Chapter 32: Enlightenment
Jina could see Janson storming down the main hall. He looked really pissed, his long thin nose twitched.
Fucken Ratman. Jina spat. She felt Thomas hum in agreement. He slowly moved his hand away from her mouth, but she noticed he didn't let her go, his arm still wrapped around her waist, holding her close to his chest. She could feel his heart slamming into his chest.
"You sure this can't wait?" Janson snapped at the guard.
"She was very specific, sir. She wanted to speak with you personally."
Jina tilted her head up to see Thomas. He glanced down at her, and lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. Jina saw Aris peering around on the the containers that held the kids, he was watching what was going on as well. Thomas slowly let her go, and she inched forwards, to peer around too. Janson and the few guards were standing near the back of the room, where a big blank white wall was. The one guard was fiddling with some kind of black control tablet.
"As if I don't have enough to deal with." Janson grumbled and ran a hand down his narrow face. He looked at the guard annoyed. He was still franticly pushing buttons.
"Just bear with me. I'm getting some interference from the storm." He apologized.
"Come on. It's good enough. Make the connection." Janson demanded. All the fakeness Director of the Waystation was gone, he was rude and snappy now. There was a shimmer in the air, and an image of a lady with white blond hair pulled back into a tight slick bun showed. She was sitting at a big wood desk. Her eyes were cold and harsh. Jina felt something in her mind. She heard Thomas gasp. Before she had the chance to ask who that was, Janson did it for her.
"Good evening, Chancellor Paige." Janson's oily fakeness was back in a flash. He was definitely a cunning snake. "Lovely to see you again. Although I admit... I wasn't expecting to hear from you quite so soon."
Who is that? Jina asked Thomas, he had gone still and when Jina glanced up at him, he looked utterly confused.
Ava Paige...we saw her shoot herself on some long winded video she made when we escaped...
Well, she clearly isn't dead.
"Change of plans, Janson." The blond woman's harsh voice caught Jina's attention. The pain in her head was building. "I'll be arriving a little sooner than expected. First thing tomorrow."
"We'll be delighted to have you." Janson gave her a tight smile, though he did not sound lovely to have her. "I think you'll be pleased with the progress we've made. As you can see," Janson swept an arm towards the strung up kids, "the early results have been extremely promising. Whatever it is you've been doing to them in there, it's working."
"Not well enough." She snapped. "I just received board approval. I want all the remaining subjects sedated and prepped for harvest by the time I arrive. And the subjects from A and B are ready for trial two?"
Jina felt her stomach fall out of her body onto the floor. Trial two? Kids for harvest?
"Chancellor Paige, we are going as fast as we can. We are still running tests-" Janson protested.
"Try something faster." Chancellor Paige cut off his protests. "Until I can guarantee their security, this is the best plan."
"Ma'am, security is my job." he oiliness was gone. Now he was pissed off, Jina could see it in his ratty face. "We're on 24 hour lockdown here. I am assuring you... the assets are secure."
"Have you found the Right Arm?" Paige asked curtly.
Janson looked ready to murder someone, his body stiff and hands opened and closed into fists. "Not yet. We tracked them as far as the mountains... they have some kind of camp or outpost out there."
"So they're still out there." Paige pushed Janson even more. "And they've already hit two of our installations. They want these kids as badly as we do. They hit B. Those were the promising elite candidates. And I cannot... I cannot afford another loss. They almost got to A, Janson. Not now... when I am so close to a cure."
"Ma'am, we got the top two from B out-"
"There were more then 60 girls in that maze and we lost all but three." The woman behind the desk challenged. Her eyes flashed dangerously. Janson flinched. The woman sat back, apparently satisfied, her cold eyes regarded Janson.
"If you are not up to the task, I will find someone who is."
Janson stiffened, clearly he was insulted.
"That won't be necessary. Might I suggest we start with the trial two right away?"
"Just get it done." She waved her hand and the image went blank. Janson fumed for a second. The guards were clearly unsure what to do, they left him to seethe. He finally turned, his face was twisted in rage, Jina shrunk further back into Thomas. She felt his hand on her waist again.
"You!" He barked, making Jina jump. "Go get David. We start immediately with Trial two. Round up A and B."
The guards scurried off, Janson right behind them, storming down the isle and out the door. Jina finally exhaled. But then her heart stopped. She looked at Thomas and he seemed to have the same realization as her.
"We need to leave. NOW!" Thomas cried as Jina yelped "They're going for the guys!" They took off towards the door. "Aris! Come on!" She called.
Aris didn't move. He was staring at the kids. Jina scrambled to a stop and ran back grabbing his hand and yanking him behind her. He seemed to have forgotten how to function. Thomas gave Jina a boost up into the vent, she took off crawling, Thomas and Aris behind her. She wasn't worrying about being quiet anymore, speed over stealth right now. Jina came crashing into the room, Thomas right behind her, he scrambled over her and onto his feet.
"Thomas!" Newt cried as they all came crashing in white faced and panicked into the room. Jina was helping Aris to his feet, he was shaking, his eyes glazed over.
"We gotta go." Jina cried, turning to the guys.
"We gotta go right now." Thomas yelled, running to the bed and stripping the sheet of the bed, Jina hurried to help him. He gave her a sharp nod. Together they got the sheet off and Thomas started trying to wrap the sheet around the door latch.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Minho cried.
"What do you mean, 'We gotta go?'" Newt yelled over the instant rukus and cries from the guys. Thomas and Jina were doing their best to move the bunk bed frame in front of the door.
"They're coming. Come on. We gotta go." Thomas cried, turning to the guys, trying to tug them towards the vent.
"They're coming for us." Jina said, she stilled for a moment, the fear was too much for a moment, she became paralyzed with it. She didn't see Flossie in the room, and she prayed with every fiber of her being that David and Crawford were actually on their side and got her out, and she wasn't being drained...or harvested. The thought made her stomach twist- kids were being harvested. She felt a wild wave of heat rise up in her body, her head swam with spots, and she felt the bile rise. She didn't make it to the bathroom, she ended up throwing up all over the floor.
"JINA!" Minho cried.
"Paige. She's still alive." Thomas yelled.
"What happened in there?" Minho bellowed, turning from Jina to look at Thomas still frantically pulling the mattresses now off the bed and in front of the door, the bedframe didn't move. Jina was still too busy throwing up, and Aris stood frozen rooted in the spot, eyes staring blankly.
"Aris, what happened?" Newt cried, shaking the boy, which did nothing. Newt gave up, and went to Thomas. "Thomas, can you just calm down and talk to us." Newt tried being the voice of reason. Minho was too busy fussing over Jina, who was breathing heavily through her mouth, leaning on her knees, doubled over.
"She's still alive." Thomas cried, not fully paying attention.
"Who's she? Teresa?" Frypan asked, looking back and forth between the three of them. The rest of the guys were all standing around nervously, unsure what to do.
"Ava." Thomas's answer was short. He was trying to wrap a second sheet around the door latch handle and bunk bed frame.
"Ava?" Newt asked with a deep frown. Thomas wasn't listening, Jina slowly straightened up, running a shaking hand across her mouth.
"Will you just turn around and talk to us?" Newt begged.
"It's WICKED!" Jina said slowly, suddenly realizing, all the pieces clicked into place. "It's still WICKED."
"It's always been WICKED." Thomas agreed, Jina finally got her body moving again, she flew over to Thomas and grabbed the sheet and helped him tie it. Hopefully it would hold for now. Give them a few minutes. They needed out.
"Thomas." Newt yelled, finally furious. He slammed his hand onto the door, right beside his face. Thomas jumped, went still for a second and turned to Newt, who was glaring at both of them- mostly Jina, like it was her fault.
"What did you see?" He asked deliberately slow. Jina felt so incredibly frustrated with him, clearly it wasn't good. Thomas just looked at him with haunted eyes.
"Please Newt...believe me." He whispered. Thomas's body was shaking with fear, anger, panic and who knows what else. Jina was the same, her body wouldn't stop shaking, and her teeth chattered with the adrenalin. She could see Newt finally relent.
Thomas grabbed Jina's hand and pulled her to the bed, "Come on! Lets go! Lets go! Into the vent. Jina, can you lead us?"
Jina froze, "Where...?"
"Think," He grabbed her face, holding her rather gently, between his large warm hands, his big brown eyes stared into hers. She gripped his wrists. "Jina hun, think." He demanded. "Did David say anything?"
Jina squeezed her eyes closed, gripping his wrists even harder and thought desperately. Her eyes snapped open and looked wide eyed at Thomas.
"Yes!" She whispered. Thomas nodded and let her go. Jina crawled first into the vent, the boys all followed. Thomas brought up the rear, making sure the boys were all following.
Ji? Can we get to the Med bay? We need to get Teresa.
Jina changed the route and led them through the vents to Section C, where they first came in, as close to the loading docks were located - where the restricted Medical Wing was. She kicked the vent free, and dropped down into a crouch in the middle of the hall. Looking around the hall, it was empty and quiet. She straightened up and waved the guys down.
"Come on, come on." Thomas hurried the guys. Until he finally dropped down.
"Okay, let's go." Thomas said, turning around, trying to get his barring's.
"You guys go ahead." Aris suddenly said. Jina froze and turned around. "There's something I gotta do."
What the hell are you talking about? Jina yelled. She was glaring at him.
"What are you talking about?" Newt demanded.
"Trust me, it's important. You guys wanna get outta here, right? Just go. I'll be fine." Aris said. He was slowly getting himself back, the initial shock was wearing off.
What is so fucken important Aris?
David said we needed one more pass- the time you were in the medwing. I'll get to the other side of the shipping doors. Meet me back here. And I'll open the doors.
Fine. Be safe.
"I'll go with him." Winston volunteered. Aris went slightly pink, but nodded.
"Okay, Winston, go! Go! Come on."
"You sure we can trust that kid?" Clint asked, watching Aris and Winston crawl back into the vents.
Jina whipped around and went to lung at him with a snarl. Thomas caught her around the waist.
"You don't want to know where we'd be without him. Or Jina." Thomas insisted. Clint stepped back, taken aback by her sudden outburst.
"Okay, come on, lets go."
Thomas led them down the hall, running at break neck speed. Jina was sending him mental directions. They rounded a corner and slammed into someone. Jina stumbled backwards.
"What are you kids doing out?"
Jina looked up, it was Doctor Crawford. She looked shocked for a second, and then her eyes swept the faces and understanding flickered in her eyes.
"Janson will lock this place down," Crawford hissed. She nodded to Thomas who grabbed onto the Doctor's arm. "He'll know you're going for Teresa in section C in the MedWing, hall 1 room 5. You need to move kids. Move fast."
Thomas don't hurt her, we can trust her! She just told us where Teresa is! And that Janson will be on us in a minute.
Got it.
"Come on Doctor."
Doctor Crawford walked between Thomas and Jina, but she was actually leading them to the right place. They rushed through a few more halls and turns and then on one more turn they ran into alone guard.
"Freeze!" he yelled. They didn't freeze, they scrambled to a stop and backed up. The guard instantly opened fired. Bright blue balls of electricity whizzed past them. Jina ducked as one exploded on the wall behind her head.
"Stay where you are!" The guard yelled.
"Why are they shooting at us?" Someone yelled.
"Are you stupid?" Jina yelled back, shoving the guys down the hall, away from the exploding blue electricity. "We're trying to escape and WICKED doesn't want us leaving. I thought you were smart?!"
The guard followed them. Jina could hear him yelling into his coms. She glanced over her shoulder, and recognized him; the jackass of a guard who hit her earlier. Minho grabbed her arm and yanked her back around the corner.
"I've spotted them! They're in L-3!" He spoke into his coms. Then yelled at Jina, "Come here you brat"
Minho let go of her arm, and turned to the intersection. Thomas was leading the group down the hall. He glanced over his shoulder, he caught her eye and saw the panic when she wasn't beside him. Jina pointed behind her.
"Minho!" Thomas yelled, Minho turned away from them and towards the intersection and was bouncing on his toes.
"I'm in pursuit!" The yelled into his crackling com.
"What the hell are you doing" Thomas cried.
"MINHO! STOP!" Jina cried.
She tried to grab his arm, but he shook her off and charged down the hall. Just as the guard came around the corner, Minho jumped, slamming his knees into the guard's chest. He slammed back into the cement wall, bashing his head into the wall. A splatter of blood showed up as he slid down into a heap. The guard didn't move. Minho stood over the guard breathing heavily.
"Shit, Minho!" Newt looked at him.
"Don't touch my little sister." Minho spat at the dead guard. He looked up at Jina, there was a dangerous fire in his eyes. Jina gave him a small smile.
"Thank you. A bit extreme. But thanks for having my back."
Minho ripped the gun away from the guards limp arms, "Don't hit my sister we wont have a problem." He snarled.
"Agreed." Thomas nodded, glaring daggers at the heap of a bloody man. Jina felt quite safe with the guys all of a sudden. Sure some of them didn't believe her, but with Minho and Thomas and Aris being extremely over protective of her, she didn't really have a reason to fear.
"Okay. Let's go. Come on. Let's go." Thomas said, turning away. Minho tossed the gun to Thomas at the front. He turned and nodded down the hall at the Doctor who had hung behind them all, which solidified Jina's belief that she was on their side. Any other person would have made a break for it while they were busy.
They were running again. At a swipe pass door Doctor Crawford used her own pass, two more bright white halls before they slowed and stopped at a door. She reached for the door and pushed it open.
"Dr. Crawford, are you here to..." The old bent wispy haired Doctor from the other day was there. Thomas shoved his way through the door, swinging the gun around. Making the old bent man fall.
"Wait, wait. Okay, okay." The old doctor cried, there was chaos inside the room as the rest of the guys shoved into the room. They slammed the door closed, and blocked the way out.
"Where is she? Where is she!" Thomas yelled, he was becoming frantic now. Jina looked around the room. Minho, Fry and Newt were shoving doctors and other nurses up against the wall, making them all sit. Clint and the others pressed into the wall, eyes wide open. Thomas tossed the gun back over to Minho who now pointed it at the medical staff.
"Get over! Get down!" Minho demanded.
"Okay, hands, give me your hands!" Newt grabbed something to tie them up.
Jina glanced at Doctor Crawford, and she indicated with her head towards the curtain that was pulled closed.
"Tommy..." Jina said, quietly, laying a hand on his arm to calm him. His wild eyes found hers. "Behind the curtain."
Jina stepped over and pulled the curtain open. Laying in the bed, was a girl with raven black hair, skin clean and pale, long dark eyelashes brushed her cheeks. She was curvy in all the right places. She was hooked up to monitors and IV's. Pain started to build in Jina's head. Her vision doubled and went fuzzy around the sides.
"What did they do to you?" Thomas whispered. Jina reached out to grab onto something, but Thomas had moved closer to the bed and crouched down by the girl.
Doctor Crawford stepped forwards, and started to gently, but hastily undo all the IV's and cords. She turned her dark eyes onto Thomas, and whispered urgently.
"They tried to restore her memories. Her mind is fragile already from years of trauma and manipulation, much like Jina's." The doctor indicated to Jina who was holding her head now as pain increased, building behind her eyes. "I did my best to do it slowly and controlled, I do not know the extent of previous damage or what she will do now. Keep a weary eye on her. She could compromise your escape, Thomas. It all depends on how deep WICKED's brainwashing and manipulation goes. I do not know."
Thomas gapped at her. Jina did her best to understand, but the pain was becoming unbearable. Doctor Crawford gave the girl an injection of something and her eyes fluttered open. Ice blue eyes locked onto Jina and then sleepily slid to Thomas.
"Thomas?" She whispered.
Jina's head exploded with so much pain, she collapsed, and everything went black.
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