is something off about everything here. I know you agree. I know your not fully on board anymore. And whatever it is, I'm in." He said, he was leaning forwards again, his eyes wide and glued to Jina's face. He had moved forwards, to the edge of his chair. Their knees were almost touching at this point.
"Okay, Tommy." She also scooched forwards slightly. She took a slow steady breath, "Minho had a point- We are trapped here. But his escape attempt was poorly thought out and hasty. There was no way more then two people could actually get out. And they could still function without two or three of their subjects. What we need to do it take them down. From the inside." He went to interrupt but she put up a hand and he somehow restrained himself. Jina went on. "Over the months, I've slowly started collecting information. Saving bits of information here and there. Following leads and figuring out discrepancies in notes and meetings and what Dr Paige and Dr Leavitt and Randell say versus what I've head and what the research shows. They don't tell us things for a reason, they don't want us to know. I've been working closely with Dr Paige, in her office. I've been slowly collecting information and saving it, and once I find someone to get the information to...I'm going to take them down."
Thomas sat for a moment, absorbing what she had said.
"How do you do it? How have you been getting the information? Where do you keep it? Don't they search your room too every month?"
Jina held a hand up again to slow the flow of questions.
"I can't tell you everything, better if you don't know all of it. But I have a few leads right now, I've got a fair bit of information. And I'm still gathering it."
"I'm in." He said immediately, his big brown eyes were eager, holding her gauze.
"No, Jin, listen." He demanded. "I agree, this place...maybe had the right intentions, but there's You're right. We won't make any drastic moves-"
"No moves." She interrupted, "We wait. Listen, observe and we think on it. The scared girl act is working and I've been given more information because of it, they think some electrocution can stop me? No. Randell thinks it worked, so he's dropped his guard."
"Jina! That's brilliant! Like wholly shuck, you even had me fooled!"
Jina smirked at him. She felt her cheeks flood with heat as Thomas looked at her with admiration.
"Deal." He suddenly said, nodded solemnly. "I'm with you. 100% I'm all in."
She could see the wheels spinning in his mind, she knew he asked questions, and was overly curious, and some times said and did things without thinking, but Jina knew she could count on him. His only downfall though, was loyalty; especially his loyalty to Tess could be a problem.
"What about Tess?" She asked, hesitantly.
"What about her?" He frowned.
"I don't trust her...not fully, not anymore and not with this. She's too...loyal. Don't tell her. Please. I know she's your best friend but...Don't tell her anything."
He looked slightly hurt for a second, but then nodded. They sat so close their knees touched, they were leaning forwards whispering, despite being alone in her room with the door closed. If anyone walked in, they would think they had been doing something else. And with that thought she felt her face heat up more with a blush. But she couldn't rip her eyes off his big serious whiskey brown ones. She noticed his eyes had some dark chocolate flecks in them. And she never noticed just how defined his jaw was, they were so close she could see the pulse in his neck.
"Jina..." Thomas whispered, his voice suddenly seemed higher and rougher at the same time. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Jina..."
"Yes, Tommy?" She breathed. Her heart was beating so fast and so hard she swore he could hear it. He had a small shy lopsided smirk on his face. His eyes were framed in long thick lashes, and they stared into hers so intensely. He was like a magnet, keeping her eyes stuck on his.
"Your eyes are really pretty." He had somehow scootched even closer. He had his knees on each side of hers and they pressed into the outside of her thighs.
"Oh...I think their too small." She whispered . She mentally smacked her self, why would she say that out oud.
"Nah..." He said, his breath fanned her face now- it was minty. "When you smile they make little half moons, you also have a dimple in your cheek and when you have these cute little lines by your eyes... and your nose scrunches. You throw your head back too, when you really laugh." He hesitantly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She felt every nerve explode with fire. It was a small gentle gesture and she couldn't believe how she hadn't fainted.
"...Tommy-" her voice died in her throat when he suddenly leaned closer, and surprised her with pressing his lips to hers. She froze. She didn't know what to do. Her brain shut off and she forgot to move and breath. Thomas slowly pulled away, it wasn't a long kiss at all, but now his face about as pink as hers. He slowly shifted away.
"Umm...sorry. I-I didn't mean...sorry Jina." Thomas stammered.
Jina's brain finally started to work and she gasped for a breath. "Sorry for what?" She managed to squeak.
"For kissing you." A look of horror flashed on his face. "Oh shuck! I kissed one of best friends little sister! Minho is gonna kill me!" He whispered, slapping his forehead.
That made Jina angry. Her brother didn't get a say in what she did, especially who she kissed. She grabbed Thomas's arm and pulled him back. This time she was the one to kiss him.
He was frozen and unsure for a second but then Jina felt his hand on her shoulder and the other on her waist. Her stomach let out a wild swarm of butterflies. He pulled her closer. Jina felt his hand slide from her waist to her back and press her closer as he kissed her firmer, with more assurance.
She had one hand on his bicep and placed her other, rather small on on his chest. She felt how fast his heart was beating- just as wild as hers. They kissed until she couldn't breath, then they both slowly pulled away, now suddenly feeling sheepish. She bit her bottom lip, feeling extremely shy. She couldn't hold Thomas's gaze now, and kept dropping her eyes to their legs. His pressed into hers. He had a sheepish grin on his face. Jina felt hot and flustered, she couldn't hold his gaze but she wanted to look into his eyes. Her heart slammed into her ribs, making breathing difficult. But she felt every spot he had touched, like he left fire behind on her skin.
"I guess you don't care what your brother thinks then." He chuckled, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"You would be correct." she smiled back at him.
He had leaned forwards and kissed her again when there was a wild pounding on her door. They both jumped, the noise was loud in the quiet room. The pounding didn't stop. Thomas scrambled up and yanked the door open. Standing in the door was Aris and Teresa. Rachel behind them. Teresa had a hand up ready to pound on the door.
"What the-?" Aris frowned in surprise.
"Huh?" Thomas asked.
"Thomas? Why're you here?" Teressa demanded. "I've been trying to get a hold of you, why'd you block me?"
"Excuse me?" Jina demanded, standing up and coming over. "Why are you trying to break my door down at one in the morning?"
Teresa gave her such a nasty look even Aris raised his eyebrows at her. Teresa thrust a small piece of paper into Thomas's hands and spun on her heel and marched away. Thomas looked so confused and lost, but he opened the note. Jina leaned over and read the note.
"Get everyone, Come see me ASAP. - Dr. Paige." Jina looked up at Aris, "What does that mean?"
"Dunno. I got one too." Aris shrugged. He was looking back and forth between Thomas and Jina, a small knowing smile on his face. "Well come on, we should go. Tess'll lead the way...she doesn't seem to be in a good mood."
"Is she ever?" Rachel asked.
The group walked down the hall.
"When did you get this?" Thomas asked Aris, holding the note.
"I was working in the lab, and when I went to get something I came back to the note on my chair. Tess got one too."
There was something awful that happened. Jina knew it deep down in the pit of her stomach. Something happened, but what could be so bad that notes where left in the middle of the night. She glanced at Thomas as they walked briskly to the elevator. He was frowning, and she could see the wheels turning in his head. He glanced at her, feeling her looking. He tried to give her a reassuring smile. She didn't feel reassured. He walked slightly closer to her. She felt the back of his hand brush hers for a moment- but pulled away when they stopped at the elevator and Teressa glared at them. Jina pressed her lips together, trying hard not to smile. She had mixed emotions right now.
You finally kissed, didn't you.
Jina saw Aris give her a look. And she pressed her lips together, and bit her bottom lip trying desperately to no to squeal or smile. She saw Aris smirk.
Knew it. Tess is so pissed, holly finch is she mad. Like I can feel her steaming from here.
I dunno. Like I don't know if she just doesn't get it...or is Thomas messing with me and her? Going back and forth.
Okay, Jin...I love you, so I'm gunna keep it real. He's cute and intelligent but he's not smart enough to keep you both on the hook. He's just oblivious to her rather harsh and aggressive...affections. Or he's good at ignoring it. But I've seen that boy just about break his neck looking for you when he hears you laugh. When you look away, he's still looking-
Stop. I'm gonna squeal, and I don't think this is the time for that!
< • >
The group found Doctor Paige's room. Thomas tapped lightly on the door, the last thing their group wanted to do was wake up one of the other Doctors or Psyches down the hall. When she didn't answer, Thomas glanced at the others and knocked a little harder.
"Who is it?" Came a strained voice.
"Uhh. Thomas, Jina, Tess, Aris and Rachel. We uhh, got your note." He said suddenly hesitant.
Tommy, what if the note wasn't actually from her?!
He looked at Jina with sudden panic in his eyes as he realized the implications if that were true. He opened his mouth to answer when the door cracked open and a disheveled Ava Paige peered out at them, her hair a mess from sleep and her face clean of make up. She opened the door and ushered them in quickly. She peered around before snapping the door closed.
The five of them all sat side by side on the bed. Doctor Page sat in her desk chair across from them. She didn't say anything for a while. And when she did speak, she seemed contained and calm, but Jina saw the fear and controlled panic in her eyes.
"I've been dreading this day for months, wishing we could hold on just a little longer." She got up from her chair and walked back and forth for a second, and then stood still, staring at the wall. "There is a reason I fought for you five, and sought your help and opinions. You five are part of this organization. You grew up here, as one of us. And I know you all have the same goals. I know I can trust you to do anything to help achieve those goals."
Jina was getting a horrible feeling. Like the floor was tilting. Something was going down, and they were going to pulled into the middle of it. She glanced at Thomas, he was already looking, and they wore the same anxious expression.
"And now...I need you five to trust me. Can you do that?" Dr Paige asked.
They glanced at each other, and then in unison, slowly nodded. She gave them a warm smile, like relief. "I knew I could count on you guys. Okay...we have no choice now. Once we start this, there is no going back."
"Doctor...what are you talking about?" Rachel asked.
"Before I answer that, I need to ask you, are you ready?" She looked at Jina- looked her dead in the eye, "Do you have the hardness to do what needs to be done."
Jina felt her stomach drop from her body. But she swallowed her emotions, threw up a mask she had learned to wear with the Psyches, her hardened exterior, and the walls around her heart. And then nodded. Doctor Paige nodded as well and then turned to look at the others, they all nodded.
"Okay then." Doctor Paige said. "I've been suspicious for a while that certain WICKED officers and workers have been hiding information from us that can potentially undermine everything we've been doing here."
Jina felt Thomas shift on the bed beside her. She had a spike of fear flash through her, but he didn't do anything more then that. No one else seemed to notice anything.
"Some of our top people haven't even shown their faces in weeks. Have you seen Randell in the last two weeks or so?" She asked.
Now that she mentioned it, no, Jina hadn't seen him around the facility. And she frowned at the realization.
"It seems time to initiate the protocol." Doctor Page said. Her face gave nothing away, but her eyes held a fear and anxiety that made Jina very nervous. Doctor Paige paused and took a deep breath.
"It's time to for The Purge."
< • >
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