Chapter 48: Betrayed
< spicy sweet kiss scene >
Thomas led her through the tents to the outskirts of the camp area and over to the side of the large rocky hills. He climbed up some of the big rocks and then reached a hand down and helped Jina up. He pulled her up onto the little ledge. He sat down on the far side, his legs hanging over the ledge. Jina hesitated and then slowly sat down.
"Now what's so finchen' important that you dragged up a bunch of rocks?" Jina asked with a deep sigh.
Thomas was quiet for a while. Which Jina found odd. He was never quiet. But she didn't say anything, waiting for him to think through his thoughts.
"Thomas, what happened in the Underneath?" She finally asked what was really bugging her. "You ran after Brenda in the warehouse and then you ended up under the collapsed building. And then you're arguing for her life with half a dozen guns pointed at you."
He ran a hand down his face and sighed. His fingers twisted together and drummed on his knees.
"Ya. I did. She had saved you. I realized they knew us from before. They must have, during Jorge's explanation and from what you said about David. They knew us. So when she ran, and WICKED soldiers on our asses, we weren't going to make the Zipline. She knew of an escape route. We just made it. The building collapsed. And we had to make our way through dark tunnels full of past goners."
He inhaled slowly and let out a shaking one. "If I was alone, I wouldn't have made it. And if Brenda was alone, she wouldn't have made it. One crank... he...uh..well...I'll have nightmares for years. Jina it was awful."
"I get it. During the purge? One of the doctors I worked one on one for...he tried to kill me. Almost succeeded too."
"What happened?"
"You saved me. I pulled the trigger. Blew his brain." She said flatly.
Thomas was speechless. She slowly looked up at him. He was watching her with shock, awe and some fear and something else.
"Shit." Was all he could utter out.
Jina nodded. She looked back out over the small camp. "That can't be all that happened."
"Just tell me Thomas. I...I have this awful gut wrenching feeling something else happened and sure the almost dying situations will bond you for life, but... I'm not dumb and I'm a girl. I know something else happened. You pull girls and a few guys."
Thomas frowned at her, "I what?"
"Pull girls. Teresa tried to get rid of me because she loves you, Newt gives you that same look sometimes. I'm sure Brenda also did...and when you both think your going to die..."
"Stop." Thomas demanded. "I'm not interested in any of them."
"Doesn't mean it's not true." Jina huffed. "I'm not as pretty and curvy as Teresa, I'm not as soft and kind as Newt, probably not as brave and independent as Brenda. And I can't...I can't even use our mind link."
"Jina, you are all those things and more. You're perfect to me...perfect for me. And our link wasn't the reason I love you."
"But it's like...a huge part of me has been ripped away! I feel this big empty gaping whole! I feel broken! It's what made us... special. And now I'm not-"
Thomas interrupted her by grabbing her face and yanking her forwards and kissing her roughly. He forced her mouth open, and deepened their kiss. He held her tight when she tried to pull away. He slid a hand into her hair and the other wrapped around her back, pulling her closer. She tried to fight it, but it was feeble at best. He pulled her into his chest. His harsh and aggressive kiss softened and then he gently pulled away.
"Wholly fuck." She gasped. He took her breath away with that one. She felt hot and dizzy. Her heart was beating wildly and her lungs forgot to work.
"Jina. I love you. Only you. We were together before doing badass things. You remembered my name inside the shuck maze before you knew yours. I had memories of you and us during the changing. I knew right away, the second I laid eyes on you. It was you and only ever you. The mind link was amazing, it deepened our intimacy but that's not why I love you."
He was holding her face now, with both hands, desperately trying to relay his words. Jina's mind was still spinning and stuck on that aggressive kiss.
"Jina...I can't...I can't lie, while we were drugged in the club... We- Brenda and I...we kissed. I was in the middle of this... hallucination; all my worst fears. You were dead and bloody, Newt and Minho were cranked...everyone I knew and cared about was dead..."
Jina blinked and felt her heart shatter. She slumped and pulled away. Her arms tightened around herself. She looked away, blinking quickly to keep the tears inside. She wouldn't cry. Not over this. She had to squeeze her eyes closed.
He was drugged. She reminded herself, he was drugged. She was drugged. Jorge said this might happen.
But it still hurt. It felt like a knife into her chest.
"Jina... I'm sorry. I really feel awful."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice came out more strained and tight then she wanted.
"I... I'm still trying to put what happened together. I remember the hallucination...and then nothing. Waking up and seeing you... all the fears of you being dead came back and I just needed to hold you. And then you passed out. I'm sorry Jina. I'm so sorry. I feel like klunk. It's tearing me apart because it wasn't you."
He reached over and made her turn. He forced her to turn her body. He held her face again, gently holding it between his hands, his thumbs gently stroking her cheek bones. And brushing the stray tears that leaked past her lashes.
"Jina, you are the only one I want to kiss. Ever. You make me feel whole. You're the only one who can make my racing mind quiet. You're the only one I ever want to hug close and kiss. You are the only one I want to sleep beside. Your neck is the only one I wanna nuzzle into. You're name is the only one I ever want to whisper. I only ever want to hear you gasp my name and roll your eyes in that adorable way when you're exasperated with me."
Jina placed her fingers on his lips.
"You talk a lot, Tommy." She whispered, her tears were coming faster, now. But her heart was fluttering and she felt the butterflies fluttering.
"Ya...I know." He whispered against her fingers. "I've been told that." He gave her a small lopsided smirk. It slowly slid off. "Jina... please...I'm so sorry. Can you ever forgive me."
Jina looked at him. His eyes were big and had his lost sad puppy dog look. Jina could see how much this was eating him up, how much he was struggling with this. She slowly leaned forwards, he didn't move, like he was stuck until she said one way or the other. She had to place her one hand on his thigh so she wouldn't lose her balance, and placed the other on his chest feeling it beating hard.
"Tommy..." She breathed, against his lips. It ticked, and she had a small smile. "I love you, you goof." She brushed her lips against his, soft as butterfly wings. It was so gentle and sweet. He still had his hands cupping her face. His thumbs brushed her cheeks. He slowly and softly tucked some hair behind her ear.
She slowly pulled away, both their eyes fluttered open.
"So... You forgive me?"
"Ya. Tommy, you were drugged. It still hurts... Girls will be falling all over you-"
"I don't want them. I want you." He murmed against her lips. "You and me, together. Forever."
Jina shifted onto his lap, his arms slid around her, pulling her even tighter. "I love you Jina- I wish I knew your last name."
Thomas gently kissed the tip of her nose. And then each eye, he moved to each cheek. And then kissed her forehead. His fingers tangled into her thick dark hair and moved it from her neck and shoulder. And slowly left small gentle kisses down her jaw and then down her neck.
"Thomas... " She moaned.
She heard a strangled groan from him when she did. His hand on her back pressed her closer. She felt a sudden heat rising inside her starting in her chest. Her hand clenched his shirt. He slowly kissed back up her neck, making another breathy gasp escape. She could feel his little smirk against her neck.
"I'm the only one who can make that sound come from you." He growled in her ear.
Jina's eyes were fluttering closed "Finch!" She cursed. Her hands were desperately trying to pull him closer. He painfully slowly kissed her jaw and back to her mouth. He slid his hands from her hair and slid down to the hem of her shirt and slid them underneath and onto her back. Jina had her hands on the back of his head and neck and pulled him closer. Their kiss deepened. She could feel every single muscle tense. She could feel his chest rumble. His hands went higher and he was fumbling.
He broke their kiss, his hands were still fumbling. "Shuck." He grumbled. "You're right. Clip closer clasps suck klunk."
Jina chuckled softly. With one hand still holding the back of his neck, kissing and sucking on a spot on his neck, she used one hand to expertly pop the bra closure.
"Show off." He growled.
And then his mouth was prying hers back open and sliding his tongue into her mouth for a moment before he pulled away to tug her shirt up and off, and in a swift movement his was beside them. Jina shivered in the cold air. The sun was starting to set and the clean mountain air was crisp. Thomas's hands were warm and caused.
Jina's head was spinning. Her eyes were rolling, his hands were gentle and soft. Unlike in the scorch, this time he was soft, slowly exploring and gently kissing every available piece of skin available.
"Yo! You two hormonally charged hoolagings up on that ledge!"
Thomas jerked away and wrapped his arms protectly as round Jina- he pulled her into his chest, covering her bare chest. Jina's face pressed into Thomas's shoulder. She was breathing wildly, she took a few gasping breaths.
"Hope your half decent!" Sonya yelled. "I'm giving you a minute warning. Jina's big protective brother is trying to find ya."
"Oh shuck!" Thomas gulped.
Jina and him scrambled around trying to find their shirts. Jina threw her hair up into a wild messy bun. Thomas leapt down and then lifted his arms and gently lifted Jina down and placed her down onto the ground.
Sonya was leaning lazily on the bolder right behind them, under their little ledge. Her ankles and arms crossed. "Having fun?"
"Umm." Thomas sputtered, his hair was kinda a mess, both of them were flushed and still breathing hard. Sonya smirked.
"Where the hell are they?" Minho yelled as he stormed up the path.
"Who are you looking for?" Jina called.
"You!" He yelled back, he came into view from the bottom of the path. "And that handsy good for nothing little Greenie!"
"Minho shut the hell up. And get yourself a girlfriend and leave me alone." Jina rolled her eyes. She grabbed Thomas's hand and they walked back down the path, towards the camp.
< • >
Thomas had kissed her forehead and told her to go sit and catch up. He would come meet them in a bit, he was going to sit with the guys.
Jina sat with the girls and Aris. She had finished supper and was now sitting around the camp fire with Sonya, Harriet, Flossie, Flo, Taylor and Aris. She dragged Teresa with her to meet the girls. Teresa was slightly shy at first, not really knowing how to interact with girls, but she loosened up and relaxed.
They made it to the right arm. Jina had found her girls. Flossie told them the others went ahead with the main group, they told her Yelena was touching and go for a bit, but Mary was a miracle worker, and saved her. She was with the main Right Arm group, same with Tavia and Thea they each had some nasty wounds from their night of escape that were still healing.
Jina had tears in her eyes from laughing at the stories Sonya and Flossie and Flo were telling. At some point, Thomas and the guys showed up. Thomas sat down beside her, and kissed her temple.
"Hey honey." He whispered against her hair.
She smiled up at him.
"Okay. I really need this story!" Flossie giggled, pointing at the couple.
They spent the next hour swapping stories. Jina noticed Sonya, Taylor, Newt and Minho were arguing about Mappers versus Runners. Flossie, Flo and Frypan were laughing about something. Clint and Harriet were talking about the difference between the mazes. Jina snuggled into Thomas and just enjoyed this.
"Feels good, hey?" Thomas whispered. Jina hummed.
There was a crunching of footsteps and Jina sat up, looking around. Mary, Jorge and Brenda came walking up.
"Brenda!" Thomas gasped.
"You're feeling better?" Jina asked.
She smiled and nodded. "Ya, thanks for the help."
"Just wanted to come and let you know the three of us are heading off."
Jina jumped up, "What? Why?"
Jorge placed his hand on her shoulder. "That resistance group that Marcus mentioned? They're in Denver. David knows of them and has been in contact with the leader, his name is Laurence and is needing some help. So we are heading over there, there's a doctor who defected from WICKED recently. Mary is going to take the serum and try and make a bigger batch with better equipment."
"You have enough?" Jina asked.
Mary smiled at her, "Yes dear. You let me take enough. We're leaving right now and we'll see you tomorrow."
Jina nodded slowly, trying to shove the rising panic back down.
"We aren't walking away." She said quietly. "I'm terribly sorry we made you feel that way, so long ago. We were supposed to take you the next supply run, but as things often do, it didn't go according to plan. Jina I'm sorry."
Jina shrugged."I'm kinda used to it." She said quietly.
Mary and Jorge's face both fell. "Ma Hija, that's not something you should ever get used to." He gave her arm a gentle squeeze and turned away. Brenda slammed into her and gave her a tight hug.
"I owe you my life. See ya on the flip side."
Jina watched the three of them walk away. Again. Jina tried to swallow the feeling of deja Vu abandonment. She felt someone behind her and arms wrapped around her.
"They aren't leaving us, Hun. We'll see them tomorrow." Thomas whispered.
Jina hummed. With a small nod. He kissed the top of her head and tugged her back down to the log around the fire.
"What did you guys mean about taking enough? Also, how is Brenda up and healthy all of a sudden?" Aris asked, his eyebrows pulled together.
Jina and Thomas shared a quick glance. And then they explained as best they could what Mary told them. The guys and girls around the fire sat, eyes wide and mouths open.
"So...we went through all that shit for, like nothing?" Minho cried.
"Ya, pretty much." Jina said bitterly.
"WICKED doesn't know how to do proper research or something... Because how could they miss that? How could we miss that?" Teresa asked, looking stricken. She was shaking and pale.
"None of us saw it until Mary had all the research in front of her." Jina reassured her.
"But all the awful things I did...and said...and that they made us do!" Teresa said, her lip trembled and her eyes wide in horrible realization. "Jina! I made us kill people and and-"
"Tess. We were just as awful. You weren't the only one they manipulated and made do terrible things!" Jina reassured her.
" is it so simple?" Aris asked again with a frown.
"They said it was our blood." Thomas explained. He ran a hand down his face. "The four of us- Tess, Jina, you and me have a rare blood type. So that somehow makes the enzyme they need that's produced inside all of us, it has the highest or strongest ability to fight the disease. Most of the people here are the next level. And then people like Brenda and Newt," Thomas pointed at Newt across the fire, "are also immune, but level three, and need some assist to fight the disease. And then the majority of the population are not immune at all. So it all has to do with blood types and the enzyme produced in younger generations."
"That just seems so...simple!" Aris cried. "There has to be more to it! I didn't...we didn't go through all that shit for nothing!"
Jina saw the tears in his blue eyes.
"I know."
"No! You don't!" He suddenly cried. He got up and ran into the darkening night. Jina sat for a moment. She had never seen an outburst like that before. Jina went after him. He was running as fast as he could up the mountain path.
"Aris!" Jina called. "Wait!"
She could hear the wild sobs from him. He slid to a stop at the top of a ledge. His knees hit the ground in a big wild sob. She slowly approached him and pulled him into a tight hug. She rubbed his back and held his head. He cried into her shoulder for a long time. Until his shuddering was hiccups and cries were sniffles. He slowly sat up. He looked away, out over the valley.
"Ji? you remember your parents?"
Jina shook her head. "No. There are memories I still don't have. The Director before Janson-"
"Ya, him, he was perfecting the swipe. He used me as a testing dummy. Took all my memories from before WICKED."
"The lightning struck didn't bring them back?" Aris sniffed.
Aris was quiet. He rubbed his eyes. "I remember mine." He whispered so quietly Jina had to lean closer.
" have memories?" Jina frowned, Aris had a weird look, something like a mix of anger and sorrow. Jina's stomach felt like it dropped out from her, and her palms felt sweaty, she watched as he slowly nodded. He must- he remembered Randell. She swallowed hard.
"They started coming back inside the Waystation. But...I remember my mom. She was beautiful. Everyone loved her...I loved her."
He smiled sadly, another tear fell from his eye and ran down his cheek. Jina gently wipped the tear from her best friends cheek.
"She sounds lovely, Aris. What...what happened to her?"
Her turned his head and looked at her. His eyes looked so broken.
"Before WICKED, she was all I had. My dad...he was an ass before he got the Flare. Middle of the night, one mom picked me out of bed and loaded me into the car and we never looked back. She was my hero. When she got sick, I didn't know what to do. I just kept her locked up. Hidden. I was so little. She had rescued me from one monster...only to turn into one herself. I thought she'd get better. Every night, she'd make these awful sounds, like screaming."
He shuddered. Another tear slid down his cheek. Jina was scared to ask what happened. But Aris was in the middle of it now. Jina wasn't going to interrupt, as awful as this story was, it seemed he needed to get this off his chest. So, she sat in front of him, holding his hand in both of hers.
"...then, one night, she just stopped. She was finally quiet. I went down to her room. And there was blood everywhere. But she was just...sat there, calm. She said she was feeling better. The visions were gone. She couldn't see the monsters anymore. She'd taken care of them."
"...what...?" Jina gasped. She felt sick to her stomach. Her whole body was shaking and hot.
"She took her eyes out, Jina." Aris said. His voice was taking on a hard edge. His eyes changed. They didn't look so broken anymore.
"There are millions of people suffering out there. Millions of stories, just like mine. We can't turn our backs on them. And it can't be as easy as my blood. As Saint Thomas's blood, as your blood. I could have saved my mom? I don't think so! There has to be more!"
"Aris...What are you saying?" Jina asked slowly. She was feeling uncomfortable. His sad look was gone, replaced by a nasty hard look. His jaw clenched and his normally watery blue eyes became cold.
"I'm saying, I want you to understand."
"Understand what? Aris what's going on?" She slowly released his hand and leaned away. "What did you do?"
"I didn't DO anything. And that's the problem! I promised my mom I would find a cure! I promised her! And now your saying it's as easy as my blood type!" He stood up his face become red with anger. "No!" He screamed. "I refuse to believe that! There's something else going on! We didn't go through the Trials and all the other shit for nothing. we passed Barkley in the Warehouse I took his walkie talkie. They are on their way here."
"No! Aris! No! Why would you do this?!"
Jina tried to scramble to her feet. But Aris seemed to anticipate this. He grabbed her arm, and held her tight in his iron grip.
"I won't let my mom die in vain. I made her a promise, Jina. And I'm going to honor that!" His voice cold and harsh. Jina was scared. She had never ever seen this side of him before.
"Aris...stop. Please you're... you're hurting me. And scaring me!"
"Oh your used to sweet soft Aris? He died in the Maze the moment Rachel did. I loved her, you know. We loved each other... You probably didn't know. Because why would you?"
"What? No... Because you told told me you didn't like girls!"
"No. You assumed that. I just didn't have eyes for anyone else, and then she was shot. By a crank!"
"No! Beth wasn't a crank! She was poisoned by WICKED!"
"I'm sorry Aris. I am! Rachel was a friend too! But your anger is misplaced. It's WICKED! They're the problem!"
"Keep telling yourself that. WICKED has always been the solution. WICKED is good, Jina! They are! They have...been my partner. They're on their way. You won't be interfering with them coming. Not this time."
His eyes were what scares Jina. He was calm, cold and calculating. He knew exactly what he was doing. He had a large rock in his hand. Jina screamed, as loud and long as she could.
"Shut up!" He hissed, jerking her forwards.
"Thomas!" Jina screamed again, desperately trying to pull away from Aris's iron grip. Aris snarled as he slammed the rock into her head.
Pain exploded through her skull. Her knees hit the ground, her head sticky with blood. Her vision was fuzzy.
"Jina...please." he pleaded, "You need to understand! Please."
"I trusted you!" She slurred. Before her eyes rolled back, she felt Aris catch her and gently placed her down. "The Partner... You're WICKED's partner. Teresa would betray WICKED by not believing in them. They backwards!" Jina gasped, realizing how wrong WICKED was. And then her world went dark.
< • >
Whoa. Who saw THAT coming?
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